Long time no giveaway! And this fabric arrived last week so it’s time to share the fabric love. I’m giving away 2 charm square packs and 1/2 metre of each of the fabrics on the bolt. You can definitely make something sweet with all of that!
Just leave a comment and tell me what you’d make and you’re in the draw……………………………competition open to everyone wherever you live in this great world and closes this Sunday. I’m going to make a sweet quilt for my Tillie.
I think I would make a lovely strip skirt for my daughter for Easter!
Wow! How wonderful it would be to win your giveaway. I would surely make a cute little quilt for a cute little girl I know. Fingers crossed. Thanks.
I would make a little pinafore for bubs, and use it to line my new nappy bag that I’m making
Gorgeous fabric, I would make a quilt for my daughter. I have nearly finished a moda quilt for my eldest for her birthday in June, and I am wanting to make one for my other daughter for her birthday in October.
I love this fabric range! I will definitely make a sweet quilt from this for my little miss.
I just love this range – surely my daughter needs another quilt!
Charm squares would definitely become a quilt, and the half metres could be backing and binding – Perfect!
GORGEOUS fabrics! I think its time I made Leila a quilt.. I seem to be making lots of things for customers & nothing for us!
I have a very sweet workmate, recently here from Germany who is expecting her second little girl in June. I would like to make a quilt for baby & one for her big sister of 2. This would be a perfect fabric choice. Tracee xx
Me gustaría hacer una manta para una niña, es muy bonita!!
Gorgeous!! I’d make a dress. No, I’d make a quilt. No, I’d make a dress. No, I’d make a quilt….
So cute! I would make a quilt for my daughter.
Gorgeous fabric you always choose. I would make a quilt for my niece who is currently still cooking in her mummy’s tummy!!
Yes please, I love this fabric! I am sure I would just look at it happily for a while and then it would be on my daughter’s bed as a quilt!
Gorgeous! I’d like to make my Little 28mth old girl her first quilt and matching curtains! I can’t fathom why bedding made from material nowhere near as fabulous as this is so expensive!!! Make your own – all the way! X
I think I would make a dress for my little one, and a beautiful new apron for myself!
My baby girl is 3 today so I would make her a new quilt :o)
Such pretty fabric and a generous giveaway! If I won it I’d have to hold onto it until I know whether the bub in my tummy is a boy or a girl, and if it is a girl, I’d have to make a little cot quilt!!
Well the charms would become a disappearing nine patch like their Little Apples cousins did, and a little skirt for my little 1-year-old-next-week daughter (sob! Where does the time go?!)
Ohhhh, I have been eyeing this fabric off….so gorgeous! Perfect for a quilt for my little girl when we pick her new bed up off layby!
Definitely a quilt for by little girl! Fingers crossed!
Thank you!
So pretty. I would make a start on pretty Christmas gifts for my nieces.
i would make a
cushion cover , small bag , pouch and mix and match with another pattern and i will send the picture for you
Belinda ( http://myurbey.blogspot.com )
I could see a quilt to curl up under with the cold months coming up. How snug would that be? I hope your Tillie will be able to do the same.
My niece has her 1st birthday next month…so a little quilt and a twirly skirt wouls look nice in this fabric!
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric. My nephew and is wife are expecting there first bub this year so of course I want to make something for them.
Happy days.
Looks like a super cute little girls quilt to me! Thanks for the chance.
Cute fabric! I am thinking quilt and girls skirts with the print as the border, matching headbands and maybe sock ruffles.
I love this fabric range. I have been trying to save money as we are starting to build a new house so I have resisted on buying some for my stash. This fabric is crying out to be made into a quilt.
I would love to do a super cute quilt and some cute Jammie bottoms
Super cute fabric!
A quilt for a friend’s new baby girl
That’s easy make a quilt for my daughters, no doubt I would end up buying more of this line so that I could make two quilts one for each of my girls. I’d definitely make sure I did some fussy cutting.
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
I would use it to make a tablecloth cubby for my little girl with matching cushions and a little quilt for snuggling up inside. She really needs some cheering up at the moment, poor little bunny and it would be perfect for her 5th birthday in June.
I am thinking a sweet little bag for my daughter, Grace and I would need to make a few more because we love giving homemade gifts to her friends. Adorable fabric.
A baby quilt for mi niece baby, I made her 2 or three, but not a pinky one in a house of three grown boys I never tend to buy pink.
I would make a quilt for my friends little girl. Such beautiful fabric. I hope I win!!!!!!!
I would make a pram quilt for my new niece (due soon). I LOVE that range.
This Fabric is Beautiful! I would love to make a quilt & ruffle pillow from this fabric range!
I love this range! I’d definitely make a little quilt for my 1yr old Granddaughter, and a little doll’s quilt to match, for her favourite doll.
A baby quilt for a friend who is having a girl.
A little dress with a hooded cape to match would look too cute! Would love to win this giveaway.
I would make a pretty little quilt for my pretty baby girl on the way! due july 7th
Wonderful giveaway Corrie, I would be using it to make a quilt for my niece. Thanks
Hi Corrie, I’ve been admiring this fabric for the last few weeks and trying to find the cheapest way to buy it!! Would love a chance to win it instead…much better on the old bank account! Would make some baby quilts for friends or a single bed quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would definitely make a quilt too
So so so very cute….something sweet for my littlest niece I am sure. x
I’d make some fabric coasters & pin cushions.
Thanks for the opportunity, Corrie.
Wow corrie, awesome giveaway. I would love to make a quilt for daughters first birthday. I know as soon as my older girls see it though it would be a patchwork skirt!
I think I’d definately make a quilt for my girls bed! And praps squeeze a sweet skirt out of it too!
Yes I would make something for my sweet girl… A quilt and maybe a soft book to read while she is snuggled… I would start right away (if I say that publicly then maybe it will happen) so that it is ready for her birthday in December. No more last minute gifts.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
What gorgeous fabric!
I would ambitiously make a little
summer dress for a sweet little girl whose very dear to me.
Oh wow! I would attempt my very first quilt for my daughter with this beautiful fabric, for sure! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ooh!! I Love this range!! Thanks for the Corrie!! … What would I make with it? Hmm… The first thing that comes to mind is a child’s size picnic mat for DD3yo. She loves playing with her teaset, and having little picnics with her dollies & teddies, so I think a picnic mat would be a perfect project to use these fabrics in!!!
My friend is having a baby girl in August. They have 3 kids and had a miscarriage a year ago just after finding out she was pregnant. Now she’s pregnant again and was diagnosed with a tumor by her uterus. Luckily the surgery was a success- the tumor was next to the uterus but had not invaded. She’s on bedrest so hopefully all will be well. I’ve been turning ideas over in my head for a baby quilt and bibs and a bag. This fabric is inspirational. To win would be wonderful but I appreciate the inspiration. Thanks!
I’d love to make a quilt for one of my nieces. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
well im not a mummy so im thinking pillowcases…cushions…even a super cute bag and purse for me…i so hope i win this…its really beautifull!!
I have 3 nieces and 5 nephews (and 2 boys of my own) so girls are rare in my family! My youngest niece is turning 1 soon so I would make her a quilt! I just recently made my first quilt ever and am itching to make another! I would love to use use beautiful fabric for such a beautiful little girl!! Thanks Corrie for the opportunity!
I have 3 nieces and 5 nephews (and 2 boys of my own) so girls are rare in my family! My youngest niece is turning 1 soon so I would make her a quilt! I just recently made my first quilt ever and am itching to make another! I would love to use use beautiful fabric for such a beautiful little girl!! Thanks Corrie for the opportunity!
So cute! I just love a walk in the woods!!! I would first of all make a cute little pair of quick change pants and then a sweet baby quilt ready for the arrival of Little Miss in June!!!!! Thanks Corrie!
Hi Corrie, the temptation would be to make a quilt, but I think i’d make a patchwork style skirt instead
Thanks for the opportunity.
My daughter, Tenneille, loves foxes and squirrels, so I would definitely make her something from the fabric. Maybe an overnight bag. It is the sweetest fabric. Jacinta
What gorgeous fabric! I would make an Olabelhe Annikka dress for my 6yo daughter with the overskirt made from the charm squares. She loves twirly girly dresses
Have nearly finished my first ever charm quilt (took the plunge and followed Diary of a quilter – thanks for the link)! So next up would be a ‘special’ quilt for my daughter – one you pull out for those sick days spent on the couch, or on a cold, wet day in front of Playschool……
A quilt for one of the many babies my friends keep having!
I have been eyeing up Aneela Hoey’s fabric line for a while, and I love it more each time I see it. I would love to make a girlie quilt.
I would definitely make a quilt for my daughter’s bed. With the fabric left over and I would also make her a library bag. New fabric is all the inspiration I need, thanks for the lovely opportunity to join in…
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Love this one Corrie! I am busy making up some lovely lap/tummy time quilts with my Moda Little Apples and Sherbet Pips I picked up from you at the markets – just gorgeous for little ones and I would most certainly run up another or two with this fabulous design! Thanks!
Gorgeous! I’d make some little skirts for my pair to go with the red riding hood capes I have planned to knit for winter.
A couch quilt/blankie for winter and a matching doll quilt for my soon to be Miss 4.
I would love to make matching little bags for church for my little girls. they would love it!!!
I would definitely make a quilt for my daughter’s bed. I love those fabrics, so so girly
I have to make my 1yr old a quilt…. have been so so slack! Would also love to make her a cute winter coat and line it with this.
I’d love to make a quilt for a very special baby girl born last week. Her parents have been trying for her for at least the last 10 years
This would be perfect for a cot quilt for our new little girl due to make an appearance early June.
I have a neice due in June, I think she is deserving of a quilt and matching cushions for her room
It’s darling. I’ve been on a bib kick. But have been looking for something sweet for a jumper dress. Bunny has a matching doll!
I think the charm squares would make a delicious quilt and the meterage could be used for a delightful little girls dress for a friend who has a little princess daughter. Thankyou for sharing your last two posts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading some of the common sense ideas. Cherrie
Wow, so generous! There’s plenty of fabric for a quilt for my family and one to raffle at the school fete!
I’ve been eyeing this range up for a week or so. I think I would make a quilt with the charm squares for DD and the bolt fabric I would use for a bag for her preschool something that will stand out from the crowd. Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely range.
I would make a quilt using this gorgeous pattern: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/75700583?utm_source=transaction&utm_medium=trans_email&utm_campaign=purchase_ftb_alt which I just purchased online from Sweetjane on Etsy.
oh I so want this to make a quilt for my granddaughter we havent seen yet. and she is nearly 2. Maybe Mum adn Dad will get the hint and come home so I can make more
I would make my Tiny new neice Sadie and beautiful quilt to lay on and admire the world from, After being a mummy of 3 boys my 1st neice is very addictive!!!
I would Sew my Beautiful New Niece, Sadie a Beautiful Quilt for her to lay on and admire the world from. After having 3 boys of my own a little girl to make things for is Amazing!!!
So kind and generous Corrie! I would make a frilly nappy cover for the cutest little girl next door and use the rest to make a very RETRO ‘quillow’ for my youngest♥♥
I’d use the fabrics to accessorise my 5yo’s room – pin board, cushions, bags, wall hangings!
I would try to make my very first quilt out of it now my two girls are both at school x
Eu faria uma colcha para minha neta que chega em abril.Ando de olho neste tecido desde o seu lançamento.Aneela capricha sempre,não é?Obrigada pela oferta.Beijos e Bençãos.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
I would love to make a cute red riding hood cape with this as the lining!
What an awesome giveaway!!! I would use that lovely fabric in my first ever quilt that I am planning to make this winter
Thankyou for the chance
A very sweet little girls cot quilt or play quilt – perhaps pinwheels, or half squares, or square in a square or funky scraps (pattern) – choices!!
oh gorgeous fabric, I think I would make a cute little dress for my daughter
I am thinking a quilted tote bag or a lap quilt. Such pretty fabric.
I would make a Red Riding Hood cape and bag to match.
I’d make poppy my 2 year old daughter a winter quilt as she’s about to be moved into a single bed. Pink and girly but love the touches of red and the woods.
I would make a Red Riding Hood cape and bag to match.
I would make a Red Riding Hood cape and bag to match.
My gorgeous niece Amy has just had her first little girl Amelia, who is my mother-in-laws 12th grandchild. She is in the UK and because of her poor eye-sight and age won’t be able to visit her. I would love to make her a quilt from her great grandma.
this would be perfect for my FIRST quilting project…for my gorgeous girl of course!
I adore this fabric and really really want to make my 2 year old little girl a quilt from it!
I hope I win!!
A quilt for a new baby girl would be gorgeous.
Great giveaway, thank you.
Well it is going to be really difficult to decide what to make with that gorgeous fabric. So many possibilities and so many nieces in my family. Maybe a quilt…maybe some bags…a dolly quilt with some dolly clothes to match.I will have to wait and see.
I would definitely tackle my first quilting project. I want to make my beautiful girl a quilt to lie on her bed with and read when she wants to escape her not quite as angelic baby brother!
You are so generous! With two granddaughters I know I can think of something to make with these! Maybe matching pillows! Great giveaway!
This is seriously cute! The colours would match my 1 year old’s room perfectly so I would definitely make her a cot quilt!
Oh, this would be beautiful to make a very special doll for my best friends daughter who is turning two next month!
We are building a new house and Ella will have a brand spanking new room with no ‘theme’.
“A Walk in the Woods” could set the scene for a new girly inspired bedroom!
It’s beautiful. I would make a skirt for a little girl in the BH homeless shelter and frame a portion of it for my daughter. Thank you.
My little one will be moving into her ‘big girl’ bed in the next couple of months – I’d love to make her an extra special quilt with this fabric. I already have the embroidery pattern for Little Red – I can see this also being used for a matching patchwork cushion (or two)… Thank-you for such a generous giveaway!
This is wonderful fabric, with Wolf as my maiden name Rotkaeppchen -Red Ridinghood was my nickname in school,it would make a sweet baby quilt or even a patch work curtain for our little one.
I would make a baby quilt for my friend who lives in the far north in Canada (begins snowing in Sept and does not finish until June).
Wow just gorgeous. Would have to make a quilt for my little Gracie Moo who was very brave at the dentist this week. Fings, toes, arms and legs crossed lol
I love this fabric! I think I’d make a doll quilt for my little girl, Gracie.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
cwonitoy (at) shaw.ca
Definately a quilt for my daugher. Any 6 year old would love this on her bed
Thank you for the opportunity!
How lovely, I would run some through my Big Shot and make flower hair clips, and then I’d make a mini pram quilt
Great fabrics! I think I’d make a fitted slip cover for my office swivel chair.. I hate how office chairs look & I’d like to jazz it up!
I hope I haven’t posted this twice but anyway here goes…
I would like to make a dress with matching hooded cape. Very cute fabric, would love to win it!
Beautiful fabric, I would make a quilt for my youngest daughter
I would make a rag quilt for Charlotte, my 3yo who has gone mad for little red riding hood.
I’m working up the courage to make a quilt. I’ve never attempted it before but I would if I had these lovely fabrics! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Just gorgeous, I really love this range! I would make my girls some new pajamas.
Definitely a quilt for my sweet daughter to put on her new ‘big girl’ bed.
patchwork cushions and small quilt for Lilly. It is beautiful!
Patchwork cushions and a small quilt for Lilly. It is beautiful!
I would make a nightgown for my daughter. Such a cute fabric!
Ohhhh, so gorgeous! Perfect for a quilt for new bed to the little girl!
It such sweet fabric Corrie thank you for the chance to win. I would make a little skirt maybe, or a cushion or a quilt… Thanks again.
Hi retro mummy! I would love to make baby accessories for my bub-on-the-way, for example bibs, quilted nappy change mat, and a nappy and wipes pouch. Thanks!
I think I will frame the fabric in different size emroidery hoops and hang them in a group in my daughters room. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would make a cot quilt!
I would love to make a quilt. I am going to be an Aunty x 2 plus two friends having babies soon so this would be a gorgeous fabric choice.
I’m making charity quilts for babies on KaHolly’s blog. This would work nicely.
wow Corrie this is so cute…I just love the little apples… to make I think it would be a Fig Tree pattern and its a cape/poncho…just adorable…thnaks
Hugs Dawn x x
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OOOh this brings back memories. My mum made me a red hood and sent me to school as red riding hood for my first book week school dress up in Kindy!! My 10 year old has announced that she would like to learn to sew, so we would make a lovely Monica Poole patch work bag from this fabric as her very first sewing project. So excited to be able to share such a wonderful skill and hobby with my daughter
I would make a little blanket for my baby girl!
How beautiful, I think I would make some bedroom wares for my precious little girl.. perhaps another bunting, library bag perhaps? thanks for the opportunity x
Oh this is beautiful fabric. i would be making a little dress for my 3 yo who loves miss riding hood. melx
I would make a square within a square quilt for my niece who is five, soon to be six. Thanks for the give away.
My girls have, sadly, grown out of their gorgeous red hooded dress-up cape. I think that I need to keep the ‘little red’ tale alive by making a quilt to sit atop their dress-up box!
I don’t have a little girl anymore but I know someone with a brand new one so I was thinking I’d like to make this little pink bundle of joy a gorgeous quilt for her to stretch out on. It is simply gorgeous little girl fabric. Pick me please!
I would love to make a quilt for a friend.. a little friend. Just to make her day.
What a fantastic giveaway :)As for what I would make, hmm it would have to be a quilt for my youngest girl, to replace her baby quilt that I’ve somehow lost.
My little one has been loving sitting with me when I am at my machine. She has been guiding fabric with my help and this would be a perfect fabric to have her help make a project with her very own little hands! Here’s hoping we have some new fabric to sit and create a project together!
It would make such a cute cot quilt, perhaps one of Amy’s Baby lattice quilts, and use the yardage as backing and binding. I have very cute dragonfly white tone on tone to use for the sashing. Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow, I am in the planning stages of making Ginger’s big girl quilt – new baby due in a couple of weeks, and nothing like leaving it til the last couple of weeks to boot her out of the cot:)
Oooo – definitely a quilt for my third baby. No mama made quilt for her yet and this fabric looks like just the ticket!
Oooh my best friend just had a little girl and I’m wanting to make her a quilt – this would be perfect!
I look forward to seeing Tille’s new quilt!
I would like to make my 3 ferals some drawstring bags for their art supplies for when we go camping.
I would love to make a quilt for a friend who is pregnant with her 1st baby and due in a few months:)
My daughters just got doona covers with
red riding hood on them I’d make bunting and cushions for her bed
Beautiful fabric – I would make a baby quilt for friends new baby girl!!!
Well about 5 years ago I made quilts for my 2 older girls and my other children are still waiting. I have been collecting little bits and pieces but this fabric would match no.3 and no 5’s bedroom perfectly and mean I could make 2 in one go and then I’m just left feeling guilty about my little boy’s quilt
What beautiful fabric! I would make a gorgeous quilt for my youngest daughter and some matching bunting
Lovely fabric! would be a gorgeous quilt for the fifth quilt to be made for my fifth niece. Then each wonderful baby will have received a beautiful handmade gift upon their arrival into this world.
Wow, am loving those cute new fabrics. I would have to make my new little neice (due on ANZAC day) a beautiful little quilt! with a matching pillow case too.
Thanks for a chance
Oh dear, what fantastic fabric. And what to make … the options are endless.
But I would love to make a cute quilt and maybe a little stuffed rabbit with a “little red” dress.
I have my fingers and toes crossed for this one.
Thanks for the givaway – I would with my little friend Gracie who is 7 and help her make a dress for herself out of the gorgeous fabric
Thanks for the givaway – I would with my little friend Gracie who is 7 and help her make a dress for herself out of the gorgeous fabric
With pleasure I will take part
I would be out of this fabric chtsdesnoy sewed clothes for her daughter Maya 
Ooo little red riding hood,
I’d make something pretty I would!
A little bag for my 2 little girls for dancing would be just right!
Thanks for the opportunity Corrie!!
My sweet girl turns 2 soooon and I am completely smitten with Red Riding Hood. i am hoping to make her a cloth doll for her birthday and this would make a perfect quilt for her bed to go with!
What a great give away. I would love to make my little 4yr old girl a sweet little girly quilt
My little 19 month old Ruby is getting into dolls in a big way. So maybe I would make a small cot quilt and sheet set for a cute little bed I bought at the op shop for $3. I already have a woodland theme going on in her room so this would fit in great. Thanks
I would make a lovely quilt with this wonderful fabric for a cute little girl!!!
I’d make a quilt too, I am just starting to get in to quilting and I love that the charm squares are already cut!!!
Thanks Corrie!
I’d definitely make a quilt … love this fabric.
A walk in the woods for my grand-daughter indeed. A new quilt for her room at grans.
Good luck with your packing and move Corrie!
I would make a lovely girly quilt! Thanks for the chance.
i am making a bag and can’t seem to find the right fabric. this is just what i am loooking for. fingers crossed!
i am making a bag and can’t seem to find the right fabric. this is just what i am loooking for. fingers crossed!
My first thought was to use this beautiful fabric in my first attempt at a quilt for my 5 month old daughter, Isabella. Yes, you’ve inspired me! I’d also like to use it to create something to hang on her wall. Perhaps frame a section of it…
Beautiful fabric! I think I would make matching/contrasting cushions for my daughter’s beds as they share a room. SO many entries but you’ve gotta be in to win, right?!
Hi Corrie! I LOVE Aneela Hoey fabric so much! I just got my hands on some more Sherbet Pips and some Little Apples to make two new little lap quilts for the winter ahead, but I REALLY want to get some of the Walk in the Woods to make my daughter Ruby a new quilt for her bed… and if there is any left over, some pillow slips too! EEEEEK! Super giveaway! Thanks lovely xx
ooooooohhhh I would make a lovely quilt for my little granddaugher Isabella, who lives in Canada. She would love to snuggle under it in the cold, cold winters that they have! What a kind, generous person you are!
A quilt for my niece who’s arriving in June – I have two boys so can’t wait to make some pink things
What beautiful fabric! My daughter could definitely do for a new quilt!
What a gorgeous giveaway, I love this fabric and it would make such cute cushions for my darling grandaughters.
Oh lovely! I would make a lovely quilt for my daughter.
What perfect fabrics for little girls! I’d have to work it so that I could make 2 quilts – that way both my little girls would be happy
My 6 year old Gt Niece would love a quilt made of this, so that is what I would make! Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow, those fabrics are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m just a beginner in sewing, so I’d love to create a doll quilt from them
I would make a beautiful quilt for the little foster girl Sarah who is staying with my sister. Something for her to cherish her time in the family. Thanks x x x
I would make a lovely quilt for my new Great Niece Chloe born just last week.
Dian x
So pretty! I would make a quilt for my little daughter who is having a hard time at school – something to snuggle in and feel nurtured while she was at home.
With my baby girl about to move from a cot into a big girl bed (*SOB*) I would make a single bed quilt.
Well at least try through the tears that my baby isnt a baby anymore!
Greetings from snowy Finland! A quilt, why not, but firstly I think I would make a pillow!
That is so nice of you. I am now into garment sewing for my nieces and I think that would look great for add on seams or yoke for the top.
I’ve been eyeing this fabric off to make new winter overalls for my daughter. It’s such cute fabric!
Beautiful range! I’d make a sweet little quilt I think.
Thanks Corrie!
This is almost too gorgeous to cut, maybe it could be framed. If I won this I’d love to make my first ever quilt, for my littlest girl. I do hope I win!
I’d give it to my MIL as she’d love it and she’s saving for a thermomix so extra purchases are out of the budget for a while.
What a lovely fabric and how difficult to decide what to do with it. I think I would use it for a purse or another little bag or my first quilt ?!
Best regards from germany
Christin, who really loves your blog
I have two lovely work colleagues, both pregnant and due about the same time, I would make something awesome for the babies to come.
I would make a quilt for a friend of mine who is expecting a baby girl. I think I would not make it baby size, but normal single, so they could use it for longer. Thanks for a lovely give away!
Mmmm…lovely! Maybe a bag, smaller cot quilt, or little girls dress, or maybe just look at it for a while
Hi Corrie you are so sweet with your giveaways! Anyway im 29 weeks pregnant with number 4 and hoping for a girl so I would make something sweet for the baby or my dear daughter who is nine!
I’m so dying to get this fabric. I’ll make a pouch or a small bag.
i have 3 little red riding hoods in my home who would all love a quilt made from this. thankyou for your fun website!
Beautiful fabric! I would attempt to make my first quilt…for myself!
oooh I love this… I have been dreaming of a fussy cut patchwork pillow with a little story to tell for my two girls…thank you!
What a lovely fabric! I think, I would make a quilt for my little daughter.
Great fabrics for a picnic quilt!!!
Ohhh beautiful! Maybe a lovely quilt for my lovely daughter!
I would make a quilt for my granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Lovely charms! I haven’t adventured in making anything beyond a breakfast mats; so I could do one of those or try making a quilt for a newborn baby girl — Clarissa
Such lovely fabric
Our friends will have a baby soon, i could make a little quilt for the little princess
Hey Corrie, Might have to make a Foxy Quily for me…. Since I’m going to be a Fox soon 😉
It’s adorable! Tricky choice – I have three daughters so a wee dress for one of them would be lovely, or the lining for a sweet bag??? Or both!
Gorgeous print! I’d make a quilt for my daughter. After sewing clothes for years, you’re lovely quilts have inspired me.
What an amazing sight!! I would have to make a quilt for my one year old daughter.
Oooo gorgeous! I think I’d make a couple of drawstring bags and a little doll-sized quilt and pillow set.
That is gorgeous fabric! My niece has her first birthday coming up soon and a snuggly cute quilt for her would be my plan is this fabric arrived at my house!!
I would make a quilt that I can then fundraise for http://www.mountaintrails.org.au
I don’t have a little girl to make something for
but I love it so much, why couldn’t I make something for myself! I would make a large scale dilly bag.
As many girly messenger bags (denim with the featured fabric as the flap) so I will have a stash of last minute pressies to give my daughters school friends when she is invited for a birthday party.
Muchas gracias por tu generosidad,yo le haria una mantita con esas telas que me encantan,espero tener suerte ,besos desde Valencia-España
Def a quilt for my new baby girls bed. Thanks for the gat giveaway
I would make a single quilt and some cushions to match for my little girl
I’m thinking I’d make a quilt for one of my daughters, and some bunting to decorate their room, should there be any leftovers (love bunting!)
A gorgeously cute quilt for my gorgeously beautiful baby girl who arrived this morning!
A very cute quilt for my gorgeous baby girl who arrived this morning!
It would be donated to the school fete in the form of headbands, drawstring bags, appliqued t-shirts etc
And maybe a little bit could stay for my girls ….
I would love to make a quilt
gorgeous fabric choice Corrie
oh this fabric is so sweet, if I won it I would love to make my first ever quilt (a simple one of course) because my best friend in the world of 25 years is going to be a grandmother in a few months, their first grandchild and it’s going to be a girl which the are super excited about as there are so many boys in the family
That is gorgeous – would have to be a twirly whirly skirt or a very beautiful quilt for my beautiful girl
I have been eyeing this fabric off for ages. I would make quilt for my girlfriend due to have a little girl baby in May. It’s perfect – so sweet – not too babyish. love:)
I’l make a quilt
Gorgeous fabrics, I think I’d make another quilt… maybe a couple of cot size ones for pressies.
I’ll make a quilt
Hi…id give this fabric away to my very generous friend. Despite just having her 3rd child, she has taken time to learn to sew to make under suits for my 5yo who can’t use his legs. She could make a little patchwork quilt for her little baby girl and I could show her how 😀
Hi…id give this fabric away to my very generous friend. Despite just having her 3rd child, she has taken time to learn to sew to make under suits for my 5yo who can’t use his legs. She could make a little patchwork quilt for her little baby girl and I could show her how 😀
I would love to win this gorgeous fabric. I would definitely use some of it to make quilts for my two little girls (just taken up quilting this year…very exciting). I would also save some to turn into a tote library bag for almost Miss 5 to carry her library books in.
Wow, great giveaway! Thank you for the chance1
I’m after Aneela’s designs, I love them all. I’d make a quilt for my daughter, she is at the hospital since last October. I’m sure it’ll brighten up her stay there.
Super cute, girlie fabric, I would make a quilt or possible a patchy skirt for one of my little girls.
Not original but I’d make a lap quilt and cushion cover for our reading corner. Thanks.
Id love to say that I’ll cut it up and sew it into a beautiful quilt, but also know that in reality I’ll hold it and love it and then after we have made friends I’ll cut it up and make beautiful gifts for all my friends that are having babies ! Must be in the water
Wow!! What a wonderful giveaway :).
If I won I would love to mke a baby quilt and a summer dress for my best friend’s daughter.
Thank you so much for this chance to win. I will keep my fingers crossed
This fabric is so cute! I would make a little girls quilt for my daughter.
oh lovely!
I’d make some cushions for my little nieces and a bag for my big girl! thx
I would make a quilt for sweet Nelly, aged 4.
I would make a quilt and a pillow for my daughter, what else?
Kristina from Hungary
I think I would make a quilt for my niece.
W O W!!!!!! This fabric is absolutely gorgeous!
I’d like to sew my first quilt with it!! And also a tote, a wallet,pencil cases for my kids and for me, and…….
I’d make an Oliver + S Jump Rope Dress, with a pieced/patchy skirt, and a “red riding hood” to wear with it. I’m sure there would be fabric to spare, so I’d share it out with my sewing group friends too
Love the fabric!I would make a cute little quilt for my cute little niece.
Thanks Corrie
Hola…tengo un varon y dos niñas…le haria una manta o un bolso..estan hermosas
Snap! I would make a quilt for my Tilly.
I would make a sweet quilt for my niece! thanks!
I’m actually participating in a charity quilting where a quilt will be donated to kids in a flooded community. I would make a quilt for that effort. Thanks!
I would make a diary for myself! This would be my first handmade diary, and i’m so excited beacuse of it!
Lovely fabrics, perfect for a quilt for Tilly. I’d use it for a quilt for my 11-year-old granddaughter. Everyone in the family has a quilt except her. Thanks for this fab giveaway!
I think it would make a cute diaper bag!
I very like yours blog
I would be making a quilt for sure!!
I have a baby girl due april 27th. it will be so much fun to make her quilts.
My boy has many quilts already- time for some girly ones!
thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would make a bag for my four-years-old daughter who LOOOOVES bags, she is carrying all her precious treasures in her bags. Just lovely that fabric!
that would make a great baby quilt
I would make a skirt for a little girl.
Great giveaway. I’d make a quilt for one of my great-nieces. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to make a small quilt – love this fabric.
Hi Corrie, that most beautiful fabrics! I would love them to make a quilt and some pillows for my baby who is not born yet but will soon.
Greetings from Spain
Such pretty fabric… I would make a lap quilt. Thanks for your generosity!!
I love it. I would use it for the next quilt.
Я недавно сделала одеяло старшему сыночку(2г), и уже мечтаю младшему (4 месяца), это было бы фантастикой, из этих тканей!
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I really love this line!
It’s perfect for two small quilts for my nieces due to arrive in september.
Thanks for the chance to play.
Love it! You might just have inspired me to make my first quilt ever. I’m living a parallel life to you Corrie…. 4 little ones, including boy/girl twins so I can totally understand what your life is all about. A little crafting just gets me through the chaos and madness!
Love it! You might just have inspired me to make my first quilt ever. I’m living a parallel life to you Corrie…. 4 little ones, including boy/girl twins so I can totally understand what your life is all about. A little crafting just gets me through the chaos and madness!
Maybe a quilt for my daughter. It is such sweet fabric!
That. ‘red riding hood’ fabric just begs to be turned into a cape for my daughter. I’ve been aching to make the poncho from Emma Hardy’s making children’s clothes – think I’ll add a hood so Miss 4 can be Miss Riding Hood!
Gorgeous fabric – I would make a skirt just like the one I have seen over at And-so-I-sew blog. Its fabulous.
Gorgeous fabric,I will definitely make a beautifull quilt for my daugther.
kisses from Portugal
I really love to win your giveaway.
Many thanks for sharing.
Regards from Barcelona,
What a lovely generous giveaway!
Please be kind enough to enter me into your little hat (although you may need a very big hat judging by the amount of comments you have :o)
I would have to make a quilt for a very special friend of mine if I was lucky enough to win. The fabric looks so sweet, I know she’d adore it! xx
I’d make a smock top for my daughter, gorgeous fabrics.
Such cute fabric – I would love to make a quilt or a bag for my niece!
I’d make a quilt for my first grandchild, expected in 5 weeks. Love the fabric. I’ve recommended your blog to my daughter for your great tips on motherhood.
Well about 5 years ago just before no 3 was born I made the 2 older girls quilts. I have been saving little bits of this and that for quilts for no 3 & no 5 who share a room and this fabric would be so perfect for their little bedroom and then I’m only left feeling guilty that no 4 hasn’t yet got a quilt
I’d make another quilt for my first grandchild, expected in 5 weeks. Love the fabric! I’ve recommended your blog to my daughter for your great tips on motherhood.
I definitely would try my hand at making something cute for my little girl – it is unfortunately not right for my little man! Perhaps something for her or for one of her baby dolls!!!
Hi there love this!!!!!! I would make a little dress for my niece!!! And then start a quilt top for my daughter- just a brick design so she could help sew the strips- of course I would have to buy some more!!! Haha
Hi,i would make a quilt for my litle girl.Thanks for charing : )
I would love to makes this into a patchwork twirly dress for my 2yr old niece, Gracie. We just started reading Peter Cotton Tail and Little Red Riding Hood books. She’d love it!
Thanks for the Opportunity!
I would love to make my very first quilt for my 2 year olds first big bed. I have just had my machine serviced and next week was going to start planning what design to make and materials to buy. She has a pink, red, white theme to her room and a red riding print on her wall – so cute. The fabric would be so perfect.
I know some babies being born soon so I would make some bibs with this lovely fabric.
It would have to be a quilt for my youngest niece and perhaps a little one for her dolls cot.
Thanks for the chance.
ooooh lovely!
with the charm squares I would love to make some more patchwork cushions. I’ve been making some with little Apples this week and they’re so cute.
Hmmm half yards – almost big enough to make some cute little people outfits. Or to be honest I’d probably hoard these and fussy cut them into all kinds of patchwork projects.
Thank you for the giveaway! I would make a basket liner for a picnic basket!
I would definitely make a quilt – if I can work up the nerve to cut into it!
A walk in the Woods giveaway
Well…what to make straight away
This would be extremely interesting
As sewing, I have not been attempting
But the Woods! Yes, I would quilt away!
I’d like to make a baby quilt. First quilt project ever!
I would make a sweet little squares quilt.
lovely! i make a bag for my girl, Helena…
Gorgeous…I’d definitely make a quilt and a cute little skirt for my girl who’s a Red Riding Hood fanatic.
Gorgeous material! I’m not much of a sewer but have a couple of patterns I’m determined to try from Make it Perfect!
It’s got to be a quilt, or a skirt, maybe a bag… I can’t decide!
Wow! 294 comments – Even with very little odds of winning I’ll still tell you my daydreams for that fabric.
My daughter Poppy turned 6 months old yesterday and to be honest I wouldn’t plan to make anything with it yet.
That fabric is so gorgeous I think I’d hold onto it for 18 months and ask her what she wants.
That way if she’s a girlie girl I will make her a perfect autumn spinning dress or if she loves reading I’ll make her a library bag or a quilt for us to watch movies under or even use it to line the perfect little red winter cape if she’s the classic/dramatic type.
I look at this fabric and I think about how wonderful it would be to show it to my daughter one day and let Poppy decide what it becomes.
I agree with you Corrie. I’d make a Quilt too, for my little Indi. x
I love this print, the quilt I made for Cate was perfect for a tween.
What a lovely fabrics! Actually I loved pink, I want to make a pink quilt for myself! Thanks ya!
Love the fabric!!
I would make a quilt for my niece.
I too have a gorgeous little girl, just about to turn 3 – a baby no longer, but a sweet little toddler. I’d love to make her a little snuggle quilt, for her big girl bed – hopefully ready for her third birthday – they are so sweet at this age.
Oh Corrie! This is definately love at first sight! Thank you for this very generous giveaway. Daughter #3 has indicated that she would love a quilt for her bed.
I would sew something for my niece’s spring.
Best wishes
A happy little quilt top for a family adopting a little 3 year old orphan girl from mainland China.
I have just settled my youngest cherub into primary school & have a lot more time to finally get back to the crafting I have missed so much over the past few years. I would love to make my gorgeous girls some lovely things for their room so they know how much I love them (& miss them 9 to 3.30).They could choose the projects once they saw the beautiful fabric.Thanks Jo
I would love to make a knee quilt or small quilt for my daughter and niece. Things have been tough and I know it would put a smile on their faces
Thanks. Who wouldn’t want to go for a walk in the woods with those fabrics.
I would make a quilt for my baby who is due to arrive in June! I love this line (in fact I love all of Aneelas designs!) Beautiful colour palette. Thanks for the chance to enter. x
I would make a charm square skirt for my niece JJ
Ohh! Would have to be a quilt for my big girl to match Jodie Carleton’s Red Riding Hood dolly that I am making for her birthday!
Two thoughts:
1. I’ve been experimenting with trying to make some bedsheets for my big girl in her big girl bed
2. I’d really like to have a library bag for returns and check outs from our library. This fairy tale inspired print seems like it would be perfect!
Love your blog!
Beautifull!! I’m going to make a pretty girls quilt from it.
I love it!
Well I am behind on a few baby quilts for new ones………so that would be a start
Thanks so much
I would use them to make some little dresses for my nieces!
Hi, thanks for doing this giveaway. I have never made a quilt before, but that is what I’d make if I won! x
I’d make a bag! It’d look so cute
How gorgeous! I’d definately make a layer skirt for Emma, she’d love it!
Wow this is such a generous giveaway. Definetely a quilt, probably for my pregnant sister in law’ since she’s having a little girl. But it’d be so hard to let go. :p Thanks Corrie, you are always so generous with your giveaways!
How generous, I guess my youngest sister would love the colours and a quilt for her 9th birthday
Thank you!
What girl doesn’t like Red Riding Hood. This would be a great messenger bag for her or a quilt cover set.
Oh yes please, I’d combine them with some Sherbet Pips and make a quilt for one of the new babies that keep arriving! thanks for the chance to win
I’ve made note recently of some simple quilts that can be made using charm squares. That’s what I would do!
What an awesome giveaway! I’ll wish and wish and wish.
OMG I LOVE this fabric!
Last winter I made my 5 yr old daughter a gorgeous cape with a red wool outer (that I’d been saving for years!) and a vintage folksy-print lining. After the first time she wore it, my well meaning hubby put it on a hot wash (I had prewashed both fabrics appropriately!!) and the wool not only felted but the colour ran onto the lining – I cried for 2 days!!
So….I would make my daughter a new red cape for winter!! Love the blog… Heather xo
Such beautiful fabrics out there now. Very timely design considering “Mirror Mirror” is at the movies.
I’d love PJ pants for myself and i’m 31!
Gorgeous, gorgeous fabric! who can resist little red riding hood! I would be making gorgeous little numbers for my daughters and gifts for friends. thanks for generous giveaway.
Hi Retromummy
I love the fabric and i also read about how the designer created it – fantastic
I am having a girl Grand Baby(who lives in WAshington DC with her Mom and Dad) in May and it would be perfect for her as she is having a pink room with a garden theme that red riding hood could run around in !!!
love your blog and enthusiasm for life and your family!!
love wendy
i have 3 little red riding hoods to sew a bag, skirt and quilt for! Thanks
What sweet fabric! I’d add it to my little collection for the quilt I’m making for my little girl.
When I was a little girl, I used to have a red coat and wave to a neighbor who was in bed all day every day. She called me little red riding hood ;-). So I think it would be a little quilt for me to remind me of those days!
A quilt what else? That’s adorable fabric.
Thank you.
Hmm, probably a sweet little quilt for my new grand daughter! Although it would be pretty as a summer dress for next year when she is toddling around….. thanks for the chance to win!!!
Hi retromummy
I would make a wonderful quilt for my new girl grand baby ( who lives in washinton dc with her mom &dad)
I adore the fabric especially since I read about how the designer created it – so cute
I love your blog and your lovely family!!
I know some little girls where I live that would just love this for a hexie class that I am going to teach them in June!
A little childs quilt!
How generous! I would be so thrilled to win, my daughter would adore a quilt made from these fabrics. Crossing everything. x
This fabric is adorable! I would really love to create a dress for my girl with it a bunting banner for her room too! Thanks for the chance. Love reading your blog.
Not sure if my original comment got published (something funny happened to the computer)…anyway, in case it didn’t I will comment again. I would love to make my first ever quilt. I have a baby niece due later this year and would really like to make something special for her (she will be my first niece after quite a few boys). Thanks for the opportunity!!
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OMG that fabric is so sweet it would look lovely made up as a quilt with Jodie Carletons new doll pattern Little Red sitting on it.
I would love to make a cute little lap quilt for my baby Ruby….would be lovely for in the car and the pram in the cooler months…Thanks for the opportunity! Jess
I’d add some of the charms to my I Spy collection, and the others would make a nice table runner.
i would like to make a girly quilt for myself since i dont have a daughter… thank for the chance.
I adore this fabric. I’d use it to make a quilt for a yet-to-be born baby, and save some little pieces to make some sweet little handbags.
We’ve just moved house so I would use it to decorate my little girl’s new room. I’m thinking letters for her door and a laundry bag to hang from the door.
I so love this fabric! I would make my daughter a quilt.
Little Moo(3) would lay claim as soon as it ventured into our house and be very keen to tell me what I could make HER with it!!
I love that fabric, I would make a little quilt for my friend as she’s expecting in July, maybe a little outfit or a nappy bag to go with it!
What a fab give away!
I think that I would make a sweet little patchwork skirt for Amelia.
I’d make a quilt for my only girl.
This fabric is stunning,I think I would like to make a cot quilt, also a sweet little dolly quilt and maybe a dress for a Little Red Riding Hood doll for my darling little girls.
Thanks, Kim.xxx
Gorgeous! I would make a quilt for my super gorgeous new baby girl
Hi Corrie, Love this range of fabric, love all of Aneela’s fabric actually. I would make a picnic quilt with this fabric, thanks for the opportunity.
That fabric is so beautiful, I would love to make another quilt for my daughter with it.
That sure is pretty fabric! I think it would look very sweet as matching pinafore style tops for my girls x
I would make a pretty quilt for my sweet niece Sarah Rose who has gone through so much over the last year. Thank you for the opportunity Corrie!! Kind regards Julie
I would make a pretty quilt for my sweet niece Sarah Rose who has gone through so much over the last year. Thank you for the opportunity Corrie!! Kind regards Julie
I would make a pretty quilt for my sweet niece Sarah Rose who has gone through so much over the last year. Thank you for the opportunity Corrie!! Kind regards Julie
One of my neighbours recently had twin girls and my youngest is desperate to make a quilt for them…so that beautiful walk in the woods goodness,would be perfect. Thanks for the chance
This fabric is so sweet! While I adore quilts, I have been working on a bed quilt for one of my daughters for nearly three years (I know, I know – I have four children like you! I will definitely have it finished by this December!) so instead of a quilt I would love to make an apron. I just borrowed a fabulous book from my local library that has a myriad of patterns for all kinds of quirky and retro aprons. I spend so much time in the kitchen that a pretty apron would be worn often (and it wouldn’t matter if I forgot I had it on and went out to do the grocery shopping in it!).
Hi Corrie
I would love to make a quilt for my darling Kirra.
Best wishes for the big move!
Oh this fabric is just so perfect for my daughter! She loves coats with hoods and blue at the moment! I’m learning to sew this year and would love to try making her a quilt with this prize! *fingers crossed* 😀
You are so sweet offering us readers these giveaways – it brings happiness to our days ~ Thank you. If I was to win, I would make a flannel backed quilt with shaggy seams ~ perfect for baby girl 3 to snuggle under whilst watching playschool
I would make a pretty quilt for my sweet niece Sarah Rose who has gone through so much over the last year. Thank you for the opportunity Corrie!! Kind regards Julie
My daughter has a birthday in May, I could make her a quilt. (maybe for next May)
My daughter has a birthday in May, I could make her a quilt. (maybe for next May)
oh goodness where to start, a quilt for my daughter and the leftovers to make pencil rolls, hair yo yo’s etc for our school fete craft stall. Thanks for the chance. I thought I had missed the giveaway so thanks again for the heads up. Chris
I want to make some throw pillows for my little girlie girl
My daughter Imogen (who’s just a smidge younger than Keira) would go nuts over a quilt in this delicious range…and maybe a cute twirly skirt as well. Of course, then we’d need to figure out something for her twin brother, ha!
Wow! What gorgeous fabric. I would use it to make my second ever quilt and the first for my nearly 6yo daughter. xx
I have a little girl who is almost two, and sadly her bedroom is very naked of anything feminine, pink and girly (it used to be her brother’s room). I’ve been looking for inspiration, and this lovely fabric might just do it. If I won this gorgeous prize, I would use it to make bunting (hello, of course I would!!), cover some stretched canvas squares and maybe if I had any less, make some little blankets for her collection of dolls which seem to be growing at the moment :0)
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!
My neice would just love a quilt made in this and I would just love to make it for her!! Thanks for offering this wonderful give-away and good luck with the move!!
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