Well yesterday I saw my OB for the 1st time (well for this pregnancy since I know him, his secretaries and his offices pretty well by now) and I’m happy to report that baby number 5 is growing and doing well. I’m measuring spot on for my dates and even got a little photo of our newest addition. Awwwwww. I think little one has it’s back to me.
I hate to tell any first time mothers out there but the nerves and worry don’t go away the more babies you have. Sometimes I can make myself feel sick in the stomach worrying if there is a heartbeat and is the baby ok and will it be ok and has anything happened since my last appointment.
But I never take anything for granted. I felt the luckiest girl in the world yesterday knowing that my baby was doing well. For those of you who haven’t been on this blog for long then let me tell you that the road to having our family hasn’t been easy. As a newlywed (I love that word) it was discovered that I didn’t ovulate and wouldn’t be able to fall pregnant on my own. For someone who wanted to fall pregnant on their honeymoon (me, not retro daddy as he wanted to wait a year) it was devastating. I took Chlomid and fell pregnant with keira on my 5th month. There were so many tests and scans in between.
the twins (tillie on the left and finn on the right)
When Keira was 6 months old we started trying again, on the 4th month we fell pregnant but a few weeks later we found out it was an ectopic pregnancy which was sadly removed with one of my tubes. Another devastating blow. I cried and cried and cried some more. The kindest words that were said to me at the time were by our priest. The gorgeous Father Jim. He said, it’s ok to go to God and be angry in prayer. It’s ok. It’s normal. That is how I felt. Why me? Why did you do this to us. I knew I wanted a large family and after that I just thought it would never happen. My OB told me that it would happen and I could easily fall pregnant with one tube. Turns out he was right.
Back on the fertility drug again and on our 3rd month we got a positive, on new years eve 2007 we found out it was twins. Some people cry in shock when they find out they are having twins. We were both overjoyed. It was the best news we could receive. If the ectopic pregnancy hadn’t happened then I wouldn’t have fallen pregnant with the twins. Then when the twins were almost 2, I just knew I wanted another baby and couldn’t bear to think about using contraception. I had a regular cycle and just left it to nature. We fell pregnant but miscarried a few weeks later. I was sad but realised that we could do this on our own. The next month I fell pregnant with Elodie.
dear little elodie
And then look, it happened again. I love Elodie so much and when we weren’t trying or thinking about baby number 5 another little miracle came along. So you see, I don’t take anything for granted. I will always feel that I have been blessed with babies. It hasn’t been an easy journey and my heart always goes out to anyone trying for a baby because I know it’s not easy. And my journey is nothing compared to some of you. But never give up! However it happens, whatever paths you take and however it long it will take to have a family, it will always be worth it.
this is wonderful news corrie. wow…baby number 5. beautiful. health & happiness to you. xo.
Oh bless it is so good to get that first picture isn’t it. Enjoy your pregnancy like you say everyone’s journey has its challenges and I too never take for granted my pregnancies but love the miracle of life that is growing is something so special and that darn mother worry never goes away. Have a beautiful day.
It is true, no matter how many pregnancy’s you have you are still so nervous at every scan. I too had to take clomid for my daughter Ella – it was our last cycle before IVF that she was conceived. Somehow with that pregnancy my body worked itself out and I have had been able to fall pregnant twice on my own (once resulted in a miscarriage) Congrats Corrie on baby number 5!
You are right, it is such a blessing. I had another scan last week and all is good, thankfully. I think I must have miscalculated my dates when I spoke to you last -I’m only one week behind you! xx
So pleased that everything is going well little bub xx
Isn’t it wonderful to see that first picture of the baby! Congrats to you and your family!
best of luck to you
I understand the challenges to have babies – my twins are IVF babies and I was lucky enough to only need one cycle but sharing the waiting room with women who had been unsuccessful after two, three or four attempts, heart breaking. So glad all is well. That is great news!
Congratulations. You make the most beautiful babies.
Very pleased to hear all is well.Keep up the good work.
great news.. I will pray that all goes well .
St. Gerard is the patron saint for motherhood,, I have a prayer I will say for you using his prayer card. Healthy baby and a safe delivery!
All of your babies are so beautiful!
hugs from South Louisiana
So glad to hear all is well with your precious baby number five
It is such an unspoken heartache for so many women – thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to hearing more as the baby grows!
happy to hear all going well, all the little ones are gorgeous and have no doubt number 5 will be too.
So true! I have just waved goodbye to my 3 little ones as they are having a sleep over at Granny’s. The house is so quiet and I have such a lump in my throat that wants them back NOW so badly! Wherever, whenever, however they are the biggest blessings.
Thanks for sharing Corrie. I think it’s important for women to share these stories – so many women go through these things but it is rarely spoken about.
Lovely post Corrie. You sure do make beautiful babies xx
Wow, what a great news! Congratulations!!
It’s such a happiness to have children!
Thank you for sharing your stories Corrie. You have 4 beautiful children and one bundle of joy yet to arrive who will bring even more happiness into your world. Congratulations on your lovely family.
thanks for sharing your story – it’s just what I needed to hear as I am struggling to have no 2 (age is my problem!)….and I really like what your priest said about it being ok to be angry in prayer – even though I am not traditionally religious, it made sense for me. Infertility is heartbreaking and so often not spoken about. Best of luck for your new angel to make a safe journey into the world.
Corrie, as a grandmother I was really touched by your story. I think I was more worried about my daughters when they were carrying my precious grandchildren than my own babies – a happy healthy pregnancy is a good start to a new little life.
Such a sweet little photo and such an amazing story to read of your struggles and victories! I too had trouble conceiving no1 and had tests, monthly blood tests and fertility drugs for 2 years before our daughter was conceived by IUF. My next 2 fortunately happened much quicker by using an ovulation testing kit and falling pregnant 3 to 4 months later. So many struggle with fertility and I’m sure after reading your story will feel encouraged that there is hope
each child is a blessing, congrats!
Totally gorgeous & shuns those morons who say to you “don’t you have a television” while eyeballing your large family. I spent my pregnancies so morning sick i didn’t think too much about how they were on the inside, as i held onto the one advice of “the more morning sick you are, the healthier the babies” & it rang true for me, even my twins were over 3kg each!! I knew i was pregnant, every single long day of each pregnancy. Pats to belly, love Posie
I am so happy for you all, Corrie. x
Congratulation, Corrie! What a wonderful news. All the best.
Take care of yourself.
It’s a best present
What an amazing story, and beautiful babies! Inspiring
Congratulations to you and your family, Corrie. Every baby is such a blessing. You will be in my thoughts and prayers over the coming months.
Congratulations Corrie, lovely post. I’ve done 8 IVF stim cycles so far, had 2 miscarriages and am about to start my 9th cycle, trying for no.1. I’m not giving up!
thank you for sharing, I was wondering how you got to 5! I love how you have so totally embraced motherhood.
congrats again on number 5
Congratulations, all those photo’s together look so nice, a real blessing. We’ve had the same thing with our first, I had to use Clomid but fortunatly was pregnant after the first round. When we were trying for baby number two the doctor told us she couldn’t give us clomid because of my weight (got heavier because of insuline use) and our world just crumbled. I went to another doctor for the diabetes, he got me on a diet and of the insuline and I concieved naturally! Never thought that would happen! A true miracle that I will never take for granted. I found it easier to deal with all the pregnancy things (being tired and emotional) the second time around but because you now know what it means to welcome a baby you get more and more afraid that something will go wrong!
What a lovely post! As a mum of five I always love to read of big families, and I’m so happy for you that another beautiful baby is on the way. Thanks for sharing your story too, life is not always easy and sometimes blog land can present such a perfect image.
Best of luck with your pregnancy, I’ll be looking forward to another gorgeous baby photo somewhere down the track xo
Beautiful post Corrie. I understand the battle to fall pregnant and the pain of miscarriage and I feel so blessed now to have three healthy children. I bet baby number 5 will be so very loved indeed. Jacinta
I didn’t know what you were going through. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure that baby No 5 will also be healthy and beautiful as all your kids are.
Lovely post, I have a dear friend struggling with trying to get pregnant. She too is Catholic and at present time very angry with God. I told her as her mother also told her ,’It’s OK to be angry at God , scream, reant and rave at Him, He is Big enough to handle and He is not going anywhere”. I think I may send my friend to this post.
So beautiful. Thanks for sharing your story and your baby number 5 ! Wow congratulations xox
You have a lovely family
A hearty Congratulations, I confess to a bit of conception envy. We had a long struggle with infertility, clomid rounds and then IVF. We were very blessed with two bouncy babies – and then just when we thought we were done, packed up and gave away all ou stuff another miracle occured (3 in a million chance!!).Babies are so precious – I know you’ll love and cherich this one too. Does this mean you will move to the southern highlands??
We have a similar family journey.
First baby used clomid, then ectopic lost left tube then went on to have 2 natural pregnancy with a m/c in between.
I love reading about one tubers who go on to have more babies.
May the next 6 months be healthy for you and the new little one.
congratulations Corrie. Wishing you a happy pregnancy :). xx
Congratulations on number 5! That first scan is always magic. Best wishes for your pregnancy, enjoy every second of it!
Oh, and I had an ectopic pregnancy before having our twins too. So unexpected and such a wonderful surprise after all the tears. Five years later and I’m still grinning at the thought of seeing those two little heatbeats!
What a beautiful post Corrie. I never knew the full story of how your gorgeous babes came to be, but my, you have been through alot. I’m so incredibly happy for you and I LOVE every one of those pics of your bubba’s… the newest one is especially sweet :o) xo
Thanks for sharing your story so openly, Corrie. You’ll give hope to many reading this. I couldn’t be more delighted for you with your little surprise packet! J x
I had no idea you had such a hard road to get your beautiful big family! A true reminder that everything always works out for the best. Soooo excited for baby #5! xxx
Hello just checking in to say hi and then I saw that beautiful ultrasound picture and then I saw that picture of your Elodie…one of the most precious newborn pictures I have seen. Oh how i long for a little newborn!! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
Much love, Shawni
this is wonderful…you are so blessed with beautiful babies- thank you for sharing your story with all of us- i hope this to be my story as well one day-