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Gosh I’d love to win this printer as I don’t actually own a printer. I send things off to retro daddy at his office to get things done but to have a printer at home would be heaven. I would print off the latest patterns and recipes I found on the net as well as photos of my lovely little ones.
And I’ve been asked to tell you about the HP Photosmart Wireless e-All-in-One and I’ve got to say what a great printer! Now there are two things I really love about this printer. The first is that you can send things to print from your mobile phone or any remote email device……now that is cool. It means you can be out and about and find something on the net or take a cool picture and send it back home to print while you’re out. And we’re talking about sending it from anywhere in the world back home…..fabulous.
But it also has really cool apps to use like Web Suduko, daily news, colouring pages from DreamWorks Animation, personal calenders from Google Calenders and more to come as HP work with partners to develop new apps. And you don’t need to log into your computer to use them, just use the touch screen on the printer – too easy. I think I need this printer just for the colouring pages……no more hunting around for paper when the little people are getting bored! And the apps are free, which I really love too!
So you can find out more about the printer here and with a retail price of $129 I think I need one right now! But guess what, you can win one right here! All you need to do is answer this simple question….“How would you most like to use the HP e-Printer and why?”.
Don’t forget to include your email address in your answer so that Nuffnang can contact the winner. Full competition details are here and the T&C can be found here. Competition closes 22nd October 2010….good luck!
First off the rank…I’d use it to print photos of my daughter and her artworks to line my studio with!! Thanks for another groovy giveaway! xxx
Oh great timely giveaway, thanks!! Well excitingly i’d replace the last HP printer which burglars broke when they smashed through the window. I have a small business & 4 primary schoolers with all their assignments, we use our printer every day!! Love Posie
What an awesome giveaway.
Photos, photos and more photos would be printed!
Also recipes, colouring-in pages and other fun craft ideas for my daughter and I to create.
I don’t think a day would go by when it wouldn’t be used!
Wow..I would use it to help kick start my home artisan chocolate business for all my packaging and promotion material and the best part, I could take photos of great chocolate discoveries I make when shopping and researching, send it to print at home ready for my reference book.
oh awesome! I can print off the minutes from playgroup meetings at home, patterns, patterns and more e-patterns. oh! to have a printer at home. actually I’ve just not pulled my finger out to get one. LOL
Oh boy!! I would love to win this printer 😀 Here’s why: In 2003, I purchased a digital camera. I have 4 children – ages 16, 12, 10 and 8. Since 2003 I have not printed ONE picture, not a one
I have been learning scrapbooking so that when I do get a printer I can start creating photo books. I can’t wait and these children keep growing!! This would be SO awesome to win – OMGosh would it be great!! Thank you for a chance to win 
Hugs from West Texas!
I would use the printer to complete my equipment for my new photography business! At the moment my husband has to print out dresses for my daughter’s paperdolls at work which is awkward!
The awsomeness of this printer may well be too complicated for me to handle – I would definitely print all my photos straight away( I am only 6 years behind in that) and I thnk it would be handy when I remember we need photos for School Monday and we are out and about Sunday since my camers is full of photos I could print it when I remember which is never when I am sitting at the computer and always when I have just left the house. Gee the RRp makes me think I might go bu one now
Oh, excellent giveaway. I would use it to print photos and labels and cards oh my! such fun would be had and I would finally be organised. The kids would have colouring sheets and I would have printed recipes rather than having to balance the laptop on the bench in my teeny tiny kitchen.
i have a HP Photosmart All-In-One sitting next to me as i type, but master 24 months broke it about 4 months ago which has left me with no other option than having to email everything to my dad that i want printed… which means lots of road trips to and fro!!
I love the idea of applications on this new machine and the whole wireless thang is sounding VERY attractive!!
I did love my machine before Tom killed it!
I love the idea of sending photos to print while I’m still out! That’s fun! I can imagine having all the shots from the school sports carnival ready to scrap when I got home. Maybe I’d actually get my scrapbooking up to date – bliss!
Oh gosh, as a scrapbooker, i am sadly always needing picture’s printed off. I have a few scrapbooks waiting atm to be filled with photo’s and have been sitting there for…umm…6 months now?
I would use this to print of picture’s and get to filling these albums.
Not to mention the many saved documents on my computer that have been waiting…longer…to be printed off, but without a printer…it just doesn’t happen, and so my “to print” folder is growing larger every day 😐
I would print off the photos from my phone so I can free up some space for some new ones.
I desperately need it because I’ve just started printing and selling greeting cards using my own original illustrations. This would be perfect because I could set it up wirelessly to work from the pc or the laptop!
What a very generous giveaway! I would print patterns, recipes, photos, everything! No more balancing the phone or lap top when cooking or sewing
I would use it to update the old fashioned non digital frames on a regular bases.As like most kids my boys like seeing themselves in print.
Im with you the colouring pages sound awesome. great quality printing for my pix too!!
I would print up photos of my grandkids and also make up some journals with photos and pictures and all the goings on with each photo and picture. It is an amazing printer..especially as it can print something when you are on the other side of the world…amazing!
Definitely to print photos, I’m always taking them and I have not printed any in 3 years………there is still nothing like sifting through a family photo album.
My fingers are crossed.x
I would use it to print out all the gorgeous photos I have taken of our 2 gorgeous girls which currently live in the memory of our computer. Unfortunately since our eldest came along 4 years ago I havent got organised enough to print them and put into albums and if I don’t hurry up their 18th birthdays will be here before I know it!!!!!! Thanks Corrie. x
I’ll be boring and say, use it to print photos of my kids. I have hundreds if not thousands of photos that I never print, as it’s all too hard. A wireless printer would be perfect!
Bub No 2 is due in less than four weeks – thank you cards will need to be printed, plus photos for the interstate grandparents, plus photos for her scrapbook.
Then there are the 21 months worth of photos of Child No 1 to consider. I really should get his album printed and in order.
Next, there are so many cute printables out there on the internet – home organisation (and my home certainly needs that!), educational games for the kids, colouring-in pages and so much more…
It’s time for me to move out of the world of the black and white printer, and add some colour to my world. Please help!
I’ve just caught up on your latest posts which were lovely to read and see, especially your girls’ ballet shots; adorable. My girls (10 and 7 years) traded their dancing slippers for riding boots this year after 4 and 7 years of ballet! I miss seeing them in their leotards and tutu. It’s so much more feminine than horses!!!!!
I would love to be able to print photos straight after the event when I have it fresh in my mind to scrap.
Would love to win this beauty, thanks for the chance.
Oh what I would do with that printer, I would be able to print out all my digital artwork that I have been working on. My printer just doesn’t do a good enough job.
My father passed away recently and one of the things we discovered while searching fruitlessly for his will was a treasure trove of photographs.
I now wish to scan these photos and print them for my sister and her children so they have a share in the memories collected during my father’s life. This printer would be a big help as my old one died a few months ago.
great giveaway Corrie! I would love a new printer so I can print off all my scanned retro cookbooks and advertsing etc that I like to use in my mixed media and scrappy projects!!! I need a printer that won’t die on me all the time!!!
Photos of my family and Cub Scouts for their scrap (memory) books. Thanks for the give away.
This is FABULOUS! I need a new printer….. my beautiful trusty HP whizz banger has bitten the dust. As a teacher my printer is my left hand. It gets me out of lesson plan binds, makes beautiful colours on boring old worksheets- which fool small children into thinking their fabulous! BUT but..to go wireless WOOOOO HOOOO, I cart a laptop around the house with me, 30 second here while cutting up vegetables to feed 3 small boys…….5 minutes there when the new-weather-end of ABC3 is on… Homework at the dining table 10 minutes…. think of the remote access I COULD HAVE to leave worksheets, and lists and chores and notes to sign and…. and WORLD DOMINATION COULD BE MINE!!!!!
If I had a working printer I would give it a good workout printing all of the work I do for the school P&C as secretary. I have a very ‘un-professional’ B&W printer that I am too embarrassed by the quality to use
Most things get emailed around to be printed. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I would use it to print off more sewing patterns, and I am sure my little Miss 4 would love some more colouring in pages – can you ever have too many?
Wow! My daughter would use that printer before I would have a chance to. I could definitely use it to print quilt patterns and tutorials. My kids would use it to print their artwork they create online. Great giveaway!
Oh wow! Lovely giveaway. I have a dodgy old printer and I too send things off to be printed at my husband’s work. I would print photos of my children, recipes, Uni notes… so many things!
How would I best use the HP Photosmart Wireless e-All-in-One Printer? Well, the best feature for me to use on the printer is definitely the wireless printing. You see I have a problem..well I will in a few short years, it will occur right around the time my third child asks to see photos of himself. The poor third child has many a photo ‘taken’ of him but…um….NO photos ‘printed’ of him! That’s right! the poor boy has not one photo album, and only his newborn photo from the hospital on display. I just never seem to find the time to print them off. But with this printer I would send the photo to the printer the instant I take it, so I have a nice surprise when I get home. Or better yet, pop in the card and print them instantly the minute I get home. Just think how sad his 21st will be if he has no embarrasing photos to pass around! ;).
Jen – kaedangel@gmail.com
Barrister Global Services Network, one of premier provider of IT solutions, printer repair , Printer Service, managed print services, Barrister Global Services. Printing services as printer repair and Managed Print Services are among the best services provided by barrister.