OK ladies; close your eyes for me. Think of your perfect day now that you are a busy lady. Does it involve shopping? Without your children. Getting advice from a leading stylist? Hair and makeup? $1000 to spend on a new look? Ok, well that is my perfect day and guess what? I had it! A couple of weeks ago, I left home bright and early leaving retro daddy to do the school run and look after everyone for the day. I met the very knowledgeable (and charming) Donny Galella at Westfield Eastgardens and my perfect day began. Donny is the resident stylist at Westfield Eastgardens and Parramatta who offers personalised style sessions, group workshops and shopping tours. He has styled celebrities such as Carson Kressley as well as lots of regular people like you and me. In other words, real bodies. That’s his job and it’s a unique service you’ll find at Westfield.
And so did I enjoy my day? Did I ever! I look at the photos and think wow I look much more glamorous, attractive and slimmer. But don’t just take my word for it……….watch the video of my special day and transformation. Yes, that’s really me and I’m now on youtube. Oh yes I am!
OK so enough about me and my makeover. Westfield is kindly giving one of my readers…………………wait for it……………..a day out with me! Yes, just what you’ve always wanted…….. to spend the day with me. Just kidding, K-I-D-D-I-N-G. But seriously, you can win a Westfield style session with Donny and yours truly (that’s me) and to get you started with your new look a $1000 Westfield voucher! Yes, I will accompany you on a special styling session with Donny at Westfield Eastgardens and then we get to go shopping together. We’ll shop, laugh, cry, have fun together and share your new look with my blog readers too.
I am so excited about this giveaway and have to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved in my special day. They made me feel relaxed and very spoilt. It was a great day!
Woohoo Corrie! Smokin’ hot twin mumma!
Woah – I wish I lived closer! (It’d be a bit of a stretch for me to say I’d be able to leave my husband and 3 kids under 5 to fly from Ohio to Sydney for a day of pampering!)
You do look like you are having fun – and I agree with Sweetpea Princess – you’re lookin’ good!
Hey Corrie what a great time you must have had, perfect day indeed! I don’t want to win for me, but for my Sydney-based sister.
She is currently studying law part-time as a relatively newly-single Mum of three teenagers struggling to keep on top of all the costs they invariably incur!
She also works, volunteers for the kids’ activities such as athletics and netball, carts them to and from jobs and sport and friends’ places and has little/no time or money for herself.
She hasn’t spent money on herself for ages, as when married her husband was not very financially responsible and she was the one who bore the brunt of that, so her kids would not.
To say things have been tough for her would be an understatement! I’d love her to have the chance to find the new her, be pampered for a day and enjoy some girly company as well!
Thanks for the chance to enter her to win.
What a great day it looks like you had. Oh if I was lucky to win I would definitly get myself there – how exciting:)
Thnking that maybe I should make my way to my local Westfield if I am not the lucky winner. I have the same trouble as you trying to find thinks to fit me in a small time frame and often come home feeling deflated and a little depressed because I can’t find anything that fits me any more.
You look fantastic:)
Oh my gosh you look gorgeous…what fun…wish I lived in Sydney to enter the comp.
Oh wow, you look gorgeous, sounds like you had a great time. I haven’t shopped for myself for a while now as I just “borrow” hubby’s clothes. I would love to win this shopping spree cos I don’t want Trinny and Susannah from What Not To Wear to be tapping on my shoulder and asking me what the heck I’m wearing. How embarrassing.
Hi Corrie! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but have never commented before – well this opportunity is too good to miss! About me? Well I have a 5 year old daughter and almost 3 year old boy/girl twins. I work a few days a week and have just finished a research degree. And an embarrassedly messy home. My wardrobe consists of black, black and more black – slimming right (?) and easy to mix and match! I startle my colleagues on the rare day I wear a coloured shirt with my black pants (some too baggy, some too tight). I’m nervous to shop because I keep hoping I’ll lose some weight and drop back from a size 14 to a 12 or 10….another thing to add to the ‘to do’ list. I’d love some tips on how to refresh my look – and the timing is perfect because my eldest has just started prep at our local catholic school, and I hate looking like the dated frazzled mum on the school run. I live in Brisbane but would be delighted to pay for the flights down for the excuse to escape to Sydney for a quick break! And I’d love to meet you! Just quietly I think we have a few things in common! I’ve never visited Sydney but it would be a good excuse to catch up with a beloved cousin and his baby that I’m yet to meet. Sorry for the waffle! I’ll shush now. Anita (anitasmith1976@yahoo.com).
What a WONDERFUL opportunity and for once I HAVE to enter this one (with the 20 gadjillion others 😉 ) I am a busy Mum of 3 girls, my twins having just gone back to school. I’m a plus-sized gal who is returning to the corporate (management) workforce and I don’t want to look like a dowdy housewife anymore! I don’t want, I NEED the works! I have no idea about make up, trends or anything but after denying myself for years (and never complaining because it has for me, always been about the kids) I’d love to do something that was all about ME and have me trotting off to work with some style!
Lucky you!!! And you look great!!
I wish you to have more such perfect days
Corrie, Donny has made you an even yummier mummy! I’d really love to win a styling date with you and Donny because I feel my dressing style is in a rut – same old, same old. I’m at an awkward age – a ‘mature’ aged lady who doesn’t want to dress like an old woman before her time, yet at the same time I sometimes wonder if I’m dressing too youthfully! Gosh, I need to be taken in hand :-)) I live in Sydney so I could be at Eastgardens in a flash!
Di (dianne.jobbins@bigpond.com)
Corrie you look so fabulous and I would love to spend the day with you doing this! I don’t live in Sydney but baby if I won this I would be hotfooting it over there quicksmart! I like you have 4 kids 5, 3, 2 and 7 months and I have well and truly lost my sense of self since having kids, don’t get me wrong I love them to the moon and back, but it would be so nice to remember what it is like to be me and just a bit of the old me too. Pre-kids I was always known as being super stylish and knew how to put an outfit together and would always were nice clothes no matter where I was going, now it is more about what is clean and comfortable and won’t matter if something gets spilt on, it is quite disappointing, I never thought I would be like this, but now I use up all my style on my kids and I don’t bother to try too hard. Something like this would be such a lift and an absolute confidence booster, and just to get to know my body and what I should be looking for as having had 4 kids within 5 years it isn’t the same shape it used to be, and I think I am still trying to wear what I would have worn before. Anyway, I’m sure you don’t need a novel from every single entrant, so I will just cross my fingers and hope it will be my lucky day
It’s great that an everyday person will get this opportunity!
WOW…. WOW…. You look AMAZING, what a super fantabulous day!!! xxxxx
Hi Corrie, don’t enter me for this giveaway its a long way from France to Australia! But I just wanted to say you look stunning. Linda xx
You look great. No make that fantastic.
Count me in.
So … why do I need a Westfield stylist makeover? I am a 40 year old, plus size, mother of 2 tween girls, working as a nurse 3 days a week (phew). Need I say more. Any style I did have has gone years ago (along with my waist line). I would love to find ME again and be able to step out with my family with style and not be embarrassed about how I look.
You have the best giveaways.
Wish me luck
I can’t enter the giveaway (if only!) but just had to tell you how gorgeous and stylish you look in those outfits! Go you! I know too well how easy it is to take refuge in those “safe” clothes that don’t involve any effort, but you’ve inspired me to try a little harder.
Corrie, I said it before, I thought you looked hot in the before pics… but WOW! You just glow and pop in the afters! I wish I could participate, bit too far away and way to much on my plate with Uni and Kids, what an amazing opportunity for one lucky Mumma! You will change someone’s world for sure xx
Wow! You look stunning Corrie!
At the moment my fashion theory is to cover up as much of my plus-sized body as possible {no matter how hot the weather}. I think I need the shift, a bit of fashion inspiration to help me love my body again. I’d love to emerge from Autumn with a new frame of mind, & a new wardrobe too!
WOW!!! He took you from very pretty to beautiful…to bad that I live in the States.
I NEED to spend the day with someone called Donny and you of course. You guys can call me Bethy if you need. Looks like SO MUCH FUN. Pick me! Pick me!
Wow!!!! You look amazing! I’ve always thought you were a beautiful lady, but I think you got to see it too!!! I was THRILLED to see you got to wear that print dress I saw on the table corner in your sneak peek picture!! It is gorgeous and you looked wonderful in it!
I’m not entering this giveaway since I’m in the US, but I couldn’t not comment on youuuuuu! Can’t wait to see who wins and how it goes.
Hi Corrie,
You look amazing. It’s so great to see who you are after reading your blog for so long
Looks like you had a fabulous time.
I’d really love to enter my Mum to win the style session.
My Mum is amazing and she is so selfless. She has had quite a tough time the last couple of years but still remains strong and steadfast.
More recently she has flown to Cardwell and Tully to volunteer with the Red Cross to help with the disaster team after cyclone Yasi. Before that she had been home only days from the Lockyer Valley after helping out after the floods.
She helps me out daily with everything. I have a chronic disorder called Acromegaly and along with extreme fatigue I have excruciating joint pain. She helps me dress some days, drives me when I can’t drive, helps clean my home, helps care for my children and get them to school, cooks, you name it she does it.
She still finds time to look after my Dad and my Pop, she checks in on him every day and cooks his meals. She teaches embroidery on Monday nights and on Tuesdays at U3A. She volunteers at the local Red Cross coffee shop weekly on Thursdays. She takes me to embroidery classes on Fridays.
She retired from her job when we found out I was sick and had to go to Adelaide for surgery so she could help care for me and my family. She flew my son and my sister and her family to Adelaide to be with me for my surgery.
I could go on for days telling how wonderful she is. There are a billion other things she does.
I never really have the opportunity to express to her how much she is appreciated and how much we love her.
Mum puts everybody else first and she really does deserve a Westfield Style Session.
With your help, I would love the opportunity to be able to bless her with this.
OMG Corrie I so relate to everything you say, I have no idea what size I am, cant wear the types of things I spent a good 15 years wearing. I have put on weight and just revert to comfort time and time again. You look fabulous!
I know I have a snowball’s hope in Hell at winning this, but oh my! How I would LOVE LOVE to.
I have been in a mummy frump for 6 years, and my current ‘uniform’ is just depressing. I have turned from a confident woman who enjoyed dressing well and having people look at me, to a depressed mummy, who’s bigger, has changed shape, and has no idea how to get the most out of ….. ME. I hide in jeans and over-sized tops. I don’t like people checking me out – and sadly that extends to my wonderful husband too.
I would love to regain the confidence that I once had, and be able to create a unique wardrobe that really reflects who I am, and make me feel good about being looked at (especially by one special man).
I love your blog Corrie and you look absolutely amazing! You really are gorgeous!
Well the last time I went shopping for clothes was about 6 months ago. That shopping trip ended up with a screaming baby, a tantrum throwing 3 year old and a runaway 5 year old. I left my handbag under the table at the foodcourt, got stuck in a lift, had to try and pry 3 screaming children from a ride because they didn’t want to get off (I had the biggest audience watching me!) and came home with only a loaf of bread and lots of tears (from me!).
I would love a day with you and Donny to learn some tips…I wore a maternity outfit the other day and my youngest is nearly two…and to shop in peace!!!
What a great day Corrie, you look fantastic – I totally covet those black shoes…and the opportunity to wear them, heh!
woah… hot mama!
(i must confess i think you look super cute before the makeover as well… you have one of those lovely faces that needs very little make-up!)
This would be a dream come true for me! Over the last couple years I’ve removed about 100 pounds and it’s left me feeling like a bit of a SCHLEP (is that a word?!).
As a middle-aged woman with a ‘new’ body, I struggle to find my style. Yoga wear or the ol’ jaja bottoms and a t-shirt just aren’t very inspiring!
I’d love a day in Sydney with you. What a kick – definitely worth a trip to the Big Smoke. :o)
Hi Corrie,
Ahh, what a dream come true! I don’t think I could wish for anything more than a day out with a stylist at my local Westfield (which just so happens to BE Eastgardens) and sweet roll of cash… I think the last time I spent an amount in the thousands in one session was on my wedding dress!
Like yourself, I have always been a mad shopper and pre-children would trawl the shops every weekend looking for/purchasing practically anything (but usually clothes fell into the equation). Nowadays it is a treat to get a couple of hours to myself and almost always I have to run a carefully executed stealth mission to get in and back out with the absolute necessities. BOR-ING!
Looks like you had a top day getting all styled up and might I add, Donny chose some sensational outfits for you. Gorgeous! Good on you hun, with 4 kidlets, you deserve every minute of pampering ;o)
I’m not in Sydney so can’t win your awesome giveaway but I just wanted to say you looked AMAZING (especially the night time look!!!)
Go Retro Mummy!!!!
Andi xx
Dang it and being in Melbourne
I would wanna win because I an 18 year old girl who hates everything about her body and look
Wow….You look fabulous…I am sure after the day of Westfield Donny therapy session…..You must have been on top of the moon and confident plus must have been a real high… I live only just a quick flight away but would be able to organize my two boys 6yr and 22 month old, husband, and dog in a flash… I do work full-time and run with the help of Hubby.. two retail businesses with four locations… I never have time for myself it is always my family, my family of staff and businesses before myself…Hence why this would be a perfect opportunity to put my first foot forward and write this little story…
Corrie you look even more gorgeous! What a treat to have your own stylist! I’d love that as I too struggle with what suits me after babies, and I feel a bit stuck in a style rut. What a fab opportunity!xx
You look amazing Corrie, and it shows in your huge smile!
WOW Corrie, you look absolutely FAB!!! loved your outfits and those shoes were definitely to die for 😉
I too live interstate but all the best to whoever wins the comp!
Why would i like to win a Westfield Style Session?
Because it may just be my best learned lesson!
You see my fashion sense seems to be all backwards,
And lands me no compliments and no awards.
The chance to spend the day with Corrie would be great
I know we’d hit it off like we were old mates
I’d love for Donny to style me top to toe
And share with me some of his fashion know.
Hubby is tired of me looking like a dag
And wants me out of these rags.
He wants me to know how to look my best
Hmmm maybe all i need is a new cute vest?
My problem is i always seem to get it wrong
Matching clothes, adding accessories or maybe it’s my love of thongs?
Heels are something i never wear
Unless i feel like a trip down the stairs.
Could Donny teach me how to walk in those?
How to hold myself? How to strike a pose?
With dresses or even jeans,
I always end up looking like a mismatched pre-teen.
And that isn’t at all cool
When you already have one kid in school.
Becoming a mother young, when i was still finding myself
Means that enjoying fashion was put way back on the shelf
In favour of practical and comfy
And we know how that is just another word for frumpy.
So Westfields, give a girl a chance
And i promise to sing you praise and dance.
You can email me at kyleandjessikah@bigpond.com
Pick me as the winner and you cannot go wrong!
Ok now my entry is out of the way. Wow, wow, wow! You look A-MAY-ZING. If that isn’t motivation enough for people to enter!
It also sounds like you had a “dream day”. You make it all sound so fun and glamourous.
What did Retro Daddy think of your “new look”?
Oh Corrie you looked so hot and you thoroughly deserved to be spoilt what a lovely post.
Had No Idea from your earlier peak that this is what you got up too…How Wonderful for You ..You so Deserve it Girl…
Your Video is Amazing & You Look Amazing…
Soo Pleased that you got the Opportunity to get your Confidence Back…
Looking fab Corrie! It must have been so nice to be pampered. You deserve it. xx
WOW! What a fabulous giveaway! This wold be amazing- I would just be thrilled to be able to have help with my style. I am utterly clueless- even more so now that I have had my daughter and have changed shape completely.
Being on one income means that I don’t have the luxury of being adventurous with style and generally stick to jeans- how boring.
And to get a fun shopping trip with you as well- we’d have to have sushi for lunch!
Awww Corrie you look utterly gorgeous both pre and post makeover but a whole lot more glamourous afterwards!
Honestly who WOULDN’T want to win a style session.I am pretty sure that every time poor Mummy that follows your blog deserves one too!
Why would I like to win it? Well I have recently lost 40kg and frankly I have no idea what I look like anymore! My head hasn’t yet caught up with my body and I am still dressing to cover lumps and bumps that have all but gone! I have shrunk out of my entire wardrobe and now have the opportunity to start again and would love some expert guidance on what suits the new me
Great competition Corrie – can’t wait to see the transformation at the end
Wow Corrie – you look amazing. I bet Donnie is your new best friend!! I live in Brisbane but I’d have no hesitation getting myself to Sydney if I won! I definitely need to be styled by a Westfield Stylist because I desperately need a new wardrobe and someone to tell me how to wear it! With three kids there’s not a lot of spare money and I tend to buy things that are reduced but they’re not always the greatest fit or the most stylish! If someone could tell me what to buy I’d be happy to spend more on a few classic pieces that will last me ages rather than one or two seasons and then I could just add bits and pieces to those main pieces (with a little advice of course!). Thanks for the fab opportunity! Christine xo
Wow! What a great story and you look beautiful in your new, chic clothes. I definitely need styling. I seemed to havelost my ability to know what is right for me with the weight I put on after my marriage breakup. This is a lovely opportunity for whoever wins and I wish everyone well in this. Cherrie
How aewsome! You look fabulous. I would love to win this because I feel like I’ve been pregnant all my life and I have no special clothes to wear anymore because I hardly go out with my husband. Woe is me, lol. Thanks for the chance to win Corrie.
You look fabulous Corrie!
I would love a day out like this as I’m ‘fashion impaired’ – I love clothes, but don’t know what to do with them half the time 😉
I would to win a styling session to allow me to go into a clothing shop!
Once a fornight (or month if I can!) I leave the kiddies with the husband to hit the shops for groceries and this is such a trial on the weekend at Hurstville that I am lucky to get out alive!
I only shop at Vinnies or online and find it really hard to get clothes that fit well and suit my style which isn’t really what is in fashion or trending!
Thanks for the chance…it looks like such fun!!
Oh wowee! I’d make the trip to Sydney if I won.
And why should I get to meet you and have a big spending spree at Westfields? You and I are the same age (give or take a month); I agree that babies change your body and although I had my “style done” when I started work 14 years ago it no longer really works for me; I’ve never been much of a shopper and have never really been shopping with a girlfriend because I’m an engineer and all my close friends are blokes; I live in jeans and a t-shirt and always wear the same pair of safe sensible shoes!
Oh, the idea of it! Too much fun! And you, my dear lady, look fabulous.
Ooh, I would love to win this competition. I have a baby and a three year old and as you said, finding the time to shop for myself is pretty much impossible. If I do get a chance, I seem to wander around aimlessly, not liking anything I see or not being brave enough to try something out of my very safe jeans and t-shirt style. But it would be nice if the jeans and t-shirts actually fit me properly and looked good! I recently did a big wardrobe clear out and am trying to now restock with things I actually like, that fit me and suit me. Not such an easy task, especially on a budget.
It looks like you had an amazing day!
I’ve always thought you looked gorgeous but what a transformation!!! I think it’s your confidence that makes you glow the most. I would loooove to have a similar opportunity. I have always loved fashion but four children, no time and I too have lost my way when it comes to how to dress to look and feel good!!! What an amazing opportunity!
Wow you look amazing.
I could do with this, I have a toddler and am pregnant again. Plus this would be a great excuse to go to Sydney and visit my family.
If I can’t make in a time limit I would love to give this to my bestie, who looked after my little boy so I could have a kid free weekend.
Hi Corrie…
Man would I LOVE to win a make over… Only two weeks ago I had treatment (radioactive) to kill my thyroid. (I had thyroid cancer 22 years ago and it has grown back!!). It has been a very stressful time for my whole family…. and every girls needs to feel like a princess with a makeover, but I would love my daughter to go instead of me. She has been very stress watching her mum go through it all… Thanks
Firstly, Corrie, you looked AMAZING. What a fantastic opportunity you had to discover yourself.
I honestly don’t know what I could say that would make me win this competition over so many other deserving women – I am not good with words, lol.
I guess I would just say that I have often said to my husband “All I need is $1000 and a stylist so I could buy new clothes to make me feel better about myself”. Of course there is never a spare $1000, or $100 for that matter, to attempt to fulfil this dream……. I will keep dreaming though. One day it might come true.
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Oh, I’d love to win a Style-over! I’ve been a mama for 5 years, had little style before, and lost all sense of style during my daughters early years. And just when I started to get a sense of self style, I fall pregnant! So big belly, no clothes, no idea where to start – I can’t even cut my hair because I don’t know what looks good! HELP ME!
If it meant flying to Sydney for the day/overnight I would be there in a heartbeat… I’m in a similar position with three pregnancies and weight gain/loss and understandibly not always making the wisest choices regarding fashion. So any opportunity to receive great advice in great company surely is well worth the effort in leaving a comment
P.S. My apologies I had to delete my previous comment there were too many typos.
Corrie, even before your makeover, I thought you looked gorgeous. I cant beleive how clear and bright your face looks in that video! Stunning! My favourite look was your evening one with those gorgeous black heels! Wish I lived in Sydney so I could enter and win!
You look fabulous Corrie! I’m so pleased for you!
I May not live in Sydney – but that won’t stop me from entering! About me? Well, I live in Darwin. And that should be enough for you to drop everything and drag me over to Sydney! Honestly, my standard outfit is 3/4 denim shorts and black top of some description. I have a 2 year old little girl who I dress like a dream because I have no idea for myself. I work full time and can’t remember the last time I went shopping for something un-mummy-ish. We came from Adelaide and I have a wardrobe full of clothing I can’t wear – I like standing in front of it all and recalling how slim and fabulous I once was, and how I would like to be fabulous again and feel comfortable in my own skin.
My husband is going to Bali over Easter for a boy’s escape and is staying in the most awesome, staffed villa I have ever seen. I am staying home with the toddler. A trip to Sydney on his behalf and a shopping experience of awesomeness from you and Nuffnang would mean the world. I would love to find the me behind the mummy, again.
Whoo hoo! Lucky you! You look great in the chosen outfits!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this giveaway! I would seriously get on a plane and come down to Sydney for this. A day out with you and to be styled up with a new wardrobe – HELLO AWESOME! I so NEED a makeover after having all of my cherubs and feeling like my body has been taken over and returned in worse shape than ever before. You are looking totally sensational in this and I love that you got to have a special treat like this. Naomi x
WOW, you look great. It’s amazing how a change of clothes and the right hair-do can change your whole attitude.
I went over to Westfields and found their own comp to enter… but you have to submit a current photo! I don’t think I’ve had my photo taken since I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, and baby is now 6 months old.
I think this is reason enough to want a make over 😉
I would love a makeover because I fall into the ‘blobby post-baby’ body type. I’ve been wearing mostly stretchy pants and long tunic tops for the last 6 months and seem to have lost all sense of ‘self’.
I might have to get into gear and take a photo so I can enter the other comp too….
Corrie – I love watching that video of you!
I would love to win a shopping trip with you and Donny (I would love to meet you)
I get married in a couple of months and have lost a bit of weight and would love to be styled for my Honeymoon and for everyday wear. My wardrobe consists of black and white for work and jeans and t-shirts for the weekend, As im only 22 I would love to be adventurous with clothing but do not know where to start or what suits me.
I desperately need some new clothes and a new Style!
I would also love to change my hair if I had a great opportunity like this
Wishing everybody luck
Lisa Lewis
You look wonderful Corrie, looks like you had an amazing day!
I can sum up in just 3 words why I need *help* Jeans + Tees + Crocs
24/7 hehehe
WOW Corrie what a super day..you look superb…I’d love to spend the day with you! If I could look half as good as you I’d be thrilled… I too am a pear..LOL.. and after 4 kids with a huge gap, I have lost the art of clothes shopping…its jeans and t’shirt for me… with some thongs…I never know where to start when it comes to clothes…I do stay safe all the time…and probably look daggy because I do… to be glam for the day with some great knowledge for the future would be a blast..This new Nana needs to look good…
Can’t wait to see all your pics with your new style…
Hugs and Blessings Dawn x x x
Corrie you look wonderful, you should be a very proud momma of 4 little ones.
A make over that would be a wonderful thing to win, my little ones are now having little ones and what are grandmas suppose to wear. Living in southwest Sydney Jeans and Tshirts are my daily wardrobe, getting dressed up these days is a novelty not normality.
Fabulous! You look terrific – I especially liked the tan outfit in the photo. I have no idea how you could wear those heels though! LOL
Don’t enter me in the drawing, California is too far away from Sydney, as much as I’d love to spend a day with you. 😀
What a great prize. I have often thought about booking one of these sessions, but like most Mums, its never really all about me “first”… I am a Mum to 3 boys and work full time in a management role. I need to find my legs, they have been lost in a pair of black trousers for the last 7 years!
I need to win this. I have not slept in 11 months. My son who is a year old next month does not sleep. He has terrible trouble with his ears and we have only found out last month that he would be in constant pain from them. So taking care of myself has taken a back seat – style what style? For me style is a pair of jeans or denim shorts and a t-shirt, not much more energy for that. I even wear it to work to the horror of my boss. I also look really young for my age, so the t-shirts and jeans just add to my baby look, which is why I get the ‘teenage mum’ stares when i take out my two kids. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
woo hoo – looks great – fun time, gorgeous clothes, shoes….would love to enter. thanks – one more word – ‘TRACKIES’….argh.
Wow you look amazing and it looks like you had a lot of fun.
Being a newly single mum I’m very time poor and being very insecure in my new body aka – body after 2 babies and not being able to exercise with my spinal injury. I’d love nothing more to cover up this body I’m so insecure about but also learn to accentuate the parts I do actually like ie. Boobs and small waist.
I could really do with some pampering and a fresh new outlook for 2011.
There is no way i would ever make it over there so I am not entering, but wanted to say I loved watching the video of you – it looks like you had so much fun!!!
Hi Corrie, you look absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G with your makeover! Not to say that you don’t always seem to look pretty stylish anyway! I still wonder how you do it with 4 little people with you 24/7! I would love to enter myself for a makeover at Westfield with the magic Donny, as what woman wouldn’t want to spend a day at the shops being 110% pampered with NO assistance from the little people (bless them). BUT, I want to pass my vote over to the third person who commented here on your blog . . . Karen. What a beautiful and truly selfless person, who wants this wonderful day, not for herself, but for her sister. That warms my heart : ))
Corrie you look amazing! Not that that comes as a surprise!
I would love some style help! I am extra curvy and have 2 young boys so shopping is a nightmare, I just race around the supermarket and that is enough. Most of my clothes are pre-no.1, so over 5 years old and of course the body shape has changed drastically in that time.
Thanks for giving us all a chance at a great opportunity!
There are no shops where I live,….a day out in Sydney with someone to help me get out of jeans and into real clothes…chance of a lifetime!
Congrats Corrie. You look great. I’d love to win a day with you and Donny. Having worked my whole life towards my dream job (as well as stopping to have my family along the way). Ive finally landed it. Whilst I feel comfortable in performing my role, I really feel like my dress sense lets me down. Id love to exude the confidence that you portrayed in the you tube footage and I know I could achieve it with a little help (OK a lot of help) from you and Donny. Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh wow, that would be so much fun and exactly what I need. I’ve been feeling very down in the dumps about my appearance (and other things). Thank you Corri and Westfield for doing this giveaway!!
pick me! pick me! Pick ME!
although, if I could spend the day with you, I would prefer to be sewing so you can bestow all your sewing awesomeness onto me!!! Ever since I first ‘met’ you at Mathilda’s in Canberra, bought my first bit of fabric and made the skirt you designed and so kindly emailed the instructions, I have been an avid follower. To spend any time with you, would be awesome! we can talk sewing while we shop!!!!
but seriously, I am fat, frumpy, and fed up.
I want to be fabulous, funky and fantastic!
Wow Corrie — that was SO fun to watch — and you look HOT!!! I loved hearing your voice — you’re too cute. If only the prize included a very long plane trip LOL!
Wow, Corrie! Love love love the coat.
I’d love to win a day of being pampered and styled cos God knows I need it! I always think I know what will look good and I am ALWAYS wrong! I need someone who knows!
I am a mum to a 3 year old and spend no money on clothes for myself.
My clothes don’t fit particularly well, being large busted I find shopping a chore that I avoid. And this week I got asked if i was pregnant (which I am not) so obviously others are noticing that my clothes don’t fit well.
I would love to win the style session and money to spend so I can have a beautiful new wardrobe.
gaby dot wade at gmail dot com
Oh Corrie, you look FANTASTIC! I didn’t even know such a service existed!
I know you know what it’s like the be the mum to four kids but at least you have some pink ones to dress up! I’m contending with four boys and just how many ways can you work a t-shirt and shorts.
I have not spent time on me in any sense in years. I have my uniform – summer is shorts and tees, winter is jeans and long-sleeve tees. I only buy things I can grab without trying on – I think the last time I was in a change room was when I was looking for an outfit to wear to my God-daughter’s christening in September last year.
I have not bought any ‘accessories’ in years. Seriously. I have a Pandora bracelet and that’s it. My ears were pierced but they’ve long closed up. I used to wear necklaces and bracelets but that stopped more than a decade ago on the arrival of our first child, Oscar. I don’t even have a wedding ring as that was accidentally thrown out when I was on bed rest with Oscar’s pregnancy and some family and friends came around to clean our flat for us (it was wrapped in a tissue on my bedside table and they scooped it up and threw it out with all the other rubbish. Down the rubbish shoot. Which went into a furnace.).
I avoid the mirror, my foundation is about three years old, my eyeliner clocking up more than six. My lipgloss was a freebie my mum got when she bought some make-up a few years back.
GOD as I type this I realise how tragic it is. I feel like I’ve totally let myself go.
But there’s just not the budget for me to shop let alone the time. Even though I now have Thursdays and Fridays I am avoiding the shops like the plague!
I always thought you looked so glamorous and put together but this, this has taken you to a totally new level. Just gorgeous.
You are smokin’ Carrie.
I need a stylist because I’m usually in my gym gear for the school pick up/drop off
A style session is something that i have always wanted to do for myself but now that i am a full time mum i cannot justify spending the money on for me. Style session to me conjures up the following in my mind-
Thnaks for the opportunity Wesfield and Corrie!
Fiona x
Oh thanks for the chance to win this. I really need this to see if I can find my shopping mojo as these days all I can shop for is food, nappies and childrens presents. I have 2 children (5 and 2) and since they came along well let’s just say they are my priority and life and there is no solo shopping trips for me anymore. I think I also need to find my style as I am now the otherside of 40 and some of those shops just scare me cause I don’t think I belong in them. If I was to win I think I would be overwhelmed but with you by my side for the day I think I could do it.
Thanks again for the giveaway opportunity and have a beautiful day.
BTW you look fabulous
I love your transformation!! I’d love a day out at Westfields being Styled with you! I’m a mum of two under 5, in my early 40s – time poor for myself but loving being at home with my little ones! Two babies in two years have left their mark, but I like to look good and sometimes find it challenging when leaving the house for something out of our usual, the what to wear dilemmas are dull! I live in Sydney – so I’d be with you in a flash!
Mary (soy_mj@yahoo.com.au)
You look great Corrie! You must of had a ball!
How I would love to win this! I am really bad and writing why I should win things! So I really don’t think I have any chance of actually winning, but I will give it a red hot go. I don’t live in Sydney, but I would certainly make may way there on the off chance I win this thing! It is so something I need! I am recovery from Post Natal Depression and one of the things I have struggled with during my depression is my appearance. I had days/weeks where I would just look at myself in the mirror and be disgusted with what I saw. I wouldn’t leave the house some days because I was that disgusted with myself. Now let me tell you that is kind of hard when I have three kids aged 4,3 and 9 months and a shift working husband doing 12 hours a day/night. Grocery shopping needs doing, various other errands need doing which all include leaving the confines of my home. My depression was that bad I had suicidal thoughts. Whilst I no longer am having these thoughts I am still struggling with myself worth and my counselling just isn’t helping with that. Whilst winning this wouldn’t fix my problems. It would certainly make me forget the for awhile!
It would be great to meet you too! I would love some pointers on how you do all that you do!
That looks like such a fun day, and the new clothes look wonderful. I would love a makeover, since having babies I haven’t had time to shop or put together a proper “look” and now I am so out of touch with which shops are good to look in and what type of clothes suit me. Now I am back at work part time and have a 4 month old, so I need to find some clothes that look professional, stylish AND are suitable for feeding the baby between meetings! Bit of a challenge to say the least… for summer I’ve got away with button front & wrap dresses but I need help working out what I can wear for winter.
Its funny that this give away has come up. My facebook status a couple of weeks ago was….
“I want to know when I became such a dag! Im assuming it was some time between my 1st and 2nd child… Can someone please dob me into Trinny and Susannah? I need all the help I can get!”
Needless to say I would love to win the makeover!!
Im a Mum of three and a preschool teacher so I dont get much of an opportunity to get dressed up these days. My body has changed so much from having kids and I no longer know what suits my body type. I live in 3/4 length jean shorts and t-shirts! I need fashion advice from someone I can trust (ie not my husband!) and meeting the fabulous Corrie would be the icing on the cake.
All the best,
What a fantastic giveaway! I don’t just want this, I *need* this! I’m exactly like you at the moment; used to love shopping but after two kids and weight gain I’ve been left without any confidence in my shape or what looks good and tend to avoid the shops altogether, putting it into the “too hard” basket. I tend to stick on the same comfy shorts, tee and birkies, no make up, hair scrunched up in a pony tail without the confidence to do anything more
Boo! There’s definitely more to me! I need to rediscover the me that lurks within! And of course, I’m Sydney based too

Wow Corrie, you could be a model – you look absolutely stunning!
Hey Corrie

I’ve got 2 reasons to be styled by a Westfield stylist:
1. I’m a size 16/18 and I need some serious help with buying the right gear to suit me
2. I think it would be a fabulous learning experience for Donny to work with someone who sometimes needs to shop in fat shops
Oh yippee, yes please!! Where do i start, solo soldier’s wife raising 4 children under 5 left me little time to shop or dare i attempt, try on clothes for years!! I don’t fuss with trends but not sure i’ve aced my shape or style either, i like classics. Now i’m in my mid 30s with 3 tween girls who are into fashion, i’d love an unbias opinion on what suits me, rather than my husband saying what he thinks i want to hear or my children saying whatever-will-get-them-a-Boost-juice-faster . . . oh perfection, a stylish with a clue, dreamy!! Even better – investing in my children’s fashion future too. I’d gladly crawl over hot coals & broken glass from Canberra for this opportunity: shopping, stylist, Westfield, YOU, yippee!! Thanks for the chance. I’d love to wow my husband when he is back from Afghanistan. Love Posie
What a fun day you had. I have a love and hate relationship with shopping. Love it when I find something great, hate it when I don’t know if something is “me” or not. I would love to win the giveaway because I think I really need to learn what look suits me! Plus I’m on the hunt for a new job at the moment after being made redundant. The styling experience would give me the boost in confidence that I am missing right now.
Thanks for the opportunity and generosity of your sponsors!
Oh, Corrie, I’m so thrilled for you! You must have felt like a princess for the day. I loved the way your face just glowed by the end of it. Go you! J x
I deserve to win the Westfield style session and $1000 because i love fashion…..Im not one of those Stay At Home Mums whom doesnt spend money on herself. I do. Whether it be $5 a fortnight, or $20 a fortnight. Fashion and looking my best (on a tight budget) is important to me. Purchasing a $5 pair of earrings…or a $10 scarf makes me feel good…fashionable…and proud.
I am a mother of 4 young children. I dont ever, ever leave the house without a GHD run through my hair, a touch of lipgloss and a dash of mascara – ever, ever. Im proud of who i am and being a SAHM doesnt mean i cant take some pride in my appearance.
My problem is….i dont know if what im doing is right for me. Should i win the $1000 it would be an investment, an investment into my fasihon wardrobe. Coz fashion is important to me. OFten i will sneak into a newsagent, with double pram and quickly flick thru the latest Vogue magazine for a quick fix (promising the kids a chupa chop of course for 3 mins of silence). I will watch re-runs of Sex in the CIty purely for a fashion frenzy. The prize would be like a Uni degree for me. I would use the knowledge and experience Donny would advise, for the rest of my life. Like i said, by no means do i spend hundreds of dollars on myself. But i do think its important to feel good about yourself. And a $10 maxi dress does that for me. I purchased this just last week, teamed it up with my own dark denim jacket with sleeves rolled up, my hoop earrings, and holster jelly shoes. Is this ok?? Is this right for my shape??Being flat chested and tall, is this working for me? I just dont know.
The $1000 would be an investment, not simply a prize to get me up with the latest fasihon, only to be in the same boat 3 years later. I have the drive…i just need the knowledge.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi retro mummy,
I have just stumbled across your blog via nuffnang and I can’t believe I’ve never visited before so HELLO. Your blog is gorgeous and it seems this is wherecall the cool people hang out.
My name is Danielle and I blog at http://www.hello owl.blogspot.com I’m a mother of three and we have just moved back to brisbane as my hubby’s was diagnosed with cancer just before christmas.
I’m now a country girl in the city with cap country girls outfit. I would so love a day at the shops. The $1000 a bonus, a day shopping with you and Donny priceless!
Wow what an opportunity! You look like you had a ball!
I’ve been swithering about commenting as there are bound to be heaps of lovely ladies who are more worthy than me! However, I decided last night that I should give it a go. I have 5 kids and am now needing to go back to work. As you can imagine, my Mummy uniform is the standard jeans/shorts and t-shirts. After 11 years out of teaching I’m clueless about what suits me or is appropriate work wear! Also coming from the UK 2 years ago, I still haven’t worked out which shops to shop in and I still haven’t made it down to my go-to shop, GAP! The thought of an interview outfit is bringing me out in a sweat!
Ahhh you’re so gorgeous!! Love that video x
WOW, what an awesome transformation for a gorgeous mummy. I would love love love to win this! My body has changed after 3 babies and this would be a perfect start for me to learn how to dress correctly and confidently for my changed body shape. Congratulations retromummy im sure you had a ball and you look amazing. I am in Brisbane but could arrange to fly to Sydney if i won this. x Lauren Hordpenko
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You look amaaaaazing! I am so glad you had this opportunity, so deserved! (and, just quietly, isn’t Elodie only five months, your tum is, like, wow!)
Don’t you think that winning this would be the perfect motivation for me to keep going with the weightloss slog?! oh yes!
Thanks for the opportunity.
You look fantastic! I would love this prize as I am vertically challenged and have never really quite learnt how to dress it properly. My husband and I have just bought a house and so most of the finances goes to the house. It would be so lovely to have a pampering day.
Corrie Congratulations!!
A special occasion with very good results !!!!!!
Hi Corrie, I had a big smile watching your clip. looks like you had a tonne of fun and you look fabulous.What fun!
Corrie – you look amazing!!! LOVE your outfits and it must have been an absolute blast!! This sounds like my idea of heaven!!!
I love fashion, always have.
Add two young kids – and as you know not much time for that anymore.
I’m turning the big 3 – 0 this year!
I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with you, Donny and some shopping!!!
Thanks for such a superb giveaway!!
Corrie you look gorgeous and I would so love the opportunity to be pampered like that!
Ever since I began the journey of motherhood I feel like I have lost a little bit of myself. Having put on some weight over the years my shape has changed and I now struggle to know what looks good on me, so I stick to what I call my ‘safe zone’, which basically consists of jeans and baggy shirts. As you can imagine this leaves me feeling very dowdy…
As my kids are growing up I don’t want them to feel embarrassed to be seen with me and now that my eldest is almost a teenager I want her to have a mum to be proud of.
I think it’s time for me to feel good and look good too!
I am a young mum from Lithgow
I thought I should just go with the flow
I can’t wear that hat
I’m too fat to wear that
So I’ve decided to just lay low
I’ve lost a bit of myself
I feel I’ve been left on the shelf
Help me I moan
I’m in my safe zone
I’m not as small as an elf
I need for Donny to style me
He’ll make me look good to a tee
I’ll get some new clothes
Maybe paint my toes
And then everybody will see
It’s time to look and feel good
I’m sure that I totally could
Can you please help me
So you can see
The way that I know that I should
Corrie we need to go shopping
We’ll keep going without even stopping
The music will play
We’ll keep chatting all day
And then we’ll walk away bopping!
Oh my what a fantastic giveaway. What can I say other than I need this sooo bad I would do anything to get there from the Sunshine Coast. It’s only a short plane flight.
I had 4 children in 4 years and as I am turning 50 on the 10th April I would think that this would be the best present ever. I have no confidence what so ever, my husband is good at choosing clothes for himself and not once has he said that I look gorgeous in anything I wear. Don’t get me wrong it’s just that I don’t choose clothes to suit my figure. I have no idea what I should shop for. I buy clothes when they are on sale or because I see someone else looking good in that outfit but I have no hope. Can you help me???? I would do anything! Well maybe not anything.
Pls Pls PLs Pick me!!!!
Golly how did I miss this before?! My whole wardrobe needs a MASSIVE shakeup! Two babies in two years, weight going up and down (though mostly up) I don’t know what will fit and what won’t anymore until I put it on, and I just don’t have the time to test everything out every morning!
Would love something like this to sort me out for the next season with lots of key outfits I can create from mixing and matching the perfect fitting clothes.
Dream, dream, dream.
Hi Corrie, what a fantastic giveaway and it looks like you had a wonderful time on your style session. I’ve been reading since just before you had the twins but haven’t really commented before, I’m a bit of a lurker.
I’m currently a SAHM of an almost 2 year old boy. Prior to being a mum I worked as an engineer so have spent the majority of my adult life in male dominated study / workplaces so I’ve never really developed much of a sense of style. Pre baby I did have a thing for shoes, mind you my toddler seems to wear my nice shoes more than I do. My uniform tends to be plain bright coloured t-shirt, jeans or shorts and a pair of birkenstocks. It would be nice to get out of the rut…
Thanks for the chance to win.
Why do I need a makeover with a stylist? Oh boy, where to begin?? You see, I woke up a few months ago and KAPOW! It hit me right between the eyes. I was in my early 40’s. What does this mean? Should I start shopping at Noni B and Millers? Should me hair be cut short and permed? I am very confused. Suddenly my arms are developing unexplainable sag and my bust is just not where it used to me. I mastered the art of the muffin top some time ago and the art of disguising all these ageing flaws is beyond me. How should one dress for this stage of life without looking I’m giving in and throwing my arms up in defeat? I’m just not ready for elasticised jeans and overshirts yet but am thinking skinny jeans and tight shirts aren’t suitable either.I don’t want to dress like an old lady but don’t want to be mutton dressed up as lamb. (With has even more significance with the surname Lamb!) HELP! Oh, did I mention that I live in a country town where the options are EXTREMELY limited. Granted, Target has provided me with suitable outfits on the odd occassion, but I need choices! It would be no problem at all to duck off to Sydney and be revolutionised.
Thanks for the great opportunity!
As a fellow mother of 4, let me start by saying……you lucky thing!!! I would so love to get the $1000 shopping spree at Westfield. I have just lost over 10 kgs and I now have no clothes that actually fit me. PS. You look amazing!!
Corrie, your makeover, looks so inspirational.
As to entering…$1000, is a plus, but tuition on what this pear shaped plust sized frame should and shoulnd’t wear sounds daunting but exciting at the same time, so I would love to enter please.
Hi Corrie, Your new outfits are gorgeous!!! I would love to win a day with you and Donny, how fab. Before becomming a mum I had no worries putting great outfits together but now I have a wardrobe full of stuff and can never put it together. I always buy separates and then when I have to get dressed up for something I “have nothing to wear”!!! I always tend to buy a size too big as well. It would be so fun. I’m in Sydney and ready to roll!!!
Rebecca S.
I would love to look half as good as you did after your makeover ! A fabulous result for you and I would love to have the chance as well.
I am at home as the ‘domestic engineer’ and desperatly need some help and pointers in the right direction so I can look and feel good about myself again. I definatley need to bin the old comfy t-shirts and strechy waist maternity pants !
my e-mail is cameron@enviropacific.com.au
this entry is for stacy as I had to close off anon comments
What a fantastic opportunity to win a fantastic prize. The only thing yummy about this mummy is what goes in my mouth! I have 3 kids, 8,7 & 5, all now at school. I work 4 days during school hours & spend the 5th day working at home – cleaning, washing etc. On the weekends I am taxi for sport, parties & play-dates. I also fit in afterschool activities, homework assistance & P&F duties. Somewhere in all this I still find time for Hubby. Time for myself is generally late at night when everyone is in bed. But there is no complaining here, as I like being busy! It would be fantastic to have stylish clothes to wear daily that are comfy and glamorous. I would love the opportunity to have assistance with determining what suits & looks good on me. This mummy would love to be yummy. The added bonus of the prize in getting to spend the day with Corrie makes it sound so much more fun! I really would love to win!
Oh my gosh Corrie, I only have three and look nowhere near as good as you! I would love to come to Sydney and have a revamp (but you would have to hold Juliet for me as I am not leaving her behind, DH can look after the twins for a day, I hope…)
With three under three my days, nights and weeks all run into eachother, you must feel the same. I feed, wash, cook, play, read, walk, comfort, discipline, tuck, pull, tidy, dress and entertain all day long and I love it. But a day just for me and the chance to find my new self would be a real blessing. It is one of the few things I miss in Australia, my family to help me with the kids and my sisters to go shopping with me and give me advice. You could pass for my sister for a day!
I’m a little bumpier than I was when we where in highschool almost 20 years ago(not sure how that happened, oops)! I would love to come shopping with you and find my inner yummy mummy and look a little more youthful and cool. I find shopping incredibly hard as I don’t know what to choose and end up in Jeans and baggy tops! HELP ME Corrie! also I’d love a little kid free time.
Hi Corrie!
First of all, you absolutely rock in that red trench coat!! Something i’ve always wanted too!
Creative entries??
Okay.. so you started the visualisation techniques.. let me continue with that.
I can see myself walking down a sparkling runway. Lightbulbs flashing, everywhere people calling my name, people are grabbing at me, wanting to touch me, just for a second. And it’s all because I look sooooooooo hot!!! Oh hang on, are those lightbulbs the kids flicking the light switch on and off, and ‘mummy, mummy i need you’, and the persistent tug on my skirt of ‘up, peese!’ of my 17 month old.
You know, both scenarios are wonderful, but a woman has to do some things for herself. Nothing can beat a woman on a mission, and a woman who knows she looks good.
Wow! What a wonderful way to spend a few precious hours away from your family. It is so hard to dig deep and find time to dedicate to ourselves.
Why do I need a Westfield Style Session? I teach in a High School where the kids definitely understand the trends and the styles. Unfortunately, I must have missed that ‘class’. I stick to basic back pants and whatever top I can find that will keep me comfortable throughout the day. Well, I deserve to blossom and wear the wonderful colours and styles that I see in the stores. I also need to meet with Corrie as I want to pick her brain and understand how she achieves so much in her day without feeling deflated and continually exhausted. I struggle just to make the daily lunches for my two kids. Corrie’s Style Session has given her the confidence to try new combinations and look fabulous, I would love to have the same experience and then share my ‘results’ with the kids at school.
Far out, so THIS was your big news recently!
I’ve been out of the loop since I gave birth to Edward 2 weeks ago, but was even more surprised when I jumped on the scales 2 days ago and have lost 13kgs in 2 weeks. My eyes nearly fell out of my head! As you can imagine, all my maternity clothes are falling off me. I desperately need some new threads and all our money is going towards our current renovation on our house.
I’d love the opportunity to spend a day with you, finding a new wardrobe!
Okay, so I’ve decided that it would be ridiculous not to enter this amazing giveaway just because I’m a big chicken!
So, I’m due to give birth in 1 week (!!) and haven’t piled on the weight this time, so I’m hopeful (or delusional?!) that it won’t be too long until I’m back close to my pre-pregnancy weight. The problem is, that after Baby #1 my body changed. I used to carry all my weight on top, but after having Eloise, it has shifted to the bottom. What’s that about? I’m straight up and down – when waists were being issued I was still in the queue for boobs – and I’m extremely self conscious about my big pregnancy boobs. Sadly, I know that these are about to take on a life of their own after baby arrives. I would love for someone to help me (a) find clothes to dress this strange body that I seem to be inhabiting, (b) control these boobs so that I don’t feel like I’ll take out someones eyes if I spin around too quickly and (c) I know miracles are unlikely – but maybe, just maybe, fool me into believing that I have something like a waist? Not a teeny tiny waist, just something that resembles a waist!!
To wrap this up, my 3 year old Eloise frowned at me the other day and said ‘Mum, why are you wearing a dress that looks like our lounge’? Enough said!
Kate x
I’d love to spend the day shopping!!!
You look really good in your makeover.
Corrie! You looked fabulous. So happy for you that you got such a fun makeover and had a professional to help you shop. You deserve it.
What a brilliant giveaway! Well, I’m in DIRE need of a makeover, up until recently, I’ve been living in tracksuit pants and after feeling so blah, I threw them all away and now I need to start from scratch! Help me Corrie! You look absolutely chic and confident!
I have 4 kids under 6 and my oldest son said to me this morning Ï wish you would wear some colours and not just black all the time, and maybe do your hair sometimes” so feeling very low I decided to take my other 3 to the shops and see if I could lift my mood….my youngest is almost 5 months, but I can’t get pants to fit
Still sulking, but knew his was my chance to enter your competition. Travel from the Central Coast and a day for me would be well worth it all.
It’s too late in the night, morning actually, for me to be witty or creative, but I will seriously drive (actually, I will more than likely use Frequent Flyer points) to Sydney from Bris Vegas to get a make-over like yours. I have just come home from a dinner date out with Hubby & friends, and isn’t it ironic that you discover, when dressing for dinner, that you can’t fit into half the clothes in your wardrobe? Is it ironic, Alanis Morrissette?
I would love to say that I deserve it more than another, but who could ever say that? So many special deserving women out there that need to know and feel how truely beautiful they are. But we are too busy looking after the needs of others, to be honest with ourselves. Somewhere in motherhood, we lose a little of our identity, we forget who we are (not that we would ever swap that for the most precious important job in the world). But, I would love to know how it feels to look in the mirror and be confident in what I see. I know there is a look out there I love, but have no idea how to make it happen. I know I hate my mummy tummy but have no idea how to cover it up to suit my shape. I would just love to know how to dress to feel confident again.
Wow, you look fantastic definetly wouldn’t pick you as a mum of four, and what an amazing giveaway! Here is my entry…
No money, little time, stay at home mum of three
My daily outfit? Same jeans, different tee
Dowdy and daggy, hiding my post baby figure
No dresses or heels, denim pile
getting bigger
A new me is hiding, I know she is there
Behind the oversized clothes and unruly hair.
To be discovered by savvy stylist Donny Galella
Oh to be free of the wardrobe dilemma!
Pinch me now because it couldn’t possibly be
A chance to meet my favourite blogger, Retromummy
Learning the tricks to looking my best
While chatting and enjoying time away from the nest!
So please help me build a new confident me,
Fashionable and feminine as any woman longs to be
Stylish and sexy from ill fitting and out-dated
Westfield I’d love thee, a new woman created!
I would love some help with finding clothes that fit and flatter me. I am short, 5 foot nothing much, with a tiny waist (yes, lucky me!) but big hips and a generous bottom and fat thighs….so I struggle to find flattering clothes, if there are any at all out there for me?
Great competition, you look amazing, and look like you had SO MUCH fun!
Looks like you had so much fun! The new look was really cute, but more importantly it looked like you felt comfortable in it.
Why would I love a makeover? I’ve always wanted to be a Proverbs 31 wife, but sadly she’s clothed in silk and purple. Silk and purple – hah!! I’m lucky to do the speed purchase at Target, try on at home, and then return most things once I’ve found the receipt. I’ve been so many different shapes over the past 4-5 years that I no longer know my figure or flattering styles. It makes it really hard to shop, especially with a toddler and baby, as I don’t know either what is flattering or what is in style. It’s sad but true – I have store mannequin envy. Seriously!
Your short videos made shopping look so much fun, and Donny seemed to really know shopping. I would love the opportunity to have a style session, but there would have to be some child-free coffee!
Cheers, Kirrily
I would love (and need!) to win a day with you and Donny to learn how to dress my post twin body.
I am struggling to love it and embrace the changes as I feel its looking a little bit shoddy.
We both have things in common – our short height, our blonde hair and our boy/girl twins.
And I would love to win a day shopping with you for lots of gorgeous things!
Not only me but my wardrobe could do with a makeover – its seen better times
So I am really hoping I win this prize!
p.s Also it would be so lovely to meet you IRL after going through out twin pregnancies together
Plus a trip to Sydney on my OWN would be heaven. Not to have to worry about work, the housework and the daily grind for even just one day and focus on just ME for the day.
As many are,
I am a mum of two
My pair smile and cry
and gurgle and poo.
They are great kids,
whom I wouldn’t be without.
But life has changed,
without a doubt.
To have a day,
that was just for me,
without ‘home’ work or ‘work’ work,
would set me free.
I’ve long thought it important
amongst the daily chaos,
for Mums to keep in touch
with the real ‘us’.
I’ve yet to attempt
to reach this goal,
reality tends
to take its toll.
So thank you for the chance
to make time for me.
My family and I will benefit,
plus I’d get to meet Corrie .
Sounds like such a fun day!! I have no clue how to dress these days! Fashion?!! I think I am still stuck in 1992!!
reesgirl (at) hotmail (dot) com
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(forgot email address in first attempt!)
Well this is past the deadline I think… But I just came home from a totally deflating shopping trip with my mum (after throwing out 90% of my winter clothes and the only ones left are 2, 3, 4… years old!!! and worthy of the rag bag themselves..) I came home with nothing! I came online for some inspiration and decided I needed a stylist. I remembered this post (long time reader!) but saw I had missed the giveaway. Then I googled “Australian Winter fashion 2011″” and clicked images, and whose glorious face came up on the first page? YOURS!!!! I was sure you were telling me to cheer up and come back and give it a go!!!!!!
My fashion story? I’m skinny.. no sleeves long enough, no boots thin enough, no tops long enough (without getting wayyyyyy too baggy), skinny leg jeans accentuate chicken legs…. now, no one ever realises the complaints of skinny girls do they!! But I still have mumma hips too!!!! If I was to relate myself to an animal, I would say a bear, because as soon as winter comes, I hibernate!!!!! So depressing!!!! Whats worse is I just keep same old daggy clothes year after year cause I can’t find any new ones!!!! Jeans and tops… that’s the everyday option…Oh, and 2 pairs of winter shoes… low boots for everyday (and I literally mean EVERY day), and 1 pair of high heel boots for church and outings. The sad news is, I had the same everyday boots for 2 years and the zips broke. So now I am going out in jeans, knit top and thongs with peeled off nail polish. Serious… that sad.
Gee I really have vented here haven’t I!!!!
Oh, and I am mum of 3 little boys 5, nearly 3 and 1…looking at lace up boots and thinking, I don’t have time to do up laces on shoes when I’m going out!!! And the feminimity?? seriously lacking here…… SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!
jkffamily @ hotmail dot com