Wow, thank you everyone for a great response to Quilts for Queensland. I’ve had emails from europe, the states, new zealand, england and all over Australia. I am still working through all of the emails and comments and adding them to my spreadsheet (remember I was an accountant in my former life) so I don’t miss anyone off – when I’m done I’ll send out an email with a few things. We’ve also had a few offers from long arm quilters too (thank you, thank you) so if you have a quilt top you’d like to donate we’ll gladly accept it and if you have some backing fabric to go with it…..even better! And will you look at Joy’s block…..I love it! I love pinwheels!
amazing quilt block by joy
And then I had a brainwave while I was on the treadmill yesterday…..a flickr group! Then I was thinking how lovely would it be to have photos of people holding up their quilt block or quilt and I’ll make a huge mosaic of all of the happy quilters. A way of showing all of the hands and love that went into the quilts…..and what if I turned that into a postcard to go with the quilt……… this point I had to stop my brain thinking as I could keep going and going getting more extravagent with what I was going to do…………………but at least it did make my time exercising go faster!
nothing beats a nice pile of folded quilts!
And you might need to pop a kleenex or two in with your quilts and blocks because I was a bit overcome when 3 quilts arrived on my doorstep this morning. Thank you to these lovely ladies – Lisa Oliver and Judy Newman who popped these in the post to me. The colours and quilts are just beautiful. You’ve set a high standard for the rest of us with these babies. I’ll be photographing them all beautifully and adding them to our flickr group too!
these are just perfect!
Don’t forget you can join in at any time, there are no strict rules or cut off dates for lovely people to join in and hopefully tonight I’ll finish my spreadsheet and get an email out……… if you haven’t already emailed me or left a comment with your email address just drop me a quick email to and I’ll add you to my spreadsheet!
this is her serious, ‘I’m looking at you’ face!
And if you’re waiting for an email from me please just hang on a little longer, I’ll get there – there are only so many crackers and snackies I can give to keep my little ones happy plus I am Elodie’s cuddle machine and can’t keep her waiting too long!
You are just a total success as a human being! It’s a wonder you didn’t fall off that treadmill with all the incredible thinking that was going on. I’m itching to do some blocks – even though I am nervous about them being good enough – given the talent on show here.
Looking forward to the email and your instructions whenever it lands. Nothing like a spreadsheet to keep things on track.
Take care,
Corrie, you are amazing. A heart of gold!
Loving the idea of the photographs and postcards. Maybe if someone can make it up, it could be printed by Vistaprint. Have you heard of them – they so often have free items such as 100 free postcards and you just pay for postage. Maybe a few of us could get them each so we have enough.
Terrific work. Give a shout if you need help with organising – spreadsheets are just my thing.
Spreadsheets are just the best for keeping things in order. I’ve made 2 lap quilts and am starting on some blocks now which I will be able to put in the same 3kg post bag. If only we could quilt while exercising
Love those chubby, huggable little arms and these soft cheeks. I’ve sent you an email but just wanted to say how adorable she is. Cherrie
Hi Corrie, you are so inspiring, pop me down to do some blocks, I am only a beginner but will try my very best. Kind Regards. Treann.
Love the quilts…the colours and cuddliness of them all…even with tags! The amazing talents of these women…and their speed..has me stunned.
Elodie is so scrumdidilyumptious!
I’ve done my first blocks tonight – 4 so far including my first ever log cabin blocks, and I’ll be at the machine again tomorrow night.
Just wanted to say thank you Corrie – you are one in a million.
Those quilts you’ve received are absolutely darling – I’d have cried too!
Corrie, thank you so much for organizing the masses.
I would love to send some blocks. I’m in the US if that is okay and a deadline to get them in the mail might be helpful since I’m unsure how long it takes the mail to arrive in Australia. Thank you, thank you!
Oh this will be most helpful. After my most ugly attempt at a block yesterday (I posted it yesterday if you want to see!) I need some inspiration on colours and design. I’m chalking my first one up to experience.
So beuatiful! I’m dying to start quilting but am a complete newbie. I might pluck up the courage to send through some blocks…maybe. I have no idea if they’d stack up to the quality on show here though!
Hi Corrie,
I’ve only just tuned into this- wow. It’s fabulous. Are we stitching quilts for Queensland? I’ll have a better look back through posts and get my head around what I can contribute. I’d love to send something. Thank you so much for doing this. Just beautiful. Emma. xx
Oh I’ve seen that look on Keira!!