Well sometimes my life seems like a soapie episode with some drama, something funny, someone needing me and too much crammed into one day. And the past 36 hours have been taking it to the extreme. In a perfect world, the biggest drama I should have faced yesterday was which lovely country road ruffled singlet was I going to wear to the kindergarten picnic. It was a boiling hot day and I settled on the navy one, a nice choice.
Elodie had a touch of a fever and was grizzly when she woke up so I gave her some panadol and she fell asleep. I was watching her breathing and thought it was going a bit fast but I thought maybe it was the heat so I let her sleep and decided to watch her closely and take her to the dr if she didn’t improve. She seemed happy and was smiling after her nap so off we went to the picnic for 45 minutes. Retro daddy dropped us off and we had a great time. Normally dropping me off at a park with total strangers would terrify me but everyone was super friendly and I was having a nice time. Someone offered to cuddle elodie and I noticed she was shaking and very cold to touch but had a really hot head, she had shallow breathing and I knew this wasn’t going well.
I had no panadol on me and raced to my mobile to call retro daddy to come straight away and take us to the hospital. I had been through this with finn last year. Good on retro daddy who was there in five minutes and we raced to the hospital. We were seen straight away and her temperature was a crazy 39.7 and heart rate racing. I felt terrible. Why hadn’t I just taken her to the dr first thing, why did I give her panadol and hope she would be ok and then I couldn’t help but think of poor keira who I grabbed from the picnic and didn’t even say bye to any of the lovely ladies I’d been talking too.
Her fever went down straight away with the panadol and hasn’t gone up since. Thank goodness. But they were worried about the cause of the fever as there was no virus. With her heart condition (a tiny hole in heart causing a murmur) they needed to check she didn’t have a bacterial infection which could get complicated. I wish I had been warned of this but I’ve always been told her heart was nothing to worry about. This is where it all started getting scary. I’m just used to getting some panadol, observations and being sent home. Instead they needed to draw blood and do more tests. The dr and nurse kept telling me this was going to be really traumatic and I needed to be brave. Ok, I’m thinking, well I cope with immunisations ok so we’ll be fine. Then they started saying because she’s so chubby and a baby it’s going to be really hard to find a vein. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the penny drops…………….it’s really hard to find a vein so they’re going to have to keep trying.
And so they put some numbing gel on her little wrists and feet and we waited. I cuddled her so close I’m suprised she didn’t burst open. So by now it’s 5pm and they try, in goes the needle and out, try again, try again and try again. Try another spot and then another one. Take a rest and wait for head Dr to try. Trying again and again and nothing. Time to call in the paeditrician from home and half an hour she comes in looking very attractive in her tracksuit pants made into shorts, running shoes half on and an old t-shirt! She got down to business and told me off for letting her have a fever and not bringing her in immediately (as if I already wasn’t beating myself up about it). She was no nonsense lady, put the arm grip thingo on till elodie’s arm was turning bright red and she was absolutely screaming and she started trying and eventully got blood. But I will never forget the absolute agony Elodie went through, the back arching and blood curdling scream for a good few minutes, just absolute pain and I was so near to tears but kissing her and blowing air on her face and trying to be brave. They needed 2 sets of blood so we had to go through it all over again. Canula went in and then she tells me the bad news……………..
Right we’re going to transfer her to another hospital and admit her for at least 2 days. I look at her with the most serious face ever and tell her my eldest daughter starts school tomorrow. Sorry she says quickly – she needs to go in and be on antibiotics and observed till we get all the results in. So Elodie had an ambulance ride, antibiotics, is still a bit grizzly and cranky but has no fever, no pain and her heart rate has settled down. She has a UTI and we just need a clear ultrasound and blood tests and we’ll be all coming home tomorrow. She’ll also be on anti biotics for the next 3 months to prevent this happening again. Moral of the story – just because you’ve had 4 babies does not make you an expert when it comes to fevers. I’m going back to the erring on the side of caution now! I’m also in total admiration of the dr’s and nurses who were so amazing to us. The facilities may be really old and the staff overworked but we received the best level of care and the sweet dr in emergency kept getting me coffee’s as I wouldn’t leave elodie to even go to the bathroom.
Tonight I am home to catch up on the home jobs, take keira to her second day of school and keep the show on the road at home. I miss elodie so much tonight and keep thinking I hear her little cries around the house – I hate being away from my babies no matter how little or big they are and especially when they’re not well.
So heartbreaking when they are sick
Are the ABs because of the hole in her heart? I hope she gets better really soon! Keep your chin up, you’re going through so much lately!
Its just horrible. When Ellie had problems they couldn’t find a vein either. The nurse eventually took me out of the room and down the hall and explained it was for the best as they had to put a canula in her head!!!! Not something they like parents to watch. Huh, what??? OMG that is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. We were flown to Melbourne to the RCH and the first thing they did was take it out. It would be nice to have peads. on call here, even if they wore cut off trackies. Your poor little princess. Sending our sympathy, hopefully she’s on the mend tomorrow and life settles down a little for you all. xxx
Corrie this is such a difficult thing to go through. Hope that Elodie is well soon and back home, and that Keira is having a great start to school. Thinking of you, Laurel.
Prayers Corrie!
Oh Corrie how aweful. You certainly haven’t had a good run of things lately, exceot for Elodies birth of course!
Sending you all {{{{{GreatBigHugs}}}}}
so sorry Corrie – hopefully Elodie’s now on the right path to a full recovery. I know the feelings of guilt – my Gretel had a burst appendix for 11 days – it took 3 trips to the GP until the ultrasound showed the mess – I should have known it wasn’t a virus like they had said – I work in medical! best wishes to you and Elodie x
Please don’t beat yourself up about not reacting earlier to Elodie’s fever. You did what you thought was best. That’s all we ever do as parents, isn’t it?
Who’d have thought though that there’s a downside to being a chubby little bubby? Elodie is so scrumdidilyumptious!!!
Oh horrible Corrie – hope she is home tomorrow all better xx
They can get ill so quickly and it is so scary..I know you must have been beside yourself with worry, We must trust our Drs, what else can we do?? She is such a darling as they all are. Precious children..Take care and be kind to yourself..
oh Corrie
How scary for you! You just never know do you? I would have done the same thing re panadol and get on with the day.
Hopefully you get some sleep tonight and have your beautiful baby home tomorrow xox
Oh how horrible! I feel so bad for the baby and the mum! Do not beat yourself up (sounds like the one doctor did a terrible job of that already!) you did what we all would have done in that case. Prayers for all of you.
Poor little girl! and poor mummy!! back to normal soon, jennyx
Oh corrie, this gives me chills, I wish your little Elodie all the best.
oh i just want to cry, you are the loveliest person corrie, with the most gorgeous family. i know my little words don’t help, but please know that i have you all in my prayers, you, your mum, your sweet baby, it’s all so much! but the grace and sincerity with which you handle yourself is beyond beautiful.
be gentle with yourself darling mummy, you will get through it all, and things will be fine.
reading your posts just makes me want to hug you and your darling children.
So sorry for both of your pain…thankfully Miss Elodie won’t remember hers. And although it’s useless to say, please don’t feel at all guilty for not taking her in sooner. Most of the time a fever is nothing serious and you’re more likely to catch something by going in to the hospital!
Check out this song on my blog.
Prayers for you!
Oh Corrie – my son at 4 months old had to have blood tests – I think that that is one of the most horrible things that I have been through – I can still remember the blood curdling screams as they took it, Stay strong little Elodie will be back soon.
Oh Corrie, you have such a lot going on in your life. How awful to have your littlest one sick too.
My son ending up in hospital at 11 weeks old for a week – it was awful. And I totally understand the canula thing…my eldest has had that experience more than once and it is absolutely heartbreaking as a mum.
Take care, I hope your load gets lighter. I am praying for you and all your family.
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So sorry to read this…
I hope Elodie gets well soon so you can all be back together again.
Poor little Elodie, and poor you! What an awful thing to happen on such a special day. Wishing you all lots of get well wishes. I am so glad that Kiera’s first day of school went well. We’ll be facing that next year and I feel quite daunted about it all.
Oh my gosh what a terrible time you’ve had! Please do not beat yourself up – there are NO perfect parents in this world. I hope little Elodie is on the mend after her ordeal – she won’t remember a thing about it. I don’t think you need to worry about Keira settling in to school – looks like she has already! You need to take it easy for a while, I am amazed at how much you do for others. Please take some time for yourself as you have so much on your plate right now. Hugs to you from across the Tasman xxx
Oh poor little elodie
Hope she continues getting better and is home soon
Corrie,I’m a nurse in the ICU at a very busy hospital and pride myself on keeping my emotions in check … BUT your story has made me cry. With all that you are currently going through with your mum to have baby Elodie sick at this time as well … it is any wonder you can still find time to blog. But I am glad you have. I’m so glad that the nursing and medical staff were treating you so well. Sending you good vibes and careing thoughts.
Corrie I am so sorry to hear about Elodie getting sick so quickly with everything else you are already coping with.
We hope that Elodie is home and well soon and that things settle down for you.
You are doing an amazing job.
Oh Corrie,
I am so sorry to hear of all these challenges facing your family.
Although I don’t know you personally, from what I have learnt of you and your family, you are an amazing Mum and although it hurts so much to see your precious little baby in so much pain you really did do the very best for her. Don’t let anyone especially that doctor tell you otherwise. Don’t let her words hurt your heart. Maybe she had had a really bad day.
You are certainly not the first or only Mum to give their baby Panadol and think the temp would pass.
Just 12 months ago I did the same for my son and told him that the headache he had was not as bad as he was making it out to be – it turns out he had meningitis the poor chicken. I came down with it the next day and it was the worst thing I had ever experienced. I thought I was going to die – all I could think of was how mean I had been to Connor by telling him he was over reacting.
I can also sympathise about trying to get blood from Elodie. The same happened to my boy when he was about the same age but they wouldn’t give him a break. They tried for 5 hours. I was so distraught I was removed from the hospital by security. When I was allowed to return to be with my baby the other mothers in Paediatric ER told me they too knocked the door down and told them to leave Connor alone.
It’s the worst.
You are a great Mum Corrie and the love and devotion for your family just shines.
Keeping you and your family including your Mum and Dad in our prayers.
Take care.
Just remember to keep your focus on Him and all will be OK.
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Hang in there. YOu know even when we do get thing figured out with our kids they go and change the rules. LOL! We are squeezing her from here!!
Oh how distressing for you. I remember when my kids were little it would upset me when they cried when they just got the one needle, so I can only imagine how bad this hospital visit must of been for you!
Hope she’s all better and back home with you real soon.
Oh so heart breaking, be well and I hope Elodie is home soon and Kiera having a great day at school today.
Wishing you all well. And hopefully, you can fit in a little extra sleep over the next few days too. Hugs for Elodie!
Oh Corrie, it must have been one of the hardest days for you. Us mums always feel the guilt when something like that happens dont we. I hope she is home soon where you can give her lots of cuddles.
I have always hated when little ones are in pain, hate it when they have to draw blood or poke in areas that are already hurting – I’m in tears with you.
Take a deep breath, one day at a time
You did the right thing
Hope your little one is on the mend fast. it’s heartbreaking when we can’t ‘fix things’ but you are doing all you can and little Elodie is in a good place. take care, Lea
Far out Corrie! You really do seem to have had one thing after another lately.
I always dither about taking my kids to emergency too. You so often hear about people wasting the time of the emergency dept when they should be going to their doctor instead that it makes you fell a bit guilty for turning up there! I actually came across a hotline phonenumber that you can ring anytime and talk to a nurse and they will tell you if they think you should head to the hospital or not. I’ve used it a couple of times, especially when these things happen in the middle of the night and you’re just not sure what to do. http://www.healthdirect.org.au/
I’m very glad that Elodie is on the mend!
Oh, Sweetie, I was so worried when I first saw your FB status. And this has just given me goosebumps. Oh, my, you’ve really been through the mill. Thank goodness she’s in the best of care. J x
Goodness, you have had alot these days. Just know that there are people all around the world that you do not even know who are rooting for you. Elodie is an exceptionally beautiful baby and her name is too. Keep the faith, it will be ok.
Hugs – hope that she is at home with you soon.
Oh hun! Ho incredibly scarey and awful and traumantic for YOU!
I hope Elodie is home safe with you now.
Tears stinging my eyes as I read this post. Sometime I reckon being a parent feels like you’re the juggling act in the circus! Hope little Elodie bounces back fast. As a Mum (of 3) and an almost-registered-nurse (studies finish in september!!!) I really feel for you in regard to having to be the brave Mummy in the hospital. Don’t beat yourself up, sounds to me like you are an amazing Mum x
Oh poor little lambkin Elodie! What a lot of juggling you’re doing! Sending Elodie lots of squishy hugs and YOU a huge one. xxxx
Oh Dear what a Time You are All Having…
Hope Little Elodie comes home soon..
Take Care
Goodness Corrie..you have been having a bad time. I’m glad Elodie is doing well & in hospital now. I had similiar experience with my 3rd when she was only 2/52’s old. It was a hot Sydney day & she was lethargic & sleeping a lot- it wasn’t till took her temp in the evening (over 39) then whipped up to local emergency. She had a UTI too- because she was so young they wanted to do lumbar puncture but fortunately found the source of infection in the urine first. It is definitely a stressful time but uti’s fix up fast with ab’s. There may be a few tests down the track tho.
Keira looks very sweet at school.
All the best for the next few days.
oh my goodness! I am so very sorry. I’m praying she’s much better today. You are a wonderful mom, don’t forget that!
Don’t beat yourself up. I took my son for a fever and no explanation and the hospital seemed annoyed at me for it.
I cannot imagine leaving her to go home. That would be hard.
I’m off to read part 2…
Oh no, that was awful. But I can see why you did give her panadol first, I think I would have done the same!
This was a real nightmare and as soon as you saw she wasn’t well you got into action gear, didn’t you? That was the most important!
I was just catching up on your blog, I have not been online much this last week. Oh my goodness you have had a tough week.
I am so glad Elodie is home now, and I hope you can get some rest and slow down a little.
Sorry I seemed so thoughtless emailing you photo links to trousers I have made, when you are going through a tough week.
Hugs, Cat.