Well I’d been hoping to share with you the lovely quilts and blocks that have been ariving on my doorstep but the weekend has gotten away from me. And I owe some of you lovely ladies a little thank you email for the quilts and blocks that keep arriving each day………….it’s coming I promise. I am just squeezing 20 million things into each day and right now am madly cleaning out my sewing room to make room for my mum to move in this week. It is an embarrassment to sewing rooms around the world as it is in such a bad way. My mum even said she hopes there isn’t fabric all over the bed when she arrives!
I know some of you have been waiting for an update. She has good and bad days and today was a bad day. Last week the dr’s found 4 new tumours on her MRI, this is such devastating news but of course we had to expect this. She will have the gamma knife tomorrow and then whole brain radiation every day for the 2 following weeks. I’ve stopped looking up survival rates now or looking up the treatments and just take each day we have as a blessing and make sure that she is surrounded by love each day she is with us.
Seeing someone normally so intelligent and articulate not themself takes some getting used to. She was getting very agitated with the nurse making her bed today. Wait for it, his name was……………….Elvis! I tilted my head to read his name on his security pass and then just had to ask him all about it. It was a good distraction for everyone in the room and from my mum getting cranky that he was only putting 2 blankets on the bed instead of 4 (the air-con is f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g!). Even as I added 2 more blankets for her she was getting annoyed that I wasn’t tucking them in right. At these times you need to be so patient, keep a sense of humour and stay calm, she doesn’t mean to be that way. And then she told me she didn’t want to come to my house if she was going to be a disruption, this just about broke my little heart. I insisted there was nowhere else I’d rather see her than here with us.
And of course she loves seeing her littlest grand-daughter Elodie who comes with me everyday. Can you believe she is cutting her first 2 teeth right now…I can’t! My little baby is growing up and meanwhile my big baby starts school in 2 more sleeps………..lots of photos coming of that big day!
So sorry that the news isn’t better for your Mum. Just know that there are friends you haven’t met yet, right across the world, keeping your family in our thoughts.
Quilts and blocks arriving in the post? That sounds lovely. You’d have mine too, but I still haven’t received an email with an address to post to. I know you’ve had bigger things to worry about, but when you’ve got a minute………………………..
I am sorry to hear that the news for your Mum is not good but I have been thinking of you over the last week and checking your blog regularly for updates. On another note my boy starts high school tomorrow. I cannot believe that his primary school years are over … feels like only yesterday that he started kindy … the years just fly by way too quickly. xxxx
Sorry to hear about the Extra Tumours…It’s going to be a Big Job for you but I wouldn’t have it any other way Either…it’s what we Do..
Take Care
Corrie so sorry to hear that your mum has more tumours. I will be thinking of her when she has her surgery and I do hope that the radiation works and rids them forever from her. It must be so hard for everyone, even your mum to have to deal with. I am sure she will feel much better being at your house surrounded by people she loves and who love her too.
I hope everything goes well for your mum this week Corrie, Elodie is so cute!! Good Luck….
Oh Corrie, what a difficult time for you and your family. i will also keep praying for you all.
The photos of your little one are gorgeous, it must be a time your Mum treasures each day,seeing her wee grandchildren.
Take care.
Corrie it broke my heart reading about your mum so i hope all news will be good news from now on and what a special woman you are and may god give you strength and hope.
Little Elodie is sooo very cute,god bless you all.
big hugs Shez
Be brave ♥
I know Elodie must be providing your mum with so many loving moments…
Thinking of you all and your Mum… it’s such a terrible thing to watch happen to someone you love. On a happier note, Elodie is looking absolutely gorgeous… I love her hair clip
Kate x
Thinking of you all, Corrie don’t take on too much delegate.
Stay strong
So much going on in your days. Praying peace for you and your family.
Corrie, you have so much on…..please remember to look after yourself as well (yeah yeah I hear you say).
I am sorry to hear the news about your mum.
Elodie is adorable! They grow up so fast, mine oldest started prep last week. It is a huge milestone and adjustment for them.
oh no! I am so sorry to hear this news about your mum. Take care xox
Your comment about having your mum with you each day is a blessing reminded me of a song I used to hear on the radio as a kid, “One Day at a Time” by Christy Lane. Here is the YouTube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz2L1v7Wkx8&feature=fvw
Corrie you are a wonderful generous person and it’s hard to see you going through these bad times, but I have to say you have the cutest baby ever. She is an absolute gem and I’m sure a great comfort to you at this time.
Oh Corrie, you dont need to apologise for anything. Your strength amazes me. I should post a picture of my sewing room – it is shocking. There is a queen size bed in there somewhere.
Corrie, you have the most beautiful family. Thinking of you and your mum.
Your little Elodie (and her siblings) would be the very best medicine for any grandmother. Simply adorable. I hope your mum’s good days well outweigh the bad. A x
Corrie, you are handling this with such grace. My thoughts are with you!
So sad to read about your Mum.
My thoughts are with you.
So sorry to hear about your mum. So sad
It’s hard to watch someone you love go through this.I pray for strength for you and all your family. Nikki xx
sorry for some reason i receive emails however cant reply however am glad i can get to send you a message this way. glad you took some time out today it is probably just what you need. make sure you continue to do this as it will be great to have your mum with you this week however also so very heart- wrenching. lots of love to keira starting big school this week. ps. nate’s mummy’s name is nicole and he is also starting (in case they are in the same class).xx
It’s lovely that you can have your Mum with you. Don’t take nastiness or crankiness as it is given. Super sick people do not mean to be like that it is just that evrything is too much for them and the medications can also distort their thinking. You will never be sorry for having looked after your Mum so well. Cherrie
I wish the news for your mum was better. I am glad to hear that you are taking each day as a gift. Those babies are precious, and to be able to spend time with them is special. I hope you can find a special moment each day, along with time for yourself to retreat into quiet.
I wish the news for your mum was better. I am glad to hear that you are taking each day as a gift. Those babies are precious, and to be able to spend time with them is special. I hope you can find a special moment each day, along with time for yourself to retreat into quiet.
You, your mum, and your family are in my thoughts. I hope it starts to look up for you, even if it’s just a little, but a small time. That Miss Elodie of yours is such a cherub xx
I’m so sorry more tumors were found. I’m praying for your family. I’m sure you will cherish the time she is able to stay in your home.
Elodie is so gorgeous!
Thank you for keeping us updated Corrie (and no more emails lovely lady!! Even if they are short – i know you are busy enough!! xx) I know it will be a transition having your mum there but like you say you are treasuring each day and taking it as it comes. I hope all goes well as can go. It will be another phase of character building to the glory of God. I wish i was closer to make some meals and do helpful things! Look forward to the first day of school pics
Lots of love sending to you via this little message 
I cannot imagine what you are going through but have comfort int he fact everyone is thinking of you and praying for you, your mother and family! xo
And your daugher is devine!
The love you are showing your mom is the greatest gift to her and to your children. She is surrounded by beauty and grace and your children are learning such an important life lesson. What a wonderful and strong woman you are. You and your family remain in my prayers.
I’m praying for you and your beautiful family.
every day is a precious gift and you are so wise to know that, such a hard time though………….many blessings
I am so sorry about the news about your mom. My prayers go with you all!
The baby is just so cute!
I have been thinking about you and your mum a lot.
Im sorry the news isnt better.
Lovely you can have her at home with you.
Elodie is gorgeous.
I have finished sewing one quilt top and have cut out another.
Just take life one day at a time, try not to focus on the what could be’s or the when’s, if’s and why’s. Cherish the time you will spend with your mum, she will be grateful to have you around to care for her and she will be comfortable with that also. I dont know you but you know Ive walked the same walk. If you ever need a chat or some kind of relating, Im only a blog away XXX
So sorry to hear your mum isn’t doing better. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family. Your daughter is just georgeous. Remember to take time out and enjoy her at this difficult time – they grow up so fast.
Oh Corrie, you have so much going on right now! I’m sorry to hear about your Mum — you’re an amazing daughter. I think of you often…
I have to say, what a cutie pie! My little one just turned two yesterday and what a day she gave me today (phew!) but photos like those of your gorgeous little one remind you of how beautiful they are, and how lovely they are to have around! Nat
I am sorry to hear those bad news….
We’ll keep on praying for you all.
Your daughter is a cutie.
My thoughts are with you and your family. In this time that will be busier than ever for you, remember to take care of you so you have the energy to take care of others. Even a 10 minute break somewhere in there with a quiet cup of tea (if possible) will give you that extra strength you need.
Anne xx
Thinking of you darling Corrie, much love, kisses, Posie