now I’m sorry if this is baby overload for some of you but I can’t help it! No, actually I’m not sorry. Elodie is definitely at the very cute baby stage. And she is a mini princess in training as she likes to nap during the day with a little cushion under her head. I sit and watch her and if you move the cushion, not happy!
It’s also all about blowing bubbles
staring at people until they smile at her
rolling…..but when you’re just off the chart for weight and head circumference you have a bit of extra work to do to shift your generous little body over.
And that my friends is why I know I want another little baby in our family. Because they are just oh so cute and cuddly. We have a gift for making them this cute so it would be wrong not to use that gift! Maybe we could start a petition to retro daddy…………
She is so cute, pretty. Congratulations. I’ve seen you in the big store, wuaau, nice experience, wasn’t it?
Hey Corrie
She’s pretty adorable, I just want to pinch those cheeks (very gently of course). Now, what is your secret for staying sane with a “big” family? I really struggle to keep on top of things with only 3, I am particularly clucky and love babies just like you and have a tiny-teeny desire to have another but I just don’t know how I could manage with 4. Let me in on your secret.
She is very cute, I don’t blame you!
I know what you mean about a big baby, my little boy is pretty much the 100th percentile in every measurement (11.5kilo’s at 8 months) He has bypassed rolling due to his huge muffin-tops. Lol. Decided to sit instead.
Keep posting the cute pics!
Also, I have that exact same hot-air balloon fabric. Not sure what to do with it yet!
I’d definitely sign that petition. She’s beautiful. xxx
She is gorgeous. I think my Boy would be happy if I stopped reading these posts, get all clucky to have one! Although I’ll sign the post for you to have more!
I’ll Sign It!!!! People who make babies that pretty should definitely reproduce!
Sure I’ll sign too…just don’t ask me to have any more hehehe
She is adorable! Be a proud Mama!!!
Why not make more, you now have the new van for it
People tell me i should breed more as we produce cute kids, but I will leave it to the experts – two is enough for me
She is so cute and chubby! As a third time mum with a three month old I understand…babies are addictive!
I observed a stranger tell my DIL that she and my son should have lots more babies because they make such cute one! The same goes to you Corrie!
I do agree.. she is very cute. It makes me want another one… but I am getting too old now.
Hi there! Just another loyal blog stalker from the States!
But you are KILLING me with these adorable baby pictures!! My “baby” is turning 3 in month and your blog is not helping our “We are DONE” stance with family planning!
(I have 3 girls under 7, and I’d like about 3 more!)
Your baby is a doll, although I’m astonished you haven’t eaten her up completely yet!
Thank you for a dose of ‘baby’, Corrie, with all my grown ups around here, I really don’t get enough of that age here! She is georgeous, but, as Mum of five, I think Retrodaddy is being sensible and thinking of everything to be provided and given space later on.
Is it too creepy that I want to nibble on those lovely cheeks. She is just way too cute.
She’s too lovely Corrie
I love your Elodie updates! She is so super cute and I think I said this last time, but looks like a girly version of my 8 month old boy. Rolls and rolls of chub on him… I love it! They’re so good for nibbling on ;o)
It’s so hard to think that it’s over isn’t it?!
I’d have #6 in a heartbeat if we had somewhere to put him/her. Although, I am sure we could squeeze them in somewhere
You certainly do make beautiful babies Corrie!
Luv the baby pics, plz keep them coming. My baby just turned 15… I still miss have a little baby in the house. I love seeing your pics.. Keep them coming…
She is so….. adorable but seriously Corrie you are mad woman!!! Hahaha
I don’t know how you do it xox
Seriously. So cute. This is NOT helping my cluckiness.
But keep these photos coming!
Oh my word, adorable! Elodie is just plain old adorable! The picture of her sleeping is adorable!!!
I agree with everyone else – she’s gorgeous
I was so sure I wanted more after our fourth (we make ’em off the weight and HC charts, too), and I still have BAD baby pangs with my youngest now six yo, but so many things would have to start to go – our life is insane with schooling (and all the extras that go with it ), sports, Scouts, after-school activities, parties, helping elderly parents. There is no way we could keep our current commitments if we had to add another child in – there simply aren’t enough hours in the day !
Good luck with your decision.
Elodie reminds me so much of my first baby Charlie he was way off the charts and rolled at 8 months….I love chubby bubba’s and she is just gorgeous!
Between those cheeks and that hair, she’s almost too cute for words!
There’s no such thing as baby overload!
Hi Corrie,
I tried to email you the other day but it kept bouncing back. Your little Eddie looks just like my violet (totally the hair) she’s just 5 months too.
Gorgeous, gorgeous girl.
Oh how I would love to squeeze and squish on her. My babies all looked like big squishy marshmellows.
I’m a new follower from Catholic Mothers Online. Please stop by and return the favor.
Aww I love that first photo! She looks so sweet! 😀
You need to tell me your secret in getting Retro Daddy to get to 3 never mind 5!! My youngest of two is about to turn 3 in a couple of months and if I had my way we would already have another bouncing toddler around the house but sadly he thinks I am crazy for even contemplating another!! Your children are gorgeous – keep going!!
Adorable…oh you do make cute babies and beautiful kids…
husg Dawn x x