royal wedding tragic

Hi, my name is Corrie and I am a royal wedding tragic. I found all of the tv hype in the lead up to be a bit too much but was always looking forward to the actual event. In fact when I woke up that morning I was wishing it was time already. See. Tragic. I still remember always reading my mum’s Australian Woman’s Weekly special issue for Princess Diana’s wedding.

Anway, I started watching coverage from 4pm – alone. No one else was interested until they could see the princess. And the surprise reaction was Finn who was totally getting into it. Meanwhile,Tillie decided to have a tantrum out the back and then come back into the living room to block my view of the tv. Obviously not into the royal family. 

But after all that hype and build up to the royal wedding, Channel 9 decided to stop coverage and put the football on midway through the service! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT! Whose great idea was that! Anyway the whole thing was just beautiful. She was wearing such a beautiful dress. Classic, elegant, modest – just stunning.  The service, music and the whole event was so beautiful. If I was going to marry a prince then that would be my perfect wedding. My mum always said that the Church of England always had the grandest songs compared to us catholics and I do tend to agree. 

The little flower girl steals the show doesn’t she!

I wish I’d thought in advance and had a little get together to watch it but having my little ones get excited with me was a nice night. And that’s enough wedding talk from me. Promise. Did you watch it? Did you love it? Did you think Eugenie and Beatrice’s outfits were just wrong?

All images from here.


  1. We have Foxtel so I watched it on UKTV, love the way the British do royal weddings, and there was no annoying Kathy Lette showing us her London (channel 7 early on, started here at 4 and moved to UKTV about 6pm).
    My only disappointment was that William didn’t watch her walk down the aisle – heard somewhere that they was suppose to keep looking forward, loved that Harry looked and then said something funny to William. I go to lots of weddings – Steve is Baptist Minister and it always fun to watch the groom watch the bride arrive down the aisle.

  2. I thought she looked perfect too. Beautiful, beautiful dress for a beautiful girl.
    Eugenie and Beatrice on the other hand…eep!

  3. I LOVED it all. Perhaps Fergie selected the girl’s outfits since she wasn’t invited!!!

  4. Absolutely loved the wedding. Watched from beginning to end. The dress was gorgeous, as was her sister’s. Both stunning girls!

  5. I agree it was a beautiful wedding not over the top like some royal weddings.and i too wasnt impressed with channel 9 as that is our clearest channel (always a problem tv reception when you live in the country) and then the footy comes on -Hello!! bad move channel 9.Beatrice and Eugenié’s dresses and headwear were awful.needled mom was right I think Fergie must have chose there dresses-yuk

  6. Yep, another tragic here! I’m a republican but still love a good wedding! I also started watching coverage at 4pm…alone…well, except for Luca :) had some girls over in the evening though and drank waaaay too much bubbly! I watched it on ABC because they had the BBC feed, always better an the commercial channels!

  7. Oh and yes, the dress was stunning. Absolutely perfect! Beatrice and Eugenie….well, they never get it right do they!

  8. I was sick of the coverage leading up to it too and kept saying I wanted it to be over then I flicked and saw the guests arriving and I was hooked! I do love a good wedding though. :) As for Beatrice and Eugenie, what were they thinking?

  9. I loved it Corrie. I also watched it alone, a good telecast on BBC (via Austar). The man of this house walked through the living room just as Princess Michael of Kent stepped into the Abbey. He wondered how she could see from under that hat, I wondered how much she obstructed the view for others sitting alongside her, but she looked elegant as always, as did our Governor General, Quentin Bryce. Even Julia Gillard looked great, I loved her jacket. It was a fabulous event even though I don’t consider myself a royalist. I wished my Mum had lived to see Prince William marry, she adored him.

  10. I wasn’t even going to watch it because I got so over all the hype during the lead up. But I got totally sucked in. I watched the entire thing and even had to get the tissue box out. I’m a romantic fool and a big sook.

    I couldn’t help but feel sad that Diana wasn’t there. She would have been so proud of both of her boys. As a mother of two boys that definitely pulled at my heartstrings. I’m sure she was looking down from up above.

    And the dress….. amazing.

  11. Wasnt she a classic beauty in her gown. I thought that it was quite cheeky too when Harry watched her walk down the aisle and then when he saw her the big smile on his face. I think it is wonderful to have something so nice and lovely on tv, rather than all the trauma and disasters for a while!

  12. ABC did a great coverage & I taped it so any bits I missed with two little ones running around I could go back and watch! We have the original Womans Weekly issue with Princess Di & Prince Charles wedding! Classic!

  13. Loved the wedding, the dress was gorgeous. Agree that it was all so elegant. Eugenie & Beatrice look atrocious, can’t believe the Palace allowed it! Oh & Ch9 stuffed us up too, I had put it on ABC but someone or the Tivo changed it so I missed them leaving the church since we weren’t watching it in real time.

  14. I absolutely loved the royal wedding and thought Catherine looked just the perfect the bride. The BBC did a really good coverage and loved all the englishness that came with it and just loved how all the public were so happy and having fun. Such a wonderful piece of history. Eugenie and Beatrice have always had strange taste in clothes…….!!

  15. I think of Beatrice and Eugenie as the bogan cousins that try really hard but don’t quite get it right!

    Did you see Beatrice travelling from the ceremony to the Palace? She was hunched over in the car because her hat was so ridiculous she couldn’t sit up straight!!

    But I loved the wedding too – and hadn’t intended on watching it but once it was on I was hooked!

  16. I just loved it!!
    It was completely a family affair over at our place…
    We had a traditional English meal :: good ol’ fish & chips and enjoyed it whilst I crocheted my little heart away!
    She was simply divine…I just adore Kate!
    Love that flower girls reaction!
    xx Stacey

  17. I had to laugh when I thought of both you and I sitting alone watching all the preliminary wedding stuff from 4pm! I loved every moment, laughed at some of the hats, oohed and aahed at others and had a ball. I loved the service, singing, pageantry and princes and of course Catherine! What a night! I remember watching Diana’s..I thought this was better.

  18. nothing wrong with watching it all, it was fantastic to watch something cheerful. they look like a happy couple which is always lovely to see

    we had a get together- curry (very british), champers,+ eton mess.

    the hats were tragic, they are not bad looking girls but what were the designers thinking? not a great advert for them either.

  19. I loved watching it all, the scenes of the crowds and the carriage going through the city made me nostalgic for London in spring time. And I loved the dress and all the pagentry. Have you seen the Flickr stream?
    I loved both the bride’s dresses, and wasn’t Pippa Middleton stunning? I especially liked her green evening dress AND it was from the same place as my wedding dress :)
    Poor Beatrice and Eugenie, they looked like the two wicked stepsisters out of a panto. Someone needs to get them a stylist, stat!

  20. I loved it too! I wasn’t even sure if I was going to watch it but in the afternoon I decided I couldn’t miss out on a part of history so watched the whole thing. It was truly a perfect wedding. She looked amazing, he was so handsome, Harry is so cute and cheeky, her sister is GORGEOUS! Camilla and Charles looked like they had a ball and you could see that the Queen was so proud. Loved it. Now I want to go and buy some wedding memorabilia!

  21. Loved the occasion too. I thought her dress was beautiful and just perfect, not too over the top.
    Fergies girls need a makeover!

  22. Oh Corrie, do not start me on those Princesses hats or I will go off on a major tangent about Posh’s “sticks” (I was so worried she would have David’s eye out with one of those!) AND there was that Blue Girl that came in after her with the hat stuck straight up and down on her forehead. I mean come on!!!!! Forgive my ignorance not knowing her name, but wouldn’t that drive you up the wall?! Needless to say, I am NOT fascinated with the fascinators! But the wedding! Oh the wedding was wonderful. I watched it online No commentary, no ads, just streaming live video of it all going on. Wonderful, beautiful and absolutely perfect! If I married a Prince, that wedding (dress included) would have done me just fine : )))

  23. I watched it too. The grace and beauty of the young couple was an example to some of the others. I wished the Queen would smile – her grandson was getting married for goodness sake – surely a reason to smile.

  24. I’m with you Corrie, love, love, love it! Hated the hype and all the press fenzy. I was the sole member of my household who ‘our’ Princess Mary get married…
    Anyway, we did have a’do’, trouble is I had to work first, and arrived to find them all half cut on right Royal Pimms cup. Not very regal, but a lot of fun. There wasn’t a tiara to be bought in Horsham, everywhere was sold out. I could have sold the one I was wearing at work a million times over. All in the spirit of it I say.
    I still remember Diana’s, and it wasn’t just because I had braces put on my teeth the next day. And I remember painstakingly making a replica of her dress from a pattern published in Grandma’s Womans’Day.
    The memories…

  25. i watched part of it, much to my husband’s dismay- he refused to watch any of it! (i wasn’t going to watch it, because of the annoying hype… but well there was nothing else on and i’m so heavily pregnant now, i wanted to watch something :)

    the channel 9 coverage was so appalling and cringeworthy…

    i changed channels after they said “is that dodi al fayed… oh no, he’s the dead one isn’t he”…
    poor poor taste… i’m not much into the royals, but that was such a huge news story i don’t know how anyone could get that so wrong…

    honestly, they didn’t know who anyone was and it was just so badly commentated…

  26. I loved it. The dress was absolutely beautiful and her sister was amazing. Unfortunately the Australian NBL final was on during the lead up so a lot of channel flicking here, but it finished before the ceremony. Here on Sky TV here in NZ we had 7 channels to choose from to watch it.
    Eugenie and Beatrice, well what can I say????

  27. I’m a royal wedding tragic also Corrie! I ALSO could not believe channel nine going to the football, ridiculous! I quickly switched over to channel seven!
    Oh she was divine, her dress was a picture in itself. The whole event really was perfect.
    It is horrible to say this, but I think the Middleton’s look every bit royal, whereas the ACTUAL royal’s are a bit of mish mash. Sorry, I said it ;o)

  28. Agree, agree, agree! I loevd it, and Jame sat up with me and enjoyed it too. The ‘blue girl’ is Tara Palmer-Tomkinson (or something like that) and one of my friends brilliantly described her as having a blue kayak glued to her forehead 😉 My only dissapointment was that William isn’t having a wedding ring.

  29. Ha ha! We have had 7 months of Royal Wedding hype in the UK and no doubt we’ll have more months of reliving the moments and talking about the day. That is before they start wondering when Kate will have a baby!

    I loved the day from start to finish. I was so pleased to be in London and have the opportunity to see it…and then come home and watch it on TV! x

  30. Im with you I sat and watched it all , all my two girls wanted was to see them KISS and I :reckon: that they HAVE gone on a honeymoon and all this talk about none is just a cover ! She and He looked smashing.. Although I must say my fav is Princess Mary, Kate or Catherine looked gorgeous and I wish them every happiness! Here’s cheers to the commoners catching their /man/ princes !

  31. Wasn’t it fab. And didn’t the men looks so dashing in their military uniforms.

    Just when they were about to say their vows Henri presented himself in the living room, crying and saying he didn’t feel well. He was standing dangerously close to my mile high basket of 5 loads worth of clean laundry. I just managed to get him to the toilet before he saw his dinner again. Thank goodness for foxtel and live pause.

  32. Oh and I loved, LOVED Beatrice’s beautiful Valentino beige suit. I know I’m in the minority, but I thought it was very chic. The hat was a bit much, but I didn’t mind it. Eugenie’s wasn’t a fave of mine though.

  33. Oh i absolutely LOVED it!!! I got sooooo excited for them both – didn’t they look like such the loved up couple? i just do hope that the media leave them alone now. Eugine and Beatrice were a bit odd looking, but they do lack the grace and elegance of Kate – or should that be the Duchess of Cambridge?? It was a lovely traditional wedding, so full of pomp and ceremony, it was just a real fairytale xx

  34. Having watched and loved the whole thing, I must say it made me very proud to be a Brit. Nobody does a Royal Wedding like us! Beatrice and Eugenie looked rather odd, I agree, but I guess they got themselves talked about and have had a sad upbringing. Samantha Cameron also should have sported a hat, I think. Who is that cheeky lady up there who dared call our Royal Family a mish mash? But doesn’t everyone seemingly want them to be more “ordinary”?!

  35. I’m a Royalist so was quite excited about the wedding and just about watched everything they had on about it, and having British TV means there was A LOT of it on! lol.

    I absolutely loved the whole schebang from the way she stayed at The Goring Hotel and not Buck Palace to the Aston Martin drive back the Clarence House, it was just so lovely.

    The hats were just odd though, Posh, Tara Palmer Tomkinson and and Andrew’s girls…not a good look and surely uncomfy!!

    Nothing wrong with loving it, it’s a fab story, happy news in the midst of all the doom and gloom we are normally subjected to on TV.

  36. I also watch it here, in Spain. Speciall day for everybody

  37. I thought she looked beautiful too.

  38. Yes we watched it, here in England.
    There was a nice atmosphere and the roads were very quiet.

  39. I watched it – and loved it too! My children (ds 7 & dd 6) took a little while to get into it, but once they saw William & Harry they were excited and glued to the tv with me :)
    Like you I remember looking the the Women’s Weekly special Charles & Diana edition. I also remember being allowed to stay up and watch their wedding which was 2 days before my 6th birthday. So it was really special to be able to watch Will & Kate’s wedding with my 6yr old daughter :) She fell asleep towards the end, but was determined to stay up until she saw the kiss on the balcony lol!

    Such a beautiful wedding!

  40. She did look lovely. What was with Beatrice’s hat? It looked like horns.I think perhaps Fergie may have dressed them?
    As with any young couple,I hope all goes well with them. xxx

  41. I watched one of the many reruns of the wedding over the weekend – I just chanced onto it as Kate & her father arrived at the church.
    I agree that Beatrice’s hat was a bit much, but being born & raised in California, we don’t do hats much here! Kate & her sister were both so lovely. And where did Harry get such broad shoulders??!!?
    It was so nice when she got to the front of the church, and William turned to her & said she was beautiful! And then again, when the 2 of them were in the carriage (landau?), and she turned to him & said “I’m so happy!”

  42. Much like you, I was rather blase about the whole lead up, and then found myself inextricably glued to the TV for the entire night! LOVED IT!!

    As for Nine, they had to honour their NRL contract & show footy but it continued over on their other channel GEM.

    Have you hear the lip readers who have deciphered all the things we couldnt hear? LOVED that as well, especially Harry saying to his brother “Corrr, you should see what’s coming down the aisle to you…”

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