– I’ve never been busier since keira started school
– I’ve been called selfish and inflexible over the past few weeks by a close family member
– didn’t you know that stay at home mums just stay at home 24/7
– I’ve ignored it and moved on because I know the truth and when she has 4 children she’ll get it
– the best thing I heard this week was that you will see the face of God in places you least expect – try it, it’s true
– keira had her first school mass and was the cutest little kindergartener I’ve ever seen
– a school mum googled smart casual cocktail party and came up with my blog post and it helped her wardrobe choice- how funny is that!
– I haven’t told school mums about my blog as they might find out too much information about me
– the scales tell me I’ve lost 7kgs since christmas….there are 3kgs to go
– good underwear is essential to the post baby bump/muffin top/roll of fat
– meal replacement bars and a few gym classes a week are the secret to my success
– my skin has not caught up with my fast weight loss
– I did my first step class in 6 years and was red faced for the next hour
– elodie is definitely my easiest baby and is asleep from 7pm almost every night.
– eldodie, you make me want to have more babies
– I don’t think I can do the whole weight loss thing again though
– why do some people have 10kgs to lose after having a baby?
– oh no wait, I know that answer – hot chips, chocolate and overindulging
– retro daddy thought when I said I’m not doing anything for valentines day that it meant don’t buy me flowers
– of course that meant surprise me. He had to go out and come home with flowers at 7pm
– you would think after almost 10 years with me that of course you shouldn’t come home empty handed
– I made keira love heart ham sandwiches for lunch on valentines day and she loved them
– keira tells me she is ‘brain shy’ when it comes to meeting new kindergarteners
– keira got star of the week award at school for safe and gentle hands – 2 days later she pushed her brother over in front of lots of people in the playground and made him cry
– quilts for queensland is well underway and I have to show you how many beautiful things keep arriving
– I love having short hair just as much as I did when I first got it cut
– elodie and her daddy have matching hairstyles
– some mornings when doing keira’s hair for school I think I need to go to hair school
and that is a snapshot of what’s been going on around here lately………….
Maybe you should publish your blog more widely then certain people wouldn’t show their ignorance and call you selfish! Keep on going… you are doing a great job of being a wonderful mummy and a great human being! And please keep sharing – you remind all of us that all osrts of things are possible.
I can’t imagine coping with 4 children! I’m struggling with the school thing, and I only have Eleanor to deal with as well! (Well, and a part-time job and quilting, but you understand…)
Wow. That’s a lot of stuff.
I’m glad there’s some happy joyous stuff mixed in amongst the bitchy crap!!!!
Andi x
I have total respect for you; I have enough trouble getting someone elses kids off to school in time…
You know Corrie, I only have 1 at school and 1 at home. But I cannot believe the changes we have had to make to our lives since James started school. I was expecting a slightly less chaotic life when James went to school. Not so. And with dancing starting up this week…. I think my brain is exploding trying to work out the logistics of it all….
P.S. which meal replacement bars are you eating? Which ones taste best?
You are wise and a great writer.
oh tell me about the school run! I’m up at 6am, by the time it’s 6.45am I have 6 children here between the ages of 18mths and 9.5yrs to get read for school, we leave at 7.50am. Get to school walking at 8.30am, come home and entertain the 18mth old and TRY to do my housework etc… then leave at 2pm, get the schoolies, come home by 3.30pm, do afternoon tea and homework, 3 goes home just before 5pm then it’s dinner, bath, bed… it’s exhausting… needless to say I’m looking forward to just having my 3 again soon….
And Corrie you are the LEAST selfish person I know!!! <3
I always find that people who call others ‘selfish and inflexible’ are often the exact way themselves and don’t like it so they project it onto others. Just my 2c worth though because obviously we don’t know the ins and outs.
I have a full-on existence and only have one child so don’t know how you manage to remember to breathe let alone do everything else you do.
More power to you…
It is so true that God shows up in the most unexpected places..He doesn’t put himself in a box..we do! I love that you are pretty real about your life…that’s inspiring.
Goodness..You’re a busy lady. My daughter has started Prep this year, so I have 2 to get ready for school in the morning, and I have a 10 week old bub who is very crampy and gassy, so she wakes up about every 2 hours during the night. By 4:30 I’m so sick of getting in and out of bed that I just up, make myself a cup of tea, read the Bible, and put a load of washing on. Doing Kaylin’s hair for school is a nightmare.. I started off with piggy tails and pretty white ribbons…now I just scrunch it together at the back and tie it with a blue stretchy school headband – I’m bad mom! Mmm…maybe you should a tutorial on how to tie your daughters hair without her screaming the house down!
Anyway, good on you for keeping it all together. You’re a wonderful mommy!
I lov these bullet point catch up posts, Corrie. Life certainly travels at a mile a minute doesn’t it? At least there always seems to be a reaonable balance of tough stuff, loving stuff and light-hearted stuff to keep things in persepctive. xx
I have to share something I learned the hard way…generally people will see in others what they refuse to see in themselves. When people say something mean about me I simply pray the Lord will reveal in both me and them the things we need to work on. That way I don’t focus on what they said but instead on what He is saying. Please don’t fret on it!!
Wow Corrie, you have a lot on your plate. I can’t believe someone would say you’re selfish and inflexible…. Pretty harsh words! It sounds like Keira is doing beautifully at school. Thanks for these updates, it’s so nice to read what’s going on!
I understand the hair. Matt takes the two to junior school and I take the other 2 kids to middle and senior school, but we can’t leave home until Maya’s hair is done in a way that will last all day. The fourth baby was the end of my trim tummy. sniff
You have happy children, a good marriage and seem to be very content -if we can see that through a blog then you must be doing an even better job in person. Sometimes even those we love the most say hurtful things for selfish reasons. Pray about it, forgive them and then file is away. You are a great mom!
You know some people expect the earth from us and never return the favour. It’s good that you can say no sometimes. And well done on your 7kgs!!! Way to go.
I’m not sure how you do it? Its really difficult getting all kids into the car – let alone four of them twice a day! I’m very fortunate to put my two little ones in the pusher and walk around the cnr for the school run (well walk)!
Phew! I’m exhausted just reading that, Corrie. A few things to comment on:
Whichever close family member told you you were ‘selfish and inflexible’ obviously doesn’t know you.
Good underwear is indeed a mummy’s bestie.
Can I join you at hair school? Cappers’ School Hair requirements are really testing me!! x
Busy lives are the best lives I say, so bugger off to that other person, and yes there should be girls hair classes. when I had baby number 2, the creche carers told me that they felt sorry for number 1 as Daddy had done her hair so badly. They did it again for her!
I am sorry that you had a rough go with a family member. Your life sounds busy and normal at the same time. Hang in there!!
Wow you do sound busy…..
My sister told me that I was very selfish… I have two kids (13 and 16 – part time taxi driver etc…) work part time and LOVE to quilt. She is not married or ever had children…
All you can do is keep looking up… I don’t know how you do everything and with 4 kids… Wow you are super woman in my eyes.
Ah, Corrie, I love how you continue to ‘keep it real’. You are a blessing to so many. And I think that family member needs to buy an antonym book to look up the exact *opposite* words to describe you. You’re doing a brilliant job. On every front. J x
Hi Corrie,
So glad you are ignoring “that” comment – we all know that you are amazing and the complete opposite of selfish.
Christine xo
Your amazing – I love this post _ Thank u
Love it all. Every bit. Don’t worry about the relative’s comment. I am sure we have all had comments like this from people who don’t really understand us.Also if you really believe something does it make you inflexible and stubborn or just honest and loyal. They will never know, poor things!
In the past I allowed other people’s ideas of parenting to influence me. I don’t think that is good because it doesn’t make for consistency. Look, investigate, test, try, be open to new thoughts but do it your way so the children always know what to expect. Must have another look at Elodie’s hairstyle so I can see whether to support her father’s hairstylist. tehehe. Cherie
Being a stay at home Mum myself to three kids I can totally relate to a lot that you say.
I´m always at a loss for words when some people can´t understand why I can´t get more done during the day simply because I ´get to stay home all day´.
After a lot of self doubt that maybe they were right and I should be getting more done, I´ve finally come to the conclusion that it´s simply their ignorance and the fact they simply have not experienced the whole staying-at-home-looking-after-children way-of-life.
Looking after our kids is truly a full time job and just remember that at the end of the day our children are the ones that truly matter, and sometimes we need to let those negative comments go in one ear and out the other.
You are an amazing Mum and don´t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Cheers to those last kilos coming off quick and easy for you! Feel free to pass some of your willpower my way, I´m having trouble finding my own!!
Oh really – family hey – if only you could sell them (do you really think they will have four children?)
I think that you are doing an amazing job. I agree with you – I used to have more time before Amelia started school – I now spend over 2 hours a day in the car:(
When you actually sit to write it down you realise how full on your life is don’t you – and then your husband comes home from work and asks “What did you do today!”
I have 3 lots of hair to do every morning and I agree, I definitely need to go to hair school. My eldest is in Year 5 and I’m still struggling to get the hair thing – I’m sure I was meant to have boys.Congrats on losing the kilos – keep going you are nearly there
Too funny. I always feel I have had a good morning if I manage to get Ally’s hair into plaits before school. What alot of stuff you have on, don’t listen to family members, you have enough going on without extra worry
Stay at home mums…any such thing!!! You are amazing just being able to put that post together.
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Love your blog! Trying to find quilting classes near me, no luck though. I love your quilts for QLD – fantastic – and you’re amazing to raise 4 children, quilt for QLD and manage this blog! Hugs!!
Corrie so glad that you disregarded such a rude comment…hats off to everything you manage to achieve on a daily basis!!
oh where to start! this is post is great – although i feel for you regarding that horrible comment you got!! i read today in Melbourne Child (you guys have the Sydney Child) an article about a mother who really didn’t like being a “stay at home mother” and really resented that she gave up her “career” and “missed opportunities” – it made me rather sick reading it… i love nothing more that the self-LESS act of caring and raising your own children. i admire you, your honesty your blog and that you manage to sneak in a bit of crafty indulgence. I think the key is, we have to have a bit of fun with this gig – or it gets to serious (and repetitive).
i love that Elodie is sleeping well for you and I can’t believe you only put on 10kgs! i put on 20kg for both!! I still have 5kgs to loose…not holding my breath though.
have a lovely rest of your week Corrie xx
Hi Corrie, you are certainly not selfish or inflexible.I think you sound like you do an amazing job! wish I could fit so much in one day! go for it
I’ve been doing step for over a year and I’m ALWAYS red faced for an hour afterwards…..means you worked your butt off.
I love your blog and I think anyone with 4 kids are not selfish or inflexible.
you are a super mom…can cope up everything…just move on and live to the fullest…
my appreciation to you as a person with multi-talents
take care and be happy
Being a stay at home Mom IS a job, and a very respectable one at that… selfish, it is not; it is actually selfless…. we eat, sleep and breathe the people we are caring for and leave ourselves last… and we LOVE it. We do it because we know that it’s just a short time in our lives and the thought of someone else raising our families for us is unbearable. A teeny-tiny-itty-bitty sacrifice that will pay off immeasurably later on.
You’re doing an AMAZING job as a wife and Mom and human being; and are not selfish in the least.
Your doing a Great Job so don’t listen to any Negativity…you know what they say…’what goes around comes around’…
another Gorgeous Quilt Donated..
It’s hard with just one LO so you are doing a super fantastic job with four. You go lady!!
When I read your blog and see how much you get done with four children to manage as well I am in awe. I have 2 (my baby is 8months) and I don’t achieve half as much – so whatever you are doing keep at it because it is definitely working!
I’m still going with my comment of you being Super Mom. I think you rock in all you do.
I love this quilt you’ve pictured. The label is so sweet too.
Keep your head up high, Corrie. Some people laugh but I’m sure my easiest time was with a 4yo, 3yo and newborn twins, all at home. No school runs, no assemblies, no waking up babies for school pick ups, no after school figure 8s of my town for activities. If I wanted to stay home ALL day I could. School does make life busy.
And on the hair front. I just manage 2 ‘school ready’, and 2 ‘home’ dos a morning. As of next Mon I have to get 4 ‘school ready’ heads done!!!! Help!!! It takes sooo long. Do use tea tree oil in a water spray bottle – you want to put off those bugs as much as possible. I also use some ‘product’ in my girls hair as well. x
Congrats on the weightloss. 7kg since Christmas is an amazing achievement. Well done.