It’s about time for another giveaway from my store! So this time I’m giving away a fat quarter in each of the Sweet Broderie fabrics that have just arrived here. That’s right, 14 fat quarters and even better I’ll pick two three winners!!
It’s a very sweet and pretty range by the lovely Rosalie Quinlan. And as you know I do like sweet and pretty (lucky I have 3 girls!). It’s perfect for us girly girls and little girls as well as sewing and quilting projects where you want to use a few co-ordinating fabrics. I can’t wait to make up some little projects…….I’m thinking tiered dresses and skirts, patty young patterns from the store, quilts and bags. And, no wait…….. log cabin cushions too for the girls bedrooms!
So what do you need to do! Well just mention the giveaway (linking back to here) on your blog and leave a comment when you’ve done it! Too easy really! Competition closes next Sunday night 21st November and is open to everyone, wherever you live! Don’t have a blog just leave a comment! I love all my readers! The range will be up in the store tonight as fat quarter packs and by the half metre…………
Corrie this giveaway sounds absolutely wonderful and might be just the thing to get me to start making a quilt for Isabelle! What fabulous colors too. Right off to mention it on my blog!
Those fabrics are gorgeous!! Would love to make them into a bento box quilt for my little girly princess
Ooooh goody gumdrops! Amelia needs some things sewn up for Kindy next year. These would be perfect! Thankyou! x
Ohhh! Can’t wait to see these in the store, would be perfect for quilts I need to do for a good friend who’s having ID twin girls soon! Girly, bright, retro, ticks all my boxes.
Oh, the pinks & greens in these fabrics are just gorgeous! Lucky I have 2 two girls to indulge in my favourite colours! So pretty!
What a generous giveaway Corrie!! Love this range – it is so pretty and would look amazing in so many projects.
That fabric is beautiful Corrie — what a wonderful giveaway!
Just started sewing and would love to add to my fabric collection, which is pretty much non existant! And my inspiration to give this sewing thing a try was your blog!
Lovely range. Perfect for little girls.
Corrie, I think this is the best giveaway yet. Thanks for being so generous and all in all a superwoman!
mmmm my favourite colours.Even if I dont win I’m buying some.joanne
Ooooh devine!! Perfect for the patchwork pillow and cushions I have been meaning to make for Hettie’s room
What a generous giveaway, and what gorgeous fabrics – so girly and pretty! Thanks for the chance to win some – Ive just blogged about the giveaway.
Nic xxx
Awesome, yes please, forget the fact i have 3 girls too, i love it for me too!! Oh from quilts to hair accessories, delicious!! Love Posie
PS Sue has posted it on her blog!! Just came over from there.
I have commented on my blog and linked it back here. What a great giveaway – I have a little grand daughter that would look beautiful in these fabrics
Oh what an AWESOME giveaway. Im thinking those beautiful peasant dresses with these gorgeous fabrics! Im off to mention it on my blog.
Hi Corrie, Thanks for hosting such a great give away…at least this one won’t affect my waste line!
Here’s the link to my blog.
haha did a post linking to you check it out @
Love these fabrics and u! x
Oh it is lovely thanks for the chance to win some.
I have been eyeing off this range every since a sneak peek of it was shown on Rosalie blog so I just had to sign up.
There have been so many lovely quilts designed in this range already the hardest part if I won would be deciding what to do with it
oooh, it’s so pretty!!!
I have put it on my blog.
Corrie……..gosh. They are so pretty. I went to a beginner’s quilting weekend not long ago in our little country town, and have now set up out on the verandah……..Mum’s old Bernina and half finished quilt from the class. I’m loving it. We don’t have ANY fabric shops here……..the nearest one is 3 hours away. Oh how I would love one of those fat quarter packs.
I’ve posted this on my facebook wall which I hope is ok. this is a huge giveaway. Thank you for being so generous and sharing.
I can think of so many uses for this fabric. I have 4 beautiful little granddaughters. Lucky me!
I love to follow your blog!
Oh what beautiful colours. I love Rosalie’s fabrics. I have posted about this on my blog
Oooo… so pretty! I’ve blogged, link is here:
Wow these are such beautiful fabrics. Just about to start a quilt for my daughters. These would work beautifully! Thanks for the chance!
Oh Corrie you know I need these!! What a wonderful selection of fabrics. I’ve just discovered my fav fabric shop has closed down and I’m devastated beyond belief. This will certainly help me to feel better. I’ll mention it on my next blog post for sure.
I don’t have a blog, but would absolutely love to be in the running to win this gorgeous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity
i hadn’t seen these yet!
hopefully you are trying to get lots of rest as well though!!
Awesome what a great giveaway….would love to win these so I can make a few quilts for Bear Cottage….such a super load of fabbie…..Thank you for sharing.
such gorgeous fabrics!! I would love to make a quilt, or some cute softies!!
Wow…those fabrics look fantastic! I have a 2 yr old girl, and I’m due to have a 2nd girl in a few weeks, so girly fabric is something I look out for! I can imagine some very cute little dresses in newborn size…or some skirts and other things for the 2 yr old – she LOVES pink!
how lovely, they are so sweet….my 2 girls will love them in their rooms and in a dress or 2!
What gorgeous fabric – need to get some for my statsh!
Rosalie’s fabrics are just beautiful. I’d love to make something girly as I have 3 boys (and a husband) who don’t really care for ‘girly’!
Oh me oh my….that is some gorgeous fabric!
Perfect Range Corrie! Would make some perfect cushions!
So pretty!!! Don’t you want to just sew all the fat quarters together as they are when you find fabric that yummy?!?!?!
i LOVE this fabric and cant wait to get my hands on it ALL!!!
i dont have a blog but posted a link from my facebook page…
fingers crossed i may be one of the lucky 2???
Thanks for such a great giveaway! I’m going to post it on my blog right now.
doing it now- love it
Such beautiful fabrics. Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway. I’ve made a blog button link thingy and added it to my right column here:
Hi Corrie, I am not a blogger but have visited your blog via my Daughter Kitty from Kitty’s Kaboodle. Just wanted to let you know that you are a champ. Like you I have 4 children (all grown up) 3 girls & 1 boy. I am just getting back into sewing as my wonderful children gifted me a new machine for my birthday. Those fabrics are just delightful and the mind boggles about what I could do with them. Thanks Leilani
drool, drool. Gorgeous.
I have posted on my blog … I would absolutely be thrilled to win this delicious range!! Then I would use them in Leanne Beasley’s new Vignette Block of the Month for a quilt for my little girl … with three older boys a girl loves to make her baby a girly quilt!! LOL
I think I’d make another tiered dress like this one!
Love the range, would love to make some girly things! Thank you for being so generous. Sorry…I don’t have a blog yet.
Perfect, if I won I would be able to start cutting so that i could make Leannes new quilt in ‘Vignette’
What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you, I have let my readers know too!
Corrie, you are so gorgeous where do you find the time? Well me of the 3 boys will be sewing for moi! I would really like a little raspberry pink as a through on a love seat I just won on ebay that will be hidden away in my study where NO BOYS ARE ALLOWED! A gal’s gotta get some of her own back. Saw the fab article in homespun about the kellie weekend! love the article…congrats… hate the stern looking photo of me!
Just love the colours, will have to make something pretty and pink for my beautiful great niece.
Wow what a great giveaway… I will blog about it too…
They are such pretty fabrics
I don’t have a blog but I have a passion for lovely fabric! Great giveaway!
How could one not blog about such a gorgeous giveaway?!! Love it 😀
Blogged! Thank you for the opportunity for such lovely fabric!
I know a little girl who’d like a quilt created from that…and a big girl that would really like to create it! I might just have to buy some anyway lol. Great giveaway!
Oh I just love those fabrics! And woud love to win! Thank you so much! just blogged about it!
Oh they are just lovely – I’ve been waiting for them to hit Australia – just gorgeous – I’d love to make something for my girls too. Maybe even something cute for me too…such a generous giveaway, I’ve blogged about it..
Can’t wait to see the range in the shop!
Not having a local quilt shop anymore (nearest 3 hrs away!), I would love to use some of this range as it will be a while before I get to see it for real.
It all looks wonderful, the perfect range for a little person’s quilt.
Ooh, Lovely. I would love to win that fabric pack. I have added your giveaway to my blog.
Thanks Corrie, I’ve linked to your post, I’ll have my fingers crossed that I should be so lucky. Have a great weekend.
This fabric is divine! I can see little shirred dresses with oversized pockets. This range is so amazing, the colours remind me of summer gelato!
Corrie what a great give away,the fabrics are so fresh and just right for summer, Oh the pretty things i could make my girls with those pretties.
As a mum of 3 girls too, i can see this pack going a loooooooooooooong way. Thanks for the opportunity Corrie…..
LOVE them! I’ve mentioned it on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity 😉
Count me in!! Adorable fabrics.
Beautiful fabrics, they are gorgeous , I would love to be entered in your giveaway XX
I have three girls (including baby girl twins), a new sewing machine and an itch to try my hand at a bit of patchworking! This would be perfect! (Corrie, I found your blog through the Tikki MKAL – looking forward to seeing the finished products!)
Love this! thanks for the opportunity – posting on my blog
Hi Corrie, I have been addicted to your blog for a few months now. I enjoy reading your blog each day while I wait to see that my little one has gone to sleep each night. Your enthusiam & drive amaze me. Your passionate about your family, your business, your readers & your life. As a busy woman/wife/mother/business woman, myself, reading your blog is like a breath of fresh air to my busy life. I love craft, but dont have a lot of time. But if I won your prize I would make cute little shorts and pants for my gorgeous little girl Jada. I live in Alice Springs NT. Natalie xo
Corrie! my heart beats a mile a minute to see such wonderful fabrics …
Thanks for the giveaway … this on the side of my blog.
Thank you Corrie! My blog post is all done.
What a fabulous giveaway, Corrie. Off to blog about it right now! Glad things at your place are ticking over nicely; hope you are getting enough rest. Your extended family is so adorable.
just so lovely!!! a little twirling dress for miss Ruby or maybe a skirt…or maybe both…would make a lovely addition to the xmas stocking for the party season.
Corrie the fabrics are gorgeous.
my head is spinning with ideas that
I could use these for.
Beautiful fabrics! I’ll be putting it on my blog for you!
Hi Corrie. After three little boys, I have finally had my little girl!! (Eden Isabel – 6mths old) I have been waiting for this fabric to come out so that I can sew myself into a pink lovin’ frenzy. I love your suggestion of some log cabin cushions Corrie! Maybe even a matching softie for my little marshmallow softie!! Much love to you and thanks for your daily brightening of my days. xx Stacey.
Don’t have a current blog, but would love the chance to win. Have been coveting this range ever since I saw it on Rosalie’s website. Perfect colours.
Michelle G
oh you’re right these are gorgeous!
congratulations on the safe arrival of Elodie – you guys sure do make cute babies!
I just bought my first home ( or signed for my first mortgage more accurately!) so I’ve put myself on a fabric buying freeze for a little while – I’m sure these would make so many gorgeous ideas, cushions, embroidery hoops, embellished dish towels etc!
thanks for the opportunity to win (and enjoy!)
I love fabric. These are beautiful.
Gorgeous fabric and a very generous giveaway.
Hi Corrie, I have posted this on my blog……
I would love the chance to win as I have three girls & have been coveting this material since I saw it on Janelle’s blog.
Thanks so much for the opportunity & I love your blog.
beautiful! fingers crossed!
Corrine –
How in the world can you blog and do all this with 3 young children and a newborn? I’m forever amazed by your spirit and stamina!!! You are truly blessed in so many ways!!!
Love the fabrics…what a generous giveaway!
I love the colors! No blog – I am a reader right now – but I love my nieces to pieces and would love to make some lovely stuff for them wiht this fabric!
have a great weekend!
Sorry I don’t have a blog but I love this fabric and I’d love to enter the giveaway!
I am Patricia from Barcelona(Spain).I have a blog and yesterday i made my first giveaway.My blog is
and my e-mail is
I wait news from your giveaway.
Good luck.
Exquisite fabrics – I have two boys, but I still need a fix of all things pretty!! I love your Retro Mummy blog. Just discovered it after a friend mentioned it on Facebook!! Also loved your FAQ on cameras (currently looking to buy one). Will be visiting your site again…
I’m in the US so if you can’t ship here don’t include me, but I sure do love those fabrics!! They’re so pretty!
I had not seen these fabrics before. Lovely, lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Yummy fabrics, pinks and greens are my favourite colours, too. thanks for the chance to win!
Oooh! These are fabulous!! I would love to make some cute purses or a quilt for my 2 darling girls! I’ve been trying to decide how to decorate their room and these colors would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win!!
oh my… a tiered skirt for my daughter would be so cute.
Fantastic fabrics. My 20 yr old daughter wants a girly quilt, wants to make it herself, what could be more perfect!
Thanks for the chance to win some pretty fabric! You’re fantastic! I’m thinking toddler backpack for my little ham
Yes, oh yes, pick me!! Link posted and dreaming has begun.
These fine fabrics would be just perfect for my waldorf dolls! Wonderful colors to make skirts and blouses from…
This fabric range is so sweet. I love the colors and I like your idea of the log cabin pillows!
Rosies new range is gorgeous…….
beautiful romantic fabric. I have made a post:
Greetings from France
Beautiful pretty fabrics…nice collection from Rosalie. Great for your girls!
I love those fabrics, thanks for the chance to win…
OMG just gorgeous fabric :o) This would be just wonderful to win…
Off to mention it on my blog too :o)
Forgot to put the link back to my blog…
Thanks again Amie
How fun!! I am a new follower and I blogged about it! THanks!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway, I have boys but my nieces would love me if I won this!
I blogged. I should have released it with my post this morning, but I forgot I had it scheduled … whooops! Love the fabric!
Thanks for the chance for some v.v.sweet fabric! 2 chances!!! (Blogged in my giveaway section)Thanks Corrie!
what a lovely giveaway. I know two little girls who would love a new quilt!
I have blogged about your giveaway.
thanks for the chance to enter.
Loooove her fabric. With a baby girl on the way, it’ll make a nice quilt! Thanks for the giveaway.
With two girls and a mumma who loves loves loves to sew for them I would love this beautiful fabric!! THank you for the possibility! xx Kylie
Hey Corrie, these fabrics are too cute!! I need to decorate my new born baby girl’s nursery, she is still in with us so I have a little time to make time beautiful pieces, just need the perfect fabric!! Brontë ended up coming to us 2 days before Elodie was born, 8 days later then she was due!!!
I don’t have a blog, but I enjoy yours, and the new fabric is lovely.
What a fabulous giveaway I am so excited! You have so many people who love your blog chances are slim, but got to be in it to win it hey! Thanks for putting on such a great giveaway.
What beautiful fabrics/
So sweet, Corrie!! Love this range of gorgeous fabrics. Don’t have a blog so thanks for the chance to win anyways.
Corrie, thank you so very much for allowing those of us without blogs to enter your giveaway. I check your blog daily and enjoy each and every post. The fabric is
A D O R A B L E!!!!!!!!
What beautiful fabric. Such great colors.
Oh what beautiful fabrics! And such a lovely giveaway too.
I just love these fabrics!
Wow this story is perfect. the colours compliment each other so well. A post is up on my blog to link back to you…Fingers crossed…Terese
Beautiful romantic fabric.
I just love these fabrics!
Love these colors and the feeling of all
I’ve posted the giveaway on my blog.
Yay, they’re beautiful fabrics! I’ve blogged about your giveaway here:
Corrie what a fab giveaway! The fabric is just so gorgeous!!!! I’m about to start making a quilt for a friend who’s having a baby girl in 10 weeks… this would be perfect.
Wow…So pretty! There are perfect for dolls cloths
I have posted on my blog:
Dont have a blog but I SERIOUSLY love these fabrics! Just imagining them on these cute Christmas angels I am about to make!
Would be perfect for my daughters’ bed throws!
Gorgeous colors – which my cousin will love for her daughter even more should I win and send them to her, rather than win herself!
That fabric is beautiful Corrie — what a wonderful giveaway!
Great fabrics, I don’t have a blog but i do sew and would be very happy to win these, thank for the chance.
I have just mentioned your give away in my blog, so please count me in – and then please pick me, pick me!
Oooh, there are some gorgeous prints in there! I’ve blogged about it here:
Oh, lovely fabrics! They are so georgeus, my daughter might love them…
thanks for the opportunity Corrie. I love the range so much – I’ve actually been dreaming about it.
Thank you – Susie
Fantastic giveaway! Well worth a bit more effort – done and dusted!
Very nice fabrics.:)I would really like them…:)
Your game is on my blog.:0
Beautiful colors, I have two daughters and I would be very happy if you win.
Thank you for the opportunity to play.
Oooohhhh what beautiful fabric and what gorgeous colours!!! I love them. Thanks for the chance to win a little bundle of fab stuff!
Oh what a divine selection!! I have put it in my side bar and will post about it tomorrow! Thanks for the chance
The fabrics are divine!! I have blogged about the giveaway…Friday actually, forgot to comment here about it..oops! fantastic giveaway Corrie! thanks 😉
Thank you the opportunity to play for a wonderful substance :))
Oh my goodness!!! It’s so sweet!!!
Blogged about it here
Blogged about, great giveaway Corrie!
What a wonderful giveaway!!:) I have put on my blog.
Beautiful fabrics…I wouldnt know where to find this here in cape town SA. They are gorgeous! xxxx
I haven’t seen this collection anywhere…how pretty and soft and colorful…and I would love to win it.. I am off to post a link from my blog…
Yummie what a great give away, I will post it on my blog tomorrow
link to blog post…
These are so pretty and feminine. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
I squealed with delight when I saw these! I’ve been searching for fabrics to do my daughter’s quilt and these are so perfect!
I know I live tooooooooo far away for the giveaway but just wanted to say Hi and love reading about your family.. Mr.Couple and I think they are most adorable. Such sweetness can only come from love.
Wonderful colors. I am linking you to my blog now. Thanks for a chance/
What a wonderful giveaway. I added it to my blog.
These will be perfect for my new project.
I’ve posted it on my blog:
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks Corrie.
What great fabric – the giveaway is on my blog!
No longer keep up my own blog so will post a comment here. Found your blog through Bonnie’s Bits and Pieces. Love the fabric. Would look great in a quilt for one of my grand-daughters.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Very nice fabrics!
I would really like them…:)
I think this is the best giveaway yet.
Very nice fabric!
My goodness… it feels like Christmas…
Fantastic fabric and very generous giveaway.
thanks for the chance
I have posted a link on my blog
Beautiful fabric!I have put it on my blog.
What a beautiful fabric line! I would love to win the fat quarters.
That lovely picture is on our blog now with a link to here. :o)
We would like to sew lovely girly things from those beauties because we are godmothers of six little ladies. :o)
Thank you so much! Please enter me in. I post your game on my blog!
what gorgeous fabrics!!
Very pretty giveaway. I’d love to win. I am already a follower, and I’ve just blogged about your giveaway. azilhugs from Br
oo, I would love to win these fabrics They are soo nice-
Lovely fabrics! I would love to work with these. Thank you for the chance.
Great giveaway!
Please count me in!
Thanks for the chance!
Oh, what lovely fabric! Perfect for a little girls quilt! Thanks!
What a generous giveaway Corrie!! Love this range – it is so pretty and would look amazing in so many projects.
I do not have a blog but I sure love reading yours – thanks for the chance on this gorgeous fabric
Love the fabrics as I really like dots and stripes and I need some pink now I have another granddaughter. Put a post on my blog about this gorgeous selection!
Pick me, pick me!!!! Great give-away and lovely blog. Can’t wait for the time to sit quietly and peruse your archived posts! ~karen
What a wonderful giveaway!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
hi corrie,
just love the fabrics will be doing an order soon.
This such a wonderful giveaway, wonderful colors and just perfect for projects for my two granddaughters. Thanks for the chance to win.
sublime! count me in.
done and done. theyre such beautiful fabrics. i want them all. drool
I could not imagine to receive so wonderful package on my house like that. So I sent a letter to Santa, maybe hoe knows I am a good girl and give to me 😀 I live in Alaska very close to his house 😀
Fingers crossed and post on my blog
Thank you for the opportunity for such beautiful fabric!
Oh, those fabrics are so fabulous. Gorgeous colours. A great giveaway I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.
Thank you for such a lovely giveaway. It would be perfect to make something for my brand new granddaughter…she’s my first grandchild so I am in a sewing frenzy for her!!!
What lovely fabrics – who could resist? I’ve posted on my blog here
Very pretty!
I have 4 girls…all grown up now but I have 5 beautiful granddaughters and 5 handsome grandsons!
Oh what sweet fabric … and what a delightful giveaway. It’s on my blog now so hope you have lots of new visitors!
This is happy fabric! Please add my name to the drawing.
Oh so pretty! So many things I could make with them. Even if I don’t win, thanks for the great giveaway!
Gorgeous fabric! Lots of blue at my house at the moment, so pinks would be a very welcome addition. Your give away is on my blog
I posted in my sidebar, Thanks for the chance
This fabric is so fresh and girly. I have put a link to your blog and mentioned your giveaway…
Loving the colours and fun designs!
Posted about the giveaway on my blog!
Thanks you for another beautiful giveaway!
Mentioned it at my blog:
I do love girlie girl fabric and these definitely qualify….
Thanks for the chance to win.
I blogged about your giveaway:
Thanks for the chance to win these lovely fabrics! :o)
What a fabulous giveaway. Those fabrics are gorgeous!
These are gorgeous fabrics. The lovely colours make me think of a garden quilt
Love the fabrics you have in the giveaway. They are so Pretty!! Oh, the items I could make for our baby girl :o)
I don’t have a blog, however I’ll mention the giveaway on my fb page.
What a beautiful range!! Love it. And you know we always love a giveaway!!
Just gorgeous ! Perfect for new bubby girl due on Jan 26th
I love the beautiful colours in these fabrics. I’m very new to sewing and only recently found your blog, but I’m loving it. You inspire me each day with all your beautiful projects. I would really appreciate the chance to have such beautiful fabric.
Beautiful romantic
I love this fabric range!! I’d love to win and save a few pennies at this time of year, but otherwise, its on my wishlist!!
WOW! Lovely fabrics. The ideas begin to develop
Thanks for the chance to win. I’ve posted about the giveaway on my blog
Tine in Copenhagen
WOW! these are great! I have found your blog just today but it’s very nice and lovely, I hope, I could win…
this giveaway is so cool, thanks I have blogged about it so all 2 of my readers will know about too now.
They look very fresh and new…thank you for the giveaway.
Newest Follower:)
Thank you for a chance at these lovely fabrics!!
I have a $35 CSN giftcard giveaway that ends tonight 11-14 if your interested:)
Great fabrics – thank you for this giveaway!!! I will be really happy to sew my princess girly-pinky- greeny world:))
This fabric is STUNNING! I have visions of quilts dancing in my head just looking at it.
What a wonderful giveaway! I hope I am eligible as I live in the US. If not, I understand. All the same, thanks so much and good luck to everyone. Hugs…
What a sweet fabric giveaway. I alos have 3 girls and agree, this fabric would make some very cute decorations for their rooms.
Mentioned your giveaway on my blog
Oh, I love these fabrics and would like to make a beautiful quilt with them.
Thank you
Riet Klein from Holland
I so love these fabrics.. warm pretty and just gorgeous!!! Sooo please please add me..:O))
Added the givaway to my sidebar ..:O)) Good luck everyone!!!
I love those fabrics
I would turn them into a girly quilt or pillow cases
I’m signing in for your giveaway!
What a great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance!
I’ve made a blog button link thingy and added it to my right column here:
What pretty fabrics! Perfect for sewing things for my two girlies…
Linked up here:
Hi as a new visitor at your blog I feel lucky to find it on time for this giveaway. I will show it on my blog to. I keep my fingers crossed, because it´s not easy to find such fabric in sweden.
Karin på Ösäter
Hi as a new visitor at your blog I feel lucky to find it on time for this giveaway. I will show it on my blog to. I keep my fingers crossed, because it´s not easy to find such fabric in sweden.
Karin på Ösäter
These fabrics are just beautiful, very pretty.Thanks for a chance to win!
I fell in love with these wonderful fabrics !! Thank you to make me dream !!!!
I did mention your give away on my blog and told them how much I love to read your blog and they should go and have a look!
I really love these sweet fabric. I posted this game here:
Your giveaway is soooo generous, I have to try my luck! I linked your blog into my blog post today
You can find my blog in
Beautiful pretty fabrics…nice collection! Great for your girls!
Oh what cutie girls, and all those sweet fabrics to make stuff for them … I don’t have any girls just randsons but I would love the fabrics.
Hugs Laurie in NZ
Awesome giveaway! I posted about it here:
I like your blog !
would like to give it a try to win!
Thanks for giveaway! I have 3 girls too!
cute fabrics! I have 2 girls who would look adorable in these prints!
What pretty fabric! Thanks for the chance!
What a giveaway. Mmmm…I could make lots of ‘pretties’ with these.Jill
What a great give away
Nice blog you have, wishing you a creative week. I have posted about you give away on my sidebar.
Oh my god these are so beautiful – and you are so generous to put these up on offer.
Please count me in !!!!
I have done a post about your giveaway and also put you in my sidebar.
here is the link
Thanks so much.
What an amazing giveaway! Count me in!!
Great give away.fingers crossed that I win this. Now off to my blog to link it.
I dont have a blog, but the fabric is gorgeous. Thanks
Oh count me in please. I mentioned you here
What gorgeous fabrics! My girly girls would love them … and me too 😉
Fabulous giveaway! Just found your wonderful blog!
Off to put it on my blog
Thanks for a chance to win 
Love your blog and love these fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway.
I am sure is obvious to you that I wish to win them. LOL! I have blogged about them on my blog:
I am sure is obvious to you that I wish to win them. LOL! I have blogged about them on my blog:
This fabric range looks delightful, Corrie. I am out of my depth with blogging and all that technology stuff, but I would love to enter your draw if thats possible. Thankyou for the opportunity. Sandy C
I mentioned the giveaway on my blog:
I posted about this on my blog:
Oh wow what amazing fabric for your giveaway
Love it
Stunning colours and what a great give away …thanks for the chance to win it.
Also posted on my blog:)
Posted on my blog. That fabric is delicious
Yummo! Those fabrics are delish. What an awesome giveaway!
Corrie…just lovely girly fabric and just right to make a gift for a friend that has a new baby girl..glad I dropped by to read your blog …you have a lovely family….LindB…
These fabrics are SO adorable. I have blogged about your giveaway here:
would love these fabrics as inspiration to get back into my craft room!
i would love to use these fabrics as inspiration to get back in my craft room.
i have a family blog but it’s private, so no good on linking to it! those fabrics are seriously cute. they would be perfect for some baby girl stuff for my prego friend naomi!
stacy dot wamble at gmail dot com (if you need it! which i hope you do!)
Thank you for your very generous give away and I would love to be one of the winners.
Yes please!!! with a cherry on top.
I’m new here – I found you via “Stitch Selection”…what an interesting Blog you have….
I’d love to enter in your giveaway if I may – Rosie’s fabric range is just plain gorgeous… the meantime I’m off to subscribe to your blog and do some further reading of it.
Elizabeth (ejay)
These fabrics are absolutely gorgeous. I have two daughters who love colourful things, especially pink, so they would be thrilled with these wonders. Thank you for this giveaway!
Awesome giveaway. I dont have a blog. LOve to win
I couldn’t resist, it’s too lovely to not enter and I am a bad blogger usually but here is my entry:
I love these fabrics, wonderful colors! Thanks for the chance. Link on the sidebar.
Oh, what lovely patterns and colors. My 4 years old little girl would love it in any way.
Such sweet and lovely fabric!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Wonderful fabrics! thanks for the opportunity – posting on my blog:
What a sweet give-away.
The fabrics look so sweet, cute, gorgeous,…
Link is on
Corrie, what a great giveaway.
The new line of fabric is great for a Spring quilt.
Corrie, this giveaway is just awesome. Gorgeous! Gorgeous fabric.
Would really love to have them. Just posted it on my blog
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just last week my graddaughters (6 and 9) asked me for a ‘girlquilt’! These fabrics should be perfect!
Thank you for having this wonderful giveaway.
ohh how delicious, thanks for the chance!!
What a lovely giveaway.. beautiful fabrics. I have blogged aboout it and linked back to you.
What a great giveaway!! Thank you very much!! These fabrics are so wonderful!! I have just published it on my blog:
Have a great week!! Silvia
OMG over 280 comments Corrie. Fantastic!!! I’ve added a link to my blog too, on a post featuring some retrommmy fabric, no less. I hope I’m the lucky one!
Thank you for such a lovely giveaway! Beautiful!
Beautiful fabric and very generous giveaway. I don’t have a blog but love reading your blog and can relate to many of your posts. Thank you.
Love the chance to be in it ! Here’s the link to my blog
It’s so pretty!!!
I have put it on my blog.
Thanks you for the chance. I mentioned it in my blog.
How beautiful fabrics! I hope I win!
I finally got around to blogging about your wonderful giveaway so that I could enter! I LOVE ‘Sweet Broderie’ and fabric lovers everywhere thank you for being so generous as to give away 3 FQ packs of it! Yay!
And today I see you have a new header image. Oh my, it is so very lovely, and makes me want to run to my cupboard and make my own stacked coins quilt from my Grandmother’s Flower Garden! Beautiful!
Oh beautiful fabrics!
Zsuzsanna from Hungary
I would also like to play with you, for these wonderful materials:) Szilvia Budapest (
I love the fabrics….I tweeted about it and mentioned it on Facebook….and they were so tempting I added myself to your google friends clan….
Shannon Margaret
I have 2 little daughters. I would love to win too!!
Great giveaway! PLEASE PICK MEEE!!! :)))
I included your giveaway in my blog today:
Blogged about your giveaway at
Thanks for the chance!
Oh, yes! I want!!!! :o)))
My blog:
(sorry, I have only gastro-blog, but I’m quilter).
What a great fabrics! I love them. So count me in. I added a link on my weblog. You can reach me at hompeltjepompeltje(ad)gmail(dot)com
Posted a link on my sidebar with a picture. Will write about it later today. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
What an awesome giveaway! I would love to be entered.
Yummy fabric! I’ve blogged about it
Wow! My new sewing machine arrives next week and with this I could make something gorgeous to start! Haven’t sewn in 37 (yes, THIRTY SEVEN) years, but am restarting soon!
gmail (d0t) com
Thanks so much for the chance.
Just posted your giveaway on my blog have a nice day.
These fabrics would be perfect for my girly girl granddaughter. Might be some left over for me too! Thanks for the giveaway.
Gyönyörűek az anyagok. Tudnám őket szeretni.
Marta néni from Hungary (Europa)
Thanks for this giveaway! The fabric is soo pretty!
I mentioned on my blog!
I just found your blog and will definitely be following you! I am just getting back into sewing and quilting now that my kids are getting older, getting a new machine and those beautiful fabrics would be such a great motivation for a new quilt.
omg what beautiful fabrics
i want them so bad 
Thanks so much for the chance to win these great fabrics! I hope, hope, hope I win! 😉
Those fabrics are heaven, I have posted on my blog
What gorgeous fabric. I added a link to the giveaway in my latest post. Thanks!
It’s so lovely to happen upon another kindred spirit. What an amazing giveaway – thank you for the opportunity!
Blogged here:
Beautiful fabrics and lovely store. I’ve blogged about your giveaway over here….
Posted about your great giveaway on my blog.
I’m still on time!!
they are gorgeous!!
I mentioned on my blog!
The fabrics are gorgeous! Love them!
Gorgeous fabric and fun projects! My sis-in-law introduced me to your blog and I’m excited to be a new reader!
Corrie, pls pls pls pick me!!! Your blog is so lovely.
Thanks, Ren
What beautiful fabrics! I just discovered your blog and can’t believe how much you are able to do with 4 children. You are a supermom!
Gorgeous fabrics I’ve linked you !
Blogged aobut it here
What a wonderful giveaway! Those fabrics are gorgeous. I’m sorry I don’t have a blog to post on.
What a beautiful fabrics! You are so generous! Thanks Corry
These fabrics are beautiful…thank you for a generous giveway….
Don’t have a blog, but I do have a new grand-daughter that I would love to make something girly for.
Such pretty fabrics.
I thought these were fab fabrics when Rosalie first posted — and think the released fabrics look even better. Thanks for this generous giveaway. Please put my name in the hat as these fabrics are perfect for a quilt.
Oooh what beautiful fabric! I have posted about it on my blog. It is at
I would love to be entered for a chance to win such wonderful fabric.
I am a new follower. Here is my link:
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the chance to win these yummy fabrics. I will be mentioning it at my blog! Off to list it!.
Hi – I’ve blogged about you. Linked to you. Fallen in love with you (well your fabrics). Sooo lovely. Thanks for the chance. Regards, Alison
This would make my grand her own quilt. So great
Nancy in IN
What a wonderful, gorgeous giveaway! I love those fabrics! I’ve also made mention of your giveaway on my blog as well!
Love the fabrics, especially the pink!!
those are the prettiest colors, and Bliss is also one of my favorites. But the color sin this line covers me from teen to 60-lol. thanks for this!
Oh what a beautiful give away. I will put it on my blog with a link. I would be a wonderfull birthday present on de 21th.
What beautiful colors and fabrics! Is it really open to everyone? I’ve posted this on my facebook wall.
I just found your blog and I’ll mention your giveaway on my blog ( – hopefully tomorrow (WED). I’ll give you a direct link when it’s done.
I’m also looking for the RSS feed so I can keep up with your work. Great blog!
Wauw, these fabrics are gorgeous.
I posted about it on
Thanks for such a gorgeous giveaway Corrie – I can just see your 3 girls in coordinating dresses in these fabrics – too delicious!
This sounds like a great giveaway! I would love to win some fabric like this!
The fabrics looks fabulous and please ad me to your giveaway 😉
Hi there, I´m in Iceland and just found your blog browsing the web. I love these pink colors just adorable really:) and I was thinking that I should make a quilting-blog for myself but have not done so YET. I would love to make a quilt using those gorgeous fabrics.
Best wishes from Iceland
I love the patterns, and such great colors!
These fabrics are so beautiful! Love them. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
great! lovely fabrics giveaway! 😉
Wonderful giveaway you’re so generous :). I do not have a blog but I spread word away with all my friends.
Those fabrics are wonderful. Thank you so much fOr this chance to win.
Wonderful giveaway you’re so generous :). I do not have a blog but I spread word away with all my friends.
Those fabrics are wonderful. Thank you so much fOr this chance to win.
Wonderful giveaway you’re so generous :). I do not have a blog but I spread word away with all my friends.
Those fabrics are wonderful. Thank you so much fOr this chance to win.
Merci Corrie, c’est super!
Thank you for a chance to win. I mentioned you on my blog and a linked back to yours. Thanks again.
Well, I blogged about your giveaway ( but reluctantly. After all, if more people enter, my chances of winning this wonderful giveaway are reduced! And let me tell you – I NEED to win your giveaway. Let me loose in a fabric store, and I return home with lots of dark and muted colors – I need your help in lightening and brightening my stash!
What a lovely giveaway! I have posted about it on my blog here:
I don’t have a blog of my own, but love to read others! Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful fabric, would be nice for a quilt for my granddaughter.
THANKS for the chance ~ LOVE these prints!!!
great giveaway!already linked on my blog
Thank you for the chance at this amazing giveaway! You are on my blog.
I blogged about your giveaway on my blog ( Thanks for the awesome giveaway, and I love your blog.
Hi Corrie
As promised, here is my post, on your fabulous give-away.
It will also go out on Twitter too.
I’ve looked forward to seeing this gorgeous range – perfect for dresses for my little 3 year old granddaughter. Please enter me in the draw, and I’m off to spread the word on my blog!
This is a great giveaway. I don’t currently have a working blog. It got deleted on a server rebuild, so please enter me anyway.
gabylec at hotmail dot com
Oh pick me, pick me, I have so many ideas swimming around in my head at the moment and these fabrics would be PERFECT!
Thank You for sharing the chance for these fabrics. They are so inviting. Have several young ladies in mind, who would love gifts made from these selections here in Alaska. We have fabulous quilters up here, and so willing to help each other too.
Very generous giveaway. I’d love to enter.
debgiro at wildblue dot net
I have three girls too. We’d all love your beautiful fabrics.
Such sweet summer gelati colours! What a lush giveaway. Thankyou for the opportunity Corrie! :)I have already mentioned it on my blog.
Hope your week with the 4 is a good one (despite the rain that is hanging around our fair city today!)
These fabrics are gorgeous!
Those are so incredibly gorgeous! I’m not usually too fond of girly girl fabrics either, but these are fabulous!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
Great! I blogged it 😉
I love the colors! Really love them. I have a little one that would love the blend of these together. Thank you for being so generous. And good luck to all.
Oh what beautiful fabrics…I think I’m in love! Shhh, don’t tell my husband!
What a lovely giveaway – these are beautiful fabrics – thanks for getting them in your shop – now to decide what to make……
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l fabrics. I love them! I’ve blogged about your gorgeous giveaway (though secretly hoping that no-one will read the post!. Thanks for your generosity.
Now the colours I love, they say Summer to me!!!.
I never ever won anything, but would love to win those fabrics ’cause unfortunately I can’t find those in my country. I can just imagine what I could make. Fingers crossed I’ll be one of the winners!
blog post here
(I borrowed your photo, I hope you don’t mind)
What a wonderful giveaway. I added it to my blog.I’m doing a giveaway too. Do you want to participate?
This comment has been removed by the author.
What fun and pretty colors! Great giveaway!
These fabrics are absolutely gorgeous. I’m picturing the dresses and skirts I could make for my little fairy princess, with my brand new sewing machine
Have linked my blog post to you
Hi Corrie, I posted your giveaway on my blog! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
These are lovely
thank you for the chance 
That is such a sweet line, it does call for little girls dresses, quilts and baby dolls.
Have just blogged about your generous giveaway – gorgeous fabrics!
I posed a link on my blog. Lovely lovely.
I have a blog, but it’s a private one. I can post about it, but you will not be able to see it when you link back! Hoping my comment here will put me in the draw! I love fabric, could almost say I’m a bit of a junkie.
Hi! I love that pink colourway!
Perfect for my Breast Cancer support quilts! Pick me! Pick me!
I’ve blogged about your giveaway too!
Take care, Leslie
By all means, please enter me in your very generous giveaway. I’ll post a side link to direct them to your blog. Thanks for having me. Tammy
Thanks for a great giveaway! I blogged about it.
The fabric is LOVELY. My 2 daughters (11 and 13) and I could have a lot of fun with it!
I have 6 girls and 5 1/2 granddaughters. I love girly stuff and these fabrics are the best. Thanks for the giveaway.
My blog is really non-exsistent unfortunately. Those fabrics are simply DELISH…I would love to win the bundle OH SO BAD?
What a great giveaway. Yumm.
I’ve posted about it on my page where I share insights on giveaways & contests:
I just love these colors. They are my colors! I had three boys, so I didn’t get to do the “girlie” things. You are a very lucky mom. Maybe I’ll have some granddaughters some day.
Very pretty fabric, I love it. I would love to see it in person. I have blogged and linked back to your site. Thanks for the chance.
WOW what a delicious giveaway. The fabric is so cute and lovely. It would make a very cute quilt!! I know my daughter would be thrilled if we won, she loves quilting!
I would be so please to have a entry into your giveaway!!
Here is the link to my post on my blog:
Ann Flowers
I love those fabrics! I can imagine all the beautiful things that can be made from them
Sorry I don’t have a blog, but what gorgeous fabric! The pinks and yellows on the top right match my daughter’s room so perfectly, I’m sure I could think of a project for them!
I found you website by chance…love the fabrics and would love to win and give them to my daughter who is just beginning to work with fabrics, crafting gifts for family and friends.
hi, i just found your blog today – fun!
we’re a house of boys so i’m loving these fabrics for sweetness.
woops – we’d love to win too!
What beautiful fabrics. I have just posted about your giveaway:)
Fingers crossed I’m the winner!
Ok, please count me in to your giveaway. I have blogged about it.
These would fit into my stash just lovely, love the colours.
What a lovely set of fabrics. I’d be making some Xmas gift purses if I won any of these. Thanks for the chance. I have linked!
Love the fabrics!! Please count me in for this awesome giveaway!!
HOLA DESDE ESPAÑA me gustaria poder participar en este sorteo ,asique te pongo en mi blog el enlace de el sorteo y deseo suerte a la que le toque ,felicidades ala que gane y gracias a ti por ofrecernos este sorteo besicos desde España de una navarrica te dejo aqui mi blog para que vengas cuando quieras
you’re just too Sweet
Wow these fabrics are so pretty! Perfect for those two little girly-girl nieces of mine. What an extremely generous giveaway!!!
I love those pink shades but now am stashing up on boy-color to make for the manly little people.
Thank you for the giveaway and already signed up as a follower.
New sewing machine arrives tomorrow. By the time this fabric arrives in my mailbox, I’ll have just worked up the nerve to start quilting!!!
at gmail (d0t com)
I love the fabric colors and patterns, can’t wait to make a beautiful homemade X-mas for my two girls with the gorgeous fabric.
I just posted about it on my blog
look under the post “fyi”
thanks for the chance!!
This fabric is adorable…mentioned you/it on my blog..thanks for the opportunity to share…
Thank you sew much Corrie (my bff’s name is Corrie!) I blogged about it here on the Quilty Giveaways Site
Oh, wow, what a fabulous giveaway! I just found you through and will be probably spend the evening looking through your blog
I posted in my sidebar. Beautiful fabric and nice color for giveaway
These fabrics would surely brighten my stash of fabrics. I came to you by way of LesQuilts. Thanks very much.
I do’t have a blog but was sent here from another blog I read. This fabric is wonderful. These would make a great quilt pair with Kona Snow for my oldest daughter. kcarlson1152[at]
What a pretty collection! Thanks for the chance to win some!
added the giveaway to my blog under fabrics fabrics! thanks for the chance!
Corrie, este sorte es maravilloso, que emocionante, los tejidos espectaculares, hermoso, para realizar unos trabajos espectaculares,
mi correo
me llevo el logo a mi blog
Beautiful girly girl colors . . . love them!!! Thanks for the generous giveaway.
I don’t have a blog but if I did, I would be happy to mention your giveaway. Thanks.
What sweet fabric! You’re so right…it’s perfect for a girly quilt!!
I don’t have a blog so thanks for the chance to enter your generous giveaway anyway.
Mentioned it on my blog! Thanks for the great giveaway!
This would be perfect for use in my girls’ room!
OmG I would love to win this fabric, it is gorgeous! Pls Count me in !
It’s on my blog! I would love to win those fabrics! I’m a sucker for pink
Okay, I blogged it.
However I see 427 comments so I won’t hold my breath!
Sorry I can’t blog about this, but I do love your blog! The fabric looks beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity.
Love the fabrics! Great giveaway… thank you!
Oh I would love to win! Thank you.
These are super sweet and sooo pretty, I just love them all! Thanks for your great giveaway, happy sewing everyone. Kind regards, Natalie Valley Farm W.A.
I don’t have blog
thanks for the chance to win though
Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabric. Gorgeous stuff.
Beautiful fabrics…
These are just gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
With soo many people entered, my chances are just as much as anyone else’s, I suppose. I have posted on my blog. Although I was very reluctant to do so as it lessens my chances.
Yes I want to take part in your give away. have put a link in my blog.
have a great weekend!
Wow, what a wonderul giveaway
The Giveaway is posted on my Blog
Hi Corrie!
I just found your blog yesterday.
But I am a sewing begginer so I love the fabrics that you sell.
And the wonderful dresses you make for your girls!! Congrats!
It´s really inspiration for me!
thanks for the opportunity !
here is my post link:
Beautiful fabrics! I just posted a blog about your giveaway and I would love to win!!
Blogged here:
Thank you for showing us the pretty,pretty fabrics on display;)
YummieYummie! How sweet!!
I love Rosalie’s fabrics!
Lovely colorway. I love girly colors too!
blessed.mama4 at
What delicious fabric and such a generous giveaway!
I posted about it on my blog:
Good luck to everyone and thanks for the opportunity to win!
What a fabulous giveaway! These would be just perfect in a funky pink and zebra stripe lap quilt I’m planning for my best friend!
Thanx for the chance! I blogged your giveaway
Don’t have a blog but these fabrics are too gorgeous not to leave a post. Would love to see them at my house
Thanks so much for the opportunity! I blogged about the giveaway and linked back 😀
senjosuki at yahoo dot com
I don’t have a blog, but yours is lovely! Thank you for the giveaway!
Hi from Europe !
I have no blog, but I have four daughters
So lovely fabrics …
What a wonderful giveaway! I posted about it on my blog here:
No blog – but avid quilter who loves fabulous give aways! Enjoyed reading through your blog – Happy Thanksgiving.
Peggy Benzin
I just love these fabrics! I’m all for girly-girl
Nice gift!
What scrumptious looking fabrics – thanks for adding my name to your generous giveaway.
Beautiful fabrics,I have just blogged about it.
Hi! Nice blog, nice works and nice children! I don’t have a blog, but if my time allows me, I like to needlework. Many greetings, Noemi
Those fabrics are absolutely delightful! Thanks for the giveaway! I mentioned it on my blog
Pretty, pretty!!! Thanks for the giveaway
Hello dear, I have done it, you are welcome to my blog. Sincerelly, Loredana from Croatia.
what gorgeous fabrics! thank you for the chance!
I posted about your giveaway here:
Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
Fantastic Giveaway – please include me – I have posted a link in the sidebar of my blog
Oh isn’t this just a wonderful line of fabric! What a lovely giveaway, thank you
posted about this awsome Giveaway
Wowwww! wonderful colors, thank you Corrie
Fabulous fabric!! I don’t have a blog YET. I would use these fabrics to make a Kaleidoscope quilt that Ballarat Patchwork are giving away on their blog. So many great & generous bloggers – thanks!
What yummy fabrics…looks like candy
Fabulous colors and fabrics; what a great giveaway!!!!
Quiltinghugs from me to you
Elin S in Norway
I heart this fabric! I also have three girls and love everything girlie… Please pick me
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you very much!
What an awesome give away. thank you for the chance to win.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I blogged –
Wonderful fabric giveaway. The fabrics are just beautiful. I put a link to your giveaway on my sidebar.
I worked my down in your blog to get to this post, and all those previous entries of yours just made me smile. Plus I’m glad it’s you running around like that and not me. *L* What a wonderful family you have!
Thx for the great giveaway too.
I love these fabrics. They inspire fun projects.
What a beautiful giveaway…. I just love this new range!
Absolutely love the fabric! Thanks for a chance to win.
GorGeous fabrics! thx to ajs antics who directed me here…
added to FHC
What a fabulous giveaway! I posted on my blog.
I posted about your give away on my blog here:
Wow these are some wonderful fabrics. I would love to get my hands on them.
Agreat giveaway. I have linkt to your page. Hugs Jofrid
Well, will take my chance

Nowinning without trying. And the fabrics are gorgeous
Best regards
i dont have a blog, but i told everyone on one yahoo list about your giveaway and the wonderful things on your blog, Please enter me, I love this line of fabric colorways. THANK YOU
Ein tolles Giveaway ich bin begeistert und hüpf doch mal schnell in den Lostopf.
I have posted a item on my blog. I did a day with Rosalie here in NZ in the winter. Her and Leanne were amazing!!! I adore her new fabrics. Do look at my blog
have linked you ont my blog –
What a generous giveaway, and what gorgeous fabrics – so girly and pretty! Thanks for the chance to win some – Ive just blogged about the giveaway!
…megazauberschöne Stoffe…thanks for the chance to win…
Oh, these are such pretty fabrics. Would love to be a winner!
Lovely fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Wonderful fabric – love the colors. Yes, its great for little girls, but I think it would make me a wonderful quilt, as I currently have no little girls to sew for.
What a huge, generous giveaway and might I add what cute little humans you have! It sounds like you have a crazy, busy life. Thanks!
What a great giveaway! I looove these fantastic fabrics=) I don´t have a blog, but I will spread the word. Thank you for your generousity.
I love those fabrics! What a fabulous giveaway!
I posted about the giveaway in my blog:
What an awesome giveaway. I have become a follower and I have just created a new blog but need to learn so much before modify the page. So nice to be a part of this. Blessings and Safe Travels to you!
Thanks for offering up the chance to win this beautiful fabric.
I blogged about your giveaway here:
These fabrics are yummy. I posted about it on my blog.
Just posted a comment on my blog and linked back to you!
Waaauuuwwieee, what a great give-away…..I would love to enter!!
Please enter me in the drawin, I know I’m the same as the other 503 peeps ahead of me, lol. The info about your giveaway’s in the sidebar of my blog. Love your new shoes!!!!
oh my god! gorgeous! I don’t have any blog to link you, but I love them!!!
The colours are delightful! What a lovely giveaway!
Looks like I don’t have much of a chance – Love the fabric though, so I’ve blogged about it here:
I would LOVE to win this fabric!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
I don’t have a blog, but those are absolutely beautiful! They would be perfect for making just about anything! My little girl would love them!!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I’ve posted your giveaway on the right top corner of my blog.
The fabrics look so yummy.
Thank you for including us non-bloggers, or as I like to think of us…future bloggers. My deadline I’ve given myself is Jan. 1st. Seemed like a good time to start and get in on all the fun! I love reading your blog and everything your kiddos are doing. You’re inspiring having the 4 gems, AND blogging. Certainly I can handle blogging with having just one child :)Uhh,, I think….
Love these fabrics! Thanks for the chance and have a great holiday!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
What a lovely lovely giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!
Boy, do I have to drag way down to a new post! Thanks for holding this wonderful giveaway. Count me in!! (Just posted about it in my blog)
I blogged about it but forgot to leave a comment hope I’m not too late. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love those fabrics. I live in Spain, hope that is not a problem. thank you very much.
Lovely fabrics!
I just discovered your blog about a week ago. Here’s a link:
Beautiful fabrics, beautiful give away. Thanks for the chance to win!
Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway. These would be perfect for a baby quilt I need to make.
What a pretty collection. So generous of you! I posted a note on my blog:
I found the link to your give away on the blog – Cook Clean Craft. Would love to enter your competition but I don’t have a blog of my own. I am now a follower of your blog and a liker of your Facebook page though.
Thanks for letting me enter!
Amazing Giveaway. Thanks so much.
Lovely fabric! Thanks for the chance.
LOVE the fabric!! It is so pretty!! I don’t have a blog, but if I did I would post this giveaway on there!! Thank you for this opportunity.
Thanks for the giveaway. This fabric is beautiful. I have 4 little granddaughters who would love something made from this collection.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the giveaway. This fabric is beautiful. I have 4 little granddaughters who would love something made from this collection.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Amazing giveaway!!! What a lucky winner….!!! So glad I came across retromummy’s website yesterday…thanks Corrie!!!
I am desparate for girl things in my life! I have 3 sons a husband, a brother, a brother in law and a nephew I AM FEMALEY CHALLENGED!!! This fabric cpould be the girly fabric for me instead of stripes and strong colours
Hi Carrie,These are beatiful.
Sorry I don’t have a blog but I love this fabric and I’d love enter the giveaway!
Hi. What gorgeous fabric and a very special giveaway. I also do not have a blog…yet…just in the beginning stages. Would love some new fabric to sew some ‘new’ stuff to show off when I do begin my blog.
wonderful and I would like it very much
Hiya! I know I am too late for your giveaway, but I just wanted to say “thankyou” for offering it. I am a new blogger, and have a Christmas Giveaway on my blog if you would like to have a chance at winning, just leave me a comment and/or become of Follower of mine. I just love your blog, and will become a follower of yours. I also wanted to say that this range of fabrics from Rosalie Quinlan are just beautiful!! I have 2 daughters, 2 stepdaughters, and now 2 granddaughters!! So, I too love pretty, girly stuff, and tend to make things in pretty colours. I will be back another time, Hugs n Blessings! from Sue x
Oooh, pretty fabrics and happy ones too!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Corrie, wat een prachtige stoffen! ik doe graag mee
groeten henny
Fab giveaway – put it on my blog – – the fabrics are gorgeous – great inspiration.
Great giveaway!
These fabrics are beautiful. I just learnt to hand peice late last year and would really love some fabric to make something beautiful for my baby girl for her first birthday. Money is tight with only one income in the house so winning this would be a great way to keep me going with the quilting and give my little Amelia something truely beautiful and unique.
I posted in my sidebar, Thanks for the chance
Now I noticed last year’s record.
But they are still beautiful:)
I am blogless but adore these prints..thanks for the chance!