Last night at about 10pm I was having doubts over whether I’d made a mistake committing to a market with a new bub. I hadn’t finished packing and knew I’d be up all night feeding little miss. But somehow I was up bright and early at 5.30am and it was go go go from then until the market started and there was no time for last minute doubts. I had prepacked all my baskets which made for a quick and easy set up and having Liss (Frills in the Hills) and retro daddy (he doesn’t have a blog!) meant we were set up in no time. I just love to meet customers and blog readers so much (read: talk a lot to them) and it was fun to be showing elodie off to everyone, oh yes and all of the new fabrics of course. Musn’t forget the fabrics.
we took little miss for a walk and late breakfast and were saying how lovely it was to just have 1 little person with us. So relaxing and we actually had a…………..conversation! I went back to the market for the last hour which was fun as I love to chat to everyone and there is always a familiar face at mathilda’s to chat too. So all in all we had a very successful market day and I couldn’t have done it without Liss or retro daddy, such good helpers that I’ll be retaining their services next time!
matching hairstyles!
So we came home feeling happy and it was lovely to see our other ‘babies’. And then Keira started telling us how cool it was to travel in the babysitter’s car to the ocean. I’m starting to panic and trying not to freak out so I can get the whole story but am doing a bad job…….a really bad job as keira starts crying and thinks she has made a mistake. Cut a long story short and my precious babies were taken out by a p plater without my permission for a little drive for an errand and left in the car. Oh my………..what can you say. If I think about what could have gone wrong I want to throw up and then cry. It was wrong on so many levels and a huge breach of trust and she’s an experienced nanny too. It has only been a few months that I’ve had the confidence to leave my little ones with someone who isn’t family… back to the drawing board on who minds my little ones. The most important people in my world. And so I’ve let her go and am so glad Keira tells her mummy everything.
Oh Corrie! I feel sick for you. Hugs.
Glad to hear that the market went well and Elodie got shown off!!
Your are amazing to be getting back into doing the markets so soon.
Yes always difficult to decide about leaving the children.
We came to Australia with two little ones and no family, needless to say they came everywhere we went.
But if you need someone try a third year uni student, my daughter now a teacher and mother use to babysit.
Market look great and glad it all went well
I can’t believe that. I would be absolutely mortified, as you obviously are.
What on earth was she thinking??
Please tell me she put them in booster or car seats? Please?
oh my goodness corrie you are amazing to get out to the markets only after having elodie a few weeks ago!!! sorry about your babysitter – doesnt sound good. chat soon been meaning to call. my website is now up and running check it out and let me know what you think. k x
Oh gosh, I know exactly how you feel as I’ve had a similar thing happen. Did she even use car seats?? And leaving them in a car on such a hot day. I feel sick on your behalf
We don’t go out without them very much either for the same reason. The nanny dramas we had when I was working after having M are one reason I’m not planning to go back now until L is in school. I find it very hard to trust anyone else to look after the most precious things in my life. Glad the market went well though, wish I could have made it but I was on birthday party duty, ferrying Marcus around!
I’m also wondering if she used car seats! I can only imagine how you would have felt … Oh my goodness I would have been beyond stressed and upset.
Oh crikey – no one as precious as your children so I don’t blame you for feeling sick. Well done on the markets. I didn’t make it so looking forward to seeing some of that fabric in your online store!
It looks amaaaaaazing. As do Elodie and Daddy.
You know what, it’s not the end of the world that this happened. It really, really isn’t. If you trusted her enough to mind your children, I am sure she has a sensible head on her shoulders really! She has used her own judgement: she is clearly confident in her own driving capabilities and just because she’s new to driving, doesn’t make her a bad one.
I would give her the opportunity to earn the trust back. x
Glad the market went well. I read all the comments and agreed, then I got to Maxabella’s, and couldn’t agree more! You obviously had a good feeling about her, and if she did it safely (ie getting 3 children out of the car on the road side is way more dangerous) then that’s what you want! It’s just the way you found out that could have been better! I found out about a year later from my daughter that her daddy had let her lie down and sleep in the back of the van on a 6hr overnight road trip- hmmm, not happy Jan! The kiddies must of felt safe with her, too, they have a fantastic bulls&#t meter!
HELLO EVERYONE, the babysitter was employed (& paid) to babysit at home, no personal errands, no trips, just care for the children in their own environment. It’s a job, you DO THE JOB your paid to do!!
The fact she left the children unattended in the car is unforgivable (SHE CAN DO WHAT SHE WANTS WITH HER OWN CHILDREN, BUT THESE ARE NOT HER CHILDREN, plus it’s illegal!!) I know it’s a hassle to take children out of the car, i had 4 under 5 too, but didn’t get myself into situations where i couldn’t be bothered to take them out of the car with me, trust me, it the least of your troubles. Still, they’re not her children to take out!!
Then clearly Keira was left to NOT relay this story. This is what was agreed on, this is not what resulted.
As an experienced babysitter & mother of 4, i feel sick for you Corrie. While i’m a very relaxed mother & my children eat dirt & climb trees, i would never let them in a car with a P plater (i don’t care what they say, they are inexperienced drivers, you can get distracted by children & she didn’t have permission). My children will be driving in 5 years & hell no, they will not be driving their siblings until they have experience & proven trust in their driving. As Corrie says, her children are the most precious people on earth. Corrie did not leave them with a babysitter lightly (stay at home mothers are not all used to having babysitters in the first place) & certainly no intention of them being on the road.
Thrilled the market went well, you’ll find a far more trustworthy babysitter soon. Hugs & kisses, wish we lived near each other, love Posie
I sad for you that you had an unhappy ending to what otherwise was a great day for your family! At the very least she could have called one of you BEFORE she made the decision to put the children in the car and take them out and then been reminded that wasn’t the agreement.
Oh Corrie that is a terrible thing to happen and there is no excuse for this bad judgement. I agree with all Posie says!! Do not have her back there are plenty of trustworthy babysitters out there!!! Hope you are feeling better now!! Take care!!!! C x
So happy that your market went well Corrie. I agree, the babysitter should not have taken them out in the car at all. They are precious little people who are supposed to be looked after at home when they are being babysat. I hope your nerves are feeling much better.
As a mum and, up until 2 mths ago, A Mummy-Nanny. I can say from both perspectives that I think it is wrong to take the children you have been paid to care for anywhere without their parents permission.
I do think there are lots of wonderful, trustworthy nannies out there though and I am sure you will find one very soon x
Oh my. It is already so hard to entrust our little ones to another person, and then this happens. Frustration! I’m so glad your sweetie-girl told you what happened!
Oh my goodness, Corrie, I’m just speechless. I agree completely, that shows extremely poor judgment on the nanny’s part. Like others, I hope she at least put them in car seats! I would feel just like you do.
Well…thank God it all ended well, I know it’s hard to put those horrible thoughts about “what could have been” out of your mind, but everyone is safe.
Oh my gosh! i can understand the panic and sick feeling
yay for an awsome market and “alone” time with hubby lol
( your daughter is absolutely devine by the way 😉
What a day! It’s so unfortunate that this happened and I hope that soon you can find someone whom you can trust to look after your little ones. For me, my nannies have been a godsend and frankly the only way that I have kept sane with three little people in my house.
O no, that wasn’t the great coming back you deserved… especially when she was experienced…
Love the name Elodie so much, is sounds so lovely. I am glad market went well!
You astound me. But what would Mathilda’s do with you??? You’re amazing. x
Oh no… I would have had a panic hearing that news too. It was lovely seeing you yesterday – and I’ve just realised that it must have been Elodie that I was admiring earlier on in the morning with Retro Daddy! You’re an inspiration – I only hope to look as fresh as you two weeks after giving birth next March… and I only have 1 other Little Miss to look after! Kate x
Love love loved your store at Mathilda’s markets. Sooooo many Kawaii fabrics to choose from!
Blogged about it here :
Its so so hard to find people that suit your needs when you need to leave the little people. You did the right thing in letting her go – hope you told her off (just a wee bit anyway!). Cant beleive you managed a market with such a new wee person too – Well done! Any chance of coming to a Mathilda’s market in Melbs???
Oh gosh I feel sick for you. Thankfully your babies are all ok and I hope you can find a new carer very soon. Hugs
Corrie, I am so glad that you had a great day at the markets!! Worth all the effort that you put into it! Can only imagine how tiring that would have been…being a new mum to one is hard enough!
As for the babysitter situation I agree with Posie. There is absolutely no excusing what she has done. It shows a complete lack of trust. To take your children anywhere with out your permission is NOT ON…also to take them without enough car seats is criminal… then leave them in the car is inexcusable!!! I used to nanny and would never have contemplated that at all. Thankfully your children are fine, but all it takes is one little accident, people cant turn back time and wish they hadnt done something. so they shouldnt take stupid risks.
If she is so lacking in enough common sense in this situation, what would she be like in other situations? What do you have if you dont trust someone? Glad that you let her go, maybe she will think next time!
Lastly, please do not feel guilty, you have done everything you could to find someone great to look after your kids and i am sure she was great previously but shouldnt get another chance after that! There are plenty of other great sitters out there who would never consider putting children at risk like that and having a total disregard for a parents wishes.
Take Care
My sister, girlfriends and I loved your stall at the Mathilda markets. We even brought some of your beautiful fabrics.
And Elodie was a treat to see