Littlest princess, as I like to call her, is 2 months old tomorrow! I just don’t believe it because a) it feels like she’s always been here and b) 2 months sounds so old. Time must be flying because I’m having so much fun but I’m not really. I have big babies and big babies are hungry babies that like to feed……….a lot. So I spend most of my day feeding and I’ve had to give her a bottle or two which are guzzled down after a feed. And no, don’t tell me I should be losing weight because I’m not. And that might mean no more sharing rocky road recipes……………in the new year it might be exciting new ways with lettuce!
But on to more serious matters, we do like to dress up. I love putting her in new outfits and wait till she sees how overboard I went with christmas presents for her. The lady at David Jones thought she was my first baby, ha! No, I do realise she’ll grow out of them soon but it’s Christmas and I can’t really buy her anything else essential… clothes it is.
We are not a fan of the hair ribbon but there is plenty of time to change that
she really is a doll! If I wasn’t so flat chat busy I’d be asking retro daddy to let me go for number 5 further down the track but I’m coming to realise that most people with 4 or more children s……p……r……e…..a…….d them out. Having them all close together is really starting to hit home but I know things will get easier.
So on we go to the next 2 months
I can’t believe she’s already 2 months!
I love love love babies and toddlers, but oh my heavens I don’t know that I could handle as many tweens/teens at once.
I just keep telling myself my third child will be much better behaved than the first (apparently experimental) two!
What a gorgeous girl!! My little girl is 4 months old – where does the time go?
She absolutely adorable, she is beautiful! As well as your other children. I only have two, 21 and 17 years old the time went so fast, I wash I’d had more, maybe I’ll be blessed with grandchildren some day.
what a doll! love that dress with the blue and red floral/smocking.
enjoy every minute, it goes so quickly.
My bub is 2 months today and time has just flown by. My girl’s an average-sized baby but has my fast metabolism, and it feels like I’m always feeding too. But having little eyes looking up at me is just so adorable!
She is beautiful and don’t you start eating just lettuce while you are feeding….. I am sure you don’t have that much weight to come off.
Have a wonderful Sunday
ps. we stopped at three children with a ix year gap between 2 and three and I wish I had gone for number four as out now 22 year old was like a only child, but DH wasn’t going to come to the party
She is beautiful (I love little chubby babies, Evie was like that at 2 months) and I LOVE that dress. You are right it will get easier and it will be so much frun for them growing up having brothers and sisters nearly the same age.
Exciting new ways with lettuce, lol, I look forward to that!
So gorgeous! And I love that dress. I wish that we’d had four … stopping at 3 is asking for trouble. Even numbers I say. Should have started having babies earlier to have 4. Scared that I’d end up with 4 & 5 if I tried for number 4. Enjoy Elodie.
She is seriously one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen..that hair and those cheeks..she’s gorgeous!
They will get easier and you will be glad that they are close together.
She is adorable.
You really are too funny, Corrie. That new dress is adorable, just like Elodie. Yes, the *spacing thing* does make our lives more *interesting*, doesn’t it?! J x
she’s gorgeous! out of my three only my boy was a big baby and I so much wanted my girls to be like that too, but they were difficult to put weight on.
Spacing certainly has pros and cons. After 9.5 years of pre schoolers I am enjoying them all about to head off to school but it all happened way too fast for my liking. Want to do it all again and slow it down this time
She is gorgeous baby :-).
I am so sorry she is crying. -(
Oh she is completely scrumptious! Love tht little smock dres… too cute x
Time does fly @_@
She’s so cute! Love the hair ribbon protest too.
Milla has a romper suit in the same print as that dress, it’s so pretty!
Oh Corrie, I LOVE that little dress!
And just take it easy, I figure that it takes an extra month to get back in the post-birth groove with each baby you have.
You know me, we have the exact same family, it’s perfection, i love 4. I was the 4th of 4, pretty awesome position there Elodie!! I’m at the business end with them all in school & with a husband away all the time, i can assure you 4 at home is a dream, it’s when 4 have school assignments, spelling & maths homework, you have things to sew & P&C meetings, parties . . . any more is just really stretching it.
I had 4 in 4 years, it’s great, pow, they’re all great friends, they grow up together & it’s fantastic!! You also have that youngest one growing up in the routine of the others & your husband gets you back too!! Love Posie
She is so cute! You just want to hug her.
She is Filling out Beautifully..and so Cute…
don’t Forget to Breathe!!!
You are doing a wonderful job with Elodie! She is just beautiful as all your children! Love looking at your photos and love Elodie’s dress
I sometimes would like a 4th but being 40, 3 might just do me!
she is adorable. x
What about choc-dipped lettuce? – a bit like rocky road but without the calories!!
My baby boy is 6months tomorrow and I have no idea where that time went. Like you I make them big and the constant feeding while lovely is also draining especially with everything else going on at this time of year. I take a huge amount of inspiration from your blog and what you achieve! Congratulations
Yeah, it is true, so true. I want to have 4 or more children. I have three myself and sometimes I wonder if I have chosen the right time to start my dreamed business. But, there is never “the Perfect timing” (for me anyway). It is more like just ride along the moment. Whatever is suitable and appropriate at the time. Getting a handle in life, me self!
You are fantastic. I love you! and family and blog!!!
Oh she is adorable – I have chubby babies and I love chubby babies! I wish as adults we chould still be admired for our chubbiness … and I love the little pillow she is resting on in the first photo.
We have five and pretty close together too. It is very busy!! I love the chubby shot we have one like that with the double chin and rolls of daughter one – everybody just wanted to pinch her cheeks!! So cute!!