My Dad took these photos for me this morning. I look so happy but as he was taking them I kept watching my mum behind him. She was having a bad day and not really with us, through no fault of her own. I haven’t been able to share the last year of my mum’s cancer journey, it wasn’t really my story to tell, eventhough it’s been breaking my heart every single day. A few times last year my priest has spoken in his sermons about the cross we all carry around with us in life. Reminding us that everyone, and I mean everyone, has a burden – their own cross to bear. And so true when someone in your family has a serious illness….the person with the illness, their carer, the loved ones. It has been our cross to bear last year….the constant worry, the emotions, the what ifs…….
My beautiful mum has melanoma and while I was pregnant with Elodie her Dr’s found it had spread to her lungs, while waiting to start a new drug trial for her lungs they found it on her brain. She has received several treatments and chemo throughout the year. What I admire most about her, that she has never once complained. You would never know her pain, her burden. You ask her and she just tells you she’s a bit tired. But she wasn’t recovering as well as expected after her last treatment before Christmas. She is there with you in the room but she’s not herself.
And so this morning we went to my sister’s house to take these photos and I knew my mum wasn’t having a good day. We talked quietly about how we could look after her at each of our houses while my Dad is at work……..she rolled her eyes that we were talking about her. Yep, you can’t fool my mum. She thinks she is perfectly fine.
And then my dad helped me out to the car, my mum followed us out and stood by the gate as we’d all left her inside, and then it all happened, I’m not sure what it was but she couldn’t move and just stood there, everyone panicked and a look of panic and helplessness came over her face. She looked so lost, I will never ever forget looking back from the car to see her there. Everyone rushed around and held her up, slowly took her to the car and my dad took her straight to the hospital. I cried the whole way home.
So she’s in hospital for a while till they can do another mri and see her specialist this week. Cancer is one of those things you think (and pray) will never happen to you or your loved ones. But it does. It happens far too often these days. And all I can do is pray and be grateful that I have my faith and my family at times like these. I came home from church tonight to a ‘reminder’ I hadn’t drawn my fabric giveaway. So please bear with me this week…if you’re waiting for an email, the giveaway to be drawn, a response from me……..I promise to get there but just know that my thoughts are elsewhere. My cross is kind of heavy tonght…….
I’ll be thinking and praying for your mum Corrie. It’s so hard to keep it all together sometimes.
Your mum is a very brave lady!
oh lovely Corrie, there is absolutely nothing I can say.
what I found to be true is that strength is needed to cope with what is going on.
so I wish you strength & send you my love ♥
so sorry to hear about your mum. Lovely lovely photos of your children. Sure having the family around her and loving on those 4 (and you/other family) helps your mum too. Praying for you and your family
my heart is heavy for you. xxx
You and your family are in our prayers and thoughts…Take care of yourself and yours.
You are so very brave to share your story….the beauty we all see in the -photos is what will keep your mum through tough times and knowing that others are praying for you.
You are pretty amazing to have been doing all that you have these last few weeks with all that is going on. Stay strong.
I am praying hard for you Corrie ♥ I hope you feel your cross lighten ever so slightly from the love vibes sent you & your family’s way
I am so sorry. Will keep your mom and your family in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.
I was sad to read your post. Will be keeping all of you in my prayers. Incidentally, at mass tonight, our parish priest finished off by saying “remember in times of darkness, you know who to turn to”. Hold strong to your faith. Take care.
Hi Corrie,that brought tears to my eyes & so many memories back of family who have suffered the same. All we can do is make the most of everyday. The photos are great & you do have your hands full with those 4 beautiful ones but so lucky to be full with such preciousness. Don’t stress about comps, posting etc, everyone understnds. Love to you. xxxx
So sorry to hear that your Mum is unwell – it’s so tough, that helpless feeling. My Mum fought breast cancer last year and appears to have won. I am thankful every day.
So I will pray for your Mum and your whole family
Ps. And if anyone bothers you about giveaways, well they deserve a boot up the..well I’m too polite to say…
My thoughts are with you Corrie. I have experienced losing a parent to cancer at the young age of 59. Dad had brain metastasis which made walking and swallowing very difficult. I am also a Registered Nurse who works with our local surgeon and many cancer patients and their families, it is very difficult on many occasions to do anything to help other than just be there for them. Take time to look after yourself.
Although I live very far away from you, I will have you and your mum in my prayers.
Thinking of you Corrie and will offer some prayers for you and your mum. You are only given crosses that you can bear so I know you’ll get through this.
Those photos are just darling btw.
My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family Corrie. It’s true that we all have our own burden to bear and some more so than others. Cancer is a horrible thing which has touched our family twice. My dad lost his fight a little over 7yrs ago when I was pregnant with my daughter Emma. My mother-in-law also passed away nearly 4yrs ago. All you can do is be there for each other & take each day one step at a time. xo
Oh Corrie I am so sorry
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The photos are beautiful.
A cross to bear indeed. So sorry to hear about your Mum. The worry, the what if’s…it’s a terrible journey to have to travel. I’ve seen it too many times to fabulous people.
Hang in there. Thinking of you x
I couldn’t not leave a comment after reading this post Corrie
Thinking of you and your family and sending you mum all my strength and prayers xo
So sorry about your mum. Cancer is a real bugger. You’re all in my thoughts.
thinking of you and yours Corrie.
Hugs Corrie – thinking of you xx
Thank you for sharing your pain with us Corrie. You and your precious mum will be in our prayers.
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Rev 21:4
Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time Corrie.
Corrie – my thoughts and prays are with you and your family at the moment – so sorry to hear about your Mum
love and hugs fee
As we pray for you and your mum may you feel some of the burden carried by us all. May tomorrow bring hope for you. Thank you for sharing your journey. xx
I’m not religious so my prayers would be void for you, but I send my thoughts and plenty of stay strong vibes for you, and get as well as you can vibes to your mum along with a virtual hug. Take care xxx
Huge cyber hugs Corrie. Keeping your mum in my prayers.
Take care of yourself any your beautiful family, Corrie. Everything else can wait.
Heart breaking for you & your family. It’s horrible, we’re thinking of you. Hope you get some news, good news, soon.
We have a big ‘behind the smiles’ story too, with Alzheimer’s, that is simply cruel.
Still, beautiful shots of your 4 gorgeous children, family is everything, love Posie
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you. Look after yourself as well, at this difficult time xx p.s … you have GORGEOUS children
Keep strong and I will pray for your Mum and family
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful family at this very difficult time. Stay strong, I hope your cross is a little lighter to bear tonight.
Hugs and prayers from our family to yours…
Oh Corrie,
your post brought tears to my eyes too. Last November it was a year since we lost my dad to Alzheimer’s and my mother has become very frail since then. It is hard to watch your parents suffer but something we will most likely go through.
I will be praying for you and your mum. I hope she can be cured.
Oh and the photos of you and your children are just precious.
Take care Corrie. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My dad had a very nasty melanoma removed last year and we are just waiting all the time to see what happens next. Beautiful photo of you and your children, and I am sure that your mother would treasure watching you all.
I feel for you.I lost my mum to cancer,almost 27yrs ago when I was only 21 and mum was only 53.
Im glad your mum has you all closeby.
Try to breathe and take one day at a time.
The photos are gorgeous.esp the 1st one.
Blossompetal xoxoxox
i’m so sorry corrie… our family was faced with a similar situation the last couple of years… cancer is so horrible and watching it affect someone you love is beyond heartbreaking… my thoughts are with you xxx
Thinking of you and your family Corrie ((hugs)).
Corrie I hear your pain and I feel for you all and my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I lost my dear fathers at the age of 58 to a Brain tumor, I went to Germany for three month while he was ill and had to leave him in the hospital to come back to Australia, that was in 1991 I still see his face today looking at me.
Keep up your strength and do what feels right.
quilting hugs
When my dad died I read somewhere that your heart cannot be broken if it is filled with love. Its helping me through and sometimes I think it can’t be true but it is. Keep strong, your photos are beautiul and I am sure when your mum looks at them they will bring her happiness.
Wow, so amazing of you to share. I live with the threat of Melanoma everyday as I have a skin condition that has given me lots of moles. I had 25 removed last year and they were all just one step away from Melanoma Cancer.
I hope one day they will find a blood test they can do to find this terrible curse we have to bear.
I hope that your mother has some good days soon and that you all get to share them.
Dear Corrie, just wanted to add my thoughts and love in with this lot. I hope you can spend some really nice time with your mum and that she can be well looked after during this hard time.
I am so sorry to hear the news of your mum. She sounds like an extremely brave lady, as do you. My thoughts are with you. x
Thinking plenty of positive thoughts for you and your family Corrie xx
Oh Corrie, it is so awful watching a loved one suffer with cancer. We will be thinking of you, and hope your mum’s suffering eases soon.
My thoughts are with you and your post makes me want to give my family an extra big hug tonight.
Corrie, they are truly beautiful photos of you and your lovely children.
I’ll be thinking of you and your family – hope your mum is feeling better and home again soon. xx Melissa
The best part of all this is that you realise how precious everything you have is to you right now. The fact you cherish it whilst you have it in your hands is wonderful and will give you strength to wage the battle with your mum together. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Sending much love.
Look after you.
Andi xx
So sorry to hear of the days developments. Will be keeping your mum and your family in my prayers.
will remember you and your family in my prayers. Lol
Thinking of you and your family, Corrie. My Mum died four years ago after a long illness. It takes great inner strength to keep yourself going when your heart is tearing apart. Take care, Susan
Corrie I am thinking of you and your family tonight. I really hope your Mum has a successful rest in Hospital and can come home soon. Whilst you do have this cross to carry, it’s completely okay to have your friends help you carry it. I do only know you through your blog and FB, I consider you a friend and I will say a prayer for you and and your Mum tonight.
Leesa xox
My Heart goes out to you and your Family dear Corrie…thinking of you…Dzintra♥x
Hi Corrie. Sending you and your family lots of love and hugs. I hope your Mum is OK for a little while longer. dxx
I am so sorry to hear of your Mums illness Corrie. It is a journey no-one understands unless they have a loved one going through it. I pray for your Mum, your dad, you and all your family. It takes its toll both emotionally and mentally. I don’t know how you do it. How you hold it all together. You are one strong lady and an inspiration.
We have been fighting the same battle with my Dad for just over a year. They initially gave him 3 months. He is still fighting.
Don’t give up the fight. Don’t give up the faith.
I am thinking of you all. Teresa xxxx
(((HUGS)))To you and your faily Corrie,words don’t seem enough at a time like this
Oh, Corrie. What beautiful photos of your little treasures. I am so sad for you and your family, but what courage and strength you are all showing.
I will be praying for your Mum, her medical team and the whole family. I know your faith will be a real blessing to you at such a tough time.
And do not fret – there is NOTHING that matters when your family needs you. x
Psa 18:1-3
My best wishes to you and your mum xo
Corrie, I’m so sorry to learn your news. Cancer is a terrible taker. Especially when it’s your mum. Thinking of you xxx
prayers for you, your family and your mum Corrie.
Bless xx
Wish there were words to say to ease your worry and pain. Just know you, your Mum and family are in my prayers. XO
I am so sorry to hear about your Mum, so very sad for all of you. I hope that something can be done to help her. You have a beautiful little family Corrie (you probably get told that every day) and I bet your mum is so happy to watch them all with you.
Corrie, such beautiful pictures of you and your kids. So scary how things change so quickly. will be thinking of you and your mum. x
Thinking of you Corrie xx
Corrie – I honestly had no idea of just how bad ‘melanoma’ could be until learning that an old friend had it last year. I have tried to take his experience on as a lesson that I can never be complacent when it comes to the sun. But an Ad on during the Oprah show tonight had me in tears again. The short time that I was back in contact with this friend while he was sick has had a lasting impact on my life. I honestly don’t know how you deal with it day to day. Sending my love.
I chocked up reading this post Corrie for I too have been affected by cancer of loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
thinking of you and your family and wishing you all the very best x
So Sorry to hear about your Mum’s Illness Corrie…
You & Your Family are in my Thoughts & Prayers..Sending You Strength & Courage & Big Hugs.
These are trying times. I am sorry for your burden. Remember Matthew 11:29-30 ‘Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.’ Give it all to Jesus. A burdened shared is a burdened carried by more prayers. I will pray also for your mum and family.
Mis oraciones y deseos de recuperación de su madre…
Mi cariño para usted y su familia.
My prayers and wishes for recovery of his mother …
My love to you and your family
Praying with tears in my eyes that you and your mum and your family will find strength and peace
thinking of you and the family and wishing better days ahead. these are lovely images – print a big A4 one and put it by your mum’s bed – your babes will give her strength – best le xox
Hugs for you and yours Corrie. Don’t stress about giveaways, family comes first.
Oh Corrie, I have read your post and all the replies and I think everything has already been said, my heart goes out to you and your family. Your priority is your family first and foremost, others will have to wait. Linda xx
Oh Corrie, I’ll be thinking of you and your dear mum.
I know exactly what you mean when you describe what happened to your mum, those old fashioned words like ‘turn’ are the only things that really fit, because my dad had a few of those over the years.
I hope that she does well tonight and that 2011 is a year of good health for your mum.
The photos your dad took are beautiful, never forget how much joy those little faces will bring your mum each and every day.
Oh Corrie,
Adding my thoughts and prayers to the many others. Be where you need to be and do what you need to do over the next few days – EVERYTHING else can wait!
Corrie, many thoughts, hugs and prayers for you all.
Corrie – My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do – We will all be here when you are ready.
Hugs – Fee X
Oh Corrie, Your lovely mumma and family will be on our prayer list…God bless sweets xxx
Corrie…that news about your mum is heartbreaking…keep giving your burden of sorrow to Jesus..He’s the only one who can carry it. Trust Him in this because He is trustworthy. Thinking and praying for you all.
Thinking of you Corrie xx I can sympathise all to well with what you’re going through unfortunately
You have such a beautiful family and I can only imagine that that stems from your mum. xx
sending love and thoughts and best wishes to all of you x
My thoughts and prayers are with you are your family tonight. Carrying our burdens is never easy.
Dear Corrie, thank you for sharing such a personal story. Many of us have shared similar stories with parents, but that doesn’t make it any easier for you as you live it. Thinking of you & keeping you in my prayers. Stay strong & much love to your mum & dad. Ros x
Sadness, Corrie. Heavy heart. Lost words. x
Oh Corrie,
Having just gone through a very similar thing, I can say that I know how hard it can be. I hope that through your challenges you will be able to feel the comfort and love that you need. That your faith will support you and that you will be lifted through the times of greatest need.
My prayers will be for your mum, yourself and all of your family. {{hugs}} to you all.
So sorry to hear about your mother’s illness…..I can’t imagine how you must feel right now. Wishing you lots of strength!
my thought are with you and your family.hope your gets well soon so she can come home to her beautiful family.
Dear Corrie,I´ll pry for your mummy and I send you all my love from Spain…
Oh Corrie, my thoughts are with you and your family xx
Dear Corrie, it’s not easy to watch your loved one with cancer so take each day as it comes and may you draw strength from your family and friends as sometimes the burden feels not sooo heavy if shared with others. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family and especially for your mum and dad. take care.
Words simply written as a comment in your blog don’t seem to me to be enough to express the weight I feel in my heart after reading about your Mum. I know the pain, worry and uncertainty of having a ill parent. It brings out the child in us “Parents are supposed to be invincible!” All I can offer you Corrie is strength. Strength to keep carrying your burden with a straight back and your head up. Much love and courage xx
Thinking of you … I’m so sorry. Nic x
Oh Corrie, my heart goes out to you…sadly I can relate to what you are going through. Sending you strength…cherish the time.
PS. these photos are gorgeous
so sorry to hear of your pain. hope that your mum is safe and cared for. take care x
Shut out the rest of the world and concentrate on your beautiful family Corrie, everything else can just wait. You and your mum are in my prayers xx
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. take care
I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. Stay strong and my thoughts are with your family and especially your Mum.
Oh, Corrie. What to say? You and your gorgeous mum are in my thoughts and prayers. My dad’s health is declining quite rapidly, too so I *get* where you’re at. Just a little. Sending you a ♥ tonight, Lovely. J x
Corrie I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I am thinking and praying for you and your family during this difficult time. You are right in saying everyone on this earth has their own worries and challenges. Your mum is lucky to have her entire family surrounding and supporting her. I pray for strength for you mum to fight the cancer.
I’m so sorry Corrie. Thinking and praying for you. Take all the time you need with your beautiful family xx
My Prayers are with you Corrie. I lost my mum to breast cancer when I was seventeen, I can feel your pain.
Sending you prayers and hugs.
Thinking of you. I’ve come to hate ambulances because they took my Mum to her final hospital stay. These are beautiful photos too. Please take the time to concentrate on your life. Your family is moree important than everyone else and needs YOU. Cherrie
Oh Corrie I am so feeling for you today. What a beautiful post and photos. I am sorry about your mum. It is always hard when it is someone close to us!! Praying for strength for you and for your Mum and family.
Mel xx
Dear Corrie, I’m feeling so sad for you tonight. Please just focus on the important things right now. You obviously have a very special lady in your Mum (and I can tell she has inspired you to be the same). I’m praying that God will wrap his loving arms around you all right now and carry you gently through this crisis. He will be your strength when you feel you have none of your own left. Hugs, Di
Oh Corrie, I’m so sorry to hear your news. You are such an impressive lady – a lovely mum yourself and so generous and productive. No doubt your mum is a very special person too. Take your time with the other stuff. Your family (and yourself) are the priorities.
Corrie, I have tears reading this. I lost my uncle almost 2 years to this dreadful illness. Cancer SUCKS. And takes a string family to stand by there loved ones during this time. I nursed him until I couldn’t physically do it anymore!
Remember the good times and don’t beat around the bush with the kids, they understand more than you realise. Hugs honey and take your time. We are here if you need us. x kylie
I’ve been through the same with my mum and dad. They are fine now, but I still remember those feelings, and I always will.
I’m with you and your family, and I do hope your mum is going to recover soon, and continue to be a super granny to your beautiful children.
Oh Corrie, I’ll be praying for your Mum and your family too. take care.
Corrie, i feel for you. Its times like these you feel its all too hard, your cross is too heavy and you cant bear to go on. But somehow we do, another day comes.. and in time, we somehow cope. I hope each day is a little easier. With Love and thinking of you…Rebecca xx Chasing Cottons xx
My thoughts are with you all, Corrie. Wishing there was more that I can say or do as I truly feel your pain and worry xx
Thinking of you corrie xxx
My prayers go out for you and your family. Just hold on to God’s hand, do what you need to do and know us quilters/bloggers love you.
Dear Corrie, so sorry to hear about your mum. I don’t know what to say, to make it any easier. You and your family are in my thoughts. Stay strong.
Photos are lovely.
Oh Corrie, I am sorry to hear of the battle your mum (and your familt) is having. You are in my thoughts and prayers. All the best.
Sorry to hear about your mother Corrie. Sending healing thoughts to your family. Take care!
Sweetie I am thinking of you and your darling mum xoxo
I am so sorry to hear about your mom, watching someone battle cancer is so painful. I will pray for you and your whole family during this hard sad time. On a happy note, your kids are beautiful and so is there mom!
Oh no!
Sorry to hear that about your mom!
Prayers for you and your family.
on a happier note- I LOVE that first picture!
Oh Corrie, I’m praying for many many more years of precious moments between your mum and your kids.
You have done a wonderful thing getting Quilts4Qld started, but please make sure that you delegate delegate delegate, there are many people that want to help. Grab every moment that you can with your mum and your family.
Dear Corrie,
An extra prayer is said for your mum and your whole family during this stressful time.
Christine xo
I will be thinking and praying for you all. Your mum sounds like a very special lady. No matter how old you get, mum’s always wanted to protect you and spare you pain.
Какая красивая семья!Мама красавица и детки чудесные!:)
I know and definitely feel your pain, and have nothing to offer but warm hugs from across the ocean… Cancer is a cowardly disease that preys on the best of people. Never. Stop. Fighting.
My thoughts are with you, your
Mum and your whole lovely family….
Prayers for you and your family !!
Thinking of you all… take each day as it comes.
My thoughts are with you and family.
I am so sorry about your mother. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Your photos are beautiful. You have a lovely family. Take care.
Corrie, my thoughts are prayers are being sent to you and mom and family during these so very difficult times.
So sorry to hear about your mum.I like this photos so much.
Hugs from Spain
Corrie, I’m so sorry to read about your Mum. I understand having gone through exactly the same illness with my sister. It’s so hard for you, but I’m really glad that your Mum has such a lovely and supportive family to be around her in her pain. God will hold you all in his arms tonight. xxxx
God Bless your mum and may he give all of you strength.
Prayers are with you and your Mom is a very strong lady. You have a beautiful family.
Oh Corrie! My heart is heavy for you, for your Mom, for your Dad, for your family. May God bring you peace that passes understanding. Holding you in my prayers.
You, your mom and your whole family are in my prayers right now!
Dear Cory, at this moment my prayers are for you and your mom, I am sending you peace, strength and all my love .. I feel for what is happening, my parents, Mom and Dad suffered greatly from this terrible disease, so everything my love and hope for your family
Will certainly keep your Mum in our prayers..Pictures are wonderful.. Lovely family.
Dear Corrie ~ what beautiful pictures your Dad took, you have a lovely family. I’m so sorry about your Mum. Cancer is an awful thing that took mine several years back. I’m sure she has a million thoughts going through her head that we can only imagine. You have a lot of people to be strong for and that can be exhausting. I will pray for her healing and your strength. Sending you hugs, and praying for a cure for cancer.
Lovely photos. You have beautiful children.
Strength and love to you and especially your mum. Your focus is her at the moment and the rest will wait.
I’m so sorry, Corrie. I’ll be praying as well. Maybe those of us praying can help you be stronger to carry what must be carried right now. Please keep us updated if you it’s okay to.
Sorry to hear about mum. Prayers being said for your mum and your family.
First, your children (and you) are just gorgeous!
I’m thinking of your family, particularly your mum and hoping things work out. Cancer is a so hard on everyone involved. I lost my dad and best friend to cancer, but I’ve also been there to see 5 friends/family beat it as well.
I’d like to say some magical words to make it all better….
Cancer always seems to choose the best people in our lives. Just keep fighting the good fight with your Mum.
Sending you a big air hug.
I feel with you, a close friend of mine is going through this currently, too and a neigbour I like, too (she has visitor from Canberra currently).
You look beautiful in these photos! Elodie has grown a lot, I wonder what size and weight she is in the meantime. Robin is now 64cm long, has a head circumferrence of 45cm and weights 7kg !
Now, looking at picture from October and November I understand the phrase: “they grow so fast” easier. And now I think I want a second child in 2 years
Ohh Corrie I didn’t know about your mom…I’m so sorry… I wish you to be strong against this difficulties…Let me give you my hugs – its almost all I can do for you
I pray for you and your mom
Really it is a kind of happiness when your family is around you in such a heavy time
With hope,
Hi Corrie,
My heart goes out to you as I have watched my Mother pass from breast cancer. IT HURTS. Make the most of the time you have together, make a special day to dress her up and get some photos with the family members, it is hard to do at the time, but they will be lasting memories for your children. I cherish the ones I have and my kids are so glad they have them. Take care.
I am so sorry to hear about your mum! And yes, there are things that are more important tan a give away or a blog, just take your time! You need it.
The pictures of you and the kids are awesome, some to treasure!
I am so sorry, Corrie. It is so difficult to see someone failing, but even more so when it is one of our loved ones. It touches everyone involved in a unique way. Please know that my prayers are with you and your family now.
Oh Corrie.
How very frightening.
I’m thinking of you. xxx
Corrie I am thinking of you and sending you my prayers. Such a terrible thing, stay strong and take care x
Thinking of you and your beautiful mum at this terrible time. You are such a strong person to keep it all together. Please take some of our strength for yourself from all your followers. I find it even more amazing that you can be doing so much work for Quilts for Queensland when you are going through such a hard time. xxxxx
Corrie, it’s so true that everyone has a burden, just that some are more hidden than others. I always try to rmemeber this whenever someone does something that I find frustrating or disappointing, you know, that I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes for them.
I hope your mum is doing ok, and that you and your family are too. It’s a terrible hard thing to watch a parent suffer and not be able to do much to help. Wishing you all lots of strength.
Your mum and your family are in our prayers..
What lovely photos, Corrie. I’m so sorry to know there’s such heartbreak behind those smiles. I’m sure we’re all keeping our fingers crossed for your mum and wishing her and all your lovely family extra helpings of strength.
Oh Corrie, it must be so hard for everyone around your mum feeling so helpless. I am sure she is a very strong lady who is being very brave about everything going on. Super big hugs to you and your family and I hope she can come home soon XXXX
The photos look gorgeous by the way.
My children and I will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers xx
You seem to share your mothers trait in carrying your burden alone.
I am thinking of your mother, you and your family. Hopefully it was “just a bad day” and i am praying for her to recover from this battle.
I lost my Nan a year and a half ago to cancer, and i somehow knew all along it was cancer. Mum told me that she had been unwell, having trouble going to the toilet and so they were making her go to the hospital to get answers, before i heard anymore i said “It’s cancer. Everyone gets it eventually these days.” We were given 6 months or longer upon diagnosis, a month later she was gone. Such an awful, unforgiving disease.
Thinking of you <3
you don’t know me and I’m fairly new to your blog but your post made me cry. I really hope all comes well for you and your Mum.
My thoughts are with you and your family
I pray for your Mum and for you to find the strength to cope with all that is happening in your life.
Oh Corrie, I am praying for you and your family. It must be so hard to sit and watch not knowing what next. pray peace and answers for your Mum… sending big Hugs Dawn x x
Oh Corrie, it is so true how we all have our crosses to carry, may your cross feel just a little lighter by sharing your sadness with us. Hugs to you xxx
Hi Corrie, Thanks for sharing “behind the smiles”, a place I have been. To know we are loved is the greatest gift. Chrisb ♥♥♥
Dearest Corrie. You are in my heart and prayers this evening. As well as your family and especially your mom.
I am also praying for grace, as you carry this cross of yours. That you will see the hand the the Lord in the circumstances and be comforted by His love.
Sincerely, Tricia
It’s a sad reality this horrible cancer that exists. I continually pray for all those who need to get better. I lost my dad to lung cancer when I was 12 and so I know what it does to a family. It brings them together and we realise that life is too short to complain about the small things and just to be thankful and greatful we still have each other to love and to hold. I pray that your mother has the strength to get through this and that your family will also be healed in this difficult time. All our love to you and your family.
The pictures are wonderful. I will add your mom’s name to the prayer list around here, and you and your family, as well, for peace and strength to support her through this time.
What a brave post and such beautiful photos of your family. just want to send you and your family lots of kind thoughts during these tough times.
My thoughts and prayers are with your and your family and especially with your Mum xxx
Send strength and prayers to your mum and family xx
Feeling your pain. My MIL is also fighting cancer. She has bone metastasis and now has leisions on her lungs. Watching my family go through this pain is nearly unbearable. The Dr has only given her 6 months, so we are making every day count. I know your faith will give you the strength you need.
I am so sorry Corrie … this is so sad. But know that there are people through out the blog community praying for you, your babies & your mumma. You’re a beautiful, righteous lady and a strong one too. God hears our cries in our time of need.
Psalm 34:15 ‘The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry’. With love xx Stacey
Oh Corrie,
You are truly amazing. Here you are, organising quilts for Queensland and everything else you do, while you have your Mum’s illness to cope with. It sounds like you get your strength and coping skills from her. I’m so sorry for the pain you and your family are experiencing right now. My thoughts are with you. Big hugs from Flinders. Kris
Corrie, I am so sorry to hear of your Mum. I think you’re so amazing, to be doing all that you do and still smiling. Thinking good thoughts for you and your Mum.
Sorry to hear about your moms illness. Lost my mom to lung cancer April 2010. Make your time together count and take lots of photos with her and the family.
Avon’s Skin so soft bath oil was a huge relief to mom after her chemo treatments to soothe her skin.
My prayers are with you all.
I am sorry for your pain. What you said rings so true for me. I have been sick with RA since 1997. Oh how it has chanced my life. I had a Grandma with cancer and a mother-in-law. Hang in there.
Thinking of you Corrie and may you find the strength to deal with it all. Wishing your Mum oodles and oodles of health!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Corrie, this is an awful thing to go through.
Oh honey I am so sad for you. Everyone here has such wonderful things to say. I hope that on the days that that cross feel rather heavy that you come back a read these posts I hope they wil get you through.
{{{hugs}}} to you all, you have such a wonderful family
virtual hugs and real prayers to you all
I am not sure what I can say that hasn’t already been said, but surely another prayer, and another thought can only help. You are certainly all in mine.
What gorgeous photos, I do hope Retrodaddy has ordered a supersized one for his office desk…….
My love to you all.
Corrie I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. My Dad battled cancer last year & although he won, that sense of fear & panic still hasn’t really left..
Hugs to you. Stay strong.
Mrs BC
My thoughts are with you Corrie and your family, take care of yourself, the photos are just gorgeous, I love how you popped one as your banner…. so cute!!
My heart goes out to you and your family. Thinking of you all…
Corrie, you have very beautiful kids!! I love the pics.
Really very sorry for your mom, that is a hard way, but i wish you, your mom and all your family to be strong and to pass through this illness. I heard from someone that cancer is illness of lonely people. I wish to your mom not to be lonely and I hope she will be allright!
Corrie you and your family are in my thoughts. If only there would be a cure for this horrible disease as it affects so so many lives. Lots of love Lucyx
Hy Carrie, I feel so sorry about your ilness maummy. It has been something , that impress me it’s she never complains about… That’s becuse her faith is much bigger than her ilness, and for sure she never forgets that has a big God, that has sended this cross, for something… I have a very similar case, at home, my mum has an esclerosis lateral amiotrophic, she never complains for anything, but i can assure that she nevers forget to pray and offer her ilness for someone… We will keep praying here at home ( in Spain), the all familly, for your mum, at the same time we do for our…
What we must to is to keep, the much more time we can with them, and enjoy of their company that we will never forget….
We are very lucky to have that faith, that help us to keep calm… ( sorry , Carrie, for my english…as you can see i’m spanish and i should like to sahre with you so many sentiments, but you know, the language…?.
I’m so sorry for you, Corrie. I’ve seen my husband go through this (a mother with cancer) and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Thinking of you.
Dear Corrie, thinking of you, it must be really hard to see your Mum like that, and know the pain she’s in. Lots of love, x
Thinking of you.
oh, corrie that’s such sad news about your mum. I hope you are doing ok today. I guess there will be good and bad days but just know that we are all thinking and praying for you and your family
To the lovely Corrie, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. I don’t think there is anyone now a days that is not affected by this terrible thing called cancer. My family will be thinking of you during this difficult time and wish you all the love and strenght to get through
I know exactly what you are talking about. Unfortunately. Wish you a lot of strength to carry the heavy cross…
Oh lovely lady.
I can’t help but look at these gorgeous photos and think about the passage of time, of lives lived and lives to live.
Of how we touch each other – in monumental ways like that of a parent to the smallest of ways like a smile from a stranger when you’re feeling low.
My faith has taken a battering over the last 13 years or so and I am now adrift when it comes to why and how and crosses to bear.
But I do know the passage of time and how on the darkest of days there is always a glimmer of light, there is always hope and there is always, always love.
Thinking of you and your beautiful family in this worrying and heart-breaking time.
Siento mucho lo de la enfermedad de su madre.
Le deseo todo el ánimo del mundo
Corrie, this was so heartbreaking to read, tears were pouring down my face. God bless, I shall keep you in my prayers. A friend of mine has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and your post really struck a chord – this poor lady has a very heavy cross to bear. Thanks for sharing xx
Hi Corrie
Keep your hope and faith. We are all thinking of you and yours.
Thinking of you, Corrie. My father was recently diagnosed with gastric cancer, T2. I hope things go well, as well as can be.
Hi Corrie,
You have lots of comments already but I still wanted to add my words to the others. Family is a great comfort and strength at times like these. I’m so sorry about your Mum. Susie
Little girls with beautiful mums become gorgeous mamas themselves
Your mom raised a beautiful daughter. I live on the other side of the world and I feel like I want to pop on over to give you a hug. Prayers coming your way. Hold those babies close.
Corrie, I don’t know what to say except that you are well and truly supported by so many, myself included. If you ever need anything or just to talk to anyone I am here. I am sending you all my well wishes for this terribly trying time xxx
‘May the sun bring you new energies by day, May the moon softly restore you by night. May the rain wash away any worries you might have, and the breeze blow new strength into your being’.
If even for a moment.
You will be daily lifted in prayer. I am so sorry for your mum’s illness. May God comfort her and you all in this time.