I can’t remember exactly when I first heard about a thermomix but I’m pretty sure it was on facebook or through a blog when the twins were babies. I nearly fell over when I heard the price but then when I saw everything it did. I was drawn in. And wanted one. Perhaps I even lusted after one. But that is wrong isn’t it. I mean it’s a kitchen appliance. But I tried to work out ways I could get one into the house. Then I’d see it on masterchef and wanted one even more.
I just love baking and cooking for my family so being able to make my own caster sugar and icing sugar from regular sugar, mix a cake, make sorbet, make bread, grate vegetables or cheese, weigh my ingredients and then cook them, make a juice, cook dinner, grind my spices, make peanut butter, a batch of cookies and so much more all in the one appliance. What’s not to love. I love this little demo as I love seeing chefs use them.
So I might have let out a mini squeal (OK, I did squeal) when one of the sweet school mums who lives in my street invited me to a demo. I asked her how did she know I’ve wanted one. She said you told me last week. Oh. Bad memory. The demo was such a fun night and especially when you don’t get out much like yours truly. The lovely Andrea (another school mum) made us berry sorbet, a tasty beetroot salad, hummos (I’ve now been making my own tahini in the thermomix), risotto, bread rolls and lemon creme patisseriere. Food, wine, gossip, a cute kitten to cuddle, a night away from the kids. Nice. I told retro daddy I’d be home at 9.30 and came in the door at 1am. I can’t even remember the last time I did that.
And so I had to wait patiently for a week and my lovely new baby arrived yesterday. And I wonder how I’ve lived for so long without it. And I love how your friendly salesperson comes and instals it for you and you make a recipe together so that you know how to use it. We made chocolate custard and it was just the ticket for a cold afternoon. Then I was straight out to the shops to buy lots of ingredients to get cooking over the long weekend.
cookie dough
So far it’s been here for 48 hours in my kitchen and I think you need to buy a pair of new jeans when you buy a thermomix. In that very short time I’ve made (and eaten!) vanilla custard, choc chip cookies, brioche, hummos x 2, mushroom risotto, apple porridge, apple compote, beetroot salad and lastly chicken and herb meatballs.
creamed cold butter from the fridge and sugar in no time
I won’t lie, this is one expensive gadget and the price was a bit scary. Thankfully a couple of my Nuffnang cheques for my sponsored posts paid for my Thermomix so it could come and live at my house. I also served an amazing dinner to retro daddy with a very nice bottle of pinot noir. About half way through the bottle of wine he said what are you buttering me up for. What have you done? I just kept smiling wondering how he hadn’t noticed it in the kitchen for the past few hours.When the wine was almost finished I heard this ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is the reason you’re being so nice to me’. Now it all makes sense!
So there you have it. I now get why Thermomix owners are so evangelical about their machines. Do you have one? Do you want one? What’s your favourite recipe? I hope to share a recipe a week with you here as I use it. I also need to make more of the low fat and healthy recipes or I will need to go up a jeans size.
Hi corrie, I’ve had my thermomix for almost 4 years and it is still a much loved work horse in my kitchen! I have lots of favorite recipes, but my current favorite love is a pasta recipe from the May 2011 delicious magazine (p85)- it adapts perfectly to the Thermomix.
Hi Corrie, Congrats on the new addition. I want one! Can you tell me what appliances I will no longer need. I have a much loved KitchenAid and my first love a Kenwood mixer. Will I have to put them to the top shelf? Happy Days. Chris
I’ve never heard of them till now and I want one already just from reading your blog post!
And there is nothing wrong with lusting after kitchen appliances. I have a very sexy mixmaster.
I don’t have one I’m just super jealous of everyone who does :-(. I’ve wanted one for a couple of years now but I’m still not sure I can justify the price tag. But I’m sure after seeing a few of your recipes I’ll be once again convinced to get one. But then I’ll umm and ahh over whether or not it’s worth it 😉
Enjoy your new baby xx
This isn’t exactly my favourite recipe, but it is my 16 yr old daughters ! Freeze low fat vanilla yoghurt in ice cude trays, wizz some sugar, add the yoghurt cubes and whatever frozen berries you like , DD fav is raspberries. Turns into a low fat frozen yoghurty ice creamy thing, I checked the WW points on frozen yoghurt at the shops and they were all quite high, my daughter lives on this and it is healthy and low fat and delicious, apparently ( I don’t like yoghurt).The apricot cake I mentioned the other day is to die for though !
Hi Corrie, Wow I see why you love this so much strangely its the appeal of making my own sugars that is the most attractive thing from your post. Oh and the peanut butter! Can’t wait to see what you whip up with this.
You are becoming a cooking machine! I don’t have one and my first ‘lust’ is for a KitchenAid mixer, but after reading about yours and some other bloggers Thermomix stories, I can see the attraction of this, especially for large families.
From another Thermomix fan and former consultant, I HEAR YA, SISTA! Make sure you check out the recipe forum as well (you can find it via the tmx website). Enjoy!
Lol, I could have written this post word for word! LOVE my thermie, I too lusted after one from the first time I saw it too and even though it is pricey I have never regretted spend the money, it has paid for it self by changing the way we shop and it makes whipping up a healthy and yummy dinners so easy. Favorite recipes, where to start? Well our regulars at the moment would be risottos and juices. LTM’s and 40 second biscuits are great for the kids lunch boxes.
Happy cooking, I am sure we will be seeing lots of it in the coming days.
I love learning stuff from your blog but it may not be good for my husband’s wallet!
@Nuffnang – please may I have some of those blog writing gigs so I too can afford a new toy?
I am waiting for tax time to get one. I went to a party at the end of last year and have wanted one ever since. This would be my wife in the kitchen when DH is away.
Looking forward to seeing what you make and joining you as a Thermo girl soon:)
I’m so glad you got your ‘dream machine’!! I’ve had one for nearly 7 years now, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought! I use mine all day, every day, for just about everything… and it’s so much fun! Saves me heaps of time and money too, which is also fun! 😀 Can’t wait to see what amazing things you whip up. Congrats, Jo @ quirkycooking.blogspot.com
I don’t have one and this is the first time I’ve heard about it.
Would i be cheating on KitchenAid with one?? It sounds amazing & with my poor cooking skills, i need all the help i can get. Sounda fantastic & no need to butter up your husband, you paid for it with your bloggie income, excellent, guilt free girl power mummy of many well deserved purchase. I love the sound of this, glowing review & all, i know you’ve wanted one for ages. I had no idea they did party plan versions of selling them, gimme gimme, love Posie
Oh my, this is the last gadget I need in my kitchen. I’ve got a boycot on baking and sugar. Looks like good fun, tho!
Oh wow…. next to my handbag and sewing machine I wouldn’t be without mine…they are the best thing for a non cooking mum like me…more time to sew…I have had mine for 4 years now and not only is it so quick it has saved us heaps of money, way more than it cost…have fun…and don’t forget to get the vegetarian cookbook…you can make your own handcream and face cream and its wonderrrrfffulll..
Hugs Dawn x x
We are doing the happy dance for you! Yes, it takes owning one to really understand why Thermomix owners are so passionate about a kitchen machine, doesn’t it? That’s a nice list of accomplishments for the first 48 hours. Um… by the way, this frequency of use and fervour does not diminish with time — oh no, it gets ‘worse’. Clear you calendar, you are going to be having a whole lot more fun in the kitchen!
Thanks for blogging about the super kitchen machine we love best 😉
Whoo-hoo. Huge congratulations on having a Thermomix on your kitchen bench
I have had mine for two years and I am still as excited about it now as the day that I purchased it. I still marvel at all it does – it even makes my washing powder for me! I also have four children so a lot of my favourite recipes are based on the fact that all six of us will it eat (why do 4 children from the same family have such different tastes?!!) but some of my favourites include spagetti bolognaise (of course!) or marinara, risotto and the creamy tomato and salami fettuccine (replacing the salami with bacon and packing in lots of veggies). I love all the dips with tuna dip being my favourite (even friends who don’t like tuna love it!!). I also can’t go past the Torta Caprese (flourless almond cake) or sticky date pudding. Don’t worry about your jean size – you can also use your Thermomix for good!!! I have only just discovered your blog (thanks Jo!) but it is fabulous so looking forward to exploring and receiving more posts
Happy cooking adventures, Simone x
Congratulations on your thermomix. I honestly hadn’t heard of one until just a few months ago and also this person raves about its benefits too. Look forward to reading more about it and I think my jeans size just went up looking at your pictures!! Just too yummy!
oh yes corrie, i’m with you – i want one, and am lusting after one too!! its so good to hear how much you love it, coz it just adds to my list of reasons why to get one!! enjoy it and look forward to seeing those recipe
I’ve had my “thermomixer” (as the kids call it) for nearly 3 years now & it’s great. I can’t say I’m adventurous with it – I just cook the recipes from the TM book or from forums. I don’t really try and adapt other recipes to it, but I know I should. My favourite to cook is the bolognese sauce because it’s actually saucy like a restaurant one & not lumpy like it would be if I cooked it on the stove top. My hubby loves making cocktails in the TM & I love to eat the Olive Dip. My vintage Kenwood Chef bit the dust recently & I’m still going to replace it because I don’t think the TM will quite handle a really large cake batter or mix, like a xmas pudding kind of thing. Let us know how you go.
Ok, I want one too! How long am I going to be saving for???? Can’t see prices anywhere which makes me a little nervous, but really with 4 fussy kids this must be a must-have! Thanks Corrie
But you forgot to mention it cleans itself! Which is the first question people ask when they find out the price. Usually, they end up speechless when you answer ‘yes’. I’ve had mine 1.5 years and love it!
I love my thermomix too. I live alone and try to eat a mostly raw diet. I find it is great to mix up really healthy food for me (and the family when they come to visit!).
Hi Corrie, I have had my thermo for 18 months now and our whole family loves it. I too made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and will be putting in a chocolate cake later today. My teenagers use it regularly too and it is definitely a great asset to the kitchen. I saved up for about a year to purchase mine and “found” money all over the place by selling things I didnt need, using birthday money etc. etc.
A great blog for recipes is Quirky Cooking.Jo has amazingly healthy, fantastic recipes that you can still adapt to use basic ingredients.
Happy cooking! Im using this holiday Monday to catch up on some quilting!!
Oh Corrie, I am so jealous. I dream of owning a thermomix. the price is just too much at the moment, but I dream of being able to wip up chocolate custard, mushroom risotto & sorbets. I had a friend who used to be a demonstrator & she swears by them. Will keep dreaming.
I assume you’ve been over to Toni at Make it Perfect – she loved her thermomix too!! I don’t own one but have made a couple of her recipes without it and they are delicious – especially homemade chicken kievs!!
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Just booked my in house demo for next week.
Ha! I’ve had mine for a week and a half and was exactly the same as you the first weekend. I’m also growing outwards rapidly!
Oh my God…In Italy we call it Bimby…and I was 100% sure it was italian ahahah….lovely blog Corrie!