OK! Well this is defnitely another ‘pinch me is this really happening to little old me’ moment! In case you didn’t know, Gok Wan the super fashion stylist from Britain is coming out to Australia next week. And next Thursday I’m off to see his show at Westfield Miranda. He’s touring around Australia thanks to Westfield and you can see his dates here. And I got the exciting news yesterday that I have 2 reserved seats and a backstage pass to his show. That’s for 2 people. Well there is only one of me (and I hope my friends don’t hate me) and I’m offering one of my gorgeous readers the opportunity to join me. This isn’t something I was asked to do but I really wanted to take another one of my readers with me as I know I have some big Gok fans out there.
image source here
I have absolutely no idea how to pick one of you so I’m going to ask you 2 questions and I’ll help retro daddy pick a winner. Now please pretty please make sure you’re available from 5pm next Thursday 6th October and able to get yourself to Westfield Miranda. I’m going to pick a standby winner just in case something happens to the winner – and no that doesn’t mean you can go and knock off the winner so you can attend. Please let’s be nice.
OK are you ready for this…….
1. Why should I pick YOU to come and see Gok’s show and come backstage with me?
2. What will you wear?
and this is what I’m wearing……
And don’t worry, the great news is that everyone can attend any of his shows. You just need to get there and join the crowd. I’ll be sharing every little bit of my night with my lovely readers AND I have a $1000 Westfield Gift Card to give away next week so don’t be too upset if you don’t win.
Your outfit is so cute! I wish I lived in Sydney so I could enter but alas, I’m in little old Brisbane. I hope you have a great time Corrie!
I love Gok. Why should you pick me to come? I love everything about what he is. He is a breath of fresh air for all women. He makes you feel that it is ok to be you, flaws and all. Everyone needs a fairy Gok mother.
What am I going to wear? My roots are terrible, my hair needs a cut which I had planned for this week, but my mother-in-law broke her leg, so that won’t happen now as she can’t look after the kids, so I will wear my best smile as Gok has the most radiant smile, plus I will wear my new top, the first thing I have sewn myself.
So flash Corrie! No frumpy Aussie mum’s at your house.
Why should you pick me?? Why not.
I don’t really deserve it but it would be very fun.
What would I wear…..probably something that Ally and Sarah suggest as they seem to have greater ability to put outfits together than me!
Enjoy a well earned night out.
Skye xx
I want that top!
Why should you pick me? I love Gok and think he is fabulous and knows how to dress any size and shape woman, plus I would love to learn some tips from the pro himself. Although would probably be too Starstruck. Plus I want you to show me where you brought that top : )
What would I wear? I have no idea maybe my favourite black witchery dress which I think is one of the best dresses ever!
Can’t wait to hear all about it
I would like to enter my sister, Katie, not myself.
Why should you pick Katie? She has had a hard year with many challanges and she really deserves some FUN!! She also loves fashion, clothes, shopping, and Gok too.
What would Katie wear? Something fantastic, she always looks great and has a knack for putting together gorgeous outfits.
It would be so fantastic if my sister Katie was chosen to do this, she really would get more out of this than anyone I know.
Thanks Corrie!
How fantastic Corrie! LOVE your outfit, looks hot!
As much as I would love to get in on this experience, I think I’ve already been spoilt enough by you ;o)
Can’t wait to read all about it though, YAY! xo
Would love to come with you Corrie but distance isn’t going to help me with this one!! Have a fab time and look forward to reading your tips for looking great! I really love your outfit you are going to wear too….you slim little thing!!
You are SUCH a babe.
Love the outfit, very cute.
What would I wear , my best rivers jeans and katies tee, boots and a jacket. Living in a south western Sydney suburb I don’t get dressed up much BUT I do love fashion, GOK and clothes that are nice to wear, but I need some help this almost grandma of 3 (number 3 is due any day)
OMG – Gok is amazing, I would love to see him live – and the chance to meet him, well I think I would almost expire from excitment. I would even make the 7 hour trip to Sydney to do so!
I love his energy, I love his personality, I love how he is honest but kind with it. He works with what the ladies on his show have to make them feel fabulous.
And if I got the chance to meet him I would probably ask what he thinks would work with my shape now after I have been exercising and being better with portion control of my food, and have trimmed down a bit (still far from great, but getting there!).
I would have to pull my wardrobe apart to work out what I was going to wearwear, but most likely my fab black shirtdress, cute turquoise accessories, black tights and my fave wedge heels with kimono fabric detailing!
Please pick me!! Lee
I wasn’t going to enter this, as I am still willing to come to Miranda to see you, but I actually don’t know who Gok is….. embarrassed to say that we don’t have Foxtel, so all I know of Gok is from the TV ads for Westfield. But really that shouldn’t stop me from entering.
Why pick me…. because I can be there without a problem (husband is off work that day to look after the kids). And since dear husband is off to NZ the next day without me for a weekend with the boys, I think he owes me a little special time to myself, lol.
What would I wear…. I can’t compete with you. That outfit looks fantastic!!! I think I would wear simple black pants (since I am not sure the weather is going to improve much) and a black and white Pendrell blouse that I made myself. It looks a little special.
Can’t make it to sydney
and he’s not doing any shows at Melbourne westfields near me.
So I’m looking forward to hearing all about it!
I would love to come with you! I am roadtripping to Brisbane at the moment and we pass through Sydney on Thursday so this would work out fabulously! I am in dire need of wardrobe inspiration, have lost 25kg so far this year and with summer on the way I have no idea what to wear!
In terms of what to wear to Gok I would be hotfooting it to the shops and getting myself something gorgeous! Fingers crossed x
Fab outfit Corrie. YOu will outshine a lot of people there.
Why me? Because I think that Gok is amazing! He loves women’s shapes (any woman) and makes them feel amazing. He has a knack of making any woman feel like a supermodel. I would DIE to meet him, and have him just give me one word of advice on how to spruce up my dull, stay at home mum life with a wardrobe change. I missed him last time he was out as Miss B came down sick when I had planned to go.
You know how it is, kids come first.
What would I wear? I have NO idea. I am in the process of cleaning out my wardrobe, and in my opinion nothing in there is Gok-worthy. Standard ‘mum’ wardrobe probably – jeans and a top and cardi. Maybe he can offer me some advice in how to make my ‘uniform’ work for me and show my shape to it’s fullest potential. Just maybe…….
Whoever goes with you, I hope you have a marvellous time. What an amazing experience.
I have entered a comp already to try and win a makeover with Gok Wan at Westfield as I think I really need it. I have lost 35kg & still seem to go for wrong styles for my figure. As for what I would wear, hmm, that would take me all day tomorrow to work out, and would def make a huge mess of my room! I would wear something that I always wear to show Gok what my my true style is…and I’d be very nervous
Hi Retromummy,
I’d love to enter this as I’d really really like to go and see Gok Wan – I mean he is the man when it comes to fashion for us ladies, who are not model thin and have legs up to our arm pits (although it would be nice) and best of all it’s affordable fashion and I think it would be great to hang out with you for the evening and have some child free fun and a little swooning too over Gok of course.
What will I wear? argghhhh I have absolutely no idea and will probably still be trying on the 20th outfit 2 mins after I should have left – never mind the panic visit to the shops hours before to get the “right” outfit – being a mum it’s all casual for me now maybe I should enter your other giveaway instead…….
Now I should really check with Hubby he’s ok for me go hee hee hee
Good luck ladies