Well we are in the thick of party preparations here as tomorrow our gorgeous keira turns 6 and I have quite the party planned for her. It sounded like such a good idea to have a home party for her but as it draws closer and I have so many jobs to do I’m having second doubts!
Retro daddy reigned in a few things. Like when I wanted 16 fold up chairs from ikea and he was not ok with that. He wanted me to use all the dining chairs and benches we had in the house and couldn’t understand why I wanted everything white to go with the pink theme of the party. We compromised on 8 fold up chairs and our 8 white dining chairs and had to agree to disagree. And then this week I realised we’d have a total of 23 kids so turns out I’ll be using all the odd chairs I can find in the house!
Retro daddy will be on games, we have a face painting lady as a special treat for keira and we have a craft table with beads where everyone can make some jewellery.
I still can’t believe Keira is turning 6. Sometimes I think she is much older (and tend to give her a lot of responsibility in the house) and sometimes she reminds me that she is still a little girl. She’s an amazing reader and is reading James and the Giant Peach at the moment with the tiniest writing for a little girl. She still hates maths and doing homework but is glad we stopped kumon. Anytime she doesn’t want to do her homework I tell her that we can go back to kumon if she likes – that always gets her back on track.
aged 2
almost 6!
She has a pretty full life with ballet, swimming and spanish after school (which she loves), her new teacher lets them dance to a current song just before the bell goes if they’ve been good and lie on the floor to read books so she is loving that. She’s settled into her new school pretty quickly and is an all round good girl. Let’s hope we can keep it up.
So in the meantime I’m going to get back to the kitchen because I have coconut ice, rocky road and a pink rainbow cake to make as well as make the house sparkle! But my little friend is giving me attitude today so this should be fun……….
I’ll report back tomorrow with a full debrief for you all……………..from the couch which is where you’ll find me at 3.01pm!
My oh my – I do remember the birthday parties. I have two girls borne the same day 3 years apart. And if you want a lovely prezzie for a little girl turning 3- it wasn’t a sibling to share her birthday. Now they both think it is a great lark. Because of the age difference we had two parties – one year I had one on Saturday and one on Sunday. You can bet I never repeated that again. So hang in there Corrie – eventually they all go home!
Parabéns menina linda!Que DEUS te abençoe e te guarde sempre.Um beijinho aqui do Brasil.
All the best for the party!!
Best of luck with the party tomorrow. Home parties are lots of work, but there is nothing else quite like them – wonderful memories for your children! I’m busy planning a crafty themed party for my soon-to-be 9 year old next weekend – I love it! Elodie’s picture at the end of your post cracked me up – just gorgeous and so true to form with little ones when they know you are busy
The photo of your little friend is so funny, that’s the sort of thing my little friend does to me! Have a fun party, the kids won’t notice if the chairs don’t match.
The photo of your little friend is so funny, that’s the sort of thing my little friend does to me! Have a fun party, the kids won’t notice if the chairs don’t match.
Haha – that photo of Elodie at the end is priceless. The kids tend to make things difficult for me when I’m really busy, and Fridays are the hardest.
Oh Elodie you’re a crackup! Happy Birthday to Keira looking very grown up Xx
love the attitude, happy b’day keira
Good luck for tomorrow!!!! 23 kids is a biiiiiig party! I’m sure everything will run smoothly and you’ll be on the couch with your feet up and a cuppa before you know it! Keira is such a gorgeous girl. I’m still reeling from the fact that our “baby” will be 6 in August. They just grow up too quickly don’t they!!!! LOVE Little Miss Attitude today, that picture says it all! x
parties are always a good idea at first… the best rule I learnt from my sister in law… she and her best friend always alternated attending eachothers kids parties. the friend did the kitchen duties and the running around so the parent could actually watch the kids, take photos, enjoy themselves and actually chat to other parents in attendance. I’ve done a few parties solo (after school) and I always wish I had remembered her advice
would love to know how you do all those extra curricular activities with all your little ones. One of my girls used to do circus class and it was a nightmare keeping the other 2/3 occupied. We did little athletics, on a friday night, they all did it (except the little one – who just ran around) it was the only thing I could do to keep it sane all in one place and one time once a week yay!. Now we do no extra curricular activities at all and I love it but feel sad that they might miss out on stuff…
Happy Birthday to Keira,
best wishes for a fun party too,
Christine xo
P.S Elodie is such a character!!!
I have loved watching Keira grow and blossom, what a beautiful young lady she is becoming, I can’t wait to have a daughter! I love her pretty top she was wearing as a 2 year old. Happy birthday to your big little girl, sounds like a fun party, good luck!
I have loved watching Keira grow and blossom, what a beautiful young lady she is becoming, I can’t wait to have a daughter! I love her pretty top she was wearing as a 2 year old. Happy birthday to your big little girl, sounds like a fun party, good luck!
Keira is nearly 6! Wow that has gone by so fast hasnt it. I remember when Isabelle started primary school and the years just fly by. She is in gr 5 now and the parties still continue. Keira sounds like she is loving school which will make her want to go all the time. Isabelle will go even if she doesnt feel well which is hard sometimes. I hope Keira has a fabulous time at her party, and dont you wear yourself out!
How lovely Kiera Looks. We are having a 1st Birthday here tomorrow. I tried a friends cake pop maker, and so far – things are looking good! Good luck tommorrow with all the little girls.
Muchas felicidades para Keira y que cumpla muchos más,besos desde Valencia-España
Sounds like a great party! I can’t wait to read the after report. The kids are gorgeous. Where did you get the party boxes?
301pm? I guess you are assuming all parents will turn up on time! Good luck with it all – hope oyu have some fun too!
She looks so sweet! I do hope she’s having a wonderful 6th birthday!
Happy 6th birthday to Keira and I hope the birthday party goes well
Sounds like it will be lots of fun and I look forward to seeing the photos tomorrow! Those pink noodle boxes are just the cutest goodie bags! All the girls are going to have a blast!
Have a wonderful day, you look like you are very organised.
Wow you’re not one for doing things by halves are you! I think you should be renamed ‘Super Mummy’. Keira’s hair at age 2 looks exactly like my daughters does now aged 2. She’s got the curls at the back and the fringe going on and the short mullety bits and the side that just won’t grow at the same rate as the back
My eldest daughter Anna is two weeks away from turning 7. I’m already dreading organizing how party (she wants to go bowling) – you have twice the kids I have and 4 times the guests coming. Once again you inspire and amaze!!!!
Oh, I don’t envy you that preparation. But, these times make the most wonderful memories when kids get older. Worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears.
Oh you’re such a wonderful Mama Corrie. It looks (and sounds) like the most beautiful party… and what a nice way to showcase your new home too. Though 23 kids kinda scares the pants of me actually, haha! I’m sure it will go swimmingly though and the weather looks set to be fine, which helps.
Can’t wait to see the wrap up of events and lots of pics too hopefully.
I can’t get over how alike Keira and Elodie look, maybe it’s just in photos, but they could be the same person.
Take care of yourself tomorrow, you’ve done so much already xo
good luck, nothing like the peace when the party is over, even though there is a lot of joy, they are undeniably a lot of work.
Keira has the most beautiful hair. Isn’t she lucky. Elodie looks like she’s got it in for you today. Classic shot.
You have such beautiful children Corrie, even Elodie with her “scary” face is a lovely sight lol. I hope the party went well,and you get plenty of rest afterwards.
Happy Birthday Keira! Hope she had a lovely party. I love the idea of a craft table for making jewellery I’m sure it wa a hit. Hope you got some time to sit black and soak up the fun.
Look at the plans your Elodie has in store for you. Kind of like my Tauren knowing not to push something over the edge of the table, pausing for effect of course.
Hi lovely photos, what a great party, My son turns 5 tomorrow but we already had a shared party with mums from my mums group at the local scouts hall with his friends who also turned 5 (and he has known since they were 6 weeks old). It was good and inexpensive and no cleaning up my home after the party which was great. I might try to make the multicoloured cake tomorrow for my sons’s bday!
Just wondering where does your little girl do spanish after school. I am from Argentina and speak spanish so I want my kids to learn it at school. My son is not at school yet, I know in the east that Clovelly Public had after school spanish and Randwick Public school. Thanks !