Ok, it is official. I am turning out to the be the worst giver-away-er in the world. This morning I drew the winner of Sherbet Pips who is Lucky -1 and I think we can agree she is a lucky one! Oh and I finally got around to emailing february’s winner and Fat Quarterly about those winners. Yes, it’s official. I am crap at drawing winners! And if you’re waiting for an email from me then I’m pretty crap at that too. Sorry. When I say I need a PA I’m not kidding.
Anyway, now that I’ve emailed those winners I can announce a new giveaway for May. Remember I’m doing one giveaway a month this year. And I like this one……….especially as I have a real soft spot for hexagons. And with winter here it’s the perfect time to snuggle up on the couch and do hexagons! And if you don’t live here then it might be the perfect weather to sit in the sun and do some hexagons in warmer weather. But wherever you live, I’m sure you can find a good use for this prize.
one of my hexagon flowers- you have to do the work yourself, of course!
So here we have three Moda charm square packs and 2 packs of hexagon papers! Anyone can enter, just leave a comment, you can live in timbuktoo but you’ve got to be in it to win it.
Yes pretty please, pretty fabrics for little ol’ me!
I am first Corrie, does that count to win I wonder? Would love these squares! have a great day,
I’m the first!! I have never made a hexagon quilt. Is it hard? When I was growing up, I always had scrappy hexagon blankets as my aunts used to make them with all teh scarps of fabric leftover from making clothes. I think I’d like to make one to have around the house as it would bring back memories of growing up and sleeping under a hexagon blanket.
I love hexagons and charm packs. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway.
ok.. maybe I wasn’t the first LOL
Hey dude – I’m in.
I will win one day lol Although I’d really love to see your review post on your new car as we are considering one….. :o)
HI Corrie:) Thank you so much for the giveaway prize for last month. I have emailed you my address.
PS….good luck to all the people for this months draw:)
hi Corrie I would love to win your giveaway.have been meaning to start a hexagon quilt just not got there!thanks for the great recipes Im going to try the chocolate cake today.
I’m loving hexagons and fabric. A hexagon something is definitely on my to-do list.
Would love to learn a new quilting skill.. are hexagons hard?
Such pretty fabric, put me in the draw too, please.
Very nice giveaway…thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance to win these lovely charm packs Corrie. I know ‘Lucky 1 ‘ will be over the moon to have won hers ! I really enjoy reading your blog and the recipes are great- i have tried the banana bread- wonderfull !
Best wishes…..Heather
Ooh, pretties!
Pick me please!! They are lovely and I am still hexagoning at the moment too.
This might be just the portable craft i need for my Northern hemisphere summer holiday at the beach in July. Thanks
ohhh would love to win this one ! I also have a soft spot for hexies and it is the perfect winter craft !
I’ve never tried piecing, so would love to have a go!
Such cute fabrics!!
Ooo Hexagons! WHEEEE
And such lovely summery fabrics too. The perfect thing for sitting in the cold thinking of warmer days.
Well since you twisted my arm…..
I’d love to win.
Oh,Please,Let it be me !! Such pretty squares. MMM nice choco.cake,too.
Love the hexagons & love the fabric. Basically, a win win situation!
I would love to have a go at hexagons. Please count me in. Sorry if this posts twice, the first time my computer seized up and I’m not sure if it went through
Great giveaway!
Hexagons are on my long list of things I want to try one day…and how pretty would ones from these fabrics be!xx
I love hexies too. What fun!
I am working on a hexagon quilt so this would come in very handy indeed. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Great give away, count me in!
What a great give away. I would love this!!!
My granmother made my cousins and I call a hex quilt for our cots when we were babies (I have no idea where she found the time) and I have one I started for my son but need to finish that and start another as we are lucky enought to have another boy on the way.
My grandmother turns 100 this year however is not up to the crafting she once was.
those charms are so cute!! and yes, the weather here is perfect for be outside with hexagons to do…
thanks for the opportunity!!
yep, gotta be in it to win it!
YES PLEASE! I would love to do some Hexies in the sun. Even if it is winter!
Count me in. Currently I have been all about charm packs…perfect timing. Corrie, your darlings are just adorable. Brings back such memories of my little ones decades ago. I love hearing all about your adventures.
These intrigue me, so thanks for the giveaway and the chance for a rank beginner to get started. Love the blog, and of course the fabrics. Cheers, Tracey
hooray for a hand stitching project! thanks for a chance, that hullabaloo hex flower is soooo cute!
Gorgeous Fabrics!
I would love to win this, I love hexagons!
katie ‘
You might not be great at drawing winners, but at least you get your giveaways up!! I’ve been meaning to post about my giveaway for… THREE MONTHS. I picked out all the stuff and have never posted about it. And I don’t even have kids to dabble with my daily plans! It’s just my own plain fault haha.
Having said that, I’d love to win this months giveaway!! And I don’t care if it takes a year to get here LOL!
I would love to win this, I love hexagons.
I have not made a hexagon quilt before but I am really wanting to learn new things lately. Love the charm packs.
That is lovely! I have my fingers crossed
I remember making a hexagon pin cushion in high school although the fabric was nowhere near as cute as these! I’d love to try quilting and this look like an awesome place to start
I am a little nervous about hexies but am willing to try anything once. Thanks for the chance
Love hexagons and love your blog.
this is me being in it to win it.
Count me in for the giveaway please. Hexagons are fab!
My husband has put my fabric purchasing on hold SO I NEED to win! hehe
Love your blog, love those fabrics. Hope I win!
Love your blog, love the fabric squares. Hope I win!
Enjoy your blog. Thanks for the chance to win. I’ve wanted to try the hexi
Beautiful fabrics …
I need to do another hexagon quilt – the last (and my first quilt) was 20 years ago!
I would love to win some hexie goodies – Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Oh, pick me, pick me! I’m dying to try my hand at some hexies
That Hullabaloo sure has the perfect fabric for hexagons!
I would love to try hexagons. Count me in!!
Love the fabrics, I also have hexagons happening but more fabric to make more is always good. Most of my hexies are from scraps so new fabric would be wonderful.
When my kids were little we had a commodore 64, new technology, it was the 80’s, I now work with a laptop and surf the net and blog. A PA would only add to your woes, just take it a moment at a time and when things don’t get done does it really matter, don’t beat yourself up too much. I think you do an amazing job with you 4 little ones and everything else that you do.
Have a great day Sue
Oh, lovely! I’m in! x
I would love to win!
Yes please! I would love this pack.. I haven’t worked with hexagons yet.
I’d love to play with those prints! Thanks for the chance!
These fabrics are gorgeous!! I have had my first sewing machine tutorial this week and really need to start stocking up on fabrics…how exciting!
OMG aren’t those materials just devine!!!!!!
Yes Please!!!!!!
Wow! Lovely charms for hexagon quilt.It will be awesome to win.
I don’t live in Timbuktoo… but I’d love to be entered in the drawing… *crossing fingers*
Oh! Yes please. I’ve been wanting to try something with the hexies!
Ooooo, those fabrics are purty!! I’m crossing my fingers! Thank you.
Sweet fabric, thanks!
Never tackled hexagons but would love to try! Thanks for the giveaway
Looks beautiful. I am starting to teach my year 7’s to patchwork, but being a novice would be great to practice and create something stunning with these fabrics. I have never done piecing before.
Yes, count me in!
I’ve just learned how to do hexagons with paper piercing. So yes please, count me in for this gorgeous giveaway!
Love the charm pack & also the hexie flower. I’ve been going to start hexagons for a while now, maybe this will get me going
I’m a hexie freak. I love hexagons! I even cut my own hexagon paper!! Thanks Corrie
I am loving the hexagon craze…now just finding time to have a go. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love it. . I tell people the same thing. I’m in. I hope your doing well too!
More than anything, I would love the hexagon paper. I have never picked any up at the craft store!
Oh yummy, would love to win this one Corrie! Doing hexagons at night time whilst gazing at my newborn = bliss!
I have almost given up on giveaways and raffles – I am not usually lucky but fingers crossed
Gorgeous range!
Oooooh i love that fabric. How cute!
Lovely fabrics, count me in as well! Thanks!
Hi Corrie, I am hooked too, just so easy to sit and stitch with a pretty quick result! Would love to win, thanks for the chance. Frances
Who cares how long it takes? You’re giving away amazing prizes so patience really is a virtue! Would love to win this one.
Lovely fabrics Corrie. Hope I win !
They would be so much easier then making them yourself (doh) Beautiful fabric as always
I’m a learner too and just love those packs. So much to be done with them. I’m pretty keen to try kexagons so I hope I’m a winner
I have not tried hexagons and would SO love to give it a go! I love your enthusiasm! With all you have going on in your world, it’s no surprise somethings just have to wait, love your blog girl. x
They look so gorgeous! I would love to try hexagons
Hexagons were the first patching I ever did, many, many years ago … but I remeber perfectly the fabrics I used and the pot holder I made. I think the Hullabaloo fabrics would go pretty close to replicating my first masterpiece.
I’m dying to give those hexies a go! Thanks xo
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway
I am a sucker for pretty fabric! Jacinta
Wow cute prize….
These are just delicious! I don’t think you’re alone in getting behind in these things. I have yet to write and email that should have been written about 10 months ago!
oh i love the charm packs! so sweet
Pretty please pick me! I’d love this encouragement to start my first baby quilt!
OH!! Lovely!! Thank you for this give away. I have been making loads of hexies.
*crosses fingers* I’d love to win! I haven’t done hexagons before.
Love, love, love it!!!! Would love to win this and then I could make a hexagon quilt after your inspiration!
Could I please win. I would have so loved to win your Westfield competition. This would help me to stitch my style blues away! Thanks for the great giveaways!
Why not add something else to me To Do List?
I’ve never tried it but would love to…
Count me in!! I haven’t made hexagons yet and am eager to give it a try. THANKS!
I’ll be in too, those charm packs are so pretty, and pre-cut hexagon papers beats sitting there cutting them yourself.
Oh pretty please add me to the draw! I have been so admiring your hexagons and would love to start one. Got my fingers and toes all crossed! Keera x
…these are all the go in my sewing group at the moment..shout out to the ‘Willy’ girls…I’m in it would love to win it
What another awesome prize! I would love to win!
Please count me in to win this prize. Thank you Corrie.
I would love to be included in this giveaway. I’ve just come over from Maxabella and am super happy to have found your blog.
What gorgeous fabrics, they are perfect for hexagons. Thanks for such an inspiring blog, love the recipes too.
I have never made a patchwork with hexagons! This would be a great way for me to stop baking quilts that only have squares!!!I love the look of hexagon quilts.
Love your blog – always get withdrawl symptoms on the days you don’t post. The fabrics are gorgeous. Oh to win!!
Pick me Pick me I Loooooooooove hexis, I have started doing some this year hoping to get a lot done over winter.
Wonderful, I love hexagons. Thanks for the chance to win.
Ooh, thank you – pick me, pick me!
Learning hexagons is my next thing to try, so this would be perfect.
My sister is making a hexie quilt and I’m very tempted to start one too….these just might push me to start mine if I’m lucky enough to win them.Thanks for the chance
Oh, lovely hexagons and Moda fabric. I <3 the idea of being snuggled up on the couch playing with these. Please let me win
Hi Corrie! One thing I know for sure! Hexies are addictive!!! LOL.
Thanks for the opportunity to win another great giveaway Corrie.
I’m curious about this hexie business, they are just so cute. I’d love a chance of winning this fab giveaway x
nice giveaway…I would like to win:)…
Fab prize – I’d love to win! I’m a hexy-a-holic.
Wow! I love the look of your hexies every time you show them and have thought about giving it a go so this is perfect.
LOL Oh Corrie, you are beautiful! We do understand – really! I have been watching a lot of people working with hexies lately (the latest being Posie) and thinking to myself… “hmmm, what can I make?” and I think I’d love to try designing a bag made out of hexies. Thanks for the offer – I’m in!
Ahhh. The things I could do with that oh so pretty fabric. I would love the chance to do so.
I have wanted to have a go at hexagons for ages, this would be a good opportunity for me…..
What a generous giveaway, thanks for the opportunity x
Oh lovely please count me in Corrie
Pene x
Oooh ooh I’ve just discovered hexagons so my fingers are crossed for this lovely giveaway!!
Yes please, count me in! Thank you so much!
I hope to win this great fabrics
This is just so wonderful! Thanks so much! I just bought the book from Hilde Klatt and Liesel Nieser about the hexagontechnik “lieseln”.It is a great book and also available in english : “lieseling”. I am not new to hexies, but there are very good tips and stuff in it and it is itching in my fingers now to start a new project!So to win your goodies would just be absolutely great!
Ooooh would love to make a hexie quit since seeing them around blog world. I have not tried this before so would love to give it a go. Please please please count me in. Happy Hexing….
I love Hullabaloo! Great giveaway.
These would be fabulous for two baby quilts I have to make in the next few months! Very keen to try a hexagon quilt.
ohh so pretty, I need more for my stash
and a good excuse to make a hexagon quilt I’m sure 
How kind of you. Have just started doing some heagons.
nice giveaway, i’m here!
my e-mail is:
Great giveaway!
Well I don’t live in Timbucktoo, but chilly old Adelaide is certainly enough to warrant a GORGEOUS hexie quilt! Would love to learn how to make one!
gorgeous fabric range, looks so cute in that hexie!!!
Hi Corrie, never attempted hexagons so if I win this it would be the push I need to give them a go. Hope you and your family are all okay. Hugs Linda
Wauw Corrie, I do love your give-aways! And I love the fact anyone can enter! So please include me in your give-away.
OHHHH!!!! So sweet, lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have never tried hexagons before would love to give it a go.
Love the range, and afore hexagoning…and to be quite honest I’m hopeless with give-aways as well…too busy!!
This is obviously in the zeitgeist. I have just been wondering how one goes about doing paperpiecing. If I win I won’t have to wonder anymore – yay!
How I would just love to win this. You are so good with your give-aways.
I’d love to turn my hand to making some hexagons. They look so lovely.
I want to make some hexies so I can join in with a friend who has already started – I need all the help I can get! Thanks Cory
Oh look at those lovely fabrics – Fingers crossed.
Oh my giddy aunt what a great prize – I do want to dip my toe into the world of hexagons and the kits would make it so much easier!
Like I need more incentive to do Hexis. Cute charm packs though
count me in!
Wow! This is a great giveaway. I love paper piecing especially Hexagons but have never tried the pre-cut paper shapes before.
How could I refuse such a great giveaway….does it come with an open fireplace to sit in front of to do them??? lol Hugs Naomi
And another great give-away. This is a nice way to start with hexagons.
Oh if I won I’d begin a quilt for pops straight away. Lovely. Such a great giveaway.
i am just starting out and would love some charm squares
Gorgeous fabric.
I am sure the giveaway winners dont mind if it takes you a while to draw them as winners. We are live busy lives, I am sure they understand!
oh what fun
please enter me in the draw hugs Beth
Ohhh yes please! I have been dreaming of doing a hexagon quilt for so long and your’s have been very inspiring! Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for the chance 😀
hi i live in cyprus which is near enough to timpuktoo!!!! and i would love to win your giveaway. your blog is great and i am following you almost every day.
ooooh would love to win!
leah x
very lovely give-away, thanks
Count me in! I love a good charm pack and I am very keen to try my hand at hexagons… I think they’d be a great hand project for soccer training and gymnastics afternoons.
Wonderful giveaway. Love every piece you have included in :D, especially hullaballo and those hexagons paper.
Thanks for this chance to win. I will keep my fingers crossed
Hexagons…. do I dare? Guess it depends if I win or not…
Fabulous giveaway and I love hexies with a passion
Love the charm packs too
Thanks for a chance to win them 
I’m in, love hexagons especially with pretty fabrics…now in a moment of optimism must find the time to make them
I’m sure I will…
Thanks for the give away. I’ve never made hexagons before and it would be a great handmade project.
Wow!Amazing candy. I wish I can win it!!Thank you for a chance) I’m from Ukraine, unfortunately it is almost impossible to buy such things here.
Hi from Europe !
Yes, we have a warm spring here. I´m in love with hexagones.
i have been busy lately hexagoning away….for a little purse swap…would love my knowledge on all this actually, alas having fun anyway…thank you for the giveaway…have a great weekend, i hope you have a little time to yourself x
Like you say in it ti win it, fingers crossed one day I will win something.Thanks Cheryl
So beautiful fabrics! I’de like to win!
I’d love to enter this giveaway…thanks Corrie!
Thanks for the giveaway. Love the fabric.
Én is jelentkezem a játékra.
Thanks Corrie. I love hexagons!
what a great giveaway. thanks do much
What a great source of inspiration from a a generous person.
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I agree. Whether the weather is hot, or whether the weather is cold, its always a good time for hexes!
Well this one’s amazing!
I have been wanting to start hexagons for ages, your generous giveaway would be the kickstarter I need. Many kind regards.
yes please, Id love to have a try at hexies!
Nic xxx
I love hexagons and charm packs. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway.
How generous again, darling Corrie. Count me in! J x
Count me in please!
Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks!
Thanks for the chance
I would love to hex my way through winter, as I am having no luck with knitting!
I would love to win that pack, something fun to do over winter whilst waiting for the sun to come back out, and such wonderful fabrics!
Would love a chance to win, such lovely charms!
Very pretty fabrics!
Greetings from Belgium
Beautiful ! I have been wanting to try making some hexies and this would be the push I need ! Thanks for the chance.
Oh wonderful! The fabric is so cute, I hope to win it.
cool I have always wanted to do hexies!
Hi Corrie,
i’d like to enter your give away!
I love reading your blog every day
Henny from Holland
Yeah baby, love to win it x
Beautiful fabrics, how lovely. I agree, you have to be in it to win it, so this is my attempt!!!
What gorgeous materials, I would love to have a chance to win. ~c~
Wow would love to find the push to go with hexies! And something funny to share right now my 18mth boy is sat in his highchair eating a banana tickly his own tummy and laughing – how cute!
This would be so great to get my daughter started sewing – we could create a joint project.
Me! Pick me, please! I have wanted to learn hexies for a long while. Great giveaway!
Beautiful, thanks for the giveaway!
Oh I love that Hullabaloo and I LOVE making hexes. this one is definitely appealing….have a great week end. x
oh so pretty
Oh my. I’ve resisted hexagons thus far – another addiction, I’m sure of it – but if you sent these to me, I’d sew them… and blame you, dear Corrie, for my downfall. Thanks for this perfectly lovely giveaway.
I’d love to give hexagons a try. I’ve seen them everywhere and they look so cute!
I’m in love with hexies.. I am so close now to finishing my flimsie for my queen size quilt top.. I’m ready for another one
Nice, nice, nice
I love charm packs. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Corrie,
Another wonderful giveaway
Thank you for the opportunity, I would love a chance at winning.
Thanks for the chance to win Corrie:-)
Don’t think anyone who wins your giveaways would mind waiting for such lovely prizes. Very generous of you!
Love the Charm packs…I am doing Hexies too at the moment…they are Addictive..
Thanks for another chance for your Giveaways…
Gorgeous, gorgeous. And I’d love to try some hexagons. Count me in!
Corrie, what a wonderful giveaway! I’ve been contemplating hexagons. I think this would send me over the edge and get my going. Crossing my fingers to win.
Thank you!!
I’ve been offline for a few days now and have been getting updated on your blog and others. Your recipes look so delicious! Your family is very blessed to have you in the kitchen.
I must get back to my hexagons…this might be the inspiration I need!
I’m not in Timbuktu but am half way around the world from you. Malaysia to be exact.
of course it so nice to sit in the sun and do hexagons, such bright and yummy
thank you for the chance
oooh yes please! how delicious!
Ohh how I would love to win!!
How fun! I love making hexies, but haven’t done any in months. I should toss some supplies in my go tote.
That summer breeze pack is so pretty! I love blue and yellow together.
Thank you for the chance to win!
I’d love to win!
I’ve been wanting to try out hexies for a while now, so this would be perfect!
I’m loving hexagons and fabric. Very nice giveaway…thanks for the chance!
Yes, please! This gives me an excuse now to make a hexy quilt (which I’ve never done!) Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh, I love it!!! It’s so cool! I hope to get it!!!))))
Oh, I like charm pack! And exagons… I have to descover them!
Would love to win!1 Thanks for the chance again!!
Hexies! Perfect summertime project, just right for keeping my hands busy when I’m watching the Yankees or sitting in the sunshine. Thanks for the giveaway.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I have never made a hexie but I’ve never heard of hexie paper either so I I win I’ll give it a try. They are cute! Thanks for the chance….
Please enter me in your drawing. Would love to learn to do hexagons. Love your blog!
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Lovely give away. like the fabrics
I’m in it to win it!!
cute fabric. I have made some grandmothers flower garden blocks but I havent kept it up.
Maybe I will again!
I would love these and give hexie making a go! thanks!
This looks like something really fun to do over the winter months when its blowing a blizzard outside. And all that summer colour to keep the spirits up ’till spring. Thanks for the chance.
Please, let it be me. I need hexagons in my life!
great giveaway. thank you. hugs
Count me in! Love all those beautiful colours. And hexagon papers would be a real help!
Hello, hello. Love the blog and would love to win the giveaway too!
I love hexagons!thanks!
Hi Corrie: I would like to participate in the lottery in May. My email vimumo@hotmail.com
Thanks and regards
Lovely fabrics !!!
Hexagon’s quilt is in my wishlist, maybe this is the time to start…
Thanks for the chance
Best regards from Spain
I don’t live in tinbucktoo ,I live in Spain but I love those charms!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Well I don’t live in Timbucktoo but I’m in it anyway..
I´d like to win! I have never had a charm pack before!!!! Thanks!
Hi Corrie, I am loving your hexagons so maybe this is a good chance for me to have a try…thanks for the opportunity!
Not a chance with 256 posts that my name will be drawn. But never hurts to try. I love this blog and the give away. I recently started a charm quilt using the elegant Japanese fabrics. So gorgeous. But I could be convinced to try these ones too!! Not in Timbuktoo – Just Canada! Nancy
Love it! by the way, your twin was at the Perth Craft Fair yesterday…
Hey chickie – who makes these giveaway rules, anyway?!! One per month is great for us, your faithful followers, but wow – don’t you have enough on your plate? (believe me, I’m not complaining though – especially if I win
Hexagons are always a great take-along project, and those fabrics are just so pretty!
Hexagons – just love them and one of my winter projects is just that – making lots and lots of little hexys….
Thanks for being so generous with your giveaway….
I’m always looking to add to my fabric stash – thank you!
Ooooh I’d be in hexie heaven if I could be the lucky one
What a fantastic giveaway. I am three quarter’s finished with my first hexagon quilt and I’m hooked.
Have a great day.
I love the quilt in the picture with your baby in her gorgeous new jumper! And I’d love to win!!!
I am in it to win it!
(i am not sure if it was intentional but that phrase just so reminded me of American Idol which is one of those shows i watch while working on my sewing projects! haha! :))
Hi Corrie: Count me in, please; I am rather fond of hexie-making right now (and I love fabric all the time!) Thank you so much.
What a lovely project to do over the winter months, when its blowing a gail outside! And the added bonus…all those lovely colours reminding us of the good weather ahead and keeping our spirits up.
Thank you for the opportunity. Looks like fun!
I am almost in Timbuktoo Corrie! I am Aussie mum of two precious little people, working in Cambodia and finding it hard to get any really gorgeous fabrics to craft with … I would really LOVE to win your prize for May!
Oh yes please i just love charm packs, so convenient and my next set hand project is to be hexagons.
Thank you for being so generous and also for being an inspiration to use all. I don’t comment often on your blog but I love reading what you and your family have been up to and it inspires me 
ps I really do think you are very organised even though you say you aren’t. How else could you accomplish so much in one day?!
Wow – I’ve been wanting to try hexagons for a while, just a little scared. What a fabulous prize for a lucky someone.
I think I could fine someone for those fabrics and hexies even if it wouldn’t be me… I am not saying it is NOT me…
This one doesn’t count for the give away… I really thought someone got hold of my e-mailaccount when I suddenly started to get e-mails from Fat Quarterly about there magazine which I never ordered ;-)…
Love the fabric, and I have wanted to try hexagons for awhile. Thanks for the giveaway!
megancparsons (at)gmail (dot)com
Hi Corrie, like other months, this month also scored me to your giveaway.
thanks for being so generous
Greetings from Spain
I love hexies and can always use more fabric:) Thanks!
I’d love to dive in and give hexies a try. Thanks very much.
colorful fabric for my stash. Sign me up! Thanks for the give-away. Cheers
Pretty fabrics… I am in a hexi swap and already a hexi addict so I would love to have those aquares.
Yes please!!! Since finding you in December I have been inspired! I started off with some blocks for quilts for Queensland (first ones) Then I went off to sewing classes and have completed two full quilts and starting my 3rd. My next challenge – hexagons. I would love love love this fabric:)
I would love to win these, I’ve recently started making hexies and they are on addiction!
This would be all it would take to push me over the hexagon edge. I’ve been loving them for ages and am just waiting for the right fabric and the right moment to get started. LOVE the fabric, too.
What a beautiful way to spend the cool winter evenings.. creating a stunning hexagon quilt.
You crack me up Cor. Hexies I can do with my new inability to concentrate for more than 5 minutes :o) Ahhh baby brain!
Lets hope I’m lucky number 286!
Ab x
Dear RetroMummy
Your tales are always delightful
as you speak from the heart
Your fabrics are always yummy
Hullabaloo is beautiful
I hope to win a pack to make it into my work of art
I would love these and sorry to hear everyone has been unwell in your house. Sending the get well fairy your way. Here’s to a good week and illness free.
it is high time I win something, so í try my luck
I love your blog, and find it so funny when you are writing about your plans to move to the country for clean air, and such, as my biggest dream would be to move to Sydney for the same reasons :-)) I spent there 3 years with my husband (1993-1996) before having our kids, and now live back home in Budapest, Hungary, but I can still feel the lovely sweet smell of the clean Sydney air :-)) I love Bowral too, though
Hexagons and charmpacks! Oh yes, perfect combination!
Never worked with hexagons before, but it looks interestion
Moda loveliness AND hexagons!!
please add me to the draw Corrie
Please count me in I love hexagons made many things using them. Love the charm packs.
Sylvia F:)
Beautiful! I love hexies!
ooooo I can’t remember if I posted a comment or not so I apologise in advance if I have already commented! I would love a chance to win this amazing prize! i have never tried hexagons but I think it looks like a good challenge! thanks Corrie!
hi Corrie
love your blog and your wonderful work and blog! would love to win your lovely prize; I am a newbie sewer and quilter and haave just got a new machine to try out my talents! lol!
thanks for sharing!
I would love to give hexagon’s ago, so this would be a great prize to win.
Oh pretty fabric pretty please come & stay with me.
Oh pretty fabric pretty please come & stay with me.
I would love to try hexagons for a small bag to start. Hopefully I will get the chance! thank you for the giveaway
Love charm packs and hexi’s… thanks for the chance to win… my fingers and toes are crossed!
Oh yes please.
I love charm squares. Haven’t tried hexagons yet, but I think they’re adorable.
Oh, I would love an entry. I did a class recently on hand piecing but am yet to actually give it a go – this would be a great starter.
BTW, love your new header. I normally read in google reader so haven’t seen it before.
What a great giveaway! Please put me in the draw.
I need this. I’ve never had any hexagon paper & apparently, I’m missing out. Thanks for having a giveaway!
Love the spots, makes me think Spring can’t be too far away!
Such lovely fabrics. I haven’t jumped on the hexie bandwagon yet; perhaps this will be the nudge (shove?) I need!
Lovely prize, thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Very nice giveaway…thanks for the chance!
Hugs from Spain
Very nice giveaway…thanks for the chance!
I love this pattern. I think its called Grandma’s garden.
I found a quilt top and would like suggestions on how to finish it. Any ideas?
I posted pictures of it on my blog.
I enjoy visiting your blog!
I love this pattern. I think its called Grandma’s garden.
I found a quilt top and would like suggestions on how to finish it. Any ideas?
I posted pictures of it on my blog.
I enjoy visiting your blog!
Gorgeous fabrics. Hooray for the May giveaway!