Well for the first time my little miss wore a dress today! At our church we have our babies ‘presented’ to the church and they receive a little blessing a week or so before their baptism. It’s very sweet but I really thought we wouldn’t make it on time as trying to get everyone dressed very nicely, fed and out the door with a new baby is no easy feat
after church
but somehow we got there with a couple of minutes to spare. Elodie sleeps through mass at the moment but the twins…..oh my. They had children’s liturgy which kept them busy but when they came back in they were fighting over the tiny teddies, coins, craft activity they had made….just everything. It was their worst day at mass ever! Thank goodness they look so cute is all I can say.
still my top model
And now we’re back home and trying to get through all our jobs before grandma jill arrives tomorrow…..I think we’d rather be in the pool which is looking very inviting today.
super hero stretch
I love Elodie’s super hero stretch… too cute.
I cannot believe how big the baby is getting. She really is a beauty. And that hair!! Where does she get it from?
Adorable, check her out!! Have a lovely time with your mother-in-law, take charge honey!! Love Posie
so cute! i L O V E her quilt too!
I thought of a superhero too when I saw that last pic
What a sweet baby you have.
So cute! If they were all perfectly behaved it would not be normal!!!! Someday you will miss these days.
You tell us the twins look cute – but no pics!! I’d love to see more pics of them, especially Tillie – she’s so adorable!!
Just beautiful. I love newest editions pink dress!
There’s no real easy day with the kiddies is there?
Thank goodness they are cute, indeed! 😀
Forget the jobs and jump into the pool 😉
BTW – my kids always seem to misbehave at church too. After lot’s of promises of being good and bribes of a mcdonalds soft serve if they’re good, they seem to forget it all.
Soooooooooooooo cute. Your children are precious.
so very pretty! love the final image. classic xox
Your top model is indeed TOP, look at how she holds her dress
I love the last pic – so cute!
It is IMPOSSIBLE how divine this child is. IMPOSSIBLE. But I want an eyes open shot. No pressure.
Haha super baby to match the super mum! 😛
Pretty Name for a Beautiful Baby who Looked so Cute in her Pink Dress…she has a Lovely crop of hair too..
Elodie looks adorable in her first dress photo…and Kiera looks as lovely as ever, posing well. Our parish priest used to say to me, (when my kids would run up to him during mass giggling, and I would just about have kittens over it), “to let them be, they feel at home in Gods house, let them play” It kind of made me feel better…just a little 😉
Gorgeous! We have the presentation as well which is great on paper but not ideal in practice. JW’s presentation was a morning when J was sick and C was miserable. Truly memorable and not in a good way
Can’t wait to hear how the baptism goes, what will she be wearing?
She is such a beauty. Love the dress. I remember sunday mornings like that and happy they are bigger now. But still there is stress sometimes to get ready for church!
Oooohhh! she’s so sweet!! I love her super hero stretch…
what beautiful children you have….that baby is so precious…you are blessed…
The thought of taking my children to Mass scares the bejeesus out of me. You are a brave woman!
Corrie, Congratulations, I haven’t visited your blog in ages and it was lovely to see she had arrived. As beautiful as the rest of your sweet brood.