my crazy life

I think this photo pretty much sums up life at our house. I had taken Elodie upstairs to get a few cute photos in good light of the cute jumper she was wearing. Before I knew it little voices were gently calling screaming out my name!

So when the kids are all grown up and can’t remember what it was like growing up……………I’ll just pull out this photo.


  1. I love them and all their rowdiness, chaos and NOISE! RAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! x

  2. Oh yes, the bed jumping!! We don’t wonder why our mattress has had it, the children use it as a gym mat (4 corners for 4 children to each do their floor routine from). They do back flips off the bed head & can build up quite the height. Next bed – they’ll be banned, well the youngest will be 10 so there is a hope they’ll be over the bed trampoline. Love Posie

  3. haha so cute :) i tell DD4 off for jumping on ours and she turns around and says ‘well I told you I need a trampoline. Til then Im gonna keep jumping’ grrrrr. I think I know what Santa will bring lol

  4. I love that photo! Happy kids being crazy = bliss:)

  5. Great! I can just imagine Elodie’s face.

  6. Cute… and SO nice to see that this happens in other people’s homes too… as if there was ever any doubt ;o)

  7. Hi, Corrie,
    I found your site yestarday and read many of your posts. Well, I should be ashamed for my rare posting. For my excuse are my 3 kids 😉
    Anyway You’ve got beautiful children, your quilts are amazing and I must take in mind to be such good blogger and designer as You are :))))
    I’ll be deffinatelly check your blog often, because you inspire me a lot :)
    Greetings from Poland (Europe),

  8. My kids were jumping on my bed yesterday….with me in it!

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