One day, maybe one day they will all sit together for a photo! I thought it would be cute to take some photos of them looking lovely before we headed into the city today….as you would expect Keira was posing and insisting I take more photos of her!
but the twins were not interested at all,
Finn couldn’t sit still to save his own life and thought it was funny to keep jumping off the couch
and little Tillie wouldn’t even look at the camera
so after 20+ photos I called it a day
but I did get some cute ones in….
Oh how cute! Just think — at this time next year, you’ll be trying to get FOUR of them to sit still!
lol! I have the same issues when trying to get a photo. Eleanor (Miss 5) hogs the camera & Larissa (Miss 2 almost 3) can’t stop moving & when she does she poses & puts on a ridiculous strained smile. Ha, ha…. definately some cute pics in there. Hope you had a great day in the city.
You got some cute pictures, very funny!
I did a workshop with a photographer not that long ago and she even has trouble taking photo’s of all her kids together. She uses what she calls “trapping” strategies, like, she gets a blanket and they have to wrap it round all of them, or she lets them stand on something they are normally not allowed to (for example a table, sometimes she even puts a couch in her yard!). For my little one, I ask her is she can see the fairies in my lens, works!
Oh they are all beautiful Corrie! I am sure Keira can teach them both some modelling tricks of the trade since she seems so good at it! Hope you all have a lovely day out too.
Gorgeous! It’s tricky getting them all looking just right at the same time, isn’t it? Even if I get them all still, smiling and in the frame someone will blink just as a take the picture! Oh well, at least we’ll have some permanent reminders of just how busy it is with them all at this stage!
I have been trying for over 28 years to get photos of all 3 of mine together and at least with a bit of a smile. The closest I got was before they could crawl, so they were all lying down, but I one had her eyes half closed, even then. And this is before digital, so I had lots of prints I threw out, usually cause of movement
Love them – I think they are way better than all 3 sitting still and posed!
Hehe! Fun, fun! I think they’re great – they show their personalities.
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They are so cute! But I know what you mean. Children’s photographers must be made of sturdy stuff. I tried taking photos of Bijou on the weekend for my Handmade Living submission and it nearly drove me to tears. Hope you trip to the city was a little less frantic
it’s not gonna happen. I have 4 and I’ve given up 😉
Aww your little ones are so cute. Keira is so sweet and her pictures always make me smile. These photos capture those special times and will make you smile in years to come. I love the photos Corrie. xo
Your children are gorgeous! And I love the pictures you’ve taken – they capture the playful spirit that children have.
Your children are gorgeous
It’s always hardest photographing your own children, so well done!