But today we made time for a special visitor, my old friend Amanda who now lives in london but comes home once a year and always pops in for a visit. We first met over 10 years ago when we were the only girls our age in the office. I used to pop out to her desk for a big chat and hear about her weekend (party girl!) and other stuff! And years later we’d meet up in London for lunch and compare recent shopping purchases (we both love to shop!). This girl makes a success of whatever she does and I’m lucky to count her as one of my friends. She drives a porsche around, owns a very cool flat in London, was in Marie Claire last year, loves a good bargain and travels the world. But she is still and will always be the same Amanda I’ve always known and loved. And my kids love her too!

So I thought we better make something yummy for morning tea in her honour……and this is my easy banana bread recipe which keeps evolving. It is super easy for the kids to make too – no getting out the mixer for this one. And since I’m on a diet right now (2 kilos lost in my first week – woo hoo, you can high 5 me!) I’ve made it low fat and it’s still delicious.
Retro Mummy’s Low Fat Banana Bread
2 bananas, mashed
125g low fat margerine (I use nuttelex lite), melted
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp low fat milk
1Tbsp vanilla extract
2Tbsp maple syrup
1 cup brown sugar (or caster if that’s what you’ve got)
1 1/2 cups self raising flour
Looks DELICIOUS! Well done on losing 2kg in your first week – fantastic effort! xxx
Share you secret on how you lost 2kg already, I look at food and put on weight.
Mind you I also don’t run after 4 little ones like you do.
Thanks for the Banana loaf , by the way I had to make another Rocky road for my husband today he just loves it, thanks for that too.
It really look yummy. High 5!!
I love those comfy old friendships! Yummy recipe, will have to give it a go
Well done on your weight loss, I wish I had your willpower!
The banana bread looks yummy! Will definitely have to give your recipe a go.
Corrie, I had to have a little chuckle at how divergent you and your friend’s lives are but how you are still friends – just lovely.
Congrats on the weight loss!
And yummmmmmmy. I think banana bread might just be one of the best cooking inventions ever
PS that quilt in the photo is lovely
Thanks for the recipe. It looks great. Must make that tomorrow.
Its always great to catch up with old friends. Especially when they live so far away
2kg!! A great big woohoo for you my dear!!!
And the banana bread looks delish too
Thanks for the recipe Corrie ! Its in the oven at the moment (the batter tasted delish so we’re looking forward to it!)
Hello Retromummy dearest :: could I ask is it 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract? It’s missing the ‘p’ at the end so I wasn’t sure if you meant tsp (but spelt it wrong) or tablespoon but left off the ‘p’! Hehehe 😉
Love ya stuff xx
Corrie, I like that you always have something nice to say! Well done on the kgs and the recipe looks yummy- thanks for sharing. I hope your friend has a great holiday!
What a beautiful photo of your dear friend! We make wholemeal banana bread for the kids and freeze slices for cnvenience. So yum!!
thanks stacey! oops Tbsp so I’ve corrected it!
Oooh – I love banana bread and could eat it by the loaf. So a low fat version sounds right up my alley.
Thanks for sharing Corrie!
Oooh I love banana bread and a low fat one is even better!
Here’s to lasting friendships and yummy treats.
We love banana bread too – especially for little lunch boxes! We use half wholemeal flour and add some wheatgerm to make it even healthier.
I love old friends who pop in when they’re in town!
A banana bread recipe with maple syrup is so getting bookmarked for later consumption!!!
Happy new year, Corrie. I’ve been on a blogcation, but it’s lovely to be back. x
Hehe…thanks Corrie! Now a baking I will go
It looks divine!
Much love
x Stacey
Thanks for sharing your lovely story on your friendship with Amanda-lovely piccie too-Thanks for the Banana Bread reciepe I Love that Stuff…
Congrats on the weight Loss keep it Up…
It looks delicious! I can smell it from here, I’ve got some bananas so I’m going to make it this evenning and leave a bit for the three Kings who are coming home tonight.
Greetings from Spain
yum!! I’m definately going to try this recipe. I went out for a coffee today and decided to splurge on a slice of banana loaf, only to find it dry and not very tasty – this looks much better!! (I am also on the weight loss band-wagon, which made this even more disappointing – congrats on the 2kgs by the way!)
Yummo, thanks for the recipe, I LOVE banana bread , but also trying to shed the KG’s from the twins. Not easy!!
And , I just love catching up with old friends,its easy, comfortable and feels good!!
This looks lovely – and really easy to make (a must when it comes to me anywhere near the kitchen!) – definitely going to give this a go. Thanks for sharing. x
What a lovely looking friend, and that banana bread may be on my menu and to do list for the holiday kids today.
2 kilos! Amazing, you lost what I gained over Chrismtas. Any hints on howto loose?
A great banana bread recipe. Even though most of us are on diets now, we occasionally (lol) need something with our afternoon tea.
Yum looks and sounds delicious.
Congrats on keeping up with your training…..you are one power packet with 4 little ones!! (:
Mmmm… sounds delicious! I dont think my daughter agrees, (she doesn’t like anything with banana taste, wonder why since banana was the first fruit I ever gave her) but the boys will love it!
Cooking it now – you must be psychic to know I had nanas that needed cooking!
Ab x
This looks a bit yummy, I might just have to try this. Your inbox is prob getting an influx tonight…I’m on a blog-fest
Corrie – I loved the banana loaf, seeing the kids (love Elodie’s hair!) and loved the fact that the banana loaf was served up on the Peter Rabbit plates I grew up with!
And of course could not forget to mention my photo shoot with Miss Keira (she is rocking that necklace!).
As always great to see you & great to see our friendship never changes regardless of time or location!