Well daylight saving has totally thrown us here. We missed 8.30am mass since everyone was still sleeping, well everyone except for me and our little guy and I thought we’d get to 10am but were still getting little people dressed and trying to find a hairbrush so we got to 10.30 in the end and just snuck in. We don’t fit into the big family van anymore (not so big it turns out) so have to take 2 cars if we go anywhere together but I have to admit that so far it’s only church on sunday when we all go out together in the early days with a baby.
Anyway, once I was home and had a good coffee I managed to cast off this little cardigan for my littlest miss who is having her birthday soon. I’m hoping she’ll model it sweetly for me sometime this afternoon once I get the ends in. I mastered knitting and breastfeeding last week which is a great way to use all that time you spend feeding. My little guy likes to be fed, held upright and doesn’t really like to be put down. So you have to do something during that feeding and sitting time. And I’ve found it. It’s all in the pillows and how you place them.
And I’m well overdue sharing some little knits that I received after lawson was born. I’ve probably mentioned before that knitting is in my blood. My nana, grandma and aunty are all big knitters (grandma doesn’t knit any more but I’d love her to teach me fair isle which I haven’t got at all. I’m lucky if I can knit 2 colours together). Anyway these gorgeous knits are just a few of the things that were made for our little guy. The reason I didn’t share them earlier is that he is always wearing one of the cardies from his nana. Always. One for every day of the week and a hat to match! Yes nana was working overtime. I kept saying once they are all washed I’ll take a nice photo of them for the blog but one or two are always in the wash.
and one of my favourite little knits from nana is this little hug me tight. A reader asked last week what it was. It’s a little cardigan that keeps a little bub warm and perfect for those days when you don’t want to rug them up in a big thick cardy but just need a little something to go on. Tricky to photograph but knit in one piece.
I put hug me tight into the search bar on ravelry and got more adult than baby projects but a quick google and I found a free pattern here.
And while my nana was busy with the hand knitting my aunty debbie had her knitting machine going. One night. One night to knit up a blanket on her Brother knitting machine. And the edging was done by hand. Tell me you want a knitting machine that can do a baby blanket in a night!!!!
and here it is being modelled
So there you have it! I’m a firm believer that I inherited my knitting gene from such talented ladies in my family and I hope my girls (and boys, boys can knit too) will keep it all in the family.
Hi Corrie, I love the hug me tight..what a great idea. Looks like you have a lot of beautiful knits, I really love the colour of your blanket as well!
Beautiful knits. I love the Hug Me Tight idea.
Super cute knits! Isn’t it great when people knit things for your bub?
What’s Lawson lying in? It looks really comfy!
It is fabulous! A baby swing by fisher price and plays music, has a mobile and is great
saving my life at the moment
Certainly seems to be doing the trick! Thanks! Xx
Those are all so beautiful. I would LOVE to learn to knit, but am so overwhelmed!
You are and amazing knitter! I never got past the kind of uneven scarf phase.
Hi there, i am wondering if there is an actual pattern for the hug me tight, i had an elderly lady come into our thrift shop looking for one for her sister to make for their granddaughter,and i promised to look for one for her and send it on to them, any help would really be appeciated, thanking you and Blessings, Cheryl