As promised, another giveaway sneaking in before Christmas. I love Lecien Colour Basics. They are great fabrics to make contrasting trims, bindings, backing fabrics, clothes, craft projects, anything you like really. So I’m giving away a 4 metre bundle of these fabrics – you’ll get 1m of each fabric shown in the picture. Talk about building up your stash. Or maybe your stash is like mine……out of control but you can’t say no to more.
Just leave a comment and tell me what you’d use the fabric for and you’re in the draw. Wherever you live. I’ll draw later in the week.
I would combine these gorgeous spots with some solids and make a lap quilt. Or a bag. Or a sewing machine cover. Spots can be made into anything really, can’t they!
Oh they are beautiful! I would use these as backing for small quilts from the Charm Square packs I’ve just bought from you on ebay! They’re perfect.
I think at the moment they would just be added to my stash to be used at a later date.
I think I quilt would be lovely or a little lap blanket
I think I would use it to back ornaments.
I don’t think I would need to think of a use for those fabrics, they would just get sucked into other crafty projects as they would go with lots of things. You can never have too many basic spots, stripes or solids in my opinion. I never seem to have enough. They are the type of thing I am rushing out for at the last minute in order to finish off a project.
Thanks for another lovely giveaway, I’d use it to make my very very first quilt ! Merry XMAS!
To be honest, I’d probably add it to my stash and look at it for a while before using it. I’m such a fabric-a-holic!
I would use this fabric to add to my stash. I love fabric and have way too much already, but you can never have enough…right?……
I think I would be using three of them (red spot, white multi colour and pink multi colour)for sashings on a quilt for a little girl, and the green spot would be great for an eye spy quilt for my nephew.
I have just started sewing and could see myself
using this for some pj pants for my girls!!
With the busyness of the Christmas Season, I would like to add them to my stash and dream of the snuggle quilt I hope to make for my daughter, Grace.
I love the polka dots!!
I love them on bindings or just a part of a quilt
i would make quilts for my daughter room… lovely quilts!
I’m in need of a happy apron! (And I’d add the rest to my quilt stash, especially for bindings.)
I would probably use it in an apron skirt for my daughter. I love polka dots!!!
I would use them to add to some stripes to make two pretty quilts for my granddaughters. Thanks for the chance to win
Ooooh! Can already picture a chair bag & library bag for my daughter for school next year! These would be perfect!
I would make a few cute little skirts for my girls.
I think used for the back of a dolly picnic quilt I am about to embark upon. melx
I’d make a dress for my little (well, she’s not so little anymore!) girl. Love polka-dots.
Oh sew pretty Oh sew pretty…. on a runner roll today, 1 done 2 togo, so perhaps another runner.
I too would combine it with other colourful fabrics for a fun quilt, maybe for a baby or a child. Lovely give away!
I’m hoping to make a table cubby house and these fabrics would be perfect to help out with some of the design
Would love these to practice my newly learnt quilting and patchworking skills to make a quilt. Need to inspire my new students next year, and the fabric would be great. Also make a good surprise birthday present for today.
Love the dots. I would use it for a bag with matching card wallet and coin purse, add it into a quilt, a dress for my little one and binding on a quilt… Great give away before xmas
Hey corrie…that fabric wld be perfect for some gorge ruffle skirts for the ladies in this house….xx
I woud use the fabrics to make something fun for my new grandaughter Rosie. I am not sure what but I love the dots.
I would use the red and green spots as trim on some shorts for my son and a denim dress for my daughter. I would use the pink spots to make a pillow case dress and trimmed short set. I would aslo use the extra bits to make hair accessories and try out a fabric covered beaded necklace I have been wanting to make.
Oh I first saw these and I have been wanting to do my granbaby girls bedroom over. I would mix with a little solids but I would be changing her whole room to polka dots. Now she is 3 and don’t you think they would look just awesome!!! Merry Christmas
I would make some cute dresses that I have seen for my liggle girl!
They would make fabulous linings for the coats I want to make for winter!
Reversable place mats and a table runner. Red and green that scream Christmas and pink and white for Easter…LOVE!!
I think I’d make a big patchwork floor cushion for Bubba to watch PlaySchool on!
My NY Resolution is to start making baby bibs so this would be great to have.
New baby coming in about 4 weeks and nesting is in full swing around here! Of course these might just become bibs, nappy covers and other pretty things. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.
The top and bottom spots I’d use with a complimenting fabric to make a rag quilt (i’ve been checking them out and they’re fairly simple to make…good for me!) and the middle two I’d make red and white spot dresses for my girls and the green and white I’d make Christmas mini Christmas stockings for our twin boys Kindy class 2012. (gotta start handmade gifts early, right?)
So need to get my gorgeous babies room in order, some clothes wouldn’t go astray either and the rest will go in my ever growing stash for a runny day.
ooo. I LOVE Lecien color basic dots. Mine would end up in quilts most likely.
HHmmm I think it would be time for me to tackle my first quilt if I was to win
Definitely winter lap quilts for the girls.
I love spots to death.
OMG They are so cute! I WOULD use them for my dolls ! PInk one for my doughters
these ones would probably get mixed into the stash.. They are very lovely thou. Im loving dots and strips at the mo.
thanks kath
Ohh cutie! They will probably end up in my stash but would make cute wee skirts I think!
Hi Corrie, I have 2 quilts that need binding to finish them off, so that’s what i would use the pink and multi coloured spot for. The red and green spot will go towards an advent calender for next year (think ive missed the boat for 2011).
Christmas table runners for next year, napkins and bon bons…….
I’d make a million things with that much fabric…dresses….and bloomers and some capes…and use the rest for a future quilt!
I would use them for bias.
Beautiful for a quilt or clothes for my daughter!
I would make these into a dolly quilt and bedding for a little old toy basinette that I picked up during the year.
oh the options! I’m thinking making a beautiful bunting combined with some florals for my precious girl.. her room would look festive 365 days of the year! Thanks for another great giveaway x Fiona
Oh, you’re so right, you can never say no to more fabric! I would use these to make some personalised bunting for Arabella.
Amy xx
Spots are the most used fabric in my stash – especially red. I would like to make a couple of aprons for gifts, so they would probably work well for that project!
I would put with some of the othe rfabric I have all ready and make a nice little quilt to give away to some one. Karen
They would work well as a border for an I Spy quilt I am working on. Love the dots!
I LOVE these fabrics, I think I would use them to make a xmas stocking for my daughter.
What divine feminine material! I would make some clothes for my little girl or a small quilt.
Dots are so versatile. I’d use it to make some baby gifts for the new bubs in my life.
I would use the spots for binding (particularly the red and white spot) and make zippered pouches from the beautiful fabrics. Thanks for the give away.
I’ve been going nuts making drawstring bags! My nieces would love some in cute dots!
Are you for real Corrie??
You’re on FIRE girl!!
You know what? I just bought a bias tape maker and small prints especially spots and patterns are fabulous for this! I’m like a bias queen now, rolling through metres of the stuff and this would be perfect for me!!xx
Oh wow, thanks for the chance, now that i have a lil girl to sew for I really want to try my hands at pillowcase dresses ( her three brothers strangely refused to wear them….), these spots would look darling as lil bitty baby ones with contrast spotty hems!
Oh so pretty and some colours for my boys in there too! Maybe I will use some in a lap quilt for my youngest (who I meant to make a quilt for for Christmas but it hasn’t happened). They all need some new aprons for the kitchen, and book bags and…. so many things I could use it for. Fingers crossed.
Oh my, my favourite polka dots!
I want to make an owl quilt ( you can see the picture there: ) but still don’t have enough dot fabrics
Thank you for the giveaway!
I think I’d like to make some softies with those spots! Thanks for the chance.
How would I use those fabrics…..well, an apron for me, art smock for my youngest who starts school next year, shorts for the boy and some bags and purses for the other daughter, bibs for a friends new baby girl, cot sheets for the dolls bed, drawstring bags for some toys etc,etc,etc
I think these would make gorgeous little girl dresses. Love the green for an old fashioned look. Thankyou. Cherrie
Lovely fabric. I think I’d make a library bag. Thanx!
I think I would be making quilts with these beautiful polka dots!!
Ooh! These are just what I was looking for to liven up my tree skirt project! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Christmas tree skirt- FABULOUS quilt bindings – fun christmas decorations – cute tote bag – too many ideas. thanks for the chance.
I am in desperate need of basics to use for making dresses for Layla. And the top spot is just gorgeous!
Today’s fabrics are really pretty and lovely. Could have done with these when I was in high school. I would use the fabric to sew a more modern quilt that I designed in high school.
Spots! They are always look cool! Pillows for NY decor would be great!
I would make something cute for my Fallon, she would love it
Again I’d use for my baby shoes. Love polkadots for the heel. Would make my wee girl a dress too
May be some bags.
I’d piece them to make backing for a quilt, and the leftovers with soem plain fabric for tablemats or to trim napkins.
OMG I just love dots right now. I would use it for dresses and rompers and binding for quilts.
I agree….they’d be great at the moment as a stash booster….we always need another fabric right!!??
I can never resist the spots! My kids need organisational bags for school next year, and I would love to make them from these fabrics. The scraps would fit in nicely with my stash
Spots are great, they have so many uses! I love the look of a spotty binding!
I think the red and green ones would make interesting binds, and the bottom ‘white’ one I’d use as a background on a pointy/star style pieced block. Used a similar fabric as background on a one off block and really liked the effect.
Not sure about the top pink one… but I’m sure it would end up in something very pretty and girlie!
Ooh how lovely! I would make some of it into bibs for one of my two best friend’s babies who are due next year – assuming at least one of them will be a girl!!
Lovely spots, so many possibilities! I can’t decide, but they would definitely be put to good use! Thanks for the opportunity, Corrie.
Cb600f2 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would use this fabric to add to my stash (o perhaps a cover for an ironing board). Thanks for this giveaway.
Polkadots; love them. Would use them to make some skirts, blouses, dresses and/or linings for new coats for summer.
I truly LOVE polka dots everyehere so I see many ways of using for these fabrics:
childrens cloths
dolls cloths
and many more!
A gorgeous dress for my little girl and then I would use the fabric to make some dolls. Cx
Oh, I can totally see that red and white one becoming the cutest little rock n roll dance skirt!
Would definitely use it for bindings as I have seen lots of lovely ones with dots lately xx
How cute are those spots! I love using them in cushions and quilts. Loving all the loveliness you are giving away this week. Thanks! Jacinta
I would use it for bindings for my quilts. I just love the look of it.
Possibly a bag, or binding or added to my stash. Linda
I think they would make great bindings.
I would want to just sit and admire the fabric for a long time…. trying to work out what to make.
Some sewing of little dresses for a gaggle of little nieces may be in order. Thanks x
Three little girls (2months, 8montha and three and a half) would have grandma sewing up these wonderful fabric into sweet little dresses or quilts.
Love the fabric and thanks for another great giveaway
definitely pajamas for my 3 kids, there is a colour in there for everyone.
I love dots! And so I would add it to fabrics of my stash and maybe create a quilt or something like that.
Definitely pretty dresses for my 3 girls
Thank you for this lovely giveaway. It would be the perfect striped backing for the quilt. That I need to get finished for my daughter’s ‘big girls’ bed. And left overs would be perfect to trim matching pjs. The green would be lovely for our new arrival due in 5wks can’t wait
It would be just the motivation to get back to the sewing room.
It would be nice collection of summer bags, cosmetic bags and quilt skirts
Oh wow, those fabrics are gorgeous, I think I would spend time just staring at the fabric, then search and serach for the perfect project…. pick me, pick me LOL.
oooh these look lovely! I would make them into a quilt to go on our couch! By the way, I love the way your kitchen is becoming… very jealous!
Love the spots, I’ve become a big fan of spots for binding, and I have a couple of baby quilts that would look great with these. Cheers for the chance to win, my stack overfloweth but then a girl can never have too much choice- these are gorgeous, and not colours I have already
I think I’d make a bag for my crochet hooks and a couple of dresses for the barbies and dolls
I would love to add this to my stash – options are endless but I would definitely make some bunting and pillowcases what a lovely giveaway thank you so much!
Hmmmmm, so many ideas so much procrastinating lol. I want to finish a quilt, actually I want to start one, I have the fabric ready to go, just need to do it. But the pink and green spots would be perfect for making some binding to finish if off – when I get around to it!
Oh what darling colours. I’d use them in cushions. I have just finished a cushion with ruffles and those fabrics would make a great frill on future cushions:)
Thanks for the chance to win:)
Thanks corrie! I would add this to my quilt stash for bindings and backings and possibly a few dresses for my daughter
These fabrics are very versatile.
Hexagons galore !!!!
I would make skirts heaps of them, how fun it would be to do it in this fabric!
Oh gosh I am in LOVE *swoon swoon swoon*
I am already picturing what I would use these for. A camera strap for my DSLR, some Christmasy throw cushions for the kids room so I could do a seasonal decoration in there, maybe some curtains for my craft room?
I need an apron and oven mitts, I could see some fabulous polka dotted ones too.
How much can I squeeze out of 4 metres?
My cute and stylish 7yo girl loves spots so I am sure she would have plenty ideas of what mummy should make with them!
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Too many spelling mistakes on previous comment.I have just finished a charm square quit with the reunion fabric, the polka dots would tie it together with the rest of the room. No stash for me. Gets to overwhelming to hide from the hubbie. GET AND USE is my motto
These are beautiful! So many things come to mind, but I would definitely have to make a dress out of the top fabric for my daughter first!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
so many unfinished quilts, so little backing fabric….
I’d make a baby quilt for one of the teachers where I work who is expecting her first baby in a few months time. Thanks for the chance.
I would make a bag, or a pillow… :))
If I was the lucky winner, I would (attempt to) make a quilty blanket for my new niece or nephew who is coming to play in May! I am so excited, a new baby in our family!
Hi, This fabrics are lovely and they will so weel combine with others that I have here.
Lovely fabric. my sister is having her first baby, so I would definitely make something for her.
I live in the Netherlands.
These fabrics are just gorgeous. I’m thinking pink ruffly or swirly skirt, red toiletry bag, a make up bag, a general tote bag… so many choices!
I love the white one with the three different coloured spots. It would go very nicely with a bold green or red make into a dress for my little grand daughter…with matching bag. She loves bags!
Love spotty spots!
uplituThat the baby Jesus to bring all good health, harmony, unity and joy. And a Happy new year
I will make a quilt for my baby (who is 21). I didn’t know how to quilt when she was born… Nancy M
They look like they could be sweet little shorts for my girls, with some leftovers for quilting…. dots are so great!
Very beautiful fabrics, especially Andalusian Spanish air (I am Andalusian) I’m in for your drawing and make them for the table cloths and chickens. Thanks and regards.
Definitely bibs. I love spots!
Not sure what I’d do with it now, but great to be added to my small stash that is growing! Come in handy when I need to sew some small projects.
Gorgeous fabrics. I’d use them for some summer pajamas for my little girls.
I would probably use this fabric for bindings. I love polka dots on the binding. Thanks for another great giveaway
Oh so sweet I would make my DD twirly skirts using these and some others that matched
Would yo0u believe i’ve been in with spots forever, have just used some of some little presents to give away so winning this would build up my stash again of lovely spotties!! :))) Thanks love your kitchen/; living reno looks fab!!
Oh Oh Oh I love these ones! I would add them to my new collection of fabric and if everything goes according to plan, they would be the backs of my little charm square quilts : ))
Oh Corrie, these would be just perfect for backings and bindings on St Mark’s Quilters Blankets of Love. I would love to win them!
I love polka dots. Perfect for zippered bags or the ruffly aprons I make!
Cute fabric. My stash is absolutely out of control
but I have been using quite a bit lately, so I think
I have room for a few more metres. I think a
few cute summer dresses for my girls would
definitely be on the cards!!!!
Love dots! I’ve just bought a quilting foot that needs to be used, so a quilt it is.
Ooo they are gorgeous! I’m thinking a new library bag for each of my girls or swirly skirts or summer pj’s… ummm so many things I’d like to make these summer hols!
LOL I shouldnt read blogs that have sewing and quilting,it just makes want to get the machine out more! Absolutley love your kitchen,mine is only 4 years old and already Im ready to design the next!
Oh if I were lucky enough for this giveaway id make myself a wonderful apron!
well..this could be perfect to make notebook covers and bookmarks..just lovely!
Thanks Corrie…fabrics are beautiful. I love using dots as binding fabrics and contrast fabrics in quilts.
Beautiful fabrics! I think I would make a few skirts and dresses for my baby girl. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oh so pretty! Definitely would use these in my granddaughter’s birthday quilt.
I LOVE that fabric! I would use it to make myself a tote and a wallet/change purse
o we are so lucky to have you and all your give away’s! My son wants a green quilt so that’s were the green one goes and the rest…I’m sure I find the right place for them! Henny
I make swaddling blankets for the newborns out of white flannel and use pretty prints for the binding. These would be perfect, and I just know the new mothers would love them. With 4 m we could make quite a few new mums happy!!
would use the pink fabric for the back of a mini quilt I’m doing for my sofa and the other three fabrics would use for a change of color to my kitchen, I would do covers for chairs and a new shade would also combining the three fabrics.
greetings from Spain
I love these fabrics! Thanks for the chance!!
Mmm… so many things to make and so much inspiration. Perhaps some pants, perhaps some bunting, perhaps a quilt… there is a world of possibilities.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Beautiful fabrics!
Would later work with them …
I just love those polka dots. I think I would like to make some kind of lap quilt. Probably a nine-patch. Thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway.
I would love it to make a small lap quilt!!
Ой, какая прелесть!!! Я смогу использовать для комнаты моего сына: флажки, подушка… Или для кукол!
Oh, how lovely! I can use for my son’s room: boxes, bags … Or for dolls!
Wow, wonderful fabrics. I wish I could lay my hand on these
I would use them to make for the first time TIlda’s angel. I’m in love in these toys and I don’t have any nice fabrics to make such lovely things.
Then I would make two bags – one for me and one for my little girl as she is a bag girl. She has more bags to take to her kindergarten then I do
And perhaps I would make some nice boxes/ baskets to my bathroom
Full of ideas what I could used for ;)))
Looking forward for drawing
Aah they are wonderful I love polka dots. I would use them in a lap quilt and matching pillows.
This is avery generous giveaway.
Merry Christmas
I’ve wanted to make a Christmas quilt for years, and those fabrics look like just the thing to get started with.
I would use them for a couple totes for my girls, and some quilt binding. THANKS for the chance!
Dotty for Dresdens! I really want to tackle Sarah Fielke’s pattern this coming year!! would love to add these dots! thanks. Merry Christmas
Dots are my favourite! Perfect for quilting, small girl’s clothes or softie friends.. I used the dots on the bottom of your pile in my daughter’s quilt and was so sad when every last piece was all used up. Would love some more! – Shannon
Lovely fabric – would love to make a small quilt.
oh, gorgeous-gorgeous-gorgeous!!! I would keep them for a while just to look at them, then use them for a blanket for my daughter. or for myself. or for sg else :-))
Would love to use this fabrics together with others for pillows. Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for a chance. I’d have to see what I have to go with this yummy fabric in my stash before I decide what to do with it.
Hope I get the opportunity. Holiday Blessings to you.
This fabric screams appliqué,sew much fun could be had.
oh my goodness… it would take a while for me to cut them up…they are so pretty…but maybe then i could make a nice sewing machine cover…and a couple of zip bags for friends…and then hoard the rest..
SPOTS – don’t you just love them.
They always make great bindings.
Christmas wishes to you and your lovely family
Perfect for my next spotty binding
thanks Corrie, I need practice cutting on the bias 😉
Again.. i think some cute summer dresses for my neice Estelle, can you guess my 3 are all teenagers, thanks for another giveaway and have a Merry Christmas
Thanks for the chance to enter another giveaway. I would use the fabric to make a bag, then the scraps would easily be used in quilts!
We’re expecting a new baby in the family, so I would use the pastel dots for a baby quilt. The Christmas colours would be great for pillow covers!!
we prepare to baptize my daughter and my brother’s daugther, and they would look very good in the same decorated dress. Maybe…
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I’d use it to trim dresses and tunics for my little girl (but I’d probably have to go out and buy coordinating fabric – and so my stash keeps growing!).
My 5 year old poppet is getting a mini sewing machine from Santa this X-mas. She loves spots & dots, so I would adore starting her off one the right foot & making her own ‘stash’-just like mummy. I think we might start with a dress for ‘Lambie’:)
I would probably use them to think about lots of wonderful ideas (clothes, quilts, aprons etc) and then I would open the tub and let them meet the rest of the stash!
Spots are soooo versatile. For starters I think some lovely bunting, then some finishing of the Vignette hexy quilt and on from there.
I’d combine 2 of my current favourites – polka dots & ruffle skirts – for my 2 gorgeous girls.
Hmm, you can never have too many spots. I’d use it for quilt binding, maybe zippered pouches, and I like the bunting idea
I would put it in one of my quilts that I will work on in the new year.
Love dots they’re my go to neutral!
I love spots! They could be the arms for an octopus I’m planning to make!
I would like to use these for a matching game for my toddlers! Thanks so much!
Dresses. Little girl dresses. They are beautiful.
I would Love to make something pretty for my neice, maybe an apron skirt or frilly bloomers or some little dresses with shoestring straps, oh the choices!
I’m new to the blogging and craft world and i have fallen in love all over again (don’t tell hubby). This would start my fabric stash and allow me to start sewing gorgeous gifts for my little girl and her sweet girly friends. Thanks Retro mummy for opening my eyes to a fantastic and exciting world!
Beautiful fabric. I can see a couple of skirts & some blocks for a baby quilt from that stash. Thanks for the giveaway.
oh wow – how practical to have those!! (the ones you rarely buy but always need!). I put them on a stitchery border to make into pillow/cushion!! ideas ideas….Thank you!
I would make binding…this is just what I have been imagining. It would be perfect.
I would love to use these fabrics in a cot-size quilt with some floral and sweet Japanese fabrics. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
I’m just getting into quilting (Santa is bringing me my tools, hopefully)so these would go towards my first quilt, maybe as a gorgeous backing.
You can sew a lot of that, but I sewed a dress for the doll seventies))))
You can sew a lot of that, but I sewed a dress for the doll seventies))))
I love Lecien color basic dots. I think at the moment they would just be added to my stash to be used at a later date. Thank you!!!
Love the spots – I would use them in a quilt for a friend who is having a baby next year!
Gosh, I don’t know!! But I think I might give patchwork Christmas stockings a go! I will probably take me all year though!!
Thank for the chance to win!
Merry Christmas Corrie!
I think I’d make some SIP (sock/s in progress) bags. LOVE the spots!
I’d add three of them to my stash of reds and greens for a queen quilt for our bed, and the pink one i’d probably plan my next project around it
Got a 4 week old, 3 year old and 5 year old, hoping I find time soon!
I would make fresh new place mats & napkins to brighten up the table.
Just wonderful fabrics, Corrie! My first thought was, to make a cute happy coat for spring for my little girl.
I guess they would just be added to my stash for the moment.
Ooh, spots are always very useful, to calm down and contrast busy prints. These would go on peasant dresses for the sleeves.
I would definitely mix these with some of my own stash to make a quilt. I don’t know what kind or for whom but I know it would be a quilt.
I can see some gorgeous Softies for Mirabel in that lot Mx
Perhaps a dress for a little girl or a bag..
Wow, thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win such pretty fabric. I’d use the fabric in a quilt – that is where all my fabric goes! PS Your new kitchen is beautiful.
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I would like a substantial stash, so I could pull these fabrics out, look at them and dream of what I am going to create! My new projects for 2012 a bag (have the pattern already!) and cushions for a new direction in colour and pattern. Lovely…. x
Hmm love the red and the green- I think I wold make the twins some chrissy boxer shorts for bed and a matching pick polka dot pair for me!
I would make cute little skirts for my girls!
Love the dots! My daughter is crazy for them so I’d have to ask her what she’d like me to make for her.
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Beautiful dots! Count me in please?
polka dots will always be my favourite. thanks and merry christmas to you.
I would sew a pocket pillow I spotted on a blog. They are very cool!
Such adorable fabric! I’ll make a little girl’s quilt
I would use to make my stash look better, um because there is never enough fabric right? Actually I will probably use it for quilts I have planned for the new year.
I love reading your blog, and the new kitchen is just wonderful, right out of the pages of a magazine. You did a great job of the choices. I love the fabric but would gift it to a special person who just love dots and quilting! Merry Xmas!
pyjama pants, a nightie, a Christmas dress (out of the red and white spotty one), t-shirt appliques, combine with some solid colours for a peasant dress and/or a peasant top with matching tights…the possibilities are endless.
These are gorgous and would make a great backing for my next quilt. I’m gonna make a chinese coin quilt using the Ruby Moda fabric I bought from you at the last Mathildas in Sydney. Can’t wait to get started!
Hope I’m not too late to enter… I would love to use them to make some gorgeous clothes for the little baby in my tummy (hopefully a girl this time) or for my nieces.
These would be great for new Christmas Stockings.