And I received a beautiful email from a lady called Sue during the week. Sue knows people affected by the floods and is going to deliver some quilts for us and take photos for me to share here. I couldn’t think of anything nicer. To be able to share in the joy of the giving and receiving. And particularly as Sue’s very best friend lost everything in the floods. And she is a quilter. Can you imagine? I just can’t.
1. Quilt for Queensland, 2. Queensland Back, 3. Queensland – Top, 4. Quilts for Queensland – Stacked Coins #2, 5. Happy Cars Quilt, 6. Quilts for Queensland Quilt #2, 7. Quilts for Queensland Quilt #1, 8. Quilt For Queensland, 9. 12.5 inch quilt block for Quilts for Queensland
If you are in the same position and know where to deliver quilts please drop me an email. So of course a big thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. I really do have a mountain of parcels still to open so if you’re wondering whether I’ve received it……….I’ll get back to you. And don’t forget to check out the gorgeous things on the flickr page…I’m pretty sure there are plenty of these still to be opened in my sewing room but I’ll get there. Soon. Remember my new motto. I’ll get there……..eventually. I hope to share mosaics with you each week so we can all ohh and ahhh together.
i’m planning on giving mine to you at the bloggers conference! Save on postage!
I’ve tried twice to get an address to mail quilt blocks but have not heard back. I’m still interested.
It must be quite a big undertaking! I’m glad there are plenty offers of help!
Well the little car quilt from Jessica is in my little hot hands and going to a little one year old boy and I am just trying to finish a quilt for his sister.
I am doing the same here we make quilts already with someone in mind so the quilts match age, gender and so on.
The other top you are show ( chinese coin) s one of two tops Jessica stitched for me with fabrics we had been given and I am quilting them as soon as I can.
I have currently 11 charity quilts here to quilt.
Hi Corrie
This sounds like a huge job. I’m not a quilter, but if I can help you with moving and posting them – I think we may live in the same area, as I see we share a hairdresser – you can contact me at
Youre doing a fantastic job there Corrie! I love seeing what others have made – they are all beautiful!
You’re doing an amazing job and I always love to read your posts so I’ve nominated you for a Stylish Blogger Award – I’m sure you’ve had awards before but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog
Good to know that I’m not too late. My quilt is being quilted as we speak and hopefully will be ready to be shipped to you asap.
Corrie! You never cease to amaze, what a wonderful bunch of women you have attracted to such an important cause. You are ALL so incredible! I wish I could create one for the cause, one day I hope to have such quilting talent!!! So inspirational x
There are some truly beautiful quilts coming your way. I can see many, many hours of crafting have gone into making them. What special people! It’s great you have done so much to help too. Jacinta
Hi Corrie…I have sent you an email this morning regarding some needy people. Naturally Carol xox
Gorgeous collection!
Corrie , I deleted the last email with your adress. Will you email it to me again please?
the bell01 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Don’t forget me. I have contacts through church:) and will be at SIT with bag allowance and able to bring quilts back if required.