Well it’s coming up to 3 months since my Mum left us and a few weeks until her birthday. Not an hour goes by when I don’t think about her and miss her. Not one hour. Recently the lovely Jennie emailed me a link to this video she found on Felicity’s blog. I couldn’t watch all of it as I was crying too much .
But I’ve sinced watched it and shared it on facebook. Tonight a lovely blog reader and customer emailed me to thank me for sharing because she made sure she booked her check up and told her family and it made her Dad go for his check up as a priority. Please watch this and don’t just tell young people. Tell everyone. Get your skin checked on a regular basis. Early detection by a specialist would have saved my mum’s life.
This is a very powerful message Corrie…..one we must take seriously and in honour of your mother too. You are coping so well and I really admire your strength, determination and honesty in the days since your mother’s passing. Thank you for posting. xx
So good to spread the word that early detection really can make a difference. You could be saving lives with this.
I pray your memories will sustain you through the toughest moments.
I’ve seen that video before and it’s very powerful. I cryed watching it.
Hi Sweetie It’s stunning, powerful and poignant. Sending you a huge Hobart ♥ tonight. J x PS I think you meant Felicity
Oh Corrie, a very powerful, emotive, inspiring video. Thank you for sharing, I will also share it. I don’t think people can be reminded enough of these facts and what to look out for. I have many young people I love dearly who continue to tan, it is so hard to get the word across to them.
Thinking of you, you’re a very brave young woman xo
Thanks for the reminder Carrie. I will actually action the referral to the skin specialist for a routine check which has been sitting in my glovebox for a month (great filing system – I know) today!
Ah, done. First appointment available is September! The joy of living in the country:)
Thanks for your post. I am a survivor. II posted on my Facebook. Very powerful message. Mary
I’m one tough cookie Corrie,takes a lot to shake me, but that one hit hard!!Thanks!!
I’m so sad reading your post Corrie. I had no idea your mum had passed due to melanoma. I watched this video and sobbed all the way through it.
I’m one of the lucky ones who’s mum survived a malignant melanoma. She was diagnosed when I was 17 years old. Doctors said she would have had less than a year to live had she not insisted her doctor remove and check a suspicious mole.
Thank you so much for sharing this. 23 years on I am not as careful as I should be with my own children. A sobering message.
Hugs to you and deepest sympathy for the loss of your mother.
Ooh it’s a tear jerker! It’s taken my mother having a malignant melanoma to change my attitude to the sun, after many years of burning for a tan. What a shame it often takes such a scare. Thankfully hers was treated early on. It was the itch that she first noticed, they don’t often mention that possible change. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Corrie for spreading the word. My husband had a melanoma removed last year on his arm. He is only 37 and it was THE most innocent looking, perfectly round, brown dot on his body. It was found on a routine check by an expert who knew what he was looking for. He had a good chunk of his forearm removed and is on 6 monthly checks for signs that it spread but so far all clear.
We are grateful every day that it was caught early. Regular checks are life saving. XO
Absolutely Fantastic…. and I hope that everyone that see this shares this xxx