Doesn’t that make it sound easy? Actually this project took longer than I expected because I kept falling asleep after a few rows. And I just need to do a little blocking to get that pesky bottom edge to stay down. But it’s turned out beautifully and I wish I wasn’t giving it away. It’s so sweet and would look absolutely adorable on my elodie but retro daddy is keeping me honest and gave me the address to post it to another little Elodie.
just needs a little blocking to keep the edges flat
The pattern is the Louise cardigan from Vintage Baby Knits. It took about 3 1/2 balls of Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino (from Suzy Hausfrau and her very extensive stock of baby cashmerino) and is oh so lovely and soft. I really do love knitting with the baby cashmerino to give away as presents. It doesn’t pill so is a really great knit that lasts- but I always write or give some advice on care instructions when I give away knits. I’d hate to think of it being felted in the washing machine. And the cute little buttons are Beutron from Big W.
My favourite bit of this little knit would have to be the very cute picot edge. You actually create it by creating a lacy sort of pattern, folding over and sewing the top of the neckline down. Voila you have a picot edge.
I knit the 9-12 months size but it fits Elodie who is 19 months so it’s going to last a while at it’s new home. Always better to give something bigger than is needed. But how I wish it was staying here. This really is a great little girly pattern and was easy too. Ravelry details on this little one can be found here.
That is such a sweet little cardi! I’m loving the colour too. I think I would have big problems letting it go
Ficou maravilhoso como todo trico que você fez.Eu adorei esta cor,pena que na minha região não tem lãs importadas.Estou tricotando um casaco para o meu neto,que tem 20 meses,só que ele é mais alto que a média e é gordinho como a sua pequena,tive que aumentar 12 pontos e acho que umas 6 carreiras a mais no comprimento,vamos ver…Estou fazendo em azul cobalto com um gráfico de um ponto Irlandes que eu nunca tinha feito,acho meio complicado.Dia 13 aqui é dia das mães então não importa o País…FELIZ dia das Mães para você.Beijos nas crianças e Deus abençoe a todos vocês.
Oh it’s so sweet Corrie xxx
Gorgeous colour!! Lucky little Elodie!
That is beautiful, I used to make lovely little cardi’s like that for my children, unfortunately they are over 40 now and the grandchildren are too old, but love the fact it is based an old Patons pattern that I am sure I had LOL, but can’t find of course. You are such a beautiful knitter. Love the colour.
You will have to start one for Elodie now as it is so cute!
It’s darling! You’ll simply have to make another one for Elodie.
I love it, and just love the colour. Corrie you will have to knit one for your Elodie too. Carol xx
So lovely Corrie, the colour is divine! Such a beautiful bright knit for Winter xo
It’s beautiful!
This pink colour is cute
It’s beautiful, colour, style, execution, that is one lucky little girl to receive something so stunning, love Posie
what a gorgeous little cardie, such a beautiful colour. Corrie, I work in a wool shop in Perth and I had a customer recently who told me she had tried to felt the Debbie Bliss Baby cashmerino in the hottest wash in her machine, and it wouldn’t felt. She said it stayed exactly the same which is good to know, should any new busy mums accidently wash it in a hot wash. So i think your pretty little cardie is going to look as good as new for many years.
what a gorgeous little cardie, such a beautiful colour. Corrie, I work in a wool shop in Perth and I had a customer recently who told me she had tried to felt the Debbie Bliss Baby cashmerino in the hottest wash in her machine, and it wouldn’t felt. She said it stayed exactly the same which is good to know, should any new busy mums accidently wash it in a hot wash. So i think your pretty little cardie is going to look as good as new for many years.
Such a pretty cardi!
Hi Corrie, well done on completing lots of projects in the past few days (sorry, I’m catching up on your blog & I’ve read the next 2 days before this one). I knit & you’ve inspired me to knit a few kinas for my girls, but I don’t know about blocking? Could you tell us what it is & how you do it in a post please? Thanks, Shell.
I just knew you would write a care instruction when giving away hand knits
I’m sending away two 100% wool items this week and I”m writing up a little sheet to go with them so they dont turn into dolls clothes by mistake!