Ok it seems that I now have some sewers and quilters looking to make quilt blocks and quilts so let’s get this show on the road. Nothing says we care about you more than a handmade quilt. Something to cuddle and snuggle under, to brighten a bare house as lives and homes are rebuilt and just make you feel oh so very special. So here is what I’m thinking for our quilts……
1. make and send me 12 1/2 inch square blocks (so that we have a finished block size of 12 inch once we’ve pieced them together) for girls, boys and adults. These blocks could be scrappy log cabins, traditional quilt blocks, hand pieced, appliqued………….whatever you choose! Make 1 or make 10 it’s also up to you. If you need some inspiration look what lovely things I found here and blogs are another source of inspiration.
2. make lap quilts….I find these easy to whip up and they are the perfect size for babies, little ones and to throw over a couch or bed. I’d ask that you finish the quilt and attach a lovely quilt label from you with some sweet words of hope and encouragement.
one of my lap quilts that was made for my grandma betty
Logistics? I am happy to receive all quilt blocks and sort them out here. What I will do is have a quilting bee or two here putting them together AND if we get more blocks than I can possibly handle then I’ll ask for some lovely quilters out there to help me out and I’ll post everything out to you.
lap quilt of 1 charm square pack with a border
Donating the quilts? I’m going to ask my gorgeous Queensland friends to help me with this bit and see what is going on in their community, school or church and the best way to get these quilts out to people who really need them. Retro daddy flies up to Brisbane each week so he’ll be my quilt mule which will save us on postage! Yay retro daddy and he doesn’t even know that bit yet!
What about auctioning quilts? If you have a quilt now that you want to auction to raise money then please visit Toni’s blog where you can find more info with all proceeds going to the Premier’s Appeal. If you would prefer to make a quilt and auction it off at a later date (because quilts do take time to make) then we could do this! Just let me know if this is what you want to do and thanks Bianca for the suggestion.
Phew, ok so where do you sign up. Leave me a comment here with your email address or email it to me (corrie_sebire@hotmail.com). We’ll make a list of whose in so we can share our progress on our blogs and we can email more details. I’ll also give you a button to put on your blog (when I make one). You don’t need to have a blog…..just a big heart! That’s all! Have I missed anything? Let me know……………
I would LOVE to make a quilt Corrie, thanks for doing this!
I have stacks of scrap material and will get started later today. I am so pleased to be a part of “Quilts for Queensland”.
Oh and I could look at that Flickr group all day! They are so talented and creative!
Angela Mitchell
Thanks for the info Corrie – I will get som done for you – also happy to be your quilt mule’s hand over here – LOL! I will also get onto our church and let them know that this is happening as well (they also have a quilt group and may be hapy to help put some together if they aren’t already doing something) I know the town of Grantham has lost everything including lives.
Thankyou Corrie! I was hoping someone would do something like this as I can’t make a whole quilt but would love to donate some blocks. I am most definitely IN!
Corrie you are a treasure! I am also happy to pass on quilts. What a special idea. I’m not a quilter (yet!) but make a mean softie so I’m organising a “hope softies” drive to provide a small piece of comfort to those kiddies in emergency shelters now and for the unforseeable future. Would you do me a huge favour and put a link on your blog for those who don’t quilt but are desperate to help in some way. I’ve put a link for your wonderful Quilts for Queensland for those non softie making folk too. I’ll email you with my details for the quilts too. People like you make this world a special place
x x
Sweet, i’d love to help out and make some blocks or a lap quilt.
rubyandme1 at gmail dot com
Your color choices are just beautiful!
Thanks for organising this Corrie. Count me in too for some blocks, possibly a whole quilt front if I can get enough done.
I am diffently in. I will be making blocks. I will have our Quilt Group make blocks as well. Thank you for all of your work to make this happen. Thank you to your husband for being the mule, even if he does not know, LOL!!
shandan at frontiernet.net
Good on you, Corrie. I couldn’t make a block or a quilt or a square to save my life, but I am very admiring that you are all in to do your bit. x
I am not a quilter and would attempt to but I am quite sure you would have a good chuckle about my outcome, but just a suggestion, because I LOVE all the quilts in your photos today, what about auctioning off a few made quilts?
Great for people that love them and dont know any quilters or know how to do it!!
Excellent Corrie – I will have a lap/cot quilt for you when I get back from holidays next week.
I’d love to help Corrie!
I’d love to help too. I have emailed you. Fantastic idea.
Yes please. I am happy to help and this is such a great thing to do. I will make blocks, and also try to put together a lap quilt too.
p.s. Do you want 12 inches, to be 11.5 finished? Or 12.5 inches to be 12 inches when finished?
Corrie, I am on the Sunshine Coast and know people traveling down to help over the next few weeks. If you get inundated with blocks (I will do some blocks to send you too) I could take some from you from Retrodaddy and co-ordinate sewing some together. I wanted to do this personally here on the coast, but I don’t have anywhere near as contacts and scope as you do, so maybe I could help from this end some way. Andrea is in Brisbane and I am sure she would be in as would lots others to get together and quilt together. Please let me know if you want me to help this end in anyway, in the meantime I will sew some blocks. You’ve done a great thing with your blog doing this, well done.
I’m just new to quilting but would love to help out with some blocks. Such a wonderful idea, Brisbane is my home town (I’m in Perth at the moment) and I feel terrible not being able to help. Family and friends are caught up in this terrible event.
Count me in.
Count me in too – I can’t do a whole quilt but I’d love to do some blocks for you. It’s wonderful that you’re organising all this, especially given how busy you must be at home with your little ones.
Great Job Corrie…I’ll do blocks & then see how I go with a Lap..I am madly sewing sewing caddies and have organized a quilty friend to come and help….
Hi Corrie. Count me in for some blocks too. As with Becky, just checking whether you want 12.5 inch blocks (to make 12 inch finished blocks) or 12 inch blocks (11.5 finished).
Lots of stash to use up here.
Corrie, you are truely amazing to organise this while you have 4 children at home. I have been baking for the volunteers and taking nappies and baby food to donation centres but to assist in making quilts for these people who have lost everything would be an honour.
I am happy not very confident with my quilting skills but am willing to give it a go. Please let me know what I can do to help you out. I will be making some blocks to send to you also.
I will make a few blocks, are they meant ot be 12.5 (12 finished) or 12 for 11.5 finished?
Will get a couple done this weekend.
I’m in! I’ll do a couple of blocks. I’m new to this so this will give me a focus for learning to make simple blocks. I’m going to get my mum in on it too. Can you clarify the question asked by the person above who asked re 12.5 (12 finished) or 12 for 11.5 finished? I’d hate to get it wrong.
I love this idea! Not just because of the loving thought behind it but because of the tangible, long lasting love that each quilt will represent.
I have family and friends in every area of Qld that have been affected by these floods. Thankfully most have escaped the worst of it.
So, please count me in – sewfi.handmade@gmail.com
I could also ask my friends who are ministers in Ipswich and family in Emerald, if they can help to distribute – once they have taken stock of things. Just let me know.
I’d be happy do quilt a few for you Corrie
Fantastic idea Corrie. I will make some blocks.
Hi Corrie
If they are smaller quilts I am more then happy for you to send me some tops, I am sure I find some backings and I do have some batting here too.
I can longarm quilt some, only happy to help, also if need be quilts could be stored here until we know how to give them out.
ps. and all you readers out htere I have a quilt Auction on my blog
Hi I was reading Kris’s blog
http://tagalongteddies.blogspot.com where she talked about the quilters angel doing quilting bee but willing to accept blocks and quilts from everywhere. Just letting you as a starting point for somewhere to go, what happened in Toowoomba was just so scary.
I have a couple of finished quilt tops that I am going to pack up and send next week
I’m not a quilter, but would love to ask for your help. Monkeemoo is organising a dolly drive for the kids of Queensland who lost everything in the floods. If you would be so kind as to put her badge on your blog it would be great as you get a lot of traffic here.
I would be so greatful
eva mei & me
Looks like you are going to be inundated with blocks, let me know if you need a quilter?
I am happy to help distribute them up here if you need help with that. Our church will be heavily involved in helping out. I think we are sorting out logistics of going up more towards Toowoomba way to help. I also had a thought to make softies for kids. Alot of them would have lost all of their toys so it would probably mean alot to them to have something to cuddle and play with.
Would love to help.Live just out of Brisbane and will make some quilts if you can let me know where I can drop them off to be handed out
Hoping I get a few blocks to you Corrie. Do you have a deadline??
Count me in too. Only a beginner quilter – but will make a lap quilt and some blocks
Hi Corrie, I’d love to make some blocks for a quilt. Let me know where I should send them and anything else I need to know. Thanks for organising this!
Hi Corrie, there is going to be a Brisbane quilting bee for the flood victims at SewCo at Mt Gravatt on the 29th of January. I don’t know if this will help your quilting bee.
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Hi Corrie, I would love to help out with sending you some blocks. Also I have a longarm so if you need some quilting done, please let me know.
What a wonderful idea. I will be glad to help and will be talking with my little sewing group over the next week about becoming involved too. Pleny of block and maybe a few lap quilts too.
I would love to help out. I will make a few blocks and see if I can come up with a lap quilt.
I wish I could quilt. What could be more special, made with more love than a quilt. Good for you Corrie for organising this. You truly are amazing!!
Hi Corrie,
As mentioned in earlier post, I would love to help out. I am currently visiting my mum in Melbourne however will be back in Perth end of next week to attack my stash and hit the machine!!!
Well done on organizing this effort too.
Will be in touch,
Christine xo
I’m in. I really need some motivation to get sewing and this will be it.
What a great idea. xx Melissa
I’d like to join you and this helping event, too. Where may I send my blocks to?
Heike (hp.lemke@gmx.de)
Count me in for a few blocks, will post a.s.a.p. Love your pretty colour scheme & inspiration, love Posie
Hi Corrie
I would love to make some blocks for the Queensland Flood Appeal. Thanks for making it happen
of course i want to help. please let me know where to send blocks to.
I will make some blocks as well, maybe a lap quilt as well, plenty of stash to use up here. Will keep an eye out for more details.
restisnotidleness at gmail dot com
Would love to make some blocks for you! I felt so hep less this will help.
Oh, I’m so glad to hear someone is organising something like this.
I myself wanted to – but am not quilter, and didn’t want to start something that I know I couldn’t finish. (I’m a sewer, but somehow quilt binding is too daunting for me…. But I recently made a beautiful quilt for a friend’s wedding, with no binding and figured it still is a quilt).
I live in Brisbane (I am moving out of town in a few days, though I have many friends and family here where I can distribute and organise if you need).
I have heaps of scraps (currently being packed into a shipping container for moving), that I would love to make into quilts for my local community who have been affected.
I was wondering if perhaps we could contact local sewing shops (or even Spotlight) and ask for donations of quilt batting. Perhaps that would be a way they might like to help out, that they hadn’t thought about before.
Also – I have been thinking that new cushions for couches and pillows and things would be lovely. So, perhaps if any blocks aren’t quite right for quilts they could be made into cushions.
Thank you thank you for organising things. Adding your link to my blog.
Count me in Corrie,i have more fabric than i know what to do with, what a great way to help and feed our crafting addictions at the same time, a win/win situation and how lovely to know our precoius fabric stash’s will be wrapping someone up in warmth,love and hope rather than sitting in our craft cupboards!!
OMG I am a little behind on my blogs but I would love to help out with this one is it too late for me??
count me in !
I would love to help and have pulled out some 2 1/2″ strips to start sewing.
I’ve sent you an email.
This is just what a fabric stash is for – quilts for people who need a little cuddle in their lives. I have some blocks for you – and will probably be able to do some quilt tops as well. When you have a spare?? minute let me know where to send it – thanks Corrie!
I’d love to help out making some blocks. I hope our little help can bring some comfort to all those who have been affected for the tragedy.
Hi Corrie, I started a blog last week called Quilts For Queensland. A couple of us are making and quilting these quilts.
Glad to see there are lots of offers.
i have some quilt blocks to donate – please could you include me on your information email.
Corrie, I would love to donate a quilt, will let you know when I have finished and get it to you asap.
thanks for organising for such a good cause.
I am in the UK but I would love to help by sending you some blocks, so please count me in.
I have many orphan blocks that I can send you!
I’ve send you an email. Would love to help out with a finished lap quilt and some blocks.
I would like to send you some blocks. Please provide mailing details. Well done on Zumba but more importantly well done on mobilising so many others to make quilts and use our sewing skills to good effect.
Regards, Alison
Hi Corrie, I would love to do a couple of blocks.
Count me in for some blocks! I have 4 finished but will work on a few more as I find the time. Thanks for coordinating this.
I’d love to make some blocks for this.
Corrie, I would be happy to help out with finishing, though I’m in the States. I can quilt like a madwoman and would love to help out. I will also try to put some blocks together and get them in the mail to you ASAP.
I am a new to quilting but will make some blocks for you lets just say 2 and if I can manage more I will. I live in Brisbane but have not been affected my DH is in the SES and has been out assisting people he is very overwhelmed by what has happened and people being so thankful and also to all those who are baking and looking after the volunteers. I also have a baby playmat quilt that I will sending you it is very cute. I will email you.
I would love to make some blocks. I also have one completed quilt and a quilt top to donate.
Love to make a block or two.
Hi Corrie,
I’m just learning and have never actually got to the binding and quilting part of a quilt but I do have a quilt top and could make some more blocks to send you.
I’ll get started today!
xx Juddie
Corrie – I posted a comment earlier int he week to say I would be keen to participate but haven’t received your email! I know you must be very busy with your brood but when you get a chance I’d love to know more.
Hi Corrie, I’m in! Sew happy to pay it forward and send some quilting love to Queensland. I’ve posted this on my blog and am hoping others will jump on board with us in Quilting for Queensland!
Am I too late?
Is there a date that you prefer to have all of the blocks to arrive?
I live in the USA and would love to contribute by making blocks.
Sincerely, Trish
ps. I am a new follower and would love to have you drop by anytime. :o)
I would love to help by making a block or two. Our home flooded 3 years ago, so I know how devastating it can be. Just knowing that people care can be a huge help.
Let me check out the UFO cabinet & see what I can finish up & send to you.
My sister & BIL lived in QLD for over 10 years (mostly on Macleay Island), and I was able to visit a few times, so I have a bit of a soft spot for QLD.
I’m late to the party but after I’ve finished the current quilt top I am working on, I’ll make some blocks up
Or if it turns into more than some, a lap quilt. Colours will be bright and chirpy cos I don’t do dull.
are you still accepting quilts for QLD? I know I am late but would like to help out. Is there a deadline etc?
my email is jomoritz@westnet.com.au
I will make a few blocks…Can you please send me details….Colour? Deadline? Address to send them to?
Whoops! Forgot to include my email address for the details.
Hi, I am a fairly new reader of your blog–very nice work. I am newish to quilting, teaching myself. I’m in the USA (California) and would like to send a few blocks. Are any colors alright? I understand that they should be unfinished at 12 1/2″. I’ll await an address to send them.
I am just learning how to quilt, but would love to send a few blocks to you. I live close to Washington DC. My email address is carrot2@mac.com
Hi I would love to join in to be part of “Quilts for Queensland”. I live on the Sunshine Coast and can certainly spread the word.
I haven’t seen you post about this recently – is it still happening? Are you still accepting blocks?