She really is as cute as they come. I mean will you just look at her! The button nose, the huge cheeks, the chubby hands, the hair that keeps growing in every direction, the fact that she looks like her daddy, the fact that she’s mine…..
Adorable! This is why babies, in particular my babies, are my addiction. I just love this age. Miss Elodie turns 6 months tomorrow and is every bit the easy baby she’s always been. I just love my Elodie.
Elodie is just so beautiful. So easy to get addicted to those gorgeous chubby cheeks!
Pam x
Precious little ones. Love the pic of Elodie sleeping, so angelic!
She’s absolutely adorable and thank you so much for sharing her!!
She is beyond adorable Corrie. When I have babies I want them just like Elodie! And I don’t think that’s asking too much
cluck cluck cluck…
Elodie is adorable. She is making my hands “itch” – my niece is having her third any day and I am ready to hold the new one. His name is Luke!
Oh Corrie! She is truly a wonderful gift! Doesn’t it just get you when they look like your hubby! Thanks for sharing!
Elodie is super cute, I adore her chubbiness!!
Love the new header Corrie
Elodie is so beautiful – like a cute little doll. And such a lovely name too – what does it mean and what inspired you to choose it? x
Love and cherish every moment – my beautiful baby has just gone on Scout Camp for 9 days!
My uterus hurts just looking at her! My hubby has said no more babies and My heart, head and uterus are begging for just one more! He says three is enough…
I can so understand why you want more when you gaze at her everyday.
My 9 month old is my easiest baby and he is not making that fact that there will be no more babies here any easier.
Dont show her these comments when she is older – but my those cheeks are chubby -you obviously do something right Retromummy.
too cute!! love your new header too.
Just perfect!
What a gorgeous photo!
I know what you mean… I literally want to gobble my little 7 month old son up with a teaspoon and whipped cream! sigh…..
We ALL love Elodie!!! She is so not good for all those maternal hormones. I have a husband staunchly stopping at three babies and a body clock whispering “just one more” LOL
She is such a sweetheart and must be a great sleeper as most of her pics have her asleep..very peacefully I might add!
She really is a cutie and a half!
Chubs! So cute.
And your new header is lovely.
I love those squishy cheeks! Enjoy it whilst she is little, it goes way too fast. How do we ever manage to stop having babies when they are so addictive!
I think she looks like Keira in this photo
She’s so sweet. That cheeks
This age is wonderfull, you are so happy
Que preciosidad de bebe,parece un angelito.besos desde Valencia .España
Isn’t she just adorable, kissable and so squiggy!! Happy 6 month birthday tomorrow Elodie!
Oh I want one! Where can I get one???
She is just beautiful! Those cheeks are divine!
OMG so cute…. thoses cheeks. Cluck Cluck Cluck :o)
And delicious she is Corrie. Have loved watching her journey, I just can’t wait to meet my baby in August!!
Totally adorable.
She certainly makes my eggs rattle.
They are two of the fullest cheeks I’ve ever seen! Gorgeous! Elodie is a delight and I totally wouldn’t blame you if you went on to have a dozen of her ;o)
so true and look at those eyelashes…. so cute.
hugs Dawn x x
She is a snuggly ball of yum. x
I love Elodie too – she’s the sweetest baby who always has a smile to share
I just adore those cheeks!!
nom nom nom – she is just delicious!
She makes me terribly clucky – I’m just not sure I can handle a 4th!