For me, one of the hardest things about thinking about buying a new house is the decluttering and getting our own house ready for sale. We were all ready to list our house in January this year but couldn’t find what we were looking for in our budget so decided to stay.
This is my house looking at it’s best NOT how it looks right now. The reality is toys, show bags, books and more toys. Toys have taken over my house. Oh and fabric, OK I admit it….I contribute towards the clutter with my craft.
so I’ve gone back to look through my photos on flickr to get motivated, get rid of the clutter, toys and clothes and get our house looking more show home than messy home.
Oh Corrie I do not envy you trying to sell a house with four littlies. My sister is trying to do it at the moment in the hideously slow Brisbane market and it’s a nightmare with open for inspections, spend the entire day get ready for this Truman Show appearance, kids mess up everything anyway and then nobody even turns up! BAH! On another note, your fireplace is my INSPIRATION! Ours at the moment isn’t rendered or painted but is pretty much the exact shape, you can see it here: Hope you don’t mind I pinned it
Your main living area is perfectly lived in, love your couches!
My house ALWAYS needs a decluttering, but it’s slowly improving.
I was peeking out your windows…with all that lush greenery, you hardly seem to be in the city at all!
do i ever! we are planning on moving towards the end of the year and I looking forward to the decluttering process. my craft stuff + kids clothes & toys are definitely the main culprits!
At least your house looked like that only a couple of months ago, mine hasn’t looked that clear for a couple of years!! I am desperately in need of decluttering, no garage, no attic storage… I’m being swamped!!!!!
Oh, the clutter of little ones make a house a home….what a lovely home you are offering to someone!
Clutter is an on going problem in our home…five children, next to no storage space and a very tiny house don’t help matters, but then neither does my love of thrifting or crafts
Happy decluttering Corrie
i am getting a major decluttering urge at the moment (must be the nesting instinct kicking in)… i want everything tidy and ordered and not out of control… i find watching hoarders increases this urge incredibly… i find myself doing crazy cleaning at 10pm…
Declutter time! But first, I’ll eat some chocolate, go for a walk, talk to the cats…
Good luck!
PS I agree with Virginia. That Hoarders program is a great inspiration for a good cleanout! Poor people.
Always! :-))
I did a HUGE decluttering of my litle unit in January (well-timed with a rental inspection), but I’m finding myself wanting to do it again!
Though it may seem overwhelming, just take on one bit at a time. It took me about a week for each room if I decluttered a bit at a time. Lot’s of books are available on the subject too which I found quite motivating. I’m still going though…kitchen and half the pantry to go.
You will get there!
My house definitely needs a declutter after three months of making cushions and letting the mess build up in corners again! I don’t know how it does that but unless I keep a very strict eye on things, inevitably the mess creeps in.
When we were selling the house in Canberra to come up here I used to even have a brand new set of towels to be put in the bathroom for show. They would be folded and put away every day after the real estate people had shown the house and the ordinary ones came out for the family to use! All the best.
I keep trying to make rules like “one thing leaves the house for each that enters”. That lasts all of about 1 day. Decluttering is a never ending process, good luck with yours!
I know how you feel and you are bringing back memories from our move last year, and even after that I still need to declutter. Good luck with the house hunt and preparation of yours, such an upheaval but worth it in the end.
I try to rummage through the house once a year, determining whether an article has been used or not. If not used, I will gift, donate or toss as appropriate. I have a husband, a daughter and three dogs…I can’t imagine how it would be to do it with three little ones. Good luck!
We are moving on Saturday, and boy do we need a good declutter!
Thing is if you’re a crafty mama, as you would know, your craft supplies aren’t clutter and really take up a lot of space. You want a vast variety of stuff, that yes you will use, but you still need available to go with the mood you’re in.
Then you have the kids stuff. Clothes, toys, craft supplies for them! Oy! It builds up. Before Christmas i usually do a toy decluttering, and due to the age difference with my 2 boys i still need to hold onto the toddler toys whilst providing stimulating things for a school aged child.
Kitchen i have LOADS. I love to cook, especially bake, so i really do need everything i have in there.
We are sizing down house wise, so it’s a hard task for us. Especially as i am the anti hoarder. I hope you guys are sizing up!
I am starting of thinking of doing alot of serious decluttering again. We move at the end of the year and will possibly loos the fourth bedroom. So I have some serious work to do before then. I have made a start though – have a few bags here that I have packed up for friends – just have to get them out the door and to them:)
Good luck Corrie.
Oooh we are squirrels in our house – we don’t throw away but we need to…!
I seriously need to declutter. Was hoping to achieve it just in one room – my sewing room, but don’t even seem to have achieved that. I’m a horder, most of good things, like lengths of unused fabric, but still a horder.
I just love your blog and have just awarded you with the ‘The Versatile Blogger’ award. Check out my latest blog entry for the details
I think I will just take a few moments to enjoy your serene and beautiful rooms. You must nearly be out of your mind trying to get it back to this. I know I would be. Good Luck!
What I love most about your house (at its best or otherwise) is that its filled with your beautiful creations (fabric and human).
Andi xx
We just had a hard rubbish collection and managed to declutter our shed. We are currently renovating our house, as we are putting it on the market within the next 12 months. Hubby is currently laying floating flooring and I have been painting. We have decluttered a lot recently. I find I need to declutter every 3 months or so. Especially the kids clothes, as they are forever growing out of stuff. The house always looks good after a declutter! Jacinta
ummm… Yes! My house is a disgrace, one room is so far out of control I dont kow where to start
Good luck selling the house!
I did a good declutter 2 years ago when we moved from NZ and it was a good feeling….but now I know I need to do it again!! It’s an ongoing situation and nothing quite like a move to get one motivated!!! I know you can do it well Corrie
Do I need to declutter? I sure do! I try to regularly declutter but with so many people in such a small space it’s becoming a job that constantly needs attention. I’m going to haul a bunch of stuff out of here this week before the baptism on the weekend. I am sure your place will look great!
We are in the middle of a major declutter. i am genetically a horder my husband is not so every move is a good time to clean out and make the hubby happy!! We are in the process of moving from Melbourne to Switzerland and most of our packing time was allocated to downsizing/decluttering. We have 3 littlies and i am jealous of your 4 although not twins. Love your blog and hope you find the house you are looking for and enjoy the move to the country.
Corrie, I have to say, your house is beautiful! Lovely photos.
My whole life revolves around de-cluttering my place. We live in a 3.3m wide terrace, it is a super small living space… but it’s cosy!
I have been known to give things away or sell them on ebay, just to create a bit more room. I actually don’t know what I would do if we moved into a bigger house one day… Oh who am I kidding, I could work it out ;o)
Good luck with the de-cluttering and keeping things neat for your house sale. It is a stressful time selling a place.
Love your pictures! I think having kids means you always have decluttering to do. I recently started looking at the Fly lady website. Have you seen it? The website is a bit intimidating and in my opinion cluttered (ha!) but they give some really good tips. Since following it I now always have a clean kitchen, clean bathroom (gasp) clean clothes and the rest of the house is clean enough that I won’t freak out if someone popped over.
Your home is so lovely and airy, it looks divine as it is. I would move in any day. I’ve decluttered and decluttered and still don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere fast. You must share some tips! x
Your house is looking so gorgeous and neat as a pin in those photos. My house never stays in that state long, I feel like I spend a lot of time going round in circles : ) Good luck with the de-clutter x
Wow, sounds like things are really moving along with your country living idea! That’s great. There will always be people asking you why you want to leave the city. Your house looks lovely
I can’t beleive how fast “stuff” can take over my home! I swear it must multiply when I’m not looking. It’s certainly worse since the kids, but I’ve always had trouble letting go of things. Your pictures look fabulous. I’ve got to do some decluttering. Soon.
Do I need a declutter? My husband has considered just torching the lot LOL. I find it even harder to stay clean and uncluttered in the school holidays (crumbs underfoot as I write this LOL)
Your house is beautiful!
We always get so many toys at Christmas and birthday time. I have tossed out a lot of toys but there still seems to be too many! I have thrown out some things I stored away for a few years but I still have one packed in-built in our spare room. It’s hard to let go of things and I do need to store things I need for my family so as long as the house looks neat I am happy hiding away my other stash. Good luck with it.
I have so many things to go to charity- but I keep procrastinating. Your place looks great.