Knowing that my mum was going to be moved from the public hospital, my Dad told me not to buy flowers yet. Then he said as soon as you buy the flowers I’m sure she’ll be moved. Sure enough, I ordered an arrangement to be made up (just as my mum would like it from our favourite florist) and I was walking to pick it up and my Dad texted me to tell me that they were moving her that afternoon. Ta da, he was right. So now she is in the hilton of hospitals at Macquarie University Hospital….it’s like going from an old hostel to a fancy hotel. She has a big comfy room and it is certainly much easier and a nicer experience for everyone. As much as I loved showing elodie off to the other ladies in the room at RNS… I’m glad we’re out of there.
It’s been a long week of waiting for neurosurgeons to assess my mum and they are still going. Today we will find out what the plan of action is……she is on a lot of steroids and from what I’ve read you don’t want to be on them for too long but they are doing their job of reducing swelling, keeping her comfortable and in much better spirits. The decision will be either to operate (I really don’t like this option, it scares me) or do the gamma knife again. It will be the 3rd gamma knife treatment for her and gives us more time without having the recovery and risks of a traditional operation. It is a new treatment in Australia and has a team of leading doctors involved.
She has some sweet moments, the nurse was going to shower her yesterday and left her in the bathroom and said I’ll be back in 2 minutes with everything…my mum called out very seriously making the nurse come back in…….’how long will you be? 2 minutes? ok!’ It made me smile (and the nurse, in a sweet way). She smiles a lot, raises her eyebrows, says yes and no and yesterday was telling my dad things she needed from home and would smile saying I can see it, I can see it…but finding the words for the shampoo and conditioner were just not coming. I really try hard to keep to yes and no answers and telling her things. It makes conversation easier.
She loves to see my little ones and smile at them. I think it’s important to take them in with me so they can just be around eventhough it involves bags of chips and a trip to the vending machine to keep them entertained. The rice crackers and milk I packed weren’t going to cut it in the visitors lounge and I was on my hands and knees picking up the chip crumbs from the new carpet in there as we left.
We still pray, we cross fingers and we know she is in the best place to receive the most advanced treatment that she can. We feel blessed for this. Everytime I leave her I say ‘bye, I’ll be back tomorrow and I love you’. Yesterday she kept holding on to my hand as I went to leave so I just stood there holding hers. I hate leaving her. I will never forget my Dad telling me at the start of the week to treat each goodbye as if it was the last as she could go downhill very quickly. It broke my heart and was so hard to hear……at least now we are all feeling a little more positive and hopeful. It’s a better place to be……………..for now. And that is the update. Thank you for your sweet messages and concerns. Knowing that you have been through this or your own challenges or that you care has been so comforting. And I sing my little church songs around the house to keep me praying as I go.
Lots of love xx
Corrie, Your Mum is so blessed to have you as her daughter. Thinking of you. Cath x
Sending lots of love and hugs to you Corrie from the UK. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
Hi, Corrie!
I’m happy that you have some good news and feeling!Haven’t you?)))
Still thinking of you
You have not been far from my thoughts this week Corrie. I just don’t have the right words to say. Just know that I am thinking of you and your family, and especially your Mum.
Corrie you are a wonderful woman. I’m thinking of you. Take care. Hugs. xo
hugs to all of you corrie, take care.
Oh Corrie, your post brought tears to my eyes. The flowers are just beautiful. You’re the most beautiful of daughters — your mum is so lucky to have you. I love that adorable picture in your blog header — little Tillie just cracks me up!
hugs to you and your family.
I faced this challlenge two years ago with my dear mum. Jo
Thinking of you Corrie and sending lots of love
I`ve finished reading this post with tears. I keep my fingers crossed for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and my prayers. Greetings, Joanna
I can’t read the final paragraph due to the tears…all I can say is, cherish every moment. Your mother is very lucky to have you all around her. Hugs.
Thinking of you and your family through this difficult time. You mother is blessed to have such a beautiful family! {{{HUGS}}}
Typing through tears. Sending happy thoughts.
Hope can do wonders… never give up… Sending more and more hugs from Canada.
All the best 😉
Corrie – those flowers are lovely and I’m sure they make your mum happy when she sees them and smells them. And taking your kids in to see your mum every day must be a task in itself but is improtant to do, for you, for them, for her.
Sing away – it helps to lighten your burdon, sending your thoughts and voice out into the universe!
Ah, Corrie, my eyes are stinging with tears as I write this. You know how much you and your mum are in my thoughts and prayers. J x
Being positive and a ray of sunshine for your mother is the best thing for her. She’s in a good hospital (oh so new!). Bit of a hike for you I am sure so don’t neglect yourself dear girl! Love in Christ, Fi
Hi Corrie, I love your new blog header and I’m glad to hear your mum is in a more comfortable place. I hope the steroids keep doing their thing. THinking of you. xx
Good signs.
Lots of prayers, love and thoughts xoxox
I recently lost my Pop from a cruel disease also. It was hard to watch a confident intelligent man turn into a scared blank childlike person, but I took comfort in knowing that when his life ended on earth, it was not the end and that I will see him again one day. And that his confidence and intelligence would return to him!! That was the best part for me.
Thinking of you girly!
(on a side note I have been contacting families about my soft toys and asking if there is a need for quilts just to test the waters for you *smiles*)
tons of love for you and your family.
I am so glad you can be close to your mum at this time.
I wasnt able to be there for my mum and I still regret it.
gentle hugs
Those flowers are sure to brighten up the room as well, they are gorgeous! Your posts have been taking me back to when my mum was in hospital, she had leukemia. I know how hard the waiting can be and how scary it is not knowing what is going to happen next. You are all in my prayers xx
Hve been praying for you all every day and am glad to have an update. A few bags of chips and some mess is really not much to worry about in the big scheme of things and having your children with you for your mum to see is much more important.
Son had MRI of his destroyed ankle done at Macquarie just before Christmas. He was impressed with the facilities too. His best friend heads the nuclear medicine department. Friend’s initials are MT if you come across him. He could well be involved in the gamma ray stuff.
Beautiful flowers for your beautiful mum. I hope you continue to get good news from her doctors. Being in a comfortable place will certainly brighten her spirits. Your new border photo of you and your family is so sweet. Keep cheerful.
Corrie I have been through something similar when my FIL passed away and Isabelle was only tiny then, not even 2. I do hope that the doctors can help your mum and it must be so hard for you all. It does prove true that you find strength when you didnt think you had any. Hugs to you all XXXXX
So glad to hear that you are out of RNS. Worst place ever in my opinion. Maquarie sounds wonderful, thats what you need. Sending you heaps of white light, be strong xxx
Sending love and prayers to you and all you family. Gald she’s more comfortable now. As a nurse, I know how hard it is for patients and their families when in a four bed room. Praying for some good news.
Nikki xx
The love in your family is beautiful. I feel it in every word you write. My prayers continue. May God bless.
Corrie, It is obvious in your beautiful words that you absolutely love your mum so much. This tells me that your mum must be a wonderful person like you and must show you so much love also. Keep strong and remember that so many people are thinking of you and keeping you and your family close to their hearts.
Sending happy, healing vibes your way!!
Sarah (Madi & Me)
i’m glad you have some more positive news… it’s so horrible to watch someone else go through what we’ve just been through
my BIL’s mum was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer about 2 years ago… she was given 3 months max to live… she saw loads of neurosurgeons and had countless treatments and surgeries… she finally got into see Charles Teo (who’s quite radical- and when the other drs had pretty much given up on her) who recommended very radical surgery… my BIL chose the less radical route… the surgeries he performed gave her about a year and a half extra to live… but my BIL now wishes he’d gone the more radical route in the first place to take as much as the tumour as possible… and given his mum possibly longer to live…
the whole thing was so horrible and so very very sad… but we were all grateful for the extra time she had though… and grateful that there are some drs out there who don’t give up until they absolutely have to!
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Sending love and peace for you and your family. The flowers are beautiful.
Dear Corrie,
Extra prayers for your dear Mum during this latest struggle and also for you and your family as her support network. Thank you for the update as you are in our thoughts often.
Christine xo
Oh Corrie, my thoughts are with you during this time. How hard it must be to stay strong! Your post brought tears to my eyes…sending you hugs…
Continuing the prayers, Corries. Take care.
My heart goes out to you Corrie. Big hugs xo
Dear Corrie – I have been thinking of you and your family whilst you have been silent the last couple of days. It is funny how after reading a blog regularly you feel like the writer is a friend. I pray for you that all will be well – there is no one in the world quite like your own Mum
May God walk with your family and hold you in his and Nicole
Big huggs to you, Corrie!
You are brave.
I’ve been thinking a lot about you and your Mum since you shared your situation. I really hope it works out for the best. Sending you good thoughts…
Oh Corrie! Thank goodness! you and your family have been on my mind a lot. xxx
Sweetie, having had my Dad in hospital for lengthy stays twice in the last 3 years and my husband in once as well after a nasty accident I absolutely advocate the importance of taking little people in to say hello. Yes they are noisy and yes they have very short attention spans and yes, they do wear the person out who’s in the bed but they sooooo brighten up the day! They bring their laughter, innocence and joy to a place where most people speak in hushed tones. They smile at everyone, not just their family member. As tiring as it may be for you to manage them all . . . and even though it may tire your Mum out. . . even just a short visit with those smiling faces will lift her heart and spirits. So glad to hear your Mum is more comfortable and able to take each day with more strength and power. xx
You have been very much in my thoughts. I’m glad your mum is more comfortable now and that you are all happier as a result. You are a wonderful daughter
My thoughts are with you Corrie. So good to hear your Mum is in a lovely room and keeping her spirits up. Big hugs x
Will be keeping your mum and family in my prayers… So glad to read that she is in a better hospital too.
Glad you have had some good news and your Mum is a little more comfortable. Still in our prayers.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Corrie. You have such a lot on your plate and manage it so elegantly.
Corrie, my prayers are with you – I understand the stress of a loved one in the hospital, my 20-day old baby is being admitted now. I WILL remember you in my prayers. Keep singing to God, He hears you and will keep watch over you and your family.
Blessings from Ohio (USA)
Gorgeous pics of the Flowers to go with your post…Hang in there Corrie..your doing all the right things..Glad they moved your Mum to a Nicer Room it does make a Difference to Everyone…
Thinking of You and Thanks for the Update…
sending Big Hugs.
The flowers are beautiful. You and your family are in my thoughts.
Hi Corrie, I’ve never commented to you before as only started reading your posts, but wanted to say I am thinking of you and your family. My Mum had some strokes and a terrible car accident in 2008 and spent 3 months in hospital recovering (21 days on life support in an induced coma in the ICU) so I have also done the hospital visits with my two little ones. (We were in Brisbane.) Your Mother is blessed to have you as a daughter. You take such good care of her. Thank goodness for our faith to keep us ‘hanging in there’ and give us hope for the future. God bless you all abundantly.
Sherrie xo
I had fresh tears in my eyes while reading this and thats because of the evident love you have for your mother! May the Lord bless you and keep you, make his face shine upon you….and give you peace. PS Gorgeous flowers
Your flowers are lovely. In my tradition we have saying that goes “God is the Beautiful One and He loves Beauty”. Your flowers will remind your mother of God on some level and that can only be good. My prayers are with you.
Take Care Corrie and keep singing!
Wishing all the best for your mum. Stay strong, yeah? And having faith does wonders. (:
Just read some of these comments Corrie – you have a lot of love coming your way, and you’re in a lot of peoples thoughts. Hope you’ll be able to strength from knowing that so many people care about you and yours
Corrie I still don’t know what to say . I lost my own beautiful mum at Christmas and I feel your pain and despair .You and your mum are in my thoughts .
The flowers are beautiful Corrie, as is your love for your dear mother.
Hi Corrie,
You are doing a great thing.
The best a daughter can do at a difficult time.
We all know our mothers did that our whole lives.
Make the most of every step forward.
I wish you all the very best.
Much love!!
Hi Corrie, just wanted to say I’m still thinking of you all.Much love to you and your family, Justine xxx
What an absolutely awful and terrifying situation for your mum and your family. I don’t understand how we managed to go to the moon, but there’s still no cure for cancer. I hope you’ll get the strength to take one day at a time. Thinking of you. God Bless Vreni x
I think, that we should hope for better and do the best as we can to help our mothers be healthy!
Hugs, Jane.
Hi Corrie I am so glad you have posted to let us know how your Mum is, I have been thinking about you since it happened. Sending you lots of love and you are in my thoughts. Hugs Linda
I am glad to hear that she has been moved to a “better” place. It will make things much easier for you and your family. My Granmodther died back in 1997 from lung cancer that had moved to her brain. It was a very peaceful time. The Gamma Knife sounds like a very good thing. No matter how hard it is you must do everything to make what ever amount of life she has to be the best. She will one day thank you and everyone for every ounce of service you have been giving her. I am hugging you from a million miles away!!
Thinking and praying for you and yours all the way over here in Canada.
May your all be blessed in every way…Luv’n’Hug
Thinking of you Corrie. Those moments when she can think of the words are wonderful aren’t they. Let’s hope she has a whole lot more!
When DH’s grandmother had a brain tumor, she was very eager to meet her first great grand children and I was very cross and upset with myself when I was overdue with Austin as every day that he was late was a day closer to losing her. When I finally was induced 10d over, she was no longer able to talk and had been slipping in and out of comas. When we left the hospital with our new baby it was straight up to Granny’s house where she was being nursed. I took Austin to her bedside and handed him to my husband so that I could step back out of the way and he could sit with her. She reached out, grabbed my hand, smiled and said “He’s beautiful, Joy!”. It was a magical moment I will never forget.
Still praying here. So good to hear she’s doing better. The flowers you had made up are just lovely. The pink daisies are beautiful!
Big hugs to your Dad, he sounds like a great, strong father and husband. xo Natalie
Hi Corrie, you probably won’t read this one – wow so many messages! Lots of prayers and thoughts I have for you and your mum and all of her loved ones, enjoy the moments of hope and sweetness as you most obviously are….but don’t forget to nourish yourself because your mum cherishes you sweet girl. xxx
Oh thinking of you lots Corrie xx Those are beautiful flowers. You sound like me – on the floor picking crumbs up when we are out
I think it is very good for you to take the children in whenever it allows for it. xxxxxxxxxxxlots and lotsxxxxxxxxxx
That hosptial is amazing, brand new, latest technology & best facilities. Thank goodness for private health insurance hey?? My mum was there a few months ago just after the hospital opened. dad said it was much nicer than the SAN, so your mummy is in the BEST place in Sydney right now. Luckily for my mummy, it was eye surgery, but scary as she has Alzheimer’s & was confused as to why she had to lie on a massage table style bed for interoccular pressure balance. Can you imagine how scary that would be??
Sending our love, those flowers are stunning, you are the most awesome daughter anyone could ever hope to raise, love Posie
Thinking of you.
Hi Corrie, those flowers are perfect as beautiful as you and your Mum. That moment you wrote of staying holding her hand is so important …keep holding on Chrisb.
best wishes to you at this terrible time, we are all thinking of you at the anderson house and putting lots of positive thoughts out there for your mum. xxx
Thinking of you. I am happy that your Mum is in a better room. Remember also that this can be tough on the littlies later on, especially those who don’t really understand what dying means. My youngest (nearly 17) still suffers because I spent many, many hours with my Mum in that last month when she was only three and a half. One moment the special person was there and the next she just wasn’t and she still has a major fear of loosing me because of that. Hugs to you Cheerrie
Thinking of you all – Praying from here for you all too.
x K