Well I’m writing this so I must have survived zumba…….in fact I l.o.v.e.d. it! Not as hopeless as I thought I’d be and ladies of all shapes, sizes and ages in there. I’m feeling a little sore today but I had plenty of body to shake it when needed! Definitely got a date with zumba again next week.
And after some recovery time (i.e lying on the couch and asking other people to do things for me) it was time to get started piecing my first quilt for queensland. I left grandma betty in charge of the little people and with a bit of time to myself decided a quick quilt using a jelly roll was the way to go. To make one you just lay out the strips, start at the top and join 2 strips together, then add the next strip to these 2 and keep going adding 1 strip at a time. Before you know it you’ve used up most/all of a jelly roll.
Trim the sides down so they are straight, I actually took an inch off so I could lay the quilt down on some fabric measuring 115cm wide for the back. I did have one little whoopsie that required some unpicking after midnight and then I was off again. I find free motion quilting is fast, forgiving and looks so pretty. I trimmed the batting and backing to match the front and at 1.30am called it a night. I actually fell asleep wearing my gym clothes I was so tired! Ha, can’t believe I just told you that but you know sometimes I just have to let you know I don’t have it all together here!!!
Sunday morning while Elodie napped and cartoons were on, I pulled out the binding (premade binding is a huuuuge time saver). And as I try to become proficient at sewing binding on with a machine, I used a blanket stitch to sew it on. I’m far from perfect at it but looks very pretty.
Thanks to a blog reader for suggesting that stitch to me last time I did a quilt. Next time I’ll attach it to the back first, then fold over and then blanket stitch. Maybe that is what she told me. I’ll get there but I’ve got to say it’s a much faster way for me to finish my quilts which is very important now!
And that is that! One finished quilt, the first quilt for queensland. This one is going up with retro daddy tomorrow and a care package for his colleague, Corey (I know! great name!). They are still cleaning out their home and it will be at least 1 -2 months before they can live in it again. I hope that the little package I’ve put together (with huge thanks to Lisa, Sharon, Skye) will cheer them up this week.
Corrie that is wonderful, well done
It looks so lovely Corrie – can’t believe you made it so fast! The Bliss fabric is so pretty it and works so well as a strip quilt. I am sure it will bring much joy to its new owner.
absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
You are AMAZING.
Fantastic – well done – I am off to hit the machine now – after just surving a 2 and a half hour church service with two munchkins and no husband – they did SO well:)
That’s just beautiful Corrie and I’m sure it will be so well loved.
This is beautiful Corrie. Well done
It’s beautiful, super fast effort too! You must be very tired today.
Great quilt! So glad I could help
The quilt looks fabulous Corrie. You are a machine!!!
WOW, so speedy! And a beautiful result.
Go you!!! And it looks fabulous too. I’m using those fabric at the moment, well my scraps really, for some projects I’m working on. I’ll get some quilt squares done at some time for you too, or maybe a quilt.
Be sure not to over-do yourself. Get plenty of sleep and remember you don’t have to be super woman all the time!! We are already impressed.
I think they will get a lot of joy out of your package Corrie. This is lovely, I would love to make a quilt but the batting and binding scares me!
Lovely work
That is so beautiful – why can’t I be passionate about making such beautiful things. You go girl!!
It’s so lovely. I’m absolutely sure it will make someone very very happy. You are an inspiration. Are you still looking for blocks and quilts to send to QLD? I’d love to contribute.
Gorgeous! I’m impressed you whipped it up in one night. I’m sure it will be mos appreciated in its new home.
It looks lovely Corrie
I’m sure the new owner will love it.
That looks beautiful and I’m sure will be loved. Nic
SO lovely Corrie! Thanks for your wonderful work. Us Queenslanders sure do appreciate it
x x
will a jelly roll pack do a single bed size quilt top, Corrie?
I am thinking I could possibly manage a strip quilt top for your cause. not the binding or the fancy quilting bit, but definately a top!
Wow – you are amazing! What a speed demon. It’s a beautiful quilt – lovely colours. I’m sure it will be well received.
Just amazing! The new owners will feel your love and energy in this quilt for years to come. I wish I could create such magic, still learning! You say “I find free motion quilting is fast, forgiving and looks so pretty.” how do you do this? Do you need special feet or machine? I have a basic Bernina and I just ordered a walking foot and a quarter inch foot to get a little more serious with my quilting efforts. But i don’t know where to turn to to learn how to do the free motion quilting? Thanks for you inspiration xxx
The quilt is simply gorgous, thanks for the inspiration, It must be horriable to loose everything,and not be able to go home for a long time or ever, to be given a quilt to start over with again is a comforting gift, something special thats useful also.
Corrie…this quilt is perfect!!! You have done a wonderful job…Dzintra♥x
PS My package has arrived safe and sound…thank you so much♥
Just gorgeous Corrie – and so fast! I posted about your quilt campaign yesterday and I’m hoping to send some support your way.
It’s BEAUTIFUL Corrie — fantastic job!
this is beautiful Corrie. You are so wonderful. I have that material and love it.
they will appreciate it sooo much, I know it. Our church went to help in Ipswich yesterday & there was such devastation.
I know people will recover but our prayers are with all of them.
Mel xx
Oh it’s just the sunshine they need, love you, love Posie
Well done, Corrie, that’s such a thoughtful (and unbelievably fast) gift. Just don’t forget to relax now!
Just gorgeous.
Absolutely astounding, Corrie. As a non-sewer, I had no idea a quilt could be made so quickly and beautifully. Bravo! J x
Just gorgeous Corrie, you are a gem of a lady and I know this quilt will be incredibly special to the people who receive it!
That’s a really lovely quilt Corrie. Don’t fancy giving me lessons in free motion quilting do you? You can see my efforts here:
So, so beautiful and happy colours too. Cherrie
Wow Corrie, you have twice as many kids as me and as I feel proud to have managed a block already since your last qfq post, here you are with a stunned of a quilt! Hopefully I will pick up fmq as well has you have – this is the year!
Wow, you are simply amazing. I love the quilt! I am always looking at quick ways to put on binding. I am wondering if anyone else has used the Clover bias tape maker to make straight binding (cut from straight fabric not bias) run it through the binder maker and then just sewn it onto the quilt? This basically sews front and back at the same time. It is a real timesaver. I just wonder if there is a reason more people don’t do it or I just don’t know about it? Just wondering if the quilt police would come and get me for doing it sometimes!
That came out a bit wrong, I meant that you have even less time than me and you still manage to make a quilt so quickly. Don’t know how you do it!
wow — corrie that is beautiful!! you’ve inspired to thinks about purchasing a jelly roll and give it a go!! I love it that you fell asleep in your gym gear – that a girl! i think one luckly child is going to love snuggling up to that quilt!
Beautiful quilt Corrie!!
Corrie, tha quilt is wonderful..The fabrics are delicious, what else we can ask gor?.
Huggs from Spain
Great Job staying up so late to get a finish…love the fabrics & Love the Quilt…someone will treasure it for sure…
Gorgeous! I made my first one yesterday too.
Corrie I think you have it pretty well together sweetie!! Great quilt.
I’d love to make some squares & send them to you.
It’s gorgeous Corrie. You amaze me!… and not just the zumba-ing! LOL.
It’s a gorgeous quilt and so quick too
ooh! I love Bliss – have 30cm of each put away to make a quilt when I fall in love with a pattern for it. I spent last night doing 6 blocks and have sorted a bit of backing and stuff to send this week. Have a very ugly strip quilt top that might do as a backing?
Don’t know how you manage such beautiful free motion quilting – I just can’t seem to get the hang of it LOL!
You are amazing!!
I can’t believe someone can just whip up a quilt like that.
Whoever receives it will be so incredibly blessed and I’m sure would cherish it dearly.
It would take me weeks, if not months to complete something like that.
Although you have completely inspired me to try a jelly roll.
Corrie, the quilt is beautiful. I’m sure the family who receives it will be grateful not to have something covered in sludge.I am a Brisbanite, but fortunately not one directly affected by the floods, but have, like everyone else felt the need to help. The sights I have seen breaks your heart people have lost everything. It is people like you Corrie who will help with the healing process, you and your “ladies” are generous without fault and I know people will appreciate it. Thank You. Ps I love Zumba to.
Holy cow – you are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!
All this cleverness and zumba too!!
You rock
That is beautiful, the family will definitely be cheered up when they receive it. You are a lovely lady.
Very pretty Corrie – Great job!
Angie – http://www.craftedAngles.com
Lovely quilt Corrie, I think it will encourage them for the new beginning.
this is soo beautiful!
your work is an inpiration!!
thank you so much,
What a beautiful quilt that is!
What a beautiful quilt that is!
Very pretty Corrie. I hope the recipent loves it to bits
What an absolutely beautiful quilt! And to think you did that with all that you have going on in your life with 4 little ones! Your energy and caring heart astounds me. Thinking of our Aussie mates across the Tasman in this time of need.
The colors are just beautiful and what a wonderful gift to someone in need.
quilts for queensland made it to nie nie’s blog! the word is out there. great work, Corrie x
wow, that’s gorgeous I love the colours ☼
it’s really lovely Corrie!
Oh zumba i so want to try that!! Your quilt is LOVELY!!! ( i love expression sorry – i am not shouting lol) I am a bit sore today been for a walk/job everyday – that’s three days now… thighs are feeling it…
I am a 40 something mom of a one year old and could really use to lose all the baby weight that I lost and thought that I would never have to repeat losing again…anyway they have Zumba at the Y but I am so out of shape I am afraid to try. And I have this one blasted arm that doesn’t work. So…how hard was it?? Really? Am I going to look like a fool????
That quilt is beautiful, you inspire me to learn something new, quilting!
Quilt look gorgeous! I am guessing too, that this quilt would have been backing friendly being less than 42″ wide….. very economical to make up!
The quilt is wonderful! I love the colors and pattern very much! And such a great aim.
Best wishes,
adorable! love It so much! <3
Hi Corrie! I have just discovered your blog and feel I have found a kindred spirit of sorts!! Not least the love of quilting( I am addicted to lovely fabrics and quilt patterns but just can’t quite find the time to use them what with 3 little girls to care for – twins 5 and a 2 yr old !)but the comments in the supermarket, and the need to create lovely things for our home. You are doing a remarkable thing – I am from Toowommba in QLD and while we have not been directly affected by the flooding, I know of many who have lost so much, including loved ones during the flood destruction of the last fortnight – and MORE rain is expected! If I could I would write a letter to ask that the tap be turned off now please! Best wishes to you, and continued success with your quilts for Qld – the world needs more Corrie’s!
I picked up a couple of jelly rolls at Spotlight yesterday as i want to try and make some lovely quilts like your Bliss one to send for the Quilts for Qld.
Hi Corrie,
Love the quilt, duh me I would never have thought to do a quilt with just strips, can you tell I’m a newbie? LOL
Where do you get the precut bias for quilting? I’ve only ever seen the small stuff at like spotlight?
Wow what a gorgeous quilt I will have a look at your tutorial never made a quilt so must have a go, if you want any squares for the flood appeal let me know & I will gladly help just need to know if you just want the fabric in squares or with the batting on too?
How did you get the squiggly lines in the strips?