Almost sunday lunchtime and I’m sitting staring out the window praying that it doesn’t rain so that Foxtel can come and connect us again. We’ve already been delayed a week by rain and I’ve gone quite long enough without my foxtel thank you very much. So cross your fingers for us. But I am loving our sundays a bit more now that mass is 10am at our new church. That extra hour makes all the difference.
I got 2 loads of washing out, vacced the floors, moved couches ready for the foxtel man and had everyone dressed and ready to go, wrote out my dinners for the week and shopping list, sorted and folded clean laundry, got most of it in bedrooms and managed to get a quick pic before we headed out the door. All before church. High five me! Of course no other sunday will ever be this organised now that I’ve bragged about it!
And it does help you when precious little one wakes up before 7am and refuses to go back to sleep. You can get anything done…………………………..
hope you’re enjoying your sunday!
Olá,é tão engraçado falar com você hoje quando aqui no Brasil para você é ontem 28 e para mim 29 é amanhã ,ou seja,amanhã no meu almoço e missa de domingo já será segunda para você…esse fuso horário grande faz atrasar e adiantar com a mesma facilidade.Tenho alguns amigos que estão no Japão,que avisam o dia que vão chegar e marcam encontro para 3 dias depois que chegaram,se não não conseguem conversa.rrsrsr.Lindas fotos,onde estão os sapatos de Eloide? Beijos e Bençãos.
Dont you love sundays! We have church too but ours is at 9am and I was on singing today so that meant an 8am start for me!! ergh! anyway, its good that the rest of the day seems to be relaxing and lazy don’t you think?! Love a sunday!
Church for me is 9:30 but have no car so have to catch 8:33 bus and then another one from Broadway.
Just look at little Elodie in jeans! She’s really growing up.
They are all growing up so fast. Hope your Foxtel is done soon.
Right here is why I think of you as Wonder Mama Corrie, what a productive morning you had. Well done!
Love the pics, such gorgeous kiddo’s.
Hope you got your Foxtel sorted, I can understand the pain of going without it… I always freak out if the Fox goes off for some reason. Just what did we do before it existed!? xo
Now that’s worth bragging about!.
Corrie, congrats on your new home and enjoy the new challenges that lay ahead, glad to hear you are able to laugh! Vanilla essence, wipe the cupboards out with them and of course leave packets of opened bicarb – but you know that don’t you ; 0
Hope you are feeling well and finding a just a few moments to rest or snooze each day xx
I don’t go to church on Sunday, but had a day just like yours today. Up early thanks to Charlotte, everything tidied up, groceries done, & several other chores completed. Not before 9am, but before 12am which is a miracle in itself. MMMMM I have bragged & probably jinxed myself now!
I love sundays too we go to mass Saturday night so we have Sundays to be with our beautiful family. As Saturdays we seam to run around like chooks with our heads cut off taking the kids to their commitments.
Our church is 9.30 so I still feel like we have plenty of the day left to enjoy
I hope you settle into your new church well and feel connected quickly. Its good to feel a part of a community….hope all your unpacking is pretty much finished too!
Wowsers. My kids are up at 4:30/5 and I STILL leave for church crying about the disaster-of-morning-when-I-just-want-it-to-be-lovely morning! Actually maybe that’s the genius of a longer sleep-in. Less time for kids to spill things on clothes, floor, walls etc? Don’t imagine I’ll ever be able to sit and do my shopping list of a Sunday though. Power to you Corrie! I do hope it lasts.
I had intentions of going to church today…. that’s as far as it got. Spent the day cleaning house for it to go on the market! Love the Elodie has no shoes on, really struggle to keep shoes and socks on my 13mt old!!
My children are all grown up now, but I still remember how hard it was getting everyone ready for church, and we only had two! I pray God will bless you for bringing up your children knowing God, so many today know absolutely nothing about our wonderful Saviour and Lord! I really commend you!
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Hi corrie,
I know what are u talking about!
We got our meeting at the kingdom hall at 9.30 on sunday and we need to be ready at 8.30 to catch the bus..and I got only one child to manage!!
You are such an ispiration for me!
kisses from Italy by Francesca and Elvis.
I had to finish a BAS report before our 10am Mass aaaarrgh They come around so quickly
Hey Corrie!
Here’s Julia from Austria.
I love to read your blog and your kiddies are really cute!
The foto of Elodie is amazing! So sweet
Greetings from Austria!
Before kids I loved going to the 8/9am service but now we’re lucky to make the 11am. Especially if your youngest doesn’t have regular bedtime hours.