my little cath kidston bag

I picked up a few things for myself at the Cath Kidston sale (online of course because I don’t live near a store) and I thought it would be nice to pick up a few things for you too. And here they are. A little giveaway just for my readers.

This bag is gorgeous. It’s one of the most classic and famous designs by Cath Kidston and the fabric has been coated so if your bag gets dirty you can just wipe it down. Oh so important when little people are about. As in I ask one of them to take my bag inside and to them that means drag it along the driveaway.

Now the bag isn’t empty. Oh no, we’re not just giving the bag away. A few little things to keep you busy are inside the bag. Of course.

How about a cute little Cath Kidston quilting book called Patch.

Some fabric covered buttons, some pins in a cute little tin and a measuring tape in a little cath kidston cover. Perfect for crafters or wannabe crafters or just for having at home for mending jobs.



  1. Oh yes please Corrie…I have to win this because every summer I go to look for a summery bag and I just haven’t come across the right one! Lovely, lovely giveaway…thank you so much! Enjoy Sunday….it’s a beautiful day here on the coast xo

  2. Wow how fantastic that would be to add to my very small stash. With a little girl i could see those buttons on a t-shirt or knitted jumper or soft handmade toy.

  3. I just have to win it because all my bags are a boring black. This bag would add some colour to my life. The goodies inside would also be a perfect addition to my sister in laws 30th birthday gift – she’s just getting in to crafting for herself and her little ones.

  4. OMG I just love everything Cath Kidson! I live in a house full of boys and it’s very difficult to add feminine things without the kids turning up their noses.
    I recently made myself a CK inspired crocheted lap rug to keep me warm just to have a little touch of pinks, blues and reds around :)

  5. Sarita Lloyd (Tea Queen) says:

    I was in Oxford, England today and sadly did not have time to pop into the Cath Kidston store as our tour bus was departing. Please grant my wishes and allow me this lovely prize.

  6. I love Cath Kidston the designs are fabulous i was given a wallet by her and it was my favorite sadly the zip broke. It would be awesome to win this bag. I could use the buttons as inspiration for a new wallet. Thankyou for the chance.

  7. I am a newbie knitter who really NEEDS a bag to keep my projects in! This giveaway is so good – a new bag and some crafty goodies to add to my very small craft stash.

  8. I can think of thousands of reasons why everyone would want to win this gorgeous bag of goodies….. so I’m not going to give you the one reason why ‘I’ need to win. Good luck to everyone and three cheers to the happy winner, how exciting!!!

  9. Oh cute! I live in the states and have never heard of her, but that is beautiful! I would love to win it. My bags are so boring! My daughter is getting ready to have a big surgery and that would be a cheery hospital bag! Love your blog! :)

  10. Kirstin Hansch says:

    I am ashamed to say I have not heard of Cath Kidston but after seeing this adorable bag I think I may need to expand my online shopping;) An absolutely beautiful bag perfect for summer.

  11. Christine Jenkin says:

    I could take this to Melbourne later in the year and put my shopping in it,or maybe take to my quilt weekends in the hunter valley with all if my hand quilting bits and pieces.

  12. Caroline says:

    It’s such a beautiful and sunny collection of goodies! Just the thing for this dreary time of year! Especially here in Canberra, it’s the dreariest!
    I would just love to share a little of the floral love. Those buttons would transform my favorite cardi! Fingers crossed :)
    Hope you enjoy your gorgeous goodies too!

  13. I want to win this because the only Cath Kidston thing I have is a shoe polishing kit, and while I love it, it’s a bit more difficult to show off than a handbag!

  14. Sarah Brown says:

    I would so love to win this, i would send it back to my Mum she lives in the UK and we really miss her this would be sure to cheer her up.

  15. Pam Bredin says:

    I have to win this stunning bag because I am in absolute love with Cath Kidston her flower patterns are to die for and who doesn’t need a wipeable handbag with 4 kids. This would accommodate wipes, drink bottles and my purse. Good luck to everyone.

  16. I really need a new bag so this beauty would be perfect to win! Please, please, fingers crossed!

  17. Stacey Ryrie says:

    Corrie, what a gorgeous bag! And wonderful goodies inside! I would love to win this bag, I have just had baby no.3 and my nappy bag which I have been using since my first baby arrived in 2009 is getting very sad. This bag would be just perfect as it doesn’t scream nappy bag and I would also be able to use it as a handbag.
    You always find amazing things to share with your readers!
    P.s every time I read one of your posts I feel like I have become an extended part of your incredible family. And they make me feel human as you always keep things real.
    Enjoy your Sunday xx

  18. You are so kind. I would love to win because I love all things shabby.

  19. Oh Corrie!
    I really need a new bag! This made my heart go pitter-pat, what a gorgeous way to brighten up our dreary winter! I know I’d put all of those lovely goodies to good use, and give them a happy home. I love Cath Kidson, I have her design as my browser theme in Chrome :)
    You are so generous to host this lovely give away. x

  20. Oh! What a beautiful Bag! Id love to be the proud winner because I dont even take a handbag out with me as I just end up popping my things into our pram or nappy bag so winning a pretty bag like this might just get me out of my bad habit! :)

  21. I have to have this beautiful bag because I’ve had the same handbag since high school (a decade ago). While I love it (it’s made of canvas so it’s heavy duty), it’s plain black (boring) and a tad too small now that I have my little man, born of March this year. I do have a diaper bag, but practically…it is too large. I also love the covered measuring tape. My measuring tape is quite old as well. I’d love these pops of colour to adorn my workstation (which has taken a back seat due to baby boy). Thanks for this giveaway, Corrie! Someone will be lucky to win it. =)

  22. Skye Torti says:

    After learning how to assist special needs kids learn how to sew I have discovered my own love for sewing. I am only a beginner & these goodies would be great!!!

  23. Jo Berreen says:

    I should win because . . I want to!!!

  24. Sophie Gould says:

    What a lovely prize!
    I told myself I would get a new handbag after my son was born…he’s now 3.5 years old. Needless to say I think it’s time for a new one! Good luck everyone!

  25. Who wouldn’t love to win a beautiful bag like this! A little ray of colour sunshine in my all black wardrobe (handbags included)!! Nothing like a little something new to boost the winter duldrums… bonus is we all get to read our fabulous and deserving reasons!

  26. Cath Dean says:

    Oh wowzers, amazing, you are such a generous soul. Thank you so much for a chance to win this gorgeous gift xx

  27. Oh what a gorgeous bag!! I would love to win this bag because for the past 11 years the only bag I have carried around has been a rather large baby bag with all the esentials for outings with my 4 bubba’s. this bag seems big enough for a few essentials like a nappy and wipes and a crochet project aswell :)

  28. I would love to win this prize simply because I need some good news in my life. Everything seems to be going wrong lately. Every time I looked at this bag I would be cheered up instantly :)

  29. Maria do carmo says:

    Sou viciada em hexágonos e bordadinhos,então ficaria muito feliz com esta chiquérrima bolsa,obrigada.

  30. This would make the perfect change bag for baby number 2, I went through 6 with baby number 1 and hubby would kill me if I bought another.the buttons would be awesome too, can add them to the flowers I make and turn into beautiful hair clips for my daughter!

  31. Oh wow Corrie how lovely! I have to win this because I’m headed to Bendigo tomorrow and I think it would be the PERFECT knitting bag which I can use to cart my next project around (a larskfoot blanket). Although I would also be able to use it for my hand-stitched liberty quilt which I have been working on. So it would be a difficult decision to decide what to use it for first! The book would be so lovely to peruse and find inspiration for my next ‘quilty’ projects. I would love to use those gorgeous buttons on some bubble shorts that I’m planning to make for my nieces for Christmas. And what a joy to use those pins and gorgeous tape measure for so many sewing projects. In fact I just love Cath Kidston and so wish she would open a store here in Australia! Thank you so much for this giveaway, you are so generous and what a treat to have the possibility of a win!

  32. I need to win this beautiful bag because I keep trying to convince myself I only need a small bag which I load up with all my necessities. The bulging shoulder bag is difficult to carry and impossible to find anything in. I have to tip everything out to find my keys. Help. I also love anything Cath Kidson. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. oh my i nearly wet my pants this bag is gorgeous ,oh believe me i really truly need this because i dont have a Cath Kidston bag and would love one so much,thankyou for a chance.xx

  34. Jenny kilpatrick says:

    Yes Corrie what a beautiful bag to giveaway. The bag and other goodies remind me so much of summer and spending time with family. That explains why I would love to win this as everytime I use it, would bring back special memories. Jenny

  35. What a great comp!! I am in the beginning crochet-er/sew-er category, this would be so wonderful to put my bits and pieces in!!! And inspire me to keep making stuff. 😀
    Cheers, Lee :)

  36. well…. why do I need to winit? well, i don’t actually NEED to win the bag, but I would love it! as a Cath Kidston devotee for many a year, it will be well loved and well styled. plus it would just make my day! (been having quite a few crappy ones around here lately..)

    thanks for the opportunity!


  37. I would love to win this Corrie, because at the moment I am carrying around a ratty, old, ugly bag with leaked pen all over it. And I’d truly love to replace it with something this pretty and feminine. And of course all the pretties inside would keep me happy for ages!

  38. How lovely to have a floral, feminine bag that isn’t sensible black because you have lots of kids. And my mother-in-law would love the goodies inside. She’s the clever crafter of the family.

  39. Kathy Woods says:

    Oh Corrie,

    I would just love to win this because it is so beautiful! It would add so much pleasure to my sewing.


  40. Tracy Marie says:

    I would love to win this and give it to my wonderful, caring Mother-In-Law, Dona, who is currently the sole caretaker for my Father-In-Law, who suffers from Stage 6 of Alzheimer’s disease (there are 7 stages). We currently live eight hours away from them and are not able to visit as often as we would like to help her out. Both of them are in their mid-70’s and during our most recent visit, we could see the toll being his sole caretaker is taking on my MIL’s mental and physical health. Bless her heart, she doesn’t ask for anything from any of us and I would love for her to have this little bit of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy time in her life. :)

  41. I have to win, just so I can make my girlfriend jealous. LOL we both have a cath kidston fetish – hers is just a little worse than mine. Oh my cath kidston phone would look perfect nestled in that bag of goodness too

  42. That is quite possibly the prettiest bag I have ever seen. Perfect gift for my MIL who is returning from her mission! But I admit I would love to keep it for myself! Thanks for the great giveaway :)

  43. Sasha Houthuysen says:

    This bag is gorgeous!! I would love to win it and use it as a nappy bag, all the bags I can afford are ugly and bulky :/ This would be just perfect :) xx

  44. Leesa Buck says:

    I would love to win this! I never won an online comp. it would brighten up a very drab winter. Cath’s work is great.

  45. I need to win just because it’s sooooooooo gorgeous! And then I would fill it with knitting and sewing and have to take it with me always and then I’d get more finished as I wait for the children at their sports and other things….!! Win, WIn!! :) :) :)
    Thank you as always for such a generous giveaway x

  46. Hi Corrie. I have to win this. It will help me funkily my life and help ease the transition from nappy bag to handbag. Plus as a bonus it’s big enough for a small knitting project as well as the normal things such as dummies, wallet, lipgloss etc.

  47. I had a babycino spilt in and all over my old faithful yesterday – sticky marshmallow included. It’s still sitting near the front door waiting for me to clean it…would oh so love not to!

  48. I HAVE to win this bag and goodies, because I absolutely love florals. Its gorgeous,I have been pinching pennies (I am the mom of a college kid) for so long and I think I deserve a pretty treat. Please :)

  49. Beverley Priest says:

    OOhh Corrie I would looove this Cath Kidston bag as it is absolutely gorgeous, so pretty and feminine. I have a birthday this month and it would be lovely to win. Also I am getting inspired to start some quilting again after about six years so it would be very handy.

  50. Oh my gosh *drool* how cute is that bag!!! Why must I have it?? Because I’m a girl, in a household of men and little boys. I need to represent femininity in my household – clothing, interests, colours and all things gorgeous, pretty and I’m just a tad smitten by this bag! Ps I’ve not won anything on your blog before either!!

  51. I’d love to win this because it’s not something I would buy myself. I would always go the “practical black” choice even though I’d sometime like something more girly!

  52. Laura Koolik says:

    Beautiful gift. My sewing bag is raty and tatty, it has holes and rusty tins.
    If I won this prize I could throw it in the bin!!! -please-

  53. Kathy MacKie says:

    I would love to win this because it is unique, colorful and full of goodness which I could share with my two Granddaughters. Thanks for the chance to win!

  54. Ooh pick me, pick me please?! I HAVE to win because I’m currently in the middle of sewing my very first baby cot quilt for the arrival of Baby Girl in October. It’d be lovely to have an extra little kick of inspiration right now.

  55. I’d love to replace my ‘shopping bag’ I currently carry my craft around in with this gorgeous bag and goodies. I attend markets selling my wares and this bag would be so much more gorgeous to carry with me, i’m always sewing or crocheting. Love all things Cath Kidston.

  56. sarah tovey says:

    Oh this makes my heart soar. I have been a fan of Cath Kidson forever.Thank you for being so generous and for sharing your life with us everyday. Good luck with the kitchen reno can’t wait to see it unfold.

  57. Hi Corrie, I have to win this bag because… it is simply gorgeous ( and one never has enough bags)! And the little pin box is so cute. I really dont know what happens to my pins: no carpet here to swallow then, but I have less and less, just hope they dont hide in the quilts I make!!!!

  58. Kate Dale says:

    It sounds clichéd but I would love to win this prize as a present for my mum. The last six months have been very stressful for my young family where everything that could go wrong HAS gone wrong. During it all my mum has been there for us financially and emotionally. I would love to do something nice for her.
    Thanks for such a lovely giveaway :)

  59. I absolutely adore anything Cath Kidston, I even have a folder on Pinterest dedicated especially to all the beautiful Cath Kidston items I find!!
    My reason for wanting to win is that I have a lovely friend who also adores Cath Kidston. She has been through such a lot, 6 years of ups and downs in life, coping with her youngest daughter’s cancer. She has the most amazing spirit and I could only hope I would be able to be half the person she is if I had to walk the journey she has. So I think a lovely Cath Kidston surprise would be the most amazing thing for her!!

  60. Jillian says:

    Hi Corrie I loved reading all of the comments above. I don’t really need a Cath Kidson bag, but love it I would. I was fortunate enough to be given a Cath Kidson wallet and my teen daughter has coveted it. As you can see my days of nappy bags and dummies is well over.

  61. Karri Brennan says:

    Please pick me. I need that bag. I know I already have 27,000 bags but I don’t have a Cath Kidston one, let alone a coated one and I adore her stuff. It would be perfect to take to the bakery & wipe away the icing etc that’s always on the bottom of my bags. Plus I haven’t read a book for months since doing so much bookwork, so I’d be in heaven with the goodies inside. So please pick me!!!!

  62. I HAVE to win these because buttons. Buttons make fantastic closures for a shirt and we all know what happens without buttons – indecent exposure. Again.

  63. This is perfect timing! My nappy bag is set to retire and I need a new one!! Pretty please :-)

  64. I find it hard to say why I should win this above others but I love it and want it! It is so gorgeous! I adore the pin box too! It would look perfect sitting on my sewing desk when we move into our new home in a few weeks.

  65. Oh my, I would nothing more than a stunning bag like this to show off on my arm! As a mum of three girls and my boy on the way, I need a bag that can wear the children’s sticky fingers and few muddy foot prints! I have never had to opportunity to own a ‘good’ bag, the local market or Kmart is my limit!! But what I love more than anything is the goodies inside! Being pregnant and unable to do a lot at the minute, I need some extra ‘activities’ to fill in my day … Thanks for this comp, fingers and toes crossed!!

  66. Wow Corrie, what a beautiful giveaway! I need to win this giveaway, I have recently started knitting, you inspired me, and I would love a beautiful bag to carry it around in rather than the calico bag I currently have. I also have a very small sewing collection I hope to extend so this would be perfect! Thank you Corrie.

  67. This would help a city girl like with my tree change and make me feel like I fit in to the country life I now lead. With a bag this stylish you know what they say – you can take the girl out of the city….

  68. Heidi Johnston says:

    I adore CK!!! I have almost all her books, a sewing basket, handbag and wallet! It is a bummer not having a store here in Oz but my sister is in London at the moment and I keep sending her links to the CK store locations (hint…hint) Loving the large rose design and I can vouch for the coating-it lasts forever!

  69. As soon as I saw the name Cath Kidston I HAD to enter! I have always loved her products but never had the pleasure of owning any. But when you then posted a photo of the inside of the bag I nearly died. Buttons and patterns and pins… oh my!

  70. Thanks do much for having such an awesome competition! I need to win this because I have two great friends who both have a bag like this and I feel very left out! I have serious Cath Kidston envy every time we go out together! Also it is my birthday next month and this would be a lovely gift xx thanks again and keep up the great blogging!

  71. Corrie I have to win this delightfully pretty Cath Kidston bag and all the goodies inside because my life is boring and I just know having this much prettiness around will cheer me up. :)

  72. Charlotte E says:

    I’ve been busy tracing patterns and cutting out fabric in preparation for making my daughter a new wardrobe. Those buttons would look just gorgeous the on the tops and dresses that I am about to make and those pins and tape would sure come in useful. Overall this prize would be a perfect reward for my efforts in the seamstress department :-)

  73. Michelle stringer says:

    Wow, I could definitely use a flash of flowers and colour to add to my life at the moment, to remind me that winter won’t last forever! Brrrrr!
    And my Mary Poppins bag is in dire need of an overhaul… Finding cute buttons, etc inside it would add to the story I tell my kids too! That everything is in my bag, everything indeed!!! :)

  74. june dieckmann says:

    I have lots of reasons why I need to win this but I have to say I would like to win it simply because I love it. Thank you, Corrie.

  75. ok, I should win, cos I deserve it! Yeah, I do think so, IMAO. Life is hitting me so hard from some time ago, have not had any “fresh air” for quite some time, and it seems it’s getting harder as days go by. Secondly, I seriuosly love CK but cannot afford her beauties, they’re “luxury” items to me. Tks fr this generous giveaway and chance! xxxx

  76. Angela Stewart says:

    Wow this is so gorgeous and just what i need to read, use and craft with while i am sitting a knee injury.This bag would be such a blessing and truly brighten my day. Thankyou for your beautiful generosity. Have an awesome day. Angela

  77. Ruthena Clement says:

    Corrie, I hope you also purchased a bag for yourself. It is so pretty. If I saw it in a CK shop it would absolutely have to come home with me, so I really would love to win it. It certainly is a very generous gift. Love the cuteness inside too. I can see those buttons being used on little dresses for my brand new granddaughter. My one and only grandchild.

  78. What a gorgeous little giveaway! I splurged on a CK bag for myself when I was pregnant with my first child. 5 years and 3 kids later and the poor bag has been through the ringer! I NEED to win this because my handbag suffers at the hands of my kids every day and an oilcloth one would be much more sensible! (plus a bit of private crafting time with the contents of that lovely bag would be wonderful!)

  79. Oh my, Be still my heart, what a wonderful giveaway! I have been looking for the past two months for the perfect handbag for me. I was looking again today, but nothing caught my eye. The shape of this Cath bag is just what I want and combined with such a beautiful floral design, it screams out my name…and all those goodies inside, well what a treat. My fingers and toes are crossed to win.

  80. At my beautiful daughters request, I am putting a sewing kit together for when she turns 7. She loves to create but sadly, I’m not much of a crafter at the moment so this would be perfect to start us off and have some precious mother/daughter time together.
    Thank you for this very generous giveaway.

  81. Michele T says:

    I must live in the stone ages because I have never heard of Cath Kidson!!! Actually this is truer than you may realize as I live in. a small village that is very remote and we are living back in time indeed… Lol!! So a bag like this would really shake things up around here… Get people talking and buzzing… That in itself would be a hoot!! Aside from that it is a lovely bag filled with very sweet necessities (can’t get any if that around here either!!) thanks for the chance… Sure hoping that I’m the lucky one… That is as long as you are shipping to Canada!

  82. MARIA CLARK says:

    What a great give away I have never heard of Cath Kidston and I will be having a look at her website, I love the colour and the shape of this bag and the goodies inside are beautiful so I have to win so I can show my friends my lovely new bag. thanks

  83. Donna Watt says:

    Pick me please because I would LOVE to win these goodies!! I never win anything nd it would make me sooo happy to win.. Also I would love to add the goodies to my sewing/craft kit… THANKS…

  84. Ooohh is that the Greenwich Day Bag from Cath Kidston? Divine! I am a busy mum / crafter / primary teacher, who loves a practical, yet stylish, fun, feminine print bag. The multitude of compartments is perfect to store all those goodies that I tend to carry around for any situation that arises :) Those crafty extras are perfect for my little ‘therapy’ breaks :) Wish me luck, and whoever wins this divine bag is one lucky Mama :)

  85. I adore that bag and it would be the perfect hand bag that I have been looking for.
    I also love the tape measure, so cute ( and I usually do black and boring)

  86. Michelle Kerle-Taylor says:

    Me please. Love it. Love working with pretty things. Adds just a bit more joy to the soul.

  87. I would give the bag and contents to a quilter in Calgary Alberta. Folks there have had the worst flooding and many have lost their homes and all their possessions.

  88. I would adore these Cath Kidston goodies! Baby number four will be here in about 7 weeks and I am feeling weary. These flowery treats would be a lovely pick me up! Thanks!

  89. That is one delicious bag! Would love to win for my daughter in law .she would love it! Thanks for the chance Corrie. Cheers Lyn

  90. That is so generous. The bag is gorgeous. Why I would love it – I’m trying to make a little ‘craft space’ for myself and this bag would have pride of place – and co tins treasures I don’t have!

  91. Oh my, that is just divine. I have always loved Cath Kidston but never seem to get around to getting myself any. The old story, I buy things for the little ones and hubby which doesn’t leave much for me. (Though I wouldn’t have it any other way). It would be so lovely to win something as beautiful as this. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to own something as pretty. I am only a newbie knitter (I’ve managed to make my eldest daughter a scarf and a little blanket for my baby, so I need all the help and inspiration I can get. Oh and I just love pretty things. What a kind thing you are doing Corrie :)

  92. Hi
    What a beautiful bag, it’s soooo summery , I have no special story to tell, except I would love a light weight bag to go easy on my recovering broken wrist. Makes a lovely change from the black and brown I usually carry.

  93. Sarah Jordan says:

    Hi Corrie,
    This bag would be perfect as my new knitting bag. I need to win this because that gorgeous baby I emailed you about is now 15months old and is starting to get into my wool projects. He loves to pull nearly finished sleeves off the needles and run off with them to play tug of war with our Labrador.

  94. WOW love Cath Kidson – have her books sew, patch, quilt love it love it love it – pick up the toiletries at Target but have never been able to find anything else near me. Thanks for the chance of a giveaway

  95. Oh yes please! I NEED to win this because a mothers shopping always seems to come last in this house, and its time for a little bitty mumma spoilin!! Thanks for thinking of all us readers. U r a gem

  96. I would love to win this bag, it looks delightfully girly & would be a welcome change from my weary looking business-black bag. But, it looks a great size & I could fit all the important things inside that a modern woman should never be without :) thanks

  97. Oh – I just love this bag! And who doesn’t need a little bit of Cath in their lives! It would be perfect to take out with my boys – water bottles could cleverly be hidden at each end and there looks like heaps of space inside for cars / fire enginees / wipes and even something for me!!! Good luck and hip-hip-hooray to whoever is lucky enough to win this little piece of gorgeousness!!!!

  98. I really need a good big bag, thanks

  99. I HAVE to win this bag because I have been using the SAME bag for years! It is too small (bought before children) to carry the essentials and so old it is drabby. This bag is beautiful and would certainly give this pregnant mummy the lift she needs to feel that glow everyone says she has :)

  100. susan Leach says:

    You couldn’t have picked a better giveaway, what an awesome selection. I just love cath kidston, her designs are so fresh and timeless. Would be great to take all my stuff to school, IPAD etc, and still be able to find things.

  101. Rachael says:

    Wow I soon as I saw Cath Kidson I had to enter. Just love love her stuff. Thinking the cute little bag would make a great traveling crochet bag. Good luck to everyone xx

  102. Nicole Parker says:

    I just recently found your blog (like today!) and am your newest fan. I would love to win this because I’ve just recently learned how to sew, and on a limited budget I would love the supplies! The liner also just tore in my favorite summer bag and I am in need of a new one, this is a beautiful bag!

  103. Anne Stanley says:

    I can’t believe how generous you are by offering this bag. I would love to win it because it is just so beautiful and with all of the wonderful inclusions how could you not have to have it? I could finally keep myself organised and stylish. I read your blog regularly and love it so much your crafting is quite the inspiration. Thanks so much for the opportunity even if I don’t win seeing your photos is such a joy. Thank you for sharing! Anne

  104. Denise Thomas says:

    Corrie, what a beautiful prize, and you are a very thoughtful person to think of others, when you have such a busy life. If I won this awesome prize it would be going to my beautiful daughter in law, who has just returned to work, after her youngest child turned 9. Something to spoil her with.

  105. I would love it as a baby bag, it sounds perfect as you can wipe it down and I have always wanted some cath kidston in my life. You are very generous. Love your work. A

  106. Oh the bag – I LOVE it! Such an amazing pattern and wipe down – yes please. My toddler and preschooler require such cleaning measures – he he. I adore all the goodies inside too because I’m such a wannabe crafter!

  107. Susanne says:


    It looks like a lovely bag & it would cheer my mum up a lot. We have a bad year so far & this would be a great way of cheering her up. First my mum had a hip replacement, then my dad had a major back operation. While this was happening my grandmother died & my parents couldn’t go to the funeral as my dad was still in hospital. When he finally got home a vertebrae in his back cracked & he has just had another back operation to fix that!! I’m sure the 2nd half of the year will be much better. Your blog is lovely & I really enjoy reading it. Thanks for the chance.

  108. Just have to sat ,how gorgeous is that bag! and the bits you ve added are lovely,made my boring essay writing day just a bit happier looking at it :)

  109. Samantha says:

    Oh Corrie this bag is gorgeous! I’ve got a little one due in about three weeks and this would be perfect to put all mine and bubs things inside for a day out! The goodies inside are fabulous and I’m sure there would be all manner of warm quilts to reinspire me after giving birth!

  110. In a month I will become a Victorian, we are moving so Steve can take a leadership role with Sports Chaplaincy Australia – currently he is the chaplain to the penrith rugby league team and after 17 years he will be giving this up to someone else. A new state, new area to live, no granddaughters to have cuddles with regularly and a change of the weather completely.
    I would love to win this lovely bag to remind me of a sunny winters day in Sydney of good friends made in the last couple of years and looking forward to a new interesting life in Melbourne

  111. Just divine –
    truly sublime!
    PICK ME!!!

  112. Bree Vallance says:

    Its just lovely and i would adore it.

  113. Di Ross says:

    I would love to win this bag like anyone else. The bag and the goodies are just gorgeous . Good luck picking a winner Corrie.

  114. Jennifer Bruce says:

    I LOVE Cath Kidston! There is something about her designs that just seem to speak to me! I would love this bag to cart around all my kid stuff during summer and I could use those gorgeous buttons when sewing things for my daughters.

  115. Ohhhh Corrie I have been coveting Kath Kidston for a long time. I would love this bag. My daughter and I have taken to crochet to pass the time during her chemo treatments and this would be the perfect bag to carry all our craft needs. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  116. Di Ross says:

    Oops that should read like everyone.

  117. How lovely of you to buy more for blog readers! This prettiness just made my heart beat a little faster. Just beautiful Corrie. The pin tin reminds me of my sweet Grandma who taught me to knit and sew. The bag and buttons would be perfect for my knitting too x

  118. A recent cupboard “cleanout” revealed one startling thing,
    I have no bag (new or old) in which to store my knitting!
    No lovely patterned “carry all” with zips and pockets galore,
    for my growing collection of knitting, sewing and craft goodies to store!
    My knitting is scattered everywhere in every room of my home
    and I’m sure I’m must be suffering from “Forgetful Crafter Syndrome”!
    I can’t find my trusty needles to cast on a new child’s knit,
    and if I don’t locate them soon I fear I’ll throw a “hissy fit”!
    And where is that new wool that I bought recently at the store?
    If that doesn’t turn up very soon, I will have to buy some more!
    That new book of patterns I purchased, must also be around somewhere,
    but I’ve looked and searched, high and low, and can’t find it anywhere!
    My buttons and thread are also missing, I just might sit and weep,
    I suspect my hubby sold it all in last months garage sale too cheap!
    So your beautiful Cath Kidston Giveaway would be a solution so great,
    much better than any box or plastic bag and definitely any crate.
    I could pack it with my “crafty stash” to take along in the car,
    on holidays and road trips when the distance is very far!
    It’s practical, feminine and just so gorgeous, no doubt you’ll agree that’s true,
    I would be so proud to carry it when it made its grand debut!
    Forget brand names like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Marcs or Fendi,
    as an avid, devoted crafter, I would look so chic and trendy!!
    I adore the floral pattern and stunning roses of red,
    the fabulous projects I could complete are swirling through my head!
    My craft bag would hold a treasure trove just like Alladin’s Cave,
    big enough for every scrap of fabric, cotton and wool I’d save.
    So although you’ll get loads of entries, I’ll send mine with a hope and a prayer
    that it will stand out as the winner because of my poetic flair!

  119. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I am in a desparate need for a new diaper bag (even though my youngest one is already 2yo). Really need a big bag that is easy to look after and big enough to chuck all kind of things in it.

  120. Fran Graham says:

    I would love to win all this loveliness! It’s oh so cheery! I think it would be fought over between me and my daughter 😉

  121. Wow! What a lovely giveaway. I have been coveting one of these for like ever…. Have actually just used Cath Kidston thank you cards for the boys christening. I might have a spare one that I could send you :)

  122. I would love to win this giveaway because that bag is divine!

  123. Its georgose bag! I like roses and calor! I woul be the fashen momy!! I live to far and i can only dream obut such fantastic bag :(
    thanks for chance and dream about it!
    I won to tell you I always read your blog! I am little shy for my English and not comment :)
    you have beautiful children! God bless you and your family!
    THank you! Hug Iako!!!

  124. Marilyn says:

    I want to win that bag because it’s absolutely gorgeous and every girl should have one!

  125. Samantha says:

    Thanks for the giveaway Corrie. I would love to win this because that coating on the bag? With 3 littlies, that might just save my sanity!

  126. Jessica says:

    That bag is beautiful! I have been meaning to make myself a new bag and just never find the time and when I look in the shops they are all so blah, but this one is gorgeous!

  127. Well, I don’t HAVE to win it, but it is a very attractive bag, and now that we’re well into winter, I see that just about everything I own is black. Dull and black. My daughter (Miss 19) is just learning to sew and we would have a lovely time creating with the craft goodies.

    It is indeed a gorgeous bag!! :-)

  128. Nicole hall says:

    Winning that bag would just be sunshine on a cloudy day for me at the moment. Gorgeous little giveaway thanks orrie

  129. Hi Corrie, you have lovely taste and the bag is beautiful, so are those buttons. I would so love the bag, I usually buy black; bags, shoes, socks, jackets. My children are both adults now, I had them ten months apart and anything with a white background died a very swift death if I dared to buy it. I wear aprons, I am careful, somehow I just never avoid stains. The bag is wonderful because it has the fabric look with the protection of bing wipe able . I think I could succeed with this one. No matter who it goes to, thanks for your generosity. It’s most kind.

  130. Count me in please!
    I love anything floral!

  131. Oh wow that bag is just gorgeous! And so much sewing inspiration! My toddler would just love dragging that bag down the driveway for me too! :)

  132. Julia Lucas says:

    Thank you for the giveaway. Such a beautiful, versatile bag. Perfect for outings with our children and storing the essentials for church. The goodies inside are so cute! What better way to learn how to quilt using the Patch quilting book. I would love to win!

  133. Tania Frost says:

    Hi Corrie
    I’m a recent follower of your blog and love it! What a great giveaway. I think Cath Kidston designs are just gorgeous and that bag is just lovely. (Although I don’t actually own any of her goodies and I do need a new bag as mine has seen much better days). I love to sew, crochet and all things crafty. My little girl is my inspiration for a lot of the things I make. Thanks for the opportunity to win and good luck to all who enter.

  134. Leanne V says:

    I would love a little brightness in my day, Like many others I have a boring black bag. I used to make my handbags but have been a little too busy with kids and life to make a new pretty one. My daughter who is 6 and learning to sew would also love some of the goodies inside – although the lovely tape measure would come in handy in my knitting bag!

  135. Sandy Norman says:

    It would make my day… its been a hard week. I LOVE handbags, and would LOVE to own a Cath Kidston bag…

    Thanks for the giveaway.. How generous you are…


  136. What a super way to add a bit of summeriness into my life. I’d love to win that generous bundle. Thank you, Corrie, for the opportunity.

  137. I would love to win this bag as I just adore Cath Kidstons’ designs and would love to have a bright and pretty bag to get me through the winter days.

  138. It’s all about the pins for me. Pins in a love heart shaped tin. With flowers and a doily label – heaven! Oh and the bag is lovely too, the last pretty bag I owned was a gorgeous hot pink one that I took on a Fatheres Day picnic last year. We went to a local park with the kids and the dog. It was a biiiiiiiiig park – plenty of grass around but guessed what the dog chose to wee on. Needlees to say I could do with a new bag!

  139. Shelly Andrews says:

    Oh my goodness, if I won this I’d think I had died and gone to heaven. I LOVE Cath Kidston. If I ever won the lotto I’d furnish my house in her fabrics. I HAVE to win this divine bag and patch book to brighten up my winter and give me some projects to keep my mind off all the troubles life is throwing me right now.

  140. Drooling!! My Miss 9 starting squealing when she saw this over my shoulder; she has spent the afternoon very carefully stitching little dresses for her baby sister’s dolly. Both of their birthdays are next month. My thoughtful, gentle eldest girl is currently using a shoebox for her sewing craft items (with ‘my sewing box’ written on in fancy kiddie writing, awww). This would make an ideal birthday present for her (although I might have to borrow the bag occasionally….). I know she would spend many happy hours creating fashion for ‘Darling’, the afore-mentioned baby doll. I hereby do solemnly promise to send you photos of her creations from this bag of goodies. And that measuring tape is the cutest thing I ever did see (besides my babies, natch!). Thank you for the chance to dream…..

  141. Ohh Corrie, I would love to have this bag and the book also! Here in Portugal we don’t have any Cath Kidston store, and i’m in love with her things since I discovered the craft world! I would be so happy if i win the quilting book!! I really need more tips to start making other techniques other than squares and triangles. Thank you for this amazing chance ****

  142. Why should win? Precisely why I want to win? I just love to read your blog, the writings! And because I fell in love with this bag, I love the bags! And because Hungary is far away from you, and here I’ve never won one, and I want to be the first :) those who are from Hungary to read, follow your page. Have a nice summer!

  143. There are always so many people who have such amazing comments on these competitions. So the truth of the matter is that I would just like to have it!! I would like to keep the bag (oh so useful) and give the book away to a person I have just met who is beginning to learn to quilt. Thanks

  144. Belinda says:

    That bag is absolutely gorgeous Corrie! I’d adore to win it. I’ve started crafting recently with my daughter and that bag would be perfect to hold all our supplies :)

  145. What a gorgeous prize!! I love her this so much!!

    I would love to win because I need a bit of sunshine in my life. Ive had such a hard start to the year with my mother in law and grandad both passing away. My hubby is an only child and it’s been up to us to organise everything as my FIL is in a nursing home. We went to visit him today and it’s just so sad. He can’t talk or eat and it breaks my heart every time we go.

    Sorry to ramble or be a downer. We just got home from visiting him and am feeling a little down. Love the Cath Kidston goodies and you are very sweet for buying them!


  146. Well Corrie, would love to win it because I can’t buy it my visa is maxxed out xx

  147. Because what mumma wouldn’t look stylish with this on their arm?!

  148. Oh, what a wonderful bag! I like to win it, because my favourite bag is broken and dirty ( exactly in your way of thinking about kids and street and drag and so on…) and I need a new one.
    PLEASE can I have this bag? I will be very very happy and you will make my day, my week and my whole summer! (big lol)
    Greetings from Germany, Elke

  149. Catriona says:

    I would really LOVE it! I have always loved her stuff!! Please!!

  150. I must win this divine little bag because only I will love it more than anyone else! It’s absolutely gorgeous! What a fantastic giveaway :o)

  151. OMG I love this bag. I am really borning with bag plain black. I look at other peoples bags and I think I love this one and that one, but I never buy myself one.

    Going to check them out on line now

  152. Sally b says:

    I need a child friendly bag like this to brighten up my day. And lots of fun Cath Kidstons treasures to inspire me.

  153. I would love to win it as there is nothing like a CK bag. perfect size and such prettiness.

  154. I am just beginning to learn about (and make!) quilts! My next project is a picnic quilt to take with us when we play outside. I would live to add those buttons to it to entertain my smallest one while he has to lay in his belly – too small to sit up!

  155. I have to win this because finally at 37 I admit I need to grow up and carry a handbag….thanks for the giveaway chance! bron

  156. Oh my ! I adore cath Kidston and regularly get her emails on her lines. The closest I have ever had to owning something though is borrowing her books from the library! This has to be the best giveaway ever! And the cutest bag! Thank you

  157. LesleyG says:

    Another generous gift for one of your followers. Could I possibly be so bold to suggest that this would be lovely to carry my knitting around in now that I have picked up the needles again. I do need to look the part. Thanks.

  158. Because it’s all just so pretty, I’d love a Kath Kidston bag.

  159. Linda Mason says:

    Ppppppppleeeese pick me, I love cath kidson everything, I have a niece in law from the uk and this would make her sooo envious lol, she gave me a ck bag for Xmas, I use it for my knitting etc,

  160. This bag makes me smile. Flowers bring so much joy to people’s lives that I would like to win this bag so I can share the love. Oh and my two little crafty daughters would love the goodies inside!

  161. Claire johns says:

    I need to win this wonderful prize as my 2 year old daughter has a gorgeous Cath Kidston bag already, and I don’t!!
    Thank you Corrie x

  162. What a lovely giveaway! It would be perfect for spring and summer coming up and for outings with the kids along with a small crafty project on the go.

  163. Oh Carrie, I love this bag!!!My embroidery work would be very happy to be inside of it!!!;)
    Thanks for this giveaway

  164. Carissa says:

    I have lots of bags and all are black/dark – with two young children and a new baby due in a few months, black is sensible and looks cleaner than perhaps it is!

  165. I quilt, I sew and I love Cath Kidston! What a generous, wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

  166. Kate Grabham says:

    Wow I don’t envy you having to choose a winner, tricky tricky! I would love to win this prize as I have been using a nappy bag for the last year and would love a new bag that isn’t a nappy bag! As for the other goodies they would look fab in my craft room! Thanks for your generosity! Kate

  167. Lara brown says:

    Ohh la la, gorgeous fabric like that makes my heart sing. Such beautiful fabric on a bag and it’s protected. Would be great to let out my girly side since I have had a little girl after 2 boys. Great nappy bag and sp practical

  168. What a lovely giveaway Corrie. I have Cath Kidston’s book called Sew….I’m teaching my neice to sew using this book & it’s great little projects.

  169. Charlotte Clark says:

    I’d love to win this as I have wanted a Cath Kidston bag for ages, yet can’t really afford it. This bag is gorgeous and would be perfect not only as a shopping accessory but also to keep my little boys stuff in when we go to the beach! I am forever taking 2 bags with me and it’s so annoying, this looks big enough to keep everything in!

    Thanks for the comp again :)

  170. Maureen pilcher says:

    I simply would love this bag for many many reasons and thank you for the opportunity to enter this competition.

  171. O Corrie, what a great give-away! I just love Cath Kidston but unfortunately, here in the Netherlands there is not much of her stuff for sale. So I would be very happy to win this great bag (I am a huge bag-collector ;-)) to add to my bag-collection. Thank you so much for the opportunity….

    xxx Wendy

  172. Cause everyone one else at the knitting guild has a really cute project bag and I have a Coles green shopper……..

  173. Amelia Kennedy says:

    …. because I love Cath Kidston’s gorgeous fabrics, florals and colours.

  174. Alison Ruane says:

    Whilst working abroad I had my bag stolen; it was full of English things that reminded me of home. I would love to take this bag away with me – a little piece of English cottage garden on my arm! I could use the crafting contents to while away the long hours away from home, making pretty things for my four nieces.

  175. Wowee! Oh my! Hooley Dooley!
    How I’d love to win this, truly.
    Kath Kidston has such a divine range
    It makes me drool, even if that is a little strange.
    I know that prize would get so much love from me
    So please, you have to send it here, you see.

  176. L Bunning says:

    I have to win this because it would bring some sunshine into my summer!

  177. I have a friend who has the most stressful and miserable life through no fault of her own. She loves colourful things and crafts and I would love to win this to surprise her and cheer her up during one of her more difficult times.

  178. Charley Foulds says:

    I am moving in with my nan for Uni this year and she is mad about textiles and cath kidston so this would be a lovely thank you gift!

  179. As much as I would like to have this for myself, I would have to give it to my mum. She’s had a ‘bumpy’ year but never complains and I would love to be able to treat her to something like this. She’s been a stitcher and sew-er all her life and this would be a wonderful surprise for her.

  180. Annie Costa says:

    I’d love to win this because I’ve just recently started crafting with my little one to build some quality time and those little odds n’ ends inside that bag would be perfect!That handbag is gorgeous would make the perfect bag to take to work!

  181. Debbie Meredith says:

    What a gorgeous prize… I really would love to win as I love that bag so much.
    My sister came over yesterday, we were going for a picnic at my local park. She had bought herself that bag in a different pattern while she was at a conference a couple of weeks ago. It was £40 in the sale, it is lovely, just the right size and very roomy. I really liked it, and then today saw your giveaway… My only reason is that I can’t afford to buy myself one, but would appreciate it so much… Good Luck everyone…..

  182. Sharon Griffin says:

    I love cath kidston`s designs so much, especially stanley , he`s sweet. I`d love to use those sewing bits to make some crafts , what a treat. Buttons and Bags and cute little tins are all the things i adore. I would cherish these prizes if i were to win and they`d go to good use this i`m sure ♥

  183. Hayley Dickson says:

    I’d love to win your Cath Kidston giveaway as I don’t have a lot of disposable income so usually re-vamp my clothes using haberdashery and the cute buttons will definately help bring my wardrobe into summer, not to mention a book full of ideas! Also just because the bag is so gorgeous,( it is summer in a print!) I would love to have it on my arm to take to the beach or park picnic’s.
    Thanks for being so generous, Good Luck to everyone, Best wishes x

  184. Oooooh… Corrie I am smiling just looking at that beautiful bag. That fabric is gorgeous! Please pick me! :)

  185. This bag is just beautiful and I LOVE the pin tin, that is so cute, I might have to get me one of them, and the rest!

  186. bubble936 says:

    I want to win because this bag is very stylish and gorgeous and every woman on earth should have gorgeous things in her collection.

  187. princess pj says:

    I would like to win because I have always been told by others and told myself, that Im hopeless at everything domestic goddess like lol. However I realised that if I just sat in a little corner and put my mind to it , it turned out just fine. I made my first little craft project from Cath Kidston material, and she will always have a special place in my heart.

  188. alison pearce says:

    I would love to win this bag because it is really pretty and also, mine is falling to bits and I don’t really have the budget to buy a new one.
    The contents would be a great addition to my knitting bag and the buttons would be so cute for my upcoming niece!

  189. caitlin bonsor says:

    I would love to win these cath kidston goodies and handbag, as I love everything cath kidston, The bag would be perfect for all types of occasions! it’s very stylish, and all my other bags are boring compared to this! xx

  190. oh wow, I would love to win this. It is absolutely gorgeous and so perfect for summer. I have got a dark leather heavy bag that I lug around everywhere. I would feel so feminine and pretty carrying around this bag. And the craft stuff, well I love crafty things. I would use them to make some little cute bits for my daughter, maybe a nice hairband.

  191. g. murphy says:

    I think I should win it because it would make an excellent extra gift for my daughter!

  192. joanne thomas says:

    because it’s beautiful and just using it would cheer me up

  193. I can only dream of owning a bag this beautiful. I usually just stare at these kinds of things longingly through the shop window (I can never enter these stores, my little one can’t be trusted not to touch everything.) And the stuff inside it would be perfect in my sewing kit too. That tin of pins reminds me of the Dorcas pins my mum had when I was a kid, in their tiny blue tin. I spent many hours playing with those. I am already green with envy at the person who wins this competition.

  194. Nicola barker says:

    Just emptied out my handbag. The contents….

    Mini hairbrush
    Slightly grotty lip balm (so far so good)
    Spare nappy ( too small for baby)
    Spare pants (too small for toddler)
    Small plastic alien
    Waaaaay too many receipts
    Reigns (one child too young, other too old for these)
    Dried out baby wipes
    Apple core
    Foreign currency (pesetas wtf?!)
    Watch I thought I had lost. Broken.
    Two odd child’s socks
    Urine sample bottle. (Mercifully empty.)

    A new bag and a fresh start would be much appreciated. X

  195. I’d love to win it as I have a little one on the way and the bag would be perfect as a changing bag. I love Cath Kidston stuff but can’t afford it, so I always covet from afar!

  196. Jessica says:

    Hi! I’d love to win this bag as I’ve recently taught myself how to knit and have been looking for a gorgeous bag to keep all my goodies together! Thanks for the opportunity :)

  197. I’m a massive Cath fan – just ask my little fam! The kids know never to unpack the Cath mugs from the dishwasher – mummy will get those just in case they break – and my husband makes my tea in my fave Cath tea cup every morning without fail. As for that bag – oh how I love it so! I would love, love to win, and would even be happy if you gave the book to another devoted reader as I have already bought it! Love your style, Corrie. (And Cath) x

  198. Anna moloney says:

    I’m off to live in France from Sept and this would show off our lovely English style to the French!

  199. Who wouldn’t want it? It’s adorable and definitely a need! Haven’t seen that brand in the states but will go to the website!

  200. Erica. S says:

    Really !!!! I do need this of course! Sometimes I just need something lovely! A lovely daydream, a lovely dress , a lovely little giggle, a lovely little bag perhaps?! To just get me through those moments like school drop off , a tantrum , doing the dishes……the housework, you know! A little bit of lovely goes a loooong way!
    ps. I must say I did gasp a little when I seen the contents of the bag! Lots of fun!

  201. Julie Shaw says:

    Well I ‘have to win it’ because it would be perfect for my 6 week break from teaching!
    By day it would be a bag to take out and about on trips and by night a bag to store all the goodies in and try out some of the projects in Patch. In September I would take it in to show the children I teach. I would tell them the story of how I won it and the journeys that the dog I would make first in the book has been on!

  202. Tammy Tudor says:

    I adore anything and everything Cat Kidston so this is a much, it would be amazing to be able to keep my crafting bits and bobs in and I would love that book *daydreams :)

  203. Lisa Irwin says:

    Ooh, I would love to win this bag as I have just inherited a sewing machine and I plan to learn how to run up some lovely retro dresses to match this lovely handbag, using the contents of this bag to help me on my way! Hmmmm….wonder how easy it would be to make shoes too…?!

  204. Holly Smith says:

    I would love to win this prize as I love Cath Kidston products and always go instore to admire there products but being a mum of two I don’t have that kind of money to spend on myself.

  205. I have been carrying around my wip’s in an ugly reusable walmart bag for way too long. I could really use a pretty bag like this to carry my knitting in style. What great load of goodies inside too. I love the buttons!

  206. First sorry for my english. I’m a mom for a little country in Europe, Portugal. I love your website, and I “grow” in my blog because of you. I love this bag, it’s amazing.Hope I win. :)
    kisses from the other side of the world!

  207. oh wow, what a giveaway, you had me at bag but then you showed the insides! Swoon, love, love, love Cath Kidston!

  208. Anne Marie says:

    Awesome giveaway- thanks for the chance to win .

  209. Maureen says:

    I would love to win for the fact that I have a niece or nephew with me a lot during the summer and they like to give me their things they do not like to carry with them but they must have these things. It is also a great bag to have a knitting project yet also have my purse in the same bag.

  210. Gilla01 says:

    I love Kath Kidston things and everything there is so beautiful. I think it’s made for me. Love.

  211. anthony harrington says:

    I would LOVE this for my Daughter, she is expecting our 1st Grandbaby in September, today she is at her all day antenatal class. we are so thrilled and excited. I would love to give her this Cath Kidston gift to show how proud we are of her, also she deserves something lovely.

  212. barbara zangelmi says:

    Wouldn’t it be magic if it travelled all the way to Italy and reached a very busy and ( only this evening ) very tired director of a beautiful felt museum were we do workshops with children and adults and we work a lot with disabled people and blind / low sight people?

    Well , I can hope…

  213. Amy Woodhouse says:

    Wow – thanks for the opportunity to win a CK bag. I too have been eyeing up the sale, but haven’t persuaded myself (or my husband!) that I can justify buying one of these fabulous bags. Love the fact they’re wipeable – sticky little hands really do get everywhere 😉

  214. Laura S says:

    I have to win this because as yet I don’t own any Cath Kidston stuff (I would love to own some though) and the stuff that you have picked up is absolutely gorgeous and just making me drool. The bag would be perfect because it’s big and roomy (just like I always carry as I literally carry everything with me) and it’s so pretty and colourful and it would just have me smiling constantly. Ohh and the buttons could be used perfectly to customise some old cardis and bring them back to life.

  215. Catherine Warburton says:

    I’d love to win this for a beautiful neice in New York, love her to bits!

  216. Christine Ross says:

    Thankyou Corrie for such an amazing giveaway! I am a sahm to 7 kids, so I know what you mean about things being dragged around lol! I do not have any nice crafting bags at all, usually a supermarket plastic bag is what is used around here!!
    I also love anything from the UK! I would love to win this!

  217. Michelle Bosomworth says:

    I love Cath Kidston designs, the bags are amazing and I would love to win one

  218. I would love to win this gorgeous bag! One of my hobbies is sewing and l adore flowers too! This bag would go everywhere with me which means great advertising for us both! Great with any outfit – I would be delighted if I won.

  219. Emma Holness says:

    I’d love to win this as I’m learning to sew and need somewhere to keep my sewing. I also love the buttons and could use them in my next project.

  220. Because I really need a new summer bag and I love Cath Kidston!

  221. I would love to win this because it is beautiful & colorful. The buttons are lovely.

  222. sheryl anderson says:

    I would love to win this bag because i’m due a baby in the next few weeks and this would make a lovely nappy bag. my sister is Cath Kidston daft and already has a few item, i would love to make her jealous

  223. I am such a big fan and would love this prize.

  224. Ooh! What a great motivation to finish all my unfinished projects.

  225. Faye Huntington says:

    Ohh I absolutely have to win this because it’s my mum’s birthday in two months from now and because I am young and cannot find employment right now I don’t see how I’m going to be able to buy her anything wonderful this year! This would be an absolute dream come true (for us both!) :) With love, Faye xx

  226. It would be great if I won, because I’d give the bag away to a very dear friend of mine who is a BIG CathKidstone admirer and who really deserves a little encouragement at the moment. This bag would really make her day!

  227. Anne Bostwick says:

    I am very old-fashioned and love all the old crafts, knitting, sewing, crochet etc.. Cath Kidston is, of course, a huge inspiration for me. Winning this beautiful bag would be beyond my wildest dreams.

  228. Oh Corrie, you do challenge me to see the difference between ‘need’ and ‘want’! I probably don’t ‘need’ this prize. I do have a bag: it’s blue. I do have some buttons: they are mostly white. I have quite a few pins: in a tiny plastic tin.. I even have a measuring tape: it has a few nicks in it from when my husband got a little over-eager. So, , on a needs basis, I don’t ‘have’ to win it at all. But it’s cold, I’m tired, struggling to get over a throat infection and conjunctivitis (I thought only babies got conjunctivitis!) and if I can’t get to summer, then maybe a little bit of summer could come to me. I should like that very much. Yes Corrie, I ‘want’ this prize.

  229. Helen Broddle says:

    Wow what a lovely prize! Would love to win this for my daughter we are both Cath Kidston mad but she needs a bit more cheering up than me so would be absolutley perfect!

  230. This is perfect timing for me. My first granddaughter was born this spring…and I am itching to sew for her. This is a fabulous giveaway.

  231. Laura Harris says:

    Oh how disorganised I can be,
    With stuff everywhere, my husband despairs of me,
    So please help me keep my projects tidy and neat,
    With this Cath Kidston bag,
    And goodies so sweet!

  232. Hi!!! It’s just the bag i” need” to bring my crafts projects to the beach!!!!thank you for this awesome giveaway!!

  233. I’d like to win it because it is so cute!

  234. Oh my Cath Kidston! I’m a huge fan of the brand and crafting; perfect match much? I haven’t got any ‘special reason’ like others: no first granddaughters born or grandmothers to thank, but I would love to enter anyway, for my crafty self, teehee!
    xxx Phoebe

  235. liveseygirl says:

    Hi I would love to win this. I would use it as my new changing bag when baby 3 arrives xx

  236. FionaLynne Edwards says:

    Hi Corrie! I love your blog and would love to win this. Me and my daughter are mad on the Cath Kidston designs – we’ve been exploring the origins and love the 1950s designs she’s built her fab business on. Wed love to do something similar – a real family business so this would be a fab incentive.

  237. I am not a purse gal by any means, but this bag is gorgeous! Perfect summet on-the-go bag:) thank you!

  238. I would be happy to win this wonderful bag. It’s really summer bag. I’s elegant and practical at the same time and it’s so delicate. My bag is also practical and high-quality, but it’s officially black. I bought new bags for my daughters, made new carrier-bag for my husband, but as usually there are a lot of things more important
    for my family than a new bag for me :(
    Thank you

  239. Oh Corrie, I need (want 😉 ) to win this bag and goodies because even though I live in the land of Cath! I do not have one of these scrumptious bags. It would be perfect to start my new job in September (and my little bean would love to pinch it!)

  240. DANIELLE says:

    I would love to win as I acually dont own a Kath Kidston bag. My 12 year old cousin does and I am really jealous of it! I did get one that looks like it off ebay but it wasnt a real one! I am a keen crafter so the buttons and pins would come in handy too! xoxo

  241. Some days at work I am lucky brought to squeeze in some sewing in my lunch hour. This would be a beautiful way to take my projects with me!

  242. Tina Lawton says:

    It would be like an early Christmas if I were to win this! Its beautiful, and so many wonderful goodies! :)

  243. bubblybee says:

    I love Cath Kidston. Just got my first one a few weeks ago, would love to add to my collection. Thank you for doing this!

  244. Andrea Easton says:

    Yes please :) dragging myself off to uni with my current snot stained sack is no fun :( this bag would brighten my day and make uni easier to get through and get home to my kiddies :)

  245. Melissa says:

    Oh Corrie! Seeing this bag and all it’s gorgeous goodies inside makes my heart beat faster!!! Having the opportunity to enter your competition to win these wonderful floral beauties makes me jump with joy! The bag would become my nappy bag or perhaps my knitting and quilting bag and those buttons would be on something I’d knit for Little Miss I’ve Just Turned One! Thanks for the chance xx

  246. jennifer riley says:

    Hi Corrie,
    Well, I think I need this bag because my potty training 3 year old son just pooped on my only tote…that same tote that carts his extra clothing, wipes, snacks, toys, my wallet, etc., etc. all about the town in as fashionable a state as I can muster. You may ask yourself how he pooped on it, and I would answer that it’s always a mistake to put it on the ground next to the potty while he’s trying to fight me for toilet paper and flush, “all on his own.” Cue giggles from his older sister, and mummy’s shrieks. Cheers. Always love your posts. Cath Kidston is a favorite. I think we must have been born under the same design star —

  247. Nicola Byrne says:

    Oh my goodness…,have been drooling over a bag like this for ages!!,I have to win it as I’m officially terrible at treating myself to anything!the kids always come first and with an overseas move in a few weeks money is tight. Pregnant with baby 3 and this gorgeous gift would help to ease some of my relentless sickness!!,please please please!!!!

  248. Cathy M says:

    You see a bag of beautiful things: I see a bag of beautiful possibilities. A ‘lil something for my mum, a’lil something for my sister, a ‘lil something for my friend. Distributed to the 4 corners of the earth to tie us together though geography separates us.

  249. Melinda says:

    Fabulous giveaway! I am a huge ‘Cath’ fan and I should be the one to win it because those buttons make me want to immediately pull out my sewing machine and whip up a cute summer blouse for my daughter, just so that I can admire the beautiful buttons fastening it.

  250. clair n says:

    A girl can never have enough bags, especially pretty ones. To have one of Cath’s bags is like having a little bit of sunshine and I sooo want that book. With a house full of boys its nice to have some gorgeous florals around.

  251. What a totally gorgeous bag. I would love to win it because it’s the perfect size to take to church and it would match anything I happen to throw on last minute. I don’t have to stress about the little ones leaving their food smudges all over the outside of it as I would probably, most likely be clutching it like a little baby in my lap the entire time.

  252. Michelle says:

    I would love to win this beauitful bag. So I can take my sewing around with me . And I can put my daughters diabetic kits in it

  253. Hi Corrie

    I am just salivating looking at the goodies you are so generously giving away. I wonder if you do as I do- buyone more set so that I can keep it and give one away.
    Why should I win it? Other than the fact that this would be the first time that I would win any giveaway, no particular reason.
    I love the book and would use it to make gifts. The pins, measure and buttons would be put to good use in the projects from the book. The bag would come with me everywhere.

    God bless youand yours for your generosity!

    Warm regards

  254. Vicky Blyde says:

    I HAVE to win this, mostly because it’s an utterly gorgeous prize: I love the floral print and it’d be ever so practical as well – I’m just a few weeks away from becoming a mummy for the first time! And also, I love the contents, I am a self confessed craft-a-holic and about to get back into sewing, and am in dire need of some cute sewing accessories!

  255. Wow – that’s a bag with style! The buttons are beautiful and I love the heart shaped pin tin (wouldn’t that look great displayed on a little shelf!). My little ones would love to bring the bag into the house via the driveway! Corrie you are very generous (I hope you picked up a bag filled with goodies for yourself too!).

  256. The closest I get to owning something with a designer label is if I pronounce my Target red light specials as “Tar-jay” to make them sound fancy :) This bag looks gorgeous & I would even share the lovely goodies inside with my sister who is the quilt maker in our family.

  257. barbara n says:

    I absolutely HAVE to win….the bag is awesome and the goodies inside are amazing!

  258. Maureen says:

    The bag and contents would be the perfect present for a lifelong friend of mine who I see once every few years, as we live so far apart, me in Melbourne, Heather in Perth. She is a Cath Kidson fan, an anglophile and a loving crafty mother of three and grandmother of four. It would be a way of reminding her that I think of her always and value our friendship although we are so far apart. Every time she used the beautiful bag and goodies she might also think of me!

  259. Naomi Jackson says:

    I have woken to a cold morning in Perth, WA and would love alittle summer to brighten my day!! Living in a house full of menfolk my life can get alittle grey a splash of ‘girly’ reminds me I am a woman and deserve to look like one!!
    Plus I just really like it!!!

  260. I don’t get to go out very often but would love to use this gorgeous bag when I do instead of my everyday black one:)

  261. OMGoodness how gorgeous is that bag. It’s funny I love handbags and big ones at that as I have 3 munchkins so I don’t only have all mummy’s stuff in it but I always end up carry toys etc along the way as well. But it just occurred to me that all my handbags are brown, beige and black. Wouldn’t this just brighten up your day out. Thanks for the chance to win Corrie!!

  262. Tracylee Murtagh says:

    I would love to win this prize, full of all the things I love. It’s a lovely prize pack, Thank you Corrie :) I am new to your blog, and really enjoying the read. I have four children that keep me busy, I take my hat off to you and your five! Cheers, TL

  263. Hi Corrie,
    I am sitting by the window sewing and it is a clear,sunny, winters day. However it is cold, so cold! Seeing the beautiful flowers on that bag I am reminded me of the glorious warmer spring days that are some time off ….
    Oh yes, I would love that gift.
    Sue (Looking forward to warmer days Sue)

  264. Rebecca says:

    I am knitting a floppy beanie in a Jo Sharp pattern for my daughter, who is going to England with her choir in December. This bag would be a great knitting bag to take my project in when I am going out.

  265. Narelle Rock says:

    This would be the absolute perfect gift for my Mum for her birthday later this year.

  266. Jennifer Chai says:

    Wow! Such a lovely giveaway. It will surely look good on my mom. Thanks for the chance.

  267. Marcia Coventry says:

    My thirteen year old daughter has started studying textiles at high school this semester. She’s completely smitten and I can’t think of a more beautiful way to encourage her creativity.

  268. Thanks for the generous giveaway. The bag would be a wonderful replacement to our baby bag and would hopefully distract people away from the crying children! I just borrowed ‘Stitch’ from the library and enjoyed it so ‘Patch’ seems like another good read too.

  269. I would love to win that loot of fabulous goodies, especially the little quilt book. A beautiful feminine bag would be lovely to show off :) Thanks for the opportunity. Cheers

  270. Ohh how I would love to win this giveaway. My husband, 4 children and I have just moved 1300km away from all our friends and family. The shopping in our new town is less that dismal and I am in desperate need for a pick me up. Oh and I love love love Cath Kidston products. Just gorgeous xo

  271. Nicole Hazledine says:

    Wow, it’s gorgeous. My mum is carer for my Dad and she has just started knitting again. This would be perfect for her to keep her craft/knitting goodies and take it with her whilst sitting is waiting rooms for appointments. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  272. This bag has style and grace,
    A beautiful texture and face,
    Stylish and elegant,
    Will make me look nothing less than glamorous.

  273. Such a beautiful and elegant design! My current handbag has just recently decided that it is too old (and too small) to carry all my belongings, tearing down one edge and the zip is bust! Good replacements (of a good quality) are hard to find, but such a bag is necessary with my piles upon piles of live-in-the-bag belongings! In my belonging, a Cath Kidston handbag would be given the ultimate durability test!

  274. Oh I did laugh at Nicola Barker’s entry above and funnily enough only half an hour ago I also emptied out my bag, which I had picked up for a couple of dollars at the Salvos (JAG, mind you!!) Crazy- but like Nicola I also found a urine sample pot ( empty, ha ha!!) and various small snacks, enough pens to write an essay and who knows what else!! ANYWAY……… I have a cath Kidson diary as I love her designs. I do not and cannot and probably never will learn how to quilt but I have a very nice friend who has now has to use a wheelchair to get around. She is quilting freak and I’d love to surprise her with it. Wow, the bag is gorgeous, as are you for thinking of your readers and sharing it with us. Isn’t it funny to think, it could be a roll of toilet paper wrapped in Cath Kidson design and I’d buy it!!!?

  275. WOW what a wonderful give away Corrie, Ohhhh I must have this bag, my nick name with some of my friends is “bag lady”, I love bags, shoes, accessories, this bag will be a great accessory for summer. PLUS lots of yummy goodness inside as well..

  276. Kelly Ryan says:

    The gorgeous Cath Kidston bag will make the perfect craft bag for me, now that my baby is letting me indulge again!

  277. bende kazanmak isterim ama nasıl olacak bilmiyorum.ben istanbul dan

  278. Why do I NEED to win this set – because I am a Cath Kidston-oholic! I covet all her beautiful patterns and as money permits I indulge in her accessories to brighten my day. I actually bought a Cath Kidston iphone cover before I bought my phone so I knew it could go on as soon as it arrived lol. I have 4 of her gorgeous mugs for my morning coffee(s) and the idea of a bag is just heavenly – and the sewing stuff inside makes my heart sing too 😉

  279. Sonja Clarke says:

    Have always wanted to order one of these but alway just miss the sale or can not justify the purchase as there are always other more important purchases required. Do love your extras, you have the most amazing giveaways.

  280. Best giveaway prize! Anything Cath Kidston is very hard to find in New Zealand and I love her fabrics so much, especially the ones with roses. Also I heard her interview on Desert Island Discs (google it if you haven’t heard it) and she was so sweet and inspiring, thank you for sharing and opening this one up to international!

  281. Rahni Newsome says:

    I don’t want to win this for me, I want to win this for my little girl. She will be 21 in a couple of weeks and she is mad about all things retro – plus she loves Cath Kidston.

  282. Kylie Bowers says:

    Oh wow this is beautiful and for a crocheter and a mother I could find many uses for this :)
    I’m from Melbourne Victoria

  283. daniela barbaro says:

    all my crafts would look so stylish and when i go to my quilting classes i can brag about my accessories

  284. Karen.E says:

    I’m in LOVE I would have to use this as a nappy bag I think it is perfect to carry little miss 17 weeks old baby girls things around!!
    Thanks so much way to kind xx

  285. My last hand bag was a Vera Bradley, which I brought off ebay after reading one of your blog posts. That was years ago and now my bag is well worn and needing a replacement but I just can’t do the normal brown or black handbags that you see in the stores. I would be a forever fan if I was to win this bag and greatful for the gift.

  286. What a stunning & a must have bag. I need to win it because I simply want it. Most of my bags are looking very old and dishevelled and none are as pretty as this. I would be the talk of the town when I strut around in my new Cath Kidston bag. Not to mention all the lovelies inside, how very special and extremely generous of you…… Gail

  287. Siobhan says:

    *Sigh* Oh, how beautiful is this bag! Oh, and the goodies inside are so pretty! As a mother of 3 boys, I am forever running them to activities, and trying to shove whatever my latest project is into a green recycling bag, or a plastic bag, or their sports bags…or whatever I can get my hands on in a hurry! I would love to actually have a beautiful bag (my favourite colours too!) to put MY gear into, so it doesn’t get wet or stinky from swimming towels, stinky shin guards, and breakdancing beanies! And I would probably donate the crafty bits and bobs to my mother in law, as she is so wonderful to us, it would be fantastic to share something so beautiful with her & see what lovlies she can create!!!

  288. Rachael says:

    What a beautiful giveaway! I love your blog, and am also attempting some retro mummy-ing to my 18 month old daughter. I’m a very amateur sewer, quilter and knitter and have never owned any Cath Kidston items but I’d LOVE to! Please pick me :)

  289. What a lovely give away! Thank you for the opportunity to win this :)
    I can’t remember ever winning anything, so this would be such a beautiful ‘first win’!

  290. I would LOVE some Cath Kidston goodness- I have been eyeing off her stuff for ages but never took the plunge to buy. I live in a house with my husband and two little boys and I would love a little girlie floral life in my life! The bag looks divine and the accessories will go nicely on a little crochet/memory keeping project around here:)

  291. I would love this as I am only sporting a nappy bag these days. It would be a perfect size for my knitting.

    Your giveaways rock by the way especially ones open to everyone.

  292. hannah oneill says:

    Because my mum loves Cath Kidston!

  293. Lorna M says:

    That’s an absolutely gorgeous Cath Kidston bag, it’ll be the perfect summer tote. Bright floral and cheery, how could I feel down with a happy tote like this. The extras will look so good on my workbench and needless to say, the cute buttons will spruce up my old cardi. Love, love, loving this prize :)

  294. Why? Cos I so need a Cath Kidson pickmeup, make me feel special, not that I am more worthy than anyone else Corrie but just beacause it’s adorable and I’d love to win. X

  295. Charmaine says:

    Oh My Goodness!!!! Just looking at that picture of Cath Kidston yumminess makes me go all goey inside…. It is just pure heaven. Bit like coffee & chocolate really (without the calories) :) It would be just divine to win this piece & everything it holds, it would inspire me to get back into quilting & have some me time again. I think I would sit on the couch & just pat my bag for the first few hours (hehe) It would certainly put a smile on my face that’s for sure. Thank you Corrie – it certainly made me smile today that’s for sure. :)

  296. Nicola James says:

    It is so bright and fresh, with the added bonus of being so practical, and I really, really want it!

  297. Kayscha says:

    I think I should win just because I adore Cath Kidston things more than anything else! I’ve been known to “use up” British pounds at her store at Heathrow . Using them up has meant a sneaky trip to the bathroom via the ATM!!

  298. Nimelda says:

    This bag would be perfect combined birthday AND cheer up present for my darling friend Johanna. She is so wonderful friend, though she is very busy mom of two and a conscientious teacher,she helps me with my garden (we just bought a house and i have very poor gardenin skills). This bag is SO her style, I would love to make her smile by giving her this bag.

  299. Felicity says:

    Hi Corrie, I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, but this is my first comment (actually on any blog, ever)! I would love to win the Cath Kidson bag, I adore her prints and the pins and buttons are too cute. I am on maternity leave with my first baby and went to Spotlight just last week to buy some fabric to complete a few craft ideas. I looked at the quilting books, and would love to make a quilt, but was a little overwhelmed, so left empty handed. I need to go back over your past posts to get some more inspiration and confidence up for my next trip. Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway.

  300. Corrie, I would love to win this gorgeous bag filled with goodies. Yours such an inspiration and I’d be so proud to tell everyone where I got the bag from. Plus I’m only starting out my crafting/creative adventures and these little bits would certainly help with my creative side. Thanks so much for doing such a wonderful giveaway.. Picking a winner will be hard! :-) xo

  301. Lesleigh S says:

    I just have to win this gorgeous bag and goodies because they are beautiful.

  302. Hi Corrie! I’d like to give is my mother, she will have tomorrow his fourth hip replacement surgery. Yes, fourth, she had two on right leg in one week, and she will have her next one (againin one week) tomorrow. Both of the prosthesis jumped out in the hospital. She is very afraid and disappointed it can happened twice to her. So I would give this bag her! Thanks! Noemi

  303. I Have dedicated my life to stalking…oh wait…I mean trying hard to capture George Clooney’s attention. Now for some odd reason this quest has been a lot harder then first thought. Wouldnt you think that he would have answered at least one of my 5000 daily emails?? So…I need to be prepared as any day our paths might cross and when they do i need to be noticeable. Dont you think that anywhere i might go with a Cath Kidston Bag that i would always be noticed? Of course I would. So not only do i want this wonderful Cath Kidston Beauty but I need it. My future hinges on it. Please Help!!!!

  304. Because I used to live in London where I met my husband and since moving back to Australia and having 4 kids we can’t afford to pop back over so this would be the next best thing as I used to visit the Cath Kidson store whenever I used to go into Oxford Street. Oh how I miss my London life!!!

  305. Oh my goodness this is the most awesome giveaway ever!

    I would totally love to win this because most of my crafting purchases are for other people as gifts and I rarely get to purchase for myself. I think I deserve a treat :)

  306. Nothing would look sweeter sitting in the basket on my bicycle! And being wipeable, I wouldn’t have to worry about it getting dirty sitting there!

  307. Paula Watkins says:

    I have lusted over Cath Kidston items since I was living in the UK, to own that AMAZING bag would just be a nice way to remember my time there.

  308. Mick Gillies says:

    Such a beautifil item and pardon my naivety but this is the first time ive heard of Cath Kidston but looks like its not to be the last 😉

  309. Tracy Boulter says:

    The bag is gorgeous and so versatile being able to wipe it up, great when trendy can also be practical.

  310. It’s my birthday, 47! today,
    so I’d love a bundle of Cath Kidston to come my way,
    The bag is so pretty, the contents a treat,
    as a final birthday gift, that would be sooooo sweet!

  311. Sarah Flanagan says:

    I am IN LOVE with that bag! <3

  312. What a lovely and generous giveaway! Thank you :) I discovered Cath Kidston when living in Tokyo, where it was very popular. There was a beautiful shop of her stuff in an area with a lot of great baby shops so, although I loved and wanted everything in the CK shop, I ended up spending my money on baby things instead!! I have always wanted one of her bags though – they’re so happy and girly :)

  313. Deborah says:

    You are so generous. I would love to win this because i live in a part of the world where i could never buy anything like this and it would brighten up my days :)

  314. Ohhh… I have to win it becuse it is gorgeous, and I would very much love to have it, as I wouldn’t be able to buy one for myelf :-)
    Thanks for the chance, I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  315. shane weir says:

    I just have to win it because all my bags are a boring black.

  316. Claire Gardner says:

    I have a little girl who is busting to learn to sew and knit after watching both myself and my mother. I’m thinking this could be our little craft nag together, divinely girly!

  317. Rebecca Ravenhill says:

    I would love to win because I always put my kids first for new things and I always forget about myself, so and new bag and and the little extras would be such a treat.

  318. Sallyann Silver says:

    A bag like this would be sure to brighten any day and the buttons are to die for! Also, it isn’t my daughters taste, so I think this would be one bag I could actually keep all to myself!

  319. Gosh where would I start…. I don’t know that I deserve to win anymore than anyone else,
    I love and have loved Cath Kidston for ages and would love to be able to fit it into my budget so to win a little something would be very special and most importantly very well loved x

  320. kerry santillo says:

    My husband said can you give it to me so I can stop annoying him how hot this giveaway is !!!!

  321. Mary Val says:

    I would be stylin’ with this bag on my shoulder, no doubt about it. I would be almost unrecognizable. I could really use the fashion update, lol. Thanks for the giveaway!

  322. Graham Buckingham says:

    These bags are very spacious and look brilliant, I would love to win one for my partner who has given my six children and seven wonderful years of her life.

  323. Emily Jayne Phipps says:

    Great prize! Well… I’m due our first baby in 1 1/2 weeks!! So i have started sewing very recently, to make curtains/a nappy stacker/ crib bags for my soon to be son… and found a bit of a passion for it, and it turn, found a love for Cath Kidston design and colour. I love her work with all the attention to detail, and would love to try and start making similar things to her, particularly, when my husband had gone back to work after our baby is born, and as well as being a Mummy, I can improve my sewing skills too! Wonderful prize!

  324. Margaret Hollis says:

    would love to win this,s have a niece and friend having 30t birthdays this year, so would be a great gift for one of them,as they both have one year old girls

  325. Justine says:

    I am dying to change my bag. Its getting old, ripped, and shaggy looking! I couldn’t find anything suitable until I saw these pictures…..perfection max!! Also I could see me taking this along as part of my hospital bag in September!! Delightful!

  326. What a lovely assortment of goodies!!
    I would love to win these to give to my lovely Mum who is a lover of Cath Kidston but has not yet managed to aquire herself one of her beautiful bags. Im sure it would bring a huge smile to her face and give her a treasured bag to store her current crochet projects in.

  327. Jantine Urban-Hamming says:

    Guess I don’t have a very special reason except it would brighten my everyday life which I wohld love. And that quilt in the book tickels me to start a new quilt…

  328. Liz Tierney says:

    I have to win this (and I hate to say that) but I really do, I LOVE Cath Kidson! but at the moment I am in the mids of paying off my Wedding which is in August along with updating 4 children’s worth of wardrobes and bills bills bills (like everyone else) So I dont have 2 spare pennies to rub together to get anything pretty for myself :( If I won I wouldn’t be able to take something for nothing I would happily write a review on your blog and share that with Facebook & Twitter, I neeeeed this 😀 xx

  329. Ryan Antony says:

    My wife would love this and love me for winning it!

  330. Hi Corrie,
    After seeing this gorgeous bag on offer I couldn’t resist checking out the Cath Kidston online site because I haven’t come across this brand before now. I have ordered myself a Wild Strawberry Day Bag! Looks divine. I would love to give the bag on offer to my beautiful sister-in-law – the colours are right up her alley. Thanks for your blog, Corrie, I am a new reader and really enjoying it. PS. I’m not sure my husband is as keen because my spending has increased since I started reading it 😉

  331. I’d love to win it as nothing like this will come to Sri Lanka for years and years! its so pretty and summery and the goodies inside it are fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

  332. Jennie D says:

    It’s kitsch and big enough for all my kit.
    Easy to clean and flowery like me.

  333. Janet Dring says:

    I would love to win this bag. I’ve been a good girl 😉

  334. Cathy Bowdler says:

    The Cath Kidston bag is lovely and very girly, my Mum would love this bag, she’s a quilter and always carries sewing bits and pieces with her.

  335. What a gorgeous giveaway! Like so many others here, I absolutely adore all things Kath Kidston and all of that delicious crafty goodness would be put to very good use in my little sewing room!! The bag is heavenly and would house many practical things for my littlies (as well as Mummy’s crocheting!) How very sweet of you to share your lovely Kath Kidston goodies with us!! xxx

  336. Oh my gosh I so need this! I love Cath Kidston but it’s so hard to get in Aussie.

  337. jody buhagiar says:

    I would just like some special things to call my own. They are are lovely.

  338. Gloria P. says:

    I would love to win this giveaway because a gorgeous bag and goodies like that would make my day! Love that shabby floral print.

  339. Dianne Gale says:

    I have to win this because I have the SHOES TO MATCH !!!!! ok I lied. I don’t have the shoes to match, but I love the bag and bit so much that I am willing to lie to win it….AND if I do win it, I can buy the SHOES TO MATCH !!!!!

  340. I have to win it because my daughter just took over the purse I just bought for myself. I am recently retired and the grandmother to a new grand daughter. I also moved 2400 miles from where I had been living and moved in with them to help with baby, etc. This would be the icing on the cake.

  341. I have to win because I have discovered that brand right now and now I feel that my life would be incomplete without those beautiful items. Thank you for the giveaway.

  342. Lori Smanski says:

    Oh what a lovely give a way. Thank you so much for thinking of all of us.
    I would love to win. My purses are all ready to hit the trash bin. LOL I look like a pauper when going to church or to the store. I adore pink and a zipper on top is perfect.

  343. Lebec Egirl Sews says:

    Now this is a bag worth winning … what an awesome bag! If I won this bag I would be showing everyone because I myself can not keep my eyes off of it! Love, Love, Love the bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  344. Marsha Cassetty says:

    Awsome bag!!! I hate shopping for bags, never can make up my mind on what size, what color,a bright orange, no red, no white, oh well lets just get black goes with everything in my closet and how many zippers do you really need. I finally gave up and I would tell myself, well maybe later I’ll look for one not in the mood right now.
    But this bag is soooooo gorgeous! I would love to have it.

  345. How beautiful! I would love to win this so I could donate it to the Dandelion Support Network Facebook auction.

  346. Because I like cath kidston :)

  347. I have to win it because I have NO other bags except for my school bag lol (I’m really quite picky about bags…) there I’ve said it:p thanks for the chance!:)

  348. Charlotte Ingham says:

    I’d like to win because that bag is absolutely gorgeous and would look so nice on my arm this summery time of year! :)

  349. Sandra Parsons says:

    What a lovely and generous giveaway. Just looking at those lovely summery items makes me feel a little bit warmer, which is good, because it is freezing cold here ” Down Under” right now!!!

  350. MONICA REYES says:

    Hola! Primero muchísimas gracias por estar ofreciendo este hermoso regalo! Yo vio en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y hace bastante que sigo tus publicaciones. Espero que puedas entender mi mensaje, ya que me encantaría ganar esas hermosas cosas que por acá no hay… la verdad es un placer ver todas las cosas lindas que hacés y nuevamente, muchas gracias por tu buena onda!!!!

  351. I have to win beacause….
    I am in love with the bag and who wouldn’t want to win it !!! its perfect for a summers day and would fit everything in it

  352. Tracy Waldock Newton says:

    I don’t deserve this bag any more than anybody else. I just really like it.

  353. Christine Dodd says:

    Perfect for keeping my current knitting project in – I can carry it around with me for when I get a quiet moment.

  354. I just LOVE Cath Kidston!! She has the sweetest bags and crafty stuff…and everything else in the shop isn’t bad either! There’s a Cath Kidston outlet shop 40 minutes away from my house and whenever I’m around the area or passing by, I have to stop to see what’s new…my extended family has gotten Cath Kidston’s “decorated kitchens” by now with all the presents they’ve been getting over the years from me and last year one of my dearest cousins gave me Cath Kidston’s book “Sew” in Portuguese for my birthday (I already had it in English) and I kept it anyway because it was slightly different 😉 Love, love, love!

  355. Heartsdesire says:

    Oh how I would love to win me some Cath Kidston goodies. We don’t have her shops here in Canada, but I just love all her vintage-looking fabrics, and that bag would be very handy. So generous of you, Corrie. I could use those sweet little buttons on a lovely baby sweater.

  356. I desperately need some new pins, so these Cath Kidson ones would be awesome, the bad would be very useful too.
    Thanks for an great giveaway.

  357. Corrie great giveaway!, i wold absolutly love this giveway as i have just got into sewing however my budget is very tiny as i’m getting married at the end of the year and every spare cent is going towards the wedding! With the quilt book i could make my bridesmaids cute little quilts to say thank you for being a bridesmaid. also i have vut back on anything and everything for myself at the moment due to the wedding so a cute new bag would hold me back from spending!

  358. Ellen M. says:

    Sigh….! So pretty!! I think I should win because my birthday is on the 23rd (I won’t say which one!) and this would really brighten my day! First time on your blog – looking forward to following!

  359. WildKat says:

    Corrie – you are very generous offering such a gorgeous giveaway. I would love to win because the gifts inside would be going straight to my craft stash and be made into something special and I would go to town (an hour’s drive away) with that beautiful bag on my arm and a smile on my face. It’s a happy bag!!

  360. Kathryn says:

    I’m expecting my first little bundle of joy, She will be born in August! I’m currently using my 3 year old Tony Bianco that has just about had it! I haven’t been able to find one I like at the shops and its now to late to go trekking around the shops as I feel like a whale! I am in love with this bag!

    Keep it all coming Retro mummy! Love your stuff x

  361. Theresa Stanley says:

    I need to win this be I live in a desert – a very hot desert ( Sonorsn) and you can’t grow flowers like this! I miss flowers so much…we just drove to Ohio to see our parents 4500 miles RT, and we just were amazed at the greenery and the flowers. This ensemble would be perfect to remind me of the beautiful flowers and colors of summer!

  362. I’d have to jump in a taxi and come and kiss your feet if I won this. I’m currently staring at my 14 month olds Cowboy change bag and wondering just how he ever ended up being trendier than me!

  363. I have to win this or I will go on a baby kicking spree (I wouldn’t really, but the threat sounds good huh?)

  364. Barbara Fehmel says:

    What a beautiful bag for all my bits and pieces, BUT good enough to take anywhere.

  365. I need to win this because I will so so SO appreciate it! I love Cath Kidson, I love sewing, I love flowers, I love bags, I love pins! and I love retromummy, so pick me!!!

  366. I would love to win this as its the prettiest bag I’ve ever seen & I feel like I really need some prettying up lately :)

  367. Hi retro mummy,
    I would love to win this bag so I could store all of my quilting material. I’m a self taught patch worker and after starting at 18 years old I have put my current projects on hold. I’m now home with my 16 month old Isaiah I would love to start up again (well as best you can with a 16mo) and this might just be the inspiration I need.


    Love lots,

  368. An absolutely generous giveaway! A beautiful, pretty bag would brighten up anyones day! I have been a Cath Kidston fan for years and have been lucky enough to visit one of her fab shops in London were you get such a buzz from all her lovely designs, colours and patterns…. they are such a breath of fresh air…….I often wear just block colours and mix up my outfits with different colour and patterns bags and scarves, so I would be delighted to add this lovely bag to my collection!!!

  369. Es precioso!!! Me encantaria participar en el sorteo, a ver si hay suerte.
    Muchas gracias!!!

  370. angela sandhu says:

    My mum would love this to add all her knitting bits and bobs-and look stylish at the same time!!

  371. Lauren A says:

    I need a pretty hold-all for my gewgaws and my folderols.

  372. Leanne Hawkins says:

    Oh Corrie what a gorgeous giveaway. I have to have it because my knitting would look so beautiful in there instead of the plastic shopping bag it is currently in and I am sure it would make me look lovely too. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  373. Michelle Span says:

    I am inlove with this bag itlooks amazing.. My mother in love would just love this bah for her quiet trips to the market. She is a woman who deserves a bag like this. It would be treasured by her.. xx

  374. michelle says:

    There once a mummy to three
    That lacked in a few things for “me”
    She found great giveaway
    CATH KIDSON what more can we say
    OH please, please pick me

    Love the bag, great give away, the reason… it is SOOOO pretty.

  375. Fion a Cork says:

    i would LOVE to win this for my 12 year old daughter. She’s a “retro girl” who loves to sew and knit and absolutely loves Cath Kidson. She could show her style at the next sleepover she is invited to!

  376. phillippa lee says:

    I would love to win this – It would totally re inspire my creativity. Just looking at the images makes me want to make a summery apron – go into the kitchen and cook a wonderful Chocolate cake covered with rasberrys and dried rose petals. I will then carry the cake down to the river side in the lovely bag to share with my freinds.

  377. colleen mct says:

    please help a desperate student out, this would be the perfect present for my mum on her birthday. She’s a huge cath kidston fan and I know she would love this :)

  378. What a wonderful giveaway – thank you so much! When I was honeymooning in Edinburgh, I told my husband that we MUST go to the Cath Kidston store while we were there – and it was bliss. I really wish we had a store close by, but winning this giveaway would be a lovely way to tide me over until we can get back to the UK for our 10 year anniversary. :)

    I’m already dreaming about what I could do with those buttons – and that bag? Gorgeous.

  379. Because I finally get to graduate from having to carry around a nappy bag to carrying a REAL bag. For once it’s all about me! This bag (and the goodies) even have my name written on them “CATH”. It’s destiny!

  380. Natasha Edwards says:

    Oh how divine! I would LOVE this, I’m about to venture back into the life of nappy bags. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with our 4th baby; a younger sibling for my 3 boys: 9 year old Leroy, 5 year old Isaac and 16 month old Oliver. It will be the first time I’ll have 2 babes in nappies so will need a bigger bag, and this one is so pretty and girly! Wonder if I’ll finally get my girl? 😉 Thanks Corrie xx

  381. This is just gorgeous. Please pick me, I need to win to give me something girly. I live in a house with all boys and need to be girl – i – fied sometimes in my world of trucks, trains and tractors :))))) Love it, love it, love it :)

  382. christine says:

    what a gorgeous bag and giveaway you are so generous. I would love to win to put all my bits pieces in.

  383. i must be the winner because after 2 years on my “to do” list, i still havent gotten around to making myself a new bag! thanks for a chance. so sweet!

  384. Not only do I love Cath Kidston’s fabulous products which evoke the 1950s idyl of domestic life but this woman is an absolute inspiration to me. Not only did she battle cancer in her 30s but she built up a very successful international business starting with absolutely nothing. She was driven by the desire to be financially independent and not have to share the same hard life her mother experienced. I need to have some of that same chutzpah in my life right now and owning some of her products would keep me focussed on just doing that. Thanks for the great giveaway. Such beautiful products with great meaning.

  385. what a beautiful bag! and the goodies inside! so gorgeous! I would love to be able to store my ‘on the go’ projects n the bag to take with me instead of the tatty recyclable shopping bags I grab as I run out the door! thanks for the opportunity xx

  386. Melanie Moore says:

    Hi Corrie!
    Oh my! I have to win this giveaway please as I was just seen scooping yarn, scissors and my beloved clover pom pom maker up off the footpath outside the shopping centre – the horror!
    … my current/previous bag for all seasons, was lovely and orange, but is now sadly dead.

  387. Jennifer Dunne says:

    I would love to win this bag. With two young kids often our fashion sense and sense if identity gets lost. A beautiful bag like this would be a lovely fashion statement for this busy overworked mum. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  388. Wow, what a gorgeous bundle of goodies. It’s so generous of you to offer these to one of your lucky readers. I would love to win to get some gorgeous new craft supplies. I’ve had to seriously cut back since i’ve had my girls (my oldest will be 5 in a few months) in order to be able to stay at home with them while my husband works. I just keep reminding myself that once they’re both at school and i’m back at work i’ll be able to have lots of lovely new crafty goodies. Being able to be at home with them until they start school is a blessing, even if it means having to make some sacrifices.

  389. Viki Buckle says:

    Hi Corrie , I would love to win this gorgeous bag & goodies.
    The bag would be perfect for my daughter who is a young
    Mum of six beautiful busy energetic children & l could see
    myself making some lovely things with the children . It is a
    very generous prize l don’t envey you choosing a winner. I hope
    The appointment with your daughter goes well .

  390. Bianca Field says:

    I “HAVE” to win this, it would make my daughters day! She is such a cute little (well 13y.o) Diva! hehe

  391. Ruth Grover says:

    I just adore Cath Kidston…..why? Because it makes me happy ! Her designs are sunny on any day. I love light and colour and I find this with Cath Kidston.
    Her fabrics are just gorgeous and I have made many item using her fabrics.
    I love sewing. I have her other sewing books but haven’t seen this one before and I love quilting. Gorgeous pin tin, beautiful tape measure (you can’t often say that about a tape measure)…and those buttons!!
    I’d feel I have died and gone to heaven with this prize.

  392. Sarah B says:

    Ooh please can I win it?? I love Cath Kidston….and my boyfriend just broke up with me so I could do with the pick me up!
    Thanks xx

  393. Krista W. says:

    This bag is stunning!! It would be the perfect bag to have by my side at my destination wedding in Jamaica! Colorful but elegant..

  394. Thank you Corrie for giving us the chance to dream of this beautiful CK giveaway. You have brightened up many people’s day. I think the joy of receiving it would be equal to the joy you must get when giving it away. Thank you!

  395. Abby Lee says:

    Such beautiful items! Love the buttons as they would be perfect for repairing so many of my daughter’s clothes.

  396. I LOVE this bag. Major bag-crush going on here! It would match beautifully with a little covered fabric wallet I bought recently. I’m just in the process of down-sizing from my nappy bag to a regular bag now my littlest is 18 months old. Still need space for a spare nappy or two, and a snack and drink bottle, but generally don’t need a whole wardrobe worth of changes of clothes any more. Oh, and love the gorgeous crafty stuff inside the bag too! Thanks for a great giveaway chance!

  397. I would so love to win. I love the bag and everything in it. Those buttons are so cute!

  398. YUUUUUUUUUUUMMMY!!! I could really use a pick up like winning these right now. We are now renovating after just moving countries last month and life is a little stressful for the minute.
    Happy Birthday to Emerson for today!! Hope he’s had a brilliant day.
    And hugs about Elody. Just remember that knowledge is power. Elody hasn’t changed, just your knowledge has grown which gives you power to help her better.

  399. Jenny Newstead says:

    My craft cupboard is bare! This is just the inspiration I need to get creative!

  400. I’d love to win this because its feel good products.

    You see Cath Kidston and it makes you smile, think of summer and put you in a good mood.

    or is that just me then?

  401. Rhoda K says:

    I’d love to win this for my sister. She is obsessed with Cath Kidston and is going through a really tough time right now. Would love to put a smile on her face! 😀

  402. Gemma Clark says:

    OMG i have to win it because i LOVE it, it’s absolutely gorgeous and i need this bag in my life…..without it my life would feel incomplete 😀 this bag was made for me xx

  403. jen louise jackson says:

    I really like the design of the back and i collect cath Kidston products. I would love to win

  404. Elizabeth says:

    This is such a beautiful giveaway… In this instance I would gift it to my Mother-in-law who has always expressed an interest in sewing yet has never pursued as she single handedly raised four children (while her husband was in the forces), coping magnificently with a marriage break-up (he walked out without a word and moved to Tasmania) and learning to be independent after 35 years of marriage. She has a creative spirit that needs to be rekindled and and a creative gift would suit her perfectly.

  405. Melissa Jones says:

    I’d love to win this bag, because I do adore its design. If I carry this bag in winter, it would make people feel warm and fresh. Further, I love the feature that it’s easy to clean up, so I don’t need to worry my naughty boy will put his dirty little hands on my bag.

  406. Kevin Bloomfield says:

    If I won this for my daughter she would be the happiest girl in the world! Fantastic giveaway!

  407. Lucy Gameson says:

    I’d love to win this bag because I’m a MAHOOSIVE fan of the lovely Cath and this bag looks fantastic :) Thank you so much for the opportunity :)

  408. federico bornatici says:

    OWESOME!!!! This is perfect for my wife! A perfect gift for our anniversary. I love and would definitely be happy to win it! I’m thinking over the past weeks what to give her and I’m glad I had a chance to visit this page. Now, I worry no more because I know this is perfect for her. Oh! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see the smile on her face.

  409. Karen Turvey says:

    I have to win this so I can share the bag and it’s contents with my gorgeous 15 yr old daughter who loves Cath Kidston! Thanks for giving us all the chance,

  410. Annie Hartinger says:

    Dear Cath,

    We are currently embarrassed to let our hipster friends see us. My owner has no idea how shabby her handbag is! Please save us. Sincerely, Annie’s handbag accessories.

  411. Tabatha McCarthy says:

    I don’t want to win for me I would love to give this to my mum for her birthday though. I think she would love it

  412. Clare White says:

    I am a massive Cath Kidston fan and I am currently reading her book Coming Up Roses which is inspirational! I have not been fortunate to own one of the bags as I can’t afford it so I would love to be the lucky winner!

  413. Ever since I read The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier (great book with a strong patchwork quilt theme) I’ve been dying to get started on quilting myself. I want to make my Mum a quilt as a wedding present when she gets married next year :)xx

  414. Alexandra M says:

    My sister is absolutely obsessed with Cath Kidston products and I really want to win this for her. It’s her birthday in August and this would be a great way to show her how much she means to me. My sister is my best friend and I can’t imagine my life without her!

  415. Crystal McFarlane says:

    Being at home with child number 3 I’m feeling the urge to get crafty and I could feel truly inspired by this gorgeous bag and accessories

  416. Ooooo La La! Wow! Thank you soooo much for your generous give-away – just look at all the comments you have. Everyone LOVES Cath right? Why should I win…because winning is FUN! Because this is an awesome collection of wonderful treats and it would make me so happy to actually win it! Thanks for the chance :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  417. A wipe down bag?? I need this!! I’m a mad messy mummy who would be the very proud owner of this (clean) bag. I would love to give the crafty bits a go aswell, haven’t done any sewing since I sewed a cushion cover to my skirt at school! I reckon I would have much more success with the beautiful Cath Kidston on my side :-)

  418. Daniel Parr says:

    This would make a lovely present for my wife, whose birthday is next month, she loves Cath Kidston and she loves to sew and make things around the house. Plus it would save me a penny or two in August 😉

  419. lynne lillington says:

    My daughter has embraced the vintage look and start sewing, she would make the most use out of this Cath Kidson bag and gifts.

  420. Natalie McDonald says:

    i would love it as it reminds me of my nanna i use to love hunting in her buttons and things she kept in a bag as well. i always wondered why she never had a sewing box like other nannas she said a bag was easier for her. I hope i can have my own bag as well

  421. I would love it!!!!!! And I could tell everybody that this gorgeous present comes from the opposite side of the world, from Australia to Italy!! (And what a luck for this beautiful bag to travel so far and visit old Europe…I live in Milan, but I promise I’ll take her with me to all the beautiful italian cities I’ll go, from Florence to Venice or Rome or the beautiful sea of Sardinia ;-))
    Fingers crossed!! And thank you for this opportunity!

  422. Cath Kidston bags are both feminine and practical, especially love the coated easy-clean fabric! This bag could brighten the darkest of Winter days.

  423. I just have to win because beautiful things always cheer me up.

  424. James Stilwell says:

    My wife has been working away from home for the first time, for 9 weeks in the Lake District. She’s seen me and the kids at the weekends but has obviously missed a lot, although she made it back for end of term big events (including eldest daughters last day in (Scottish) Primary school. It would be a really nice gift for her and would go with the stuff that the kids have bought her from same place – including the slight dubious red spotty dog collar for our male dog (that was one of her birthday presents!)…

  425. jane greenfield says:

    I would love to win this for my daughter she would just love it please

  426. C Parkin says:

    Beautiful things make life more pleasurable, and these are gorgeous looking items I could use everyday.

  427. Kirsty N says:

    I just have to win because I have just bought my very first sewing machine, I’m still in need of pins and want to start my very on retro style button box! The Patch book would give me some inspiration too!


  428. Mark Rayner says:

    I have got to win this for my Sister in law as she would love this.

  429. Michelle Ptak says:

    I love Cath Kidston and this is why
    when I was young was very shy
    wore things very boring and plain
    decided to invent myself again
    with flowers and spots
    and all things pretty
    have a new found confidence
    and wrote this ditty!!

  430. Susie Molnar says:

    I am on a hand-me-down carry bag… Although it does the job, I’d really love to be sporting nappies and baby emergencies in a fancy pants bag like this. It will deflect from the bad hair days I’m having too…

  431. Elizabeth Davey says:

    to inspire me to spend time creating and being crafty

  432. Jenny Boyd says:

    Oooooh! Cath Kidston occupies a special place in my heart. Why? Well apart from her being a stunningly talented designer (as if that’s not enough!), Kidston is my maiden name! One that I was sad to let go of when I got married. The name lives on in my eldest child, whose middle name is Kidston. 10, going on 11 years old, he wears his middle name with pride and would be super chuffed to see his mum using a multitude of Cath Kidston products <3

  433. nicole larsen says:

    What an amazing bag, the colour, the style. I just have to have it please

  434. Ellen Hungerford says:

    Hi! I would very much like to win this package so that I could give the bag to my mum, who would love the pattern and to have another bag to put her kit and kaboodle in. I would also love to give out the craft supplies to some of my friends, especially my friend Emma, who taught me how to cross-stitch.

  435. lisa solomon says:

    What an amazing bag, funny thing that actually caught my eye was the book on quilting, you see i have just been in the process of starting a new tradition, with the birth of my daughter 2 years ago, I am making a super special quilt that i add something special to every year until she grows up. However i have developed a thing for it now and want to make some more now, am in need of some wonderful idea’s.

  436. Karen R says:

    I’d like win this for my dd to say well done for working so hard at school this year. She is the biggest Cath Kidston fan, even saving up her pocket money to buy a mobile phone case for herself!

  437. MelodyJ says:

    Very pretty bag. I’m glad this one is international.

  438. melissa myles says:

    Gorgeous Giftfor y little niece to be

  439. ClairejB says:

    I should win because to have these lovely Cath Kidston goodies would really brighten up my day! When out and about I would glance down at the pretty floral Cath Kidston bag I would carry on my shoulder and instantly feel uplifted with a beaming smile upon my face! :)

  440. Louise A says:

    I would like to win because this is a really nice bag and I’m so used to having plain ones while money has been tight.

  441. Diana Semionova says:

    Every time I’m passing Cath Kidston shop I’m just staring at the windows and never going in because I feel bad that I can’t allow myself to buy anything and inside there are so many pretty things I would love to have! If I would win, I would be proud to go out with my new bag and i would go inside Cath Kidston and I would not be ashamed just to look at things even if I could not buy anything!

  442. sue petrie says:

    love to win because the prize is so unique and love all the little extras.i need this bag because of what i have to carry for my mother to the doctors appointment ty gl all

  443. Nicola McC says:

    What a lovely prize! I’d love to win and think I deserve to as I’ve had a bit of a horrible year this year with everything going wrong and mum being diagnosed with cancer. :(

  444. Lisa Ellison says:

    I have to win this because I love Cath Kidston but up until last week my 17 year old daughter must have lived on a different planet because she had never heard of her.

  445. Helen Grayson says:

    With this bag,
    I’d look ever so posh,
    to the beach, to the club,
    or just getting some nosh’
    the craft bits,
    the buttons and pins,
    I’d have so much fun,
    making as I sing;
    “Yippee yippee Cath Kidston for me!”


  446. Claire Butler says:

    My mum loves all things arts and crafts and all things pretty. She has health issues at the moment so love to win lovely things like this which she will appreciate and enjoy

  447. kate andrews says:

    Cath Kidston goodies I’d love to win
    The bag, the buttons , the tape, the pins
    There all just what a retro mummy needs
    so please pick me, I deserve it indeed!

  448. Isabelle Smith says:

    Will make a fab prezzie for my friends birthday

  449. EMMA WALTERS says:

    wow! stunning bag, most of my extra money goes on my 2 boys but every now & again i save a bit for be & treat myself to something very pretty & girly. This fits the bill perfectly!

  450. Wendy Tolhurst says:

    I would love to win this prize as my daughter absolutely adores Cath Kidston products and it is her birthday early next month. Cath Kidston is so expensive, I can’t afford to buy her these goods as she needs new clothes for school.

  451. Jane Middleton says:

    I would love to win, it is absolutely gorgeous prize. The bag is great and all the little bits – love Cath Kidston’s stuff.

  452. I guess I’m not any more or less worthy as a potential winner than anyone else, but hope I DO win as lurve CK, LOL!

  453. I would love to win this as somewhere safe to store all my lovely sewing items rather than the clunky ugly box they are in!

  454. Yvette D says:

    Wow gorgeous bag and bits! I absolutely love Cath Kidston the designs are classic

  455. Michaela says:

    id love this as being a single mummy to 2 little people i don’t get to have anything thats mine really as all money is spent on bills and the children…it’d be lovely to have something so grown up, girly and mine!

  456. Lucy Robinson says:

    I should win this prize as I am the biggest Cath Kidston fan ever and love reading your blog.This bag would be perfect for my summer hols and the craft accessories would keep me entertained for hours.Great giveaway!!

  457. My friend Kath is Cath Kidston crazy and this would make a lovely present for her, and secure my status as Bestest Friend Ever. x

  458. sam bailey says:

    About 25 mins up the road from me is a MAHOOOOSIVE building with Cath K name emblazened on the side of it….. when i am travelling by i have been known to lick the windows of the car which im sure you will understand has become very embarrassing to my family as im a 38 yr old woman! So please assist me in giving me back my sanity and my daughter getting her mother back 😉

  459. Vicky Robinson says:

    I would love to win as that bag is fabulous! I love it & its wipe clean too! I love Cath Kidston patterns & designs but haven’t got anything myself. I love the crafts materials too as my girls & one of my boys want to learn some more sewing skills & it would be ideal to keep them occupied over the Summer holidays.

  460. Solange says:

    I love Cath Kidston, I think the homeware is really nice. I have a tablecloth and matching tea towels and oven gloves etc.The bags are really nice too and I got a gorgeous overnight bag for my birthday which is really big and well made.

  461. Oh. My. Gosh. Cath Kidson and ALL!! How sweet is it? I would love that bag simply because it says “Look at me, I have JOY” haha! Such a happy bag!! I’m a shift working nurse and mum of three, so my bags always have to be a little on the bigger side to fit in all the necessities, this looks AMAZING! x

  462. Love this bag, any one would be proud to be seen using it, nice and roomy too for all essential items

  463. I have to win this because I absolutely love love the prints and the buttons will work on a very interesting DIY project of mine.

  464. Deanne Harrison says:

    What an amazing giveaway, I Just love Cath kidston its so oldie worldie, I would love to win, it would make a lovely change taking this summery bag to work rather than my old plain old boring black bag x

  465. Claire Appleton says:

    I love the bag & all the extras! Its gorgeous for Summer :) I would Love to win, fantastic giveaway!

  466. Kerry Pool says:

    I really need to win this as my stitching is taking over my house! And I have three projects that i HAVE to finish this year… one for my Dad’s 70th (I’ve been working on it or 2 years already!), one for my son (1 year in!) and the last for my grandparents-in-law golden wedding anniversary (also known as Nandalf)

  467. Lindsey Philpot says:

    I HAVE to have this because my lovely cath bag which I love so much has just ripped. And this is a definite perfect alternative :) I am the biggest Cath fan ever!

  468. Caroline says:

    Oh my Oh my I really have to win this because my darling cousin has a gorgeous Cath Kidston bag because she lives in the UK and here in Western Australia there is no store so I have to resort to being photo envious instead ! So I would LOVE To win this and then I no longer need to be photo envious !

  469. Isabelle says:

    Bonjour, je suis française et je rêve moi aussi de ce sac Cath Kindson…. Il n’y a pas de magasin en France :-(. please, please, please

  470. I would love to win this bag as I am in desperate need of a knitting bag! Like you I take my knitting with me whenever I am running my 5 cherubs to their activities to fit a few rows in here and there. I’ve had a couple of disasters recently tough where my knitting in an old fabric shopping bag was drenched at swimming lessons and again while I was sitting under and umbrella in the rain watching my daughter in the school soccer team. Wet clothes and feet I can handle, but my knitting and pattern book were drenched :(

  471. Wonderful drawing! Want to participate because the bag is very nice and cheerful and I need it. Thank you.

  472. Hi there…Ive hunted high and low and for the life of me I cant find where you list the winners of your comps. Ive found a list but that was for January 2012.
    I know im probably being a twit but could you please nudge me in the right direction?

  473. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! I love roses so much, and little cute sewing notions make the sewing process much more enjoyable!
    Thank you!


  474. Greetings
    Hi …I Love the Cath Kidston bags and everything else,its flowers ,and its …..Roses. Which mean is warmth,and gentleness,caring and Love.
    especially if we marriage ,have kid, Family is important.
    we want to share the moment with our loved one,
    and cath kidston is one that represent it.
    I personaly love it sooo much.hope can have it,thank you 😉


  475. Huge Congrats to you Leisa :)

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