Moving to the country is so much more than just having a nicer house buuuuut will you please take a look at these houses. Sydney real estate is considered amongst the most expensive in the world (I already knew that) which is tough when you are trying to get into it………..but when you take your sydney budget out of Sydney. Well there are some treats in store for you AND you can reduce your mortgage too. Which keeps husbands happy.
Now of course in real estate there is usually a compromise to be made or a house that doesn’t tick everything on your list. Take this house which we just adore. To me it is like an english country house just plopped smack bang in the middle of bowral on a pretty tree lined street with lots of other old houses
Unfortunately it’s not a quiet road, not the busiest road in town but still not the most peaceful tranquil street and most of the garden is at the front of the house rather than the back so it’s probably not going to work for us but we’ll be taking an inspection just in case. And then I fell for this house below but it backs on to the golf course which isn’t too safe for 4 little people running around the backyard. I just love the grand entrance. I’d be taking photos of the little ones every single day as they walked out of the house!
This next beauty is in our preferred part of town and has been beautifully restored. In fact if I could pick my perfect kitchen then this would be right up there. It is so similar to the ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ kitchen and will you check out all of the cupboards.
And if anyone questions why I would want to leave Sydney I’ll just go and tell them to read my blog post dated Monday 25th April 2011.
All images of these gorgeous houses from Bowral came courtesy of my new BFF, domain
Bloody hell Corrie, you are making me want to move to bowral with photo’s of houses like that! They are beautiful!
That is one amazing kitchen. I think I could easily feel at home in it! x
I’m afraid I’d have to consider that house…seriously! If there are trees between the golf course and you that would help!
hohh how delightful – I know what you mean – totally !! And if you think this compares well with ole sydney town try south island NZ for great buying, fab englishness and hedge-ie greatness
le xox
ps dying for the litchen of course !! and the hedge just love a great hedge …
*sigh* that house is stunning! I know what you mean, property in Sydney is so expensive. It’s really out of control!
so I have just gone back and caught up on a whole lot of posts – so you are really going !! can not retro daddy telecomute ? over the net ? otherwise look at local govt – laways needed great finance people and the pay is very reasonable I think for senior roles … isn’t the planning half the fun
best le xox
These are beautiful houses you’re sharing with us. I’ve been thinking a lot about the country life too lately to have all that space and less stress too. Enjoy the rest of your searching and planning. xo
i dream of moving to the country at least once a week. Never have been to Bowral so I think a trip is in order, until then i’ll just hold my issue of Country Style close! x
Can’t you just lose so many hours on those real estate site, a bit like blogs. Some yummy pics. Good luck in the search. Tracee xx
Oh Bowral is such lovely area Corrie. Good luck with the hunting
How to resist a kitchen such as that? Will you look at the bench space! And what a pergola that last one is? Beautiful images, Corrie. I hope you find a good match for your family.
hey i’d love a house that backs onto a golf course. people pay a premium for those houses over here in US. i’ve been househunting too but it has been hard. seems like our expectations and the budget do not gel. haha. well, good luck in your search!
LOVE! We’re so jam-packed in here and it is driving me mad. Can’t wait to hear what you think of the places once you see them. xx
Okay, so you are sounding serious now, Corrie. I can’t wait to hear more – crossing fingers! J x
Gorgeousness! I love a country house, and seriously, if you didn’t need to live in Sydney for work I don’t know why anyone would chose to live there. All that traffic. Shudder!
Good luck with your great escape!
Lovely houses! Bowral is a beautiful spot – my parents-in-law live on a farm in Robertson which is another great spot. It gets really cold down there though!!
Can I move that kitchen into my daughters new home?Just perfect I can imagine all the fun we could have cooking and playing in that Kitchen!!Fun
Oh my goodness, I am soooo on the same wavelength. I bought the dvd of Something’s Gotta Give just so that I wouldn’t forget that wonderful kitchen.
Waaah I’m in denial. I want you to stay closer to me 😛
As one who lives in the country (and really enjoys it) make sure you consider schools… some rural schools have better results than others…..
They are all beautiful houses. Golf balls can be very dangerous and not worth taking the risk with. We lived on a slight incline opposite a town park where people illegally practiced their golf swings. We had the rear of our car dented a couple of times and a golf ball actually came through the lounge window., fortunately the couch was right in front of that spot so no further damage was done. I am much more of a country town girl than a city one and can definitely see why anyone would prefer to live here. Will the commute be OK for your husband long term though?
So gorgeous, love the kitchen!!
Corrie – I’m living my real estate dream through your blog right now – thankyou!