On Sunday, my 4th baby will be 4 months old. I can’t quite believe it. To be honest, I still can’t believe I have 4 children and to think littlest miss is now 4 months old. Wow, it feels like she’s always been in the family and 4 months has gone so quickly. But could she get any cuter? Um no, I don’t think so. But I am biased. And although there is a little tear in the photo this little miss is not one to cry. She would have to be my easiest baby. She wakes up happy and smiling, falls asleep anywhere and especially under her rainforest sounds mobile in less than 5 minutes.
She weighs in at a healthy 7.2 kgs and her thighs are too cute for words. But sometimes I do feel sorry for her, in and out of the car all day now that keira is at school but I make sure she gets lots of cuddles and kisses when we’re not rushing around. And there is plenty of attention from the other mums at school. I’ve never been busier and I’m starting to get that feeling that I’m done and to spoil enjoy her as my last baby………………………..but then I look at photos like these and think oh if I could have just one more! But my problem is one won’t be enough…….
I love hearing of the little ones even when they are misbehaving..An adorable bunch they are and that baby is sooooo cute,, glad you have her back, know it must have been trying for you..Hang in there.
Hugs, Maggey
Gorgeous picture….as parents we have to make the most of every moment, you do so brilliantly, thanks for all the inspiration !
Elodie is so cute! time has also passed quickly for those who are far …. babies grow.
Take care of yourself!
My little man is eight months on Tuesday. I don’t know where that time went. He’s too cute and I want him to stay little forever. Especially because he’s my last! Elodie is so cute and you are a constant inspiration – all the things you do with 4 and I get so little done with just 2
Never say never!!
We were only going to have 4 and now I am just a couple of weeks away from welcoming #5.
She is so cute. It is hard to watch them grow older. Even now that my kids are 18, 16, 14 I wish I could hold them a little longer.
OH goodness Corrie she’s going to be taller than you by the time she starts school!! Don’t worry about dragging that 4th child around, my 4 are spaced exactly the same as yours & the 4th is just stuck to your hip like a handbag. They don’t know any better, they were born into a big family. Before you know it, with one in school & two in preschool, pow, you’re home alone with that last grogeous baby on your own & it’s the best quality time EVER!! Unlike when you just have one, you don’t realise how special it is to JUST HAVE ONE AGAIN & they are just your little buddy. Then pow that 4th born is 7 & in year 2 at school & you realise you’ve been home alone for a couple of years & miss them!! Sob, yes, heavy heart this week as school goes back, love Posie
Elodie is such an adorable little girl.
I too yearn for another even with five, but I also question would one more be enough…call me crazy but I was born to be a mumma
I do understand what do you feel. I’m a mother of five (oldest is 19, youngest is 2 and half) when I see the photos of last year I really want one more! Am I crazy?
Elodie is just so gorgeous Corrie, no wonder you want another one. I got to meet my twin nephews on Sunday and they made me all clucky again, although there wont be any more babies born around here from me!!
What a punkin. She’s beautiful. I can’t believe it’s been 4 months already too! Lovely little Elodie is growing up fast. As the children get older we don’t notice the ‘months’ so much as the ‘years’ but I like to keep in mind that they are also ‘4 more months’ old and they have grown enormously too! x
What a melancholic picture of the little sweetheart…those blue eyes just melt your heart! I love this age…4 months..past the new baby stage but still a proper baby..and can smile and laugh and be excited when they see you.
Very cute…I too was quite convinced that my 4th child was to be my last..however once he was up and walking and not a baby any more we decided we could go just once more. (this is definately it!!) But I think if you have great babies which also comes from being more relaxed as you go along then it makes the decision that much easier. You sound like you are doing a fabulous job!
What a beautiful photo! Being a mum on a 20 month old boy and a work from home mum, I really don’t know how you do it with 4! Definitely a superwoman!
Have a great weekend,
Vari @ Buttercup Ink xx
Time certainly does fly! Elodie is thriving and I’m sure she will just think life is normal with all the stuff that’s happening. You’re doing so great with all the things happening in your life. If we had a Supermums club you would be the President for sure! My 15mth old has learned to walk and I am glad I have a bub in the oven so I can go through the newborn stuff again but gee I will miss it once I don’t have any more little babies!
You make beautiful babies! Cherrie
She is just the sweetest. And i hav the same thoughts about my last one – I could go another….
Ok just to scare you…I had 2 girls, a boy, then another girl. My oldest started school when the baby was about 3 1/2 months old. That baby was such a joy and so easy and, like Elodie, spent much of her infancy in and out of car seats…I thought she’d be the last but couldn’t actually say she was DEFINITELY the last…I’ve ended up with 6 and enjoyed their babyhood and childhood so much. It does go fast, and there’s a lot to deal with when they are older, but I wouldn’t take back ONE MINUTE of time with them all. Funnily enough, you will know when you have enough, even after no. 5 I still had room in my life and heart for another.
She is so precious. We all are biased to our beautiful babies. My youngest is 17 months, and ohhhhh! how this picture makes my heart stir for another!
Oh Corrie Elodie is just gorgeous
so wonderfully squishy!
She is sweet
She is so cute, she would make anyone want to have more!
My baby boy is now 4 months and 1 week old. It is my third as I already have a daughter of 16 and a son of 10. This was going to be our cherry on top, the last one, but when I feed my little one and he looks at me with those lovely eyes….
Enjoy your little one as if it was your last (and who knows…)
Elodie is just gorgeous! You can just snuggle right into those little chubs can’t you?
So cute!
Corrie, tienes unos hijos preciosos. ¡Disfruta de ellos que crecen muy rápido!.
Saludos desde España
She is so cute… and they grow too fast.
Hugs from Spain.
soooo cute, keep on enjoying every minute x
She is precious. I want to snuggle her-what a sweetie pie.