Well we’re back! Exhausted and not sure where retro daddy got his energy to go for a run after he unpacked the car for me! I’ve parked myself on the couch and am not going anywhere………
If you’ve ever wondered how we travel to canberra here we are taking a pitstop. We take a seat out of the car and somehow manage to fit everything in (and yes I put the twinnies straps back on as much as they hate seatbelt straps). I’ve put my request in for an 8 seater next year with dvd players so I can do markets with the new bub on board….we’ll see how we go getting it past the CFO of the family (aka retro daddy).
Canberra was chilly…bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and you’d think after growing up there I would remember how cold it was but….. um………no, it kills me everytime I go down there and breathe in the cold air. I had a lovely spot at mathilda’s and was so proud of my full hat tree, so what if I almost gave myself RSI in the process.
Hats were popular again and there was even time to do a spot of crochet during the day which was nice. Thank you Michelle for the cute peg doll kit which Keira and I will be making up this week and showing off!
but I forget I’m pregnant and stand up all day and I’ll be paying the price tomorrow. So thank you Anne and the team at Mathilda’s and thank you Canberra….I won’t be down again till November because as you know I need to have a baby in between but I look forward to coming down again!
oh and how did I forget – I do have some hats left so just email me (info@retromummy.com) your size and I’ll let you know what colours I have left! Hats are $20 (newborn) or $25 bigger sizes + postage!
I take my hat (crochet one at that 😉 ) off to you Corrie – that’s a mammoth effort with 3 kids and I think retrodaddy is brilliant too.
Here’s to some well deserved rest – hope you find some this week xx
Wow! I’m tired AND cold after reading the post. The shop looks just perfect though!
You are simply amazing!!!
Happy resting tomorrow.
bye for now, Christine
P.S Love those hats – think I need one for the chilly Perth mornings we have had this week (-0.6) altho I was under the doona at the time!
Wow! I know how much work it is doing road trips with twins and another but I don’t have to do a market stall as well. We are just in the process of buying a new car which will have a dvd player in it but in the meantime on long flights and car trips we use Ipods.You can load up tv shows and dvds onto them and they are just the right size for little hands. It gives you 20 minutes of peace at the right time. Highly recommend to you.
Oh what fun those drives must be. Love your hats on the stand. I love the pattern you use for your hats. Look like nice big hooks. I must start trying new things with my hook now.
A great team effort. Well done Retro family!
I love your hat tree. Your little area looks very enticing
You are astounding!!
Wow an 8 seater, you will be super busy wont you! The stall looks beautiful, maybe you can build up your hats whilst you take a break from the markets. I can just imagine how sore your feet must be after standing up all day and being pregnant too. Lots of rest Corrie or as much as you can with 3 little ones.
Great work Corrie. Your stall looks gorgeous! Full credit to you and your hubby for how you work it all out with 3 kids (and another on the way!!)
Now how do I get hold of one of those lovely hat please ???
Your little angels look like they’re traveling in style! Your booth looks adorable too — it all looks like so much fun!
Corrie, I think you are incredible! A bigger car sounds like a great idea!
I really don’t know where you find the energy!! The stand looked amazing!!
WOW, everything looks great and i love the beautiful hat stand. I almost had to have a HOT bath after reading that because it made me so cold just thinking about the weather in Canberra.
p.s those hats look to die for (i think i have to put a order in)
Great photo!
What 8 seaters are you thinking about?
I hope you’re warm and toasty now!
Gorgeous to see you as always, love Posie
Hey Corrie well done for even getting there!
Your hat tree looks divine, I might steal that idea for the shop display if you don’t mind. it is gorgeous and so cute.
Looking forward to seeing you in Dec for handmade love. Take care x
I love the tree you display the hats on!! I so want o learn to crochet! Feel free to have a look at my blog if you get a chance ( know how busy it gets with a large family :0> )
Sorry I didn’t get the chance to pop in and visit you I’m glad to hear you’re slowing down just a tiny smidgin. Yes, you are pregnant!
More time for knitting