a lot can happen overnight

Well  a lot can happen overnight and since my last blog post.! Finn was having a lovely little nap on the couch waiting for his Daddy to come home when Tillie started screaming after Keira took her blanket off her – which made Finn wake up with a shock, roll off the couch, hit his head on the fireplace and have blood streaming down his face. So just picture it….. all 3 children all screaming at the top of lungs…….while I ring retro daddy to see where he is, my mum to come over and mind the little ones, the hospital to work out which one to go to and try to settle everyone down and assure them that Finnie will be fine!

Phew! Thankfully the hospital was so quiet and we were seen straight away, Finnie’s head was glued together (thank goodness for modern medicine) and he was one happy little chappy. My mum and dad were happy watching the footy and the other two and this mummy needed to stay up a bit later for some tea and knitting to calm her nerves. And the good news is that like all little people he is back to his normal little self running around and thankfully not touching his glued head.

And the other thing to happen overnight was that the cheesecake swirl chocolate brownie (what a tongue twister) miracuously turned into a brownie. Oh my it is so good…..so you better go and get yourself a copy of Donna Hay and make it for yourself because it’s almost gone at this house. But the trick is to leave it overnight in a container for it to magically turn into brownie…..just try to resist it for one night though!


  1. Glad to hear he is ok, poor little guy! Cheesecake brownies sound like the perfect treat for a bumped head.

  2. I actually can picture that scene, I have had similar freak out moments here alone with my 3 and it’s awful! SO happy little Finn is ok and thank goodness for wonderful helping families!

  3. My goodness it sounds as though you had a very busy night at your house. I am so glad that Finn is all okay, although I have never heard of the magic glue before! The cheesecake brownie looks so delicious but I dont think it would last overnight in this house!

  4. Poor Finn (hooray for glue). The cheesecake brownie looks fabulous. Sounds like everyone deserves some brownie after an evening like that.

  5. Glad he is Ok Corrie, and the Brownie does look delish!

  6. Noah fell off a chair in the shopping centre on Thursday, and in my attempts to rescue him, he landed on his head. No glue required, but he has a nice bruise and a scratch. Must be boys at that age, huh?

  7. sorry to hear your little man has a bump… glad it got sorted quick… motherhood sometimes makes such an interesting night… ( thats what it can be like with little ones…)I got out the needles too last night to try to kepp warm……
    Hugs Dawn x x x

  8. What a night – glad to hear all is back to normal. I just made the cheesecake swirl choc brownie – yummmo – trying to leave some for tomorrow! Mine doesn’t look quite as beautiful as Donna’s either (see post), but that’s no surprise! I hope tonight is a bit less eventful. Nic

  9. You can hardly see the mark! Yes! Modern medicine truly is wonderful :)

    And O.M.G. Those brownies look devilishly divine!

  10. Wow, what a hectic evening! Glad to hear he is OK. And yummmmmm to the cheesecake brownies – I saw the recipe in Donna Hay and wasn’t sure whether or not to give it a go, but you may have just persuaded me xx

  11. Oh poor things , all of you ! It is a gorgeous photo though .

  12. Glad he is all mended.
    What a fright you must have had.
    Imagine all that PLUS a newborn!!
    Much to look forward to.
    Andi x

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