all stitched up

no, not the sewing with fabric kind…more of the ‘keira walking with me at the sales and walks straight into a table display at country road and hits her eyebrow and bleeds everywhere’ kind of stitches. What a morning! Who knew that when we set off to check out the sales for a few things we’d end up in the dr’s….my darling little keira was so brave getting the anaesthetic and stitch in her eyebrow and we were so lucky to have one of our regular doctors there at the practice to look after her.

the stitch

I guess it had to happen sometime as stitches and broken bones do happen to children and mummy needs to toughen up, I was fighting back the tears myself and in a state of shock!!!! Thankfully the surrounding shoppers were just beautiful giving me tissues, finding retro daddy, offering to get her a cold drink and the store were great too! phew what an ordeal! So after a day of ice cream and being totally spoilt (keira not me), my little miss is back to her normal self! And I hope the next sewing that goes on is of the fabric kind!!!!! Oh and miss keira insisted that dora the dancer be in the photo too!!!!

and anonymous ‘susan’ not your real name, I’ve kept your comment in for everyone to read so that you’ll stop with the anonymous comments. You might like to change your writing style so as to not give yourself away so easily!


  1. Aaaah yes … those halcyon days of watching while some trained medical professional sticks sharpmpointy things into your baby. Glad you were able to be brave for your girl; hard though, huh?

  2. OUCH! Poor poppit!

  3. Poor little love. She looks so cute, she has the most gorgeous big eyes.

    Sales are DANGEROUS, I avoid them completely (except fabric sales of course, LOL).

  4. What a day indeed ….poor little love !

  5. What, no ice cream for you. I don’t believe it LOL

    So glad Keira is Ok. They bounce back so fast. She is so cute

  6. Oh I am so glad that Keira was so brave to get the stitch. I hope your feeling okay Corrie as I know what it is like when you see heaps of blood gushing from your child. Lachie was about 2 when he fell on the coffee table and cut his gum and knocking two teeth, causing a lot of blood. After a visit to the dentist at the Royal Children’s thankfully his teeth settled back in and he didnt lose them. Maybe Country Road will put some edgings on their shelves so littlies dont hurt themselves on them!

  7. Oh, that must have given you a fright! Glad she is okay, and because she is so young, she won’t have much of a scar.

  8. Ouch! Poor Kiara :(

  9. Oh dear, Keira, my love . . . yes, you’re a real mum now Corrie, blood & tears in public & the need for a emergency medical attention!! Bless her little noggen. Must have been bad or jagged if they couldn’t just use the purple super glue (my children have had that magic)!! Oh how children’s heads bleed!!
    Well it’s in the exact same place as my boy’s eyebrow cut, trust me, every facial expression changes the shape of the scar. At least wtih a boy we can hope that ‘chicks dig scars’ but poor Keira!! Perhaps a bandaid on Dora’s eyebrow too??
    Hope you still got your shopping, he he he . . . love Posie

  10. Stitches are much harder on mommies!!!! Glad all went well and she is still that precious little girl.

  11. oh every mama’s worst fear!! what a brave girl!! glad the accident was handled as smoothly as possible and she has a smile on her face now. lots of hugs and kisses! xo m.

  12. Ow, brave little thing.

  13. oh the guilt! Letting her run around like crazy while you search for a bargain. To be honest I’m just not that hard up to put my child through that torture. Poor keira!


  14. Oh dear- what an experience – the first of many I amsure Corrie as your hree grow up. A Posie said – A real Mummy now. Hope it heals well. Oh and Dora looks cute in the picture with Miss K too.

  15. Oh dear – these things happen. So nice to know that there are some lovely people around to help – they cancel out the actions/words of not so lovely people, thank goodness. Nic xx

  16. Poor Keira, hope she heals up quick and enjoys many more shopping trips with her mummy, my two love shopping – what girl doesnt ! x

  17. What is ‘Susan’s problem?? Anonymous yet leaves a name, i don’t get it? I hear about nasty people leaving messages, i think it’s rather spineless.
    Accidents can happen anywhere – we just took our 4 plus puppy for a lovely hour long walk around our suburb & 200m from home our middle girl clipped a little stone on the pavement & went flying off her scooter (not going very fast, but imagine the inertia) & knocked her front tooth out!! Wouldn’t be so bad if she hadn’t lost the other front tooth yesterday, so 2 front teeth in 2 days (she’s 8) & a busy tooth fairy.
    So ‘Susan’ either you don’t have children or they are so hovered over they don’t have a life!! As IF wonderful Corrie here would let Keira run wild while she flicks through sales racks, good GOD!! You’re acting like she left her in a hot car!! Can’t you tell she’s an ace stay at home mummy & loves her children, they always come first. Obviously ‘Susan’ is a terrible judge of character.
    AND if you knew Keira, she’s not the undisciplined running wild type, she’s adorable & quiet, a wonderful example to her siblings.
    Now back to tending to my toothless wonder – that makes 2 twins missing their front teeth, a fabulous look. Love Posie

  18. Oh my dear, i’m so sorry that you’re on the receiving end of that kind of rubbish! We all love you and know what a great Mummy you are. Glad Keira’s on the mend. She really is so adorable. Love, Amanda xxx

  19. I think “Susan” could put her time to better use than commenting on your blog.

  20. Oh, poor Keira and poor you! Nothing worse than trying to keep calm while your child is being put back together by medical staff. I’m glad to hear she’s feeling better and was so brave!

    Also, so sorry to hear (and see) that you’re getting rude comments. I don’t know what’s wrong with people. Chin up, girl, you and your family are delightful and I can’t see why anyone would treat you that way except that they have misery of their own to deal with.

  21. Poor Keira and poor you, its horrible when they hurt themselves. Glad she has a smile on her face again. My teenager ran into 2 stationary objects in stores over the last week, she is tall enough not to hurt herself – in fact it caused us a lot of amusement, and no Susan she wasn’t running around like crazy either!

  22. She reminds me of myself. I have a scar in the same place for falling on the corner of a table when I was about a year and a half and the whole family trying to get my baby sister in her baptism dress. Hope she stays fine. Can imagine the shock you had, your legs must still feel a bit wobbly!

  23. How odd Susan, my mother always told me to not say anything if I couldn’t say something nice.

  24. See the real people love you Corrie!! What’s that, 10 ace supportive comments to 1 negative, i think that kind of tells you how we feel. Love Posie

  25. can I just say, with 2 small kids myself I totally understand, AND I’m TOTALLY SICK of RUDE people, wish they would just shut up and go away, nobody is interested in their comments; probably why ‘susan’ left one nobody is interested in her! Keep on going I love your blog:) XX

  26. Poor little one! Glad she’s ok!

    Anonymus Susan – oh yes, that’s right, maybe all mothers should just sit there all locked up in their homes with their children all wrapped up in cotton wool. God forbid we take our kids out into the world to experience all aspects of life – sales & all! Yes, must be terrible torture.

  27. Ohh Corrie – poor Keira and poor you. I just hate that moment when an accident happens and you are totally heartsick. I am sure she was just happy that she had you to comfort her. It looks like she is recovering with gusto and no permanent harm was done.

  28. Oh… that poor Keira…
    Hope she heals up soon!
    Love, Esther

  29. poor thing…hope she heals up soon! My daughter did a similar thing when she was little and the good thing about the cut being in the eyebrow it will be nearly invisible when it heals.

  30. Ouch! Poor little Keira — no wonder she was cuddling under your new quilt — I always forget that I’m reading posts backward — I need to stop doing that. I hope she’s all better today!

  31. Oh no, poor Keira. And poor you… I think it is definitely worse for the mum, because the littlies seem to forget so quickly, but we keep reliving things!
    Hope she is all on the mend now and that you have a wonderful 2010
    (and no more nasty comments!)

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