Sponsored by Nuffnang
The very kind people at Panasonic have given me the Panasonic Lumix G2 digital camera to review here on my little blog. But it gets better because you can win one of these cameras too!! And a funny thing happened because I saw the tv commercial and had a giggle just the night before I was asked to review the camera (cue twilight zone music). Mind you, I feel a little guilty because my Dad is the camera guru in our family, he selects and buys all of my cameras and would have loved to do this review for me. Sorry, Dad.
My first impression is that the G2 looks and feels like a SLR. In fact, I kept re-checking the box to see if I had missed something. But it’s a compact digital camera with interchangeable lenses, loaded with lots of features you’d expect to find on a bigger camera. It’s aimed at sitting nicely between a point & shoot and SLR and means you don’t need all the technical knowledge and experience you would normally need to use a SLR to take amazing photos. It also comes in a choice of 3 colours – black, red and blue. Oh, they must have had me in mind when they designed this one!
So of course after opening up the box, I read the manual cover to cover. Well no, I didn’t actually (does anyone?) but I covered all the essentials and my favourite functions, charged up the battery and put on the lens. For my technical readers out there, this model comes with a 14-42 lens which is Micro Four Thirds standard. My Dad informs me that Panasonic and Olympus developed this together and several manufacturers make lenses to fit. The G2 will also take the bigger Four Thirds lenses with an adapter, perfect if you already have lenses at home for your SLR.
So what do I love about the G2? Well, I love the touch screen and scrolling through options and images. It makes using a camera so easy when you can touch the screen to tell it what to do. You can even find your subject and use the touch screen to focus on it, and if the subject moves (let’s just say my children) then the focus box moves with it. Too easy.
And everyone in the house loves the HD movie and playback feature. No need to lug around your video camera anymore. Hours of entertainment if you have little people because all they want to do is perform then race around to the back of the camera and watch the performance. The quality and sound is amazing so you can record your little person singing, dancing and carrying on like a little diva. Oh no wait, that’s my child who does that. ……meet Keira.
Another feature I love is the intellegent auto (iA) function – if you press the little red button it will automatically adjust everything for you. I’m talking about all that technical stuff like light, shutter speed and focus to give you professional photos. I need this feature as I’m totally clueless in that department and if you’re like me you’ll love that too. Yes, I own a big DSLR but I am strictly an auto funtion kind of girl. And to prove it, all of the photos in this post have been taken using this function. If you know what you’re doing then you will love the camera as there are loads of modes including a manual mode where you can adjust all the settings yourself.
And I love the art functions, there is a little button that looks like an easel and brush and you can select a range of art features like black & white and pop art. This is a really fun feature for bloggers because you can play around with photos for your blog. My favourite so far is the black and white.
The overall photo quality is fabulous. I honestly keep thinking I’m using my SLR when I’m not. For me this camera is perfect for us bloggers and keen photographers who want their photos to look fabulous and professional but are daunted by the move to a bigger camera. It’s nice and compact too so you’re not lugging a big camera around either when you’re on the go.
And while we’re talking cameras and photos here are my top 5 photography tips:
– Remember the rule of thirds – my Dad taught me this one many years ago and it really makes your photos look oh so professional. Divide your frame into 3 and keep your subject on the right or left third rather than smack bang in the middle. You’ll see this is done everywhere in photos, on tv and in movies.
– Natural light is your best friend. I take almost all of my photos in daylight, I just love the natural look that daylight gives you.
– Don’t be afraid to take lots of photos – you can just delete them if you’re not happy with them and it means you have lots to choose from and don’t come home disappointed. For example, on Sunday I took 100 photos at the park and later at lunch. It gave me plenty of options when it was time to load them up to my computer that night.
– get to know your macro function – that would be the little tulip icon on your camera. It allows you to focus on a subject close up and is one of my most used camera functions especially with my craft projects.
– And lastly, use an editing tool. I use picnik on flickr to crop, resize, take out something that I don’t like and add cute text to my photos. It’s another way to make your photos look professional and add something special to your blog. It’s a lot of fun!
So I love this camera and guess what – you can win one too! Yay! You know I love a giveaway and I think this is the best I’ve seen in blogland! A big thank you to Panasonic and Nuffnang as this camera retails for $1299, making this a very generous giveaway! Just answer this question: How would the G Series camera make you a better photographer?
You can comment here on my blog at this post OR on the nuffnang blog. Either way your entry goes into the big draw to win a brand new G2 for yourself. Please be sure to include your name and email address so that Nuffnang can contact the winner! Full terms and conditions of the giveaway are available on the nuffnang blog too. Good luck, I’ll be secretly hoping one of my lovely readers wins…..
I know you’ll love this camera as much as I do. And if you don’t win, make sure it’s on your shopping list/Christmas list/wish list…..you’re going to see lots more photos on this blog as we become best buddies. Got a question about the camera, just ask………….Please pretty please don’t forget to include your email address in your comment!
It certainly takes awesome pictures! It was nice to read your review on it. I have been in the market for a new camera so this may give me some ideas.
It would make me a better photographer because of all its quality functions. The camera I”m currently using is like something Fred Flinstone would use in comparison. I can have the vision, the eye, the heart to see the photograph – but you also need a camera that encompasses it all. Michelangelo didn’t paint with a toothbrush. This sounds like the perfect camera. Great review! xx
I must admit that since digital cameras have taken over the photography world I have gotten very lazy about taking a “good” photo! Winning this camera would give me the opportunity to get back to the basics of using a good camera again! Thanks for taking the time to give such an excellent review!
oh wow! How wouldn’t this help me! It would certainly help with making my shop photos look more professional
Looks like a great camera. We’re big fans of the Panasonic cameras. My first digital amera was a Panasonic which we used to death and now it is Alex’s camera (it’s so hardy it has survived toddler use so far) and our current “in the handbag” camera is a Panasonic TZ1 – can’t believe they are up to TZ10 (12??) now! I’d love another Panasonic camera and the G2 sounds perfect. We have a large Nikon which I REFUSE to carry around with me. I need something more compact. It’s definitely on my “I want” list
What agreat giveaway Corrie – Thankyou for the chance to win.
If it came to live at my place it would improve my photos because… I would take more. Find that lugging the SLR around hard with the kids and find that I leave it home more often than not.
I am also a lover of Panasonic cameras.
Wow that is a serious giveaway. I carry my little hot pink Panasonic Lumix DMC everywhere with me. I love the lumix.
I can only dream (and enter this competition). An SLR that’s also compact – that’s a massive upgrade on my current camera that let’s too much light in and makes everything look over-exposed! And it would be compact enough to take with us on our adventures!
My Current camera is a Panasonic and i have been happy with it. I would love to have some of those fabulous functions They would work a treat in helping to improve my photography, I am very much an ametuer.
The camera takes great photos! It would certainly help me take more professional shots of my products and daughter
This is exactly what I need; I have the Olympus you have, but really need something a bit smaller and more convenient for taking around with me! For now, I have to damage my handbag with something far too big, or put up with the poor quality of my original digital camera – and I hate to go out without one! I’d be a better photographer, because Id have the right camera at the right time! Emma: eho16677@bigpond.net.au
It looks fantastic and I love all the options, i have heard great things about the Lumix and your review makes me really keen to try it out.
Hmm a camera with auto settings that takes pictures as good as a SLR. A camera that I dont need a degree in photography to use. I dont see how could I not take better shots.
What a great giveaway have to try for this one, thanks Corrie, panasonic and nuffnang for the chance to try.
Looks like a great little camera! Thanks for the review, very helpful
The Lumix G series would make me a better photographer because I know nothing about photography! I love taking pictures, I have a new baby and love taking pictures of her. It would be so nice to have a camera that takes great pictures and knows what it’s doing even if I don’t!
Andrea andrealvogt@msn.com
WOW! It sounds amazing, and would definitely make me a better photographer because I wouldn’t be so disheartened with my grainy, dark photos that I seem to get all the time! Especially since in 1 week I will be welcoming a new little baby into our family
Just perfect!
Oh wow!!!
The Lumix G2 would make me a better photographer because, it already IS a better photographer, all on it’s own!
My camera looks like an SLR, weighs as much as an SLR and is about as much of a pain to lugg around as an SLR, without any of the grand AUTOMATIC SLR functions you’ve shown us… that is just wrong, and I know you feel my pain.
My dream camera. Without a doubt.
Having three beautiful children, I take loads of brilliant photos, until my camera was dropped. In the market for a new camera so will definitely check this one out.
Must also say that we have some wonderful shots taken by the kids.
I have bought so many cameras with the hope of being able to take good photos, envied so many peoples great shots, and taken so many photos, but somehow I just cannot take a good photo. This camera looks to make it easy…I still have my doubts that I could do it, but if I won, I would sure give it a go! Great review Corrie, makes me want to go buy yet another camera!!
the quality of those photos is amazing!
I want to upgrade to a dSLR, but I’m too scared to – I don’t want to buy one and only use auto, but the thought of taking it off auto is what gets me! This camera takes care of that, good quality photos in auto!
Oh god I want it! The pictures are so clear and precise. Imagine how much photo editing could be done away with if we all had this camera! I cant afford a good camera at this stage so this would be my dream come true. I trawl through cameras reviews hoping one day to own a piece of brilliance like this!! Please pick me!
Thanks so much for the chance to win Corrie!
What beautiful pictures and a great camera!
It would make me a better photographer because if I take great pics my kids might hate having their photos taken a bit less because of the fewer number required to get a great one 😀
I love the TV ad for this camera, it always makes me giggle! It looks like a fab camera, I’ll have to drop some hints for hubby.
At the moment, I’m just taking pix on my iPhone and the quality is not the best!
haha keira is lovely. A bit like my own little princess.
That’s such a funny ad, I’ve never seen it before. That would be me, “um..I just pointed the thing and *click* there’s a picture” A camera that does all the work for you, I like that.
This would make me a better photographer as said above I’m currently using my iPhone to take photos so a simple, yet effective, camera is exactly what I need!
Your photos look great, Corrie
I’d love a good macro function – mine is really hit and miss.
Oh wow This is one amazing giveaway! This camera would make me a better photographer pretty quickly, with 4 active kids, trying to get a photo of them together is alway quite hard, with the feature of having the focus box move with the subject I think I would have a much better chance, It would have to beat my hula hoop enclosure that I used last time!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow, loved the advert on the telly, and your review is great too…
I think it would be a great extra to have in my handbag, you can always improve your photography skills if your taking more and more photos.
My very first digital camera was like an SLR but in compact form – big enough to hold onto and small enough to take places. Unfortunately that camera got dropped when my daughter was born (4 years ago). We replaced it with a small cheap compact digital that is starting to show its age! The Panasonic G2 would improve my photography by allowing me take great photos and movies anywhere, anytime without having to lugg around our SLR and video camera.
What an amazing giveaway and I love your review (and the photos you’ve shared).
I would absolutely love this camera to come and live at my house!
I have been eyeing off this camera for a whaile now. I have an Olympus digital camera at the moment. I keep talking to my hubby about upgrading and giving our 7 year old son the little digital camera as he has a natural eye for photography and loves taking pictures.
Honestly I could do with a helping hand from a fantastic camera to make my pictures better – I’m no photographer.
Thank-you for your {Your Dad’s} tips though I will be using them all the time now 😉
Thank-you for the chance to win
Oh wow, what a great giveaway.
This would make photographing my wee man so much easier than my chunky slr. I could just pop it in my purse & take photos as I please.
I’ve decided I really really need this camera. My photos look nothing like the ones pictured and I know it can’t be my skill level (giggle)and it must just be the camera I’m using of course! Great Review.
What beautiful shots! It would be perfect for me – not too hard to use and I could start taking great photos of my gorgeous family and all my sewing! Thanks for a great review!
I love the photos it takes, gives you a chance to become an “artist”….I am just starting my own blog and would revel in a chance to give this little machine a whirl and display my efforts…the old SLR could not compete with the functions and compactness! The black and white setting………..what can I say…drool… 😉
The Lumix G2 wouldn’t just make me a better photographer, but a better mummy. I saw the ad on TV, and wanted one straight away.
To have the ability to have the functionality of an SLR in a compact camera would mean that I’d have the ability to capture those precious moments quickly, without having my kids ‘recreate’ them so that I can snap it with my SLR (after making sure that I have all the settings correct, the correct lens on, the lens hood off…etc, etc).
And the thought of having a camera with me that is not going to require me to carry a whole separate bag, means that I will actually TAKE my ‘good’ camera with me, and take quality photos with an artistic eye. The type of photos that I can usually only achieve with an SLR.
But the ability to do it with a compact?!?!? Oh my! The uses are endless!! My mind is reeling.
I’m not telling anyone about this amazing giveaway. I NEED it, mine is too slow and I’ve been wanting to get a new one. I’m sure my blog would look better and so would the people in my photos.
Thanks for sharing Keira with us, she cracks me up.
A compact family that takes great action shots, lovely backgrounds and AWESOME shots of kids has got to be the best thing ever. And it’s so automatic too! I can survive!
My little camera I paid $99 is slowly dying on me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE macro and it has always done ok with it but not so much anymore. Also the IA feature is just what I need and the art feature would be fabulous. I can’t hold a heavy camera due to worsening arthritis so this sounds ideal. I spend a lot of time taking and editing my photos so a new camera would be wonderful. Great review Corrie and yes I love the ad too and had a giggle when I saw it the other night, he reminded me of me!!!
My old camera is also slowly bef=ginning to die and it no longer functions as well as it once did. The new Lumix would obviously make me a better photographer than I am now. In addition, those features you detail sound just right for me. I’m not much into the technical things but know a good opportunity. Those new features would mean better photos from me without worrying myself if settings were right.
Actually, this was a purchase I’ve been considering making. It’s on my list as something to buy to mark a significant rite of passage in my life, so i’ll hold off for while!.
Wow you get to give one away, i can’t believe it. I had a special call from mum to tell me all about it. Given my camera is not working at the moment we have a little gap of photos as the kids age.
I have been reading through some of your old posts, I too get asked if all my kids are my own, followed by some comment about how hard it must be or some really inappropriate comment about how I should stop having kids. Big families are the best I wouldn’t give it up for all the tea in china! Hope the pregnancy is going well!
Sorry. Obviously I menat “beginning” in my comment above.
Wow looks like a fab camera! Very versatile and handy for any mum who needs to be able to quickly grab the camera and capture those precious moments! Love your photos!!
WOW what an amazing giveaway, it sounds magnificent. It wouldn’t take much to make me a better photographer but all the automatic functions would certainly help alot. I like the idea of being able to change lenses, I don’t have that right now.
Wow, I’d love to win this, we desperately need a new camera here.
Thank you!
The camera sounds like awesome just point and shoot that is what I surely need. Love the video feature included, so clever. I would love to be able to take better photos of my family, friends and craft projects. Thank you for the tips tooo.
I would love to win this! I love Panasonic stuff and a camera like this would be perfect
I neeeeeeed a new camera!!!!!!
Thanks for the chance.
Andi x
To be like an SLR but compact would help me for sure. I hate lugging a big camera around but get frustrated at the inability to get create on the point and shoot options. Great giveaway!
For a little P&S, it’s got loads of features! I haven’t’ seen the commercial yet
This camera definitely would give you the tools of becoming a great photographer with it’s ease of use & size. I’ve been a lumix convert for ages. The colour accuracy of these are second to none!
wow, what a cool review!
love your pics Corrie & love the new header.
I don’t know if it can make a better photographer, but it would definitely make my photos look better! I’d love a macro function that would let me take closer product pics…I always remember the rule: get close, then get closer!
Thanks for such an awesome opportunity.
Looks fantastic! This amazing camera sounds like it does all the hard work for you so would help me a lot. Only this morning, I was apologising to my art swap partner on my blog for taking such terrible photos of her beautiful work. Would love this camera. Great giveaway!
Love it – I’ve been looking at this camera online and just adore it. Think it would certainly help me get into photography at a very basic level…and maybe then I’ll work my way up to a dslr!
Love the picture quality. I would love to win this camera!! I think it would make me a better photographer because having three little ones makes me a huge fan of the “auto” functions as it not only takes the hard work out of photo taking but also lets me take the photo quickly to capture the special moment before the kids have moved onto something else. It also souunds like it has lots of little added features that I would love to play around and experiment with!
your photos have really come along in leaps and bounds lately Corrie and it’s a joy to watch. Reading your tips, I realised those are all things I try to do so thanks for the confirmation.
As to how it would make me a better photographer because I feel I’ve outgrown my little point and shoot – it’s taken me about as far as I can go and I’m ready to grow and learn more. This camera sounds like it would really enable that.
Wow! What a give away, I am in the market for a new camera as mine got wet. I would love a digital slr but with my knowledge my photos would still be terrible. This sounds like the perfect camera for me, unfortunatley a bit out of my price range en ce moment.
I think it would make me a better photographer because it gives a you a simple to use but extensive range of editing options on the camera as well as the ability to take fantastic videos while out and about, would certainly be an improvement on my $60 camera. I also
like the touch screen and the whole look of the camera and that it comes in 3 different colours. It has dust reduction reduction technology (if you can’t tell i love cameras just can’t afford them) I also love that it has an auto focus which takes the pressure of you!
12 mega pixel’s.
Red eye
motion dectecter
oh if i only had a dream
It would make me a better photographer because I wouldn’t be so scared to use it. It sounds easy!!
Thanks Corrie, for the chance to win!
What a fantastic review and the pics you’ve taken are so gorgeous. Your children are just darlings. I don’t know how you do it. I am envious of your family and the new one on the way. I wish you joy and happiness with your lovely family.
But back to the camera, I’d love to win it! Mine is now 7 years old and is just the ordinary garden variety point and shoot digital camera. To take my photos for my blog is a lot of fiddling around to get it just right. Thank goodness for digital as it would cost a fortune if I had to print all my pics out
I soooooo want a new camera!
Hi I would love to be chosen to win this lovely camera… it is amazing.. and thank you for the opportunity
Oh, please, ever seen a blogger without a camera cry? I took mine to the quilt guild day on Sunday, and haven’t seen it since- hasn’t turned up here, put the word out there, boo hoo, no bloggy pics. So can I please have a new one? Thanks. (for the giveaway, most of all!)
Count me in! I think it would make my photography better because I’d be able to have a camera with me all the time rather than just the occasions when I decide to go through the rigmarole of bringing the big one with me. It also sounds like a great way to introduce me almost 10yo to photography.
I love all the features on it and especially the macro one. It sounds like a fabulous camera to own and the flip thru the screen bit is very appealing also.
Corrie, From your description about the camera functions it would make me a better photographer by “making my photos look like they were taken by someone who knew what they were doing and in turn make the photos posted on my new blog shine” it is so hard to get photos of little people when they won’t stay still!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. Hope you are getting some rest this week. Cath x
i love the add for this little funky camera! it would make me a better photographer because it does the hard yards for you i’m hopeless with chunky ones with different lens, dont really get all the settings and this one wouldnt have greasy little fingerprints all over it ; )
Sounds great and your pics look pretty darn good too.
Oh I so want to win a new camera to use at my kindergarten. I love taking photos of the children for their portfolios and am giddy with the possibilities of a camera of this calibre. Beats the pants of my humble 3.2 mega pixel camera, and then some!
Being a mumma to two busy and very quick small ones it certainly sounds like a need a camera like this one. Taking a useful photo of a two year old cyclone child is near on impossible … although sounds highly possible with this camera! And like you Keira, my three year old would love the video function for all of her performances! Would love one of these cameras! My email is jankturnbull@bigpond.com
Wow Corrie, what an awesome prize! It sounds like just what I need to improve my photos too. Your photos look fantastic and I loved watching the little videos of Keira, she certainly loves the camera doesnt she!
Great giveaway Corrie – I love the sound of the art functions – they would be fabulous to play around with!
Oh it’s gorgeous, quite the fabulous camera!! Who need a manual when they have a know-it-all 6th grader?? I haven’t read instructions for years, new phones, cameras, laptops, i just hand them all over to my tech guru. Generous giveaway, yippee, love Posie
What a fantastic ad! I hadn’t seen it before. I am yearning for a micro four thirds camera because the size would enable me to keep it with me at all times, including all the hiking and travel I love to do. My bulky DSLR gets very heavy after several miles on the trail (but it’s still better than a 4×5 camera!)
The biggest key to a great shot is to have your camera with you and that is what the G2 would allow, while also providing exceptional picture quality.
I would take better photo’s because this is a much better camera than my budget allows and from your review looks as if it has lots of functions and an ease to use. I love to capture my family and my creativity and learn through experience. I would love the chance to win! Thanks Corrie and Panasonic Lumix G2!
wow – look at the photos of your beautiful children! they are getting so big!!!
there are certainly a million reasons why this type of camera would make me a better – i really stink at taking photos!
the features you mentioned and ease of use would help me out!
Wow! I would so love to win this!
I’ve been on the market for a nicer camera and this looks like a great set-up for a beginer like me!
This little Gem of a camera would make me a better photographer because it has simple to understand and use functions providing instant gratification! Photo’s are big part of memories created and when a great shot is taken the first time you know you have a good camera!
Thanks – The Clip Cafe
Great review! We have a Lumix point and shoot that’s a couple of years old and would love to win the G2.
This camera sounds amazing! I’ve been interested in photography for a while now but I haven’t taken the plunge to buy a new camera yet, as I simply don’t know which type would be best. This, however, seems simple to use whilst being professional! The person who wins this is very very lucky! I do hope that person is me, as I have officially fallen in love with this camera, but there is no way I would be able to afford it. Great review by the way, and lovely pictures
I would love to take more professional photos of my kids in sports/band. My current camera is being held together with a rubber band. You have great blog.
Great review, I love new cameras and would love to win one of these little Panasonics!
Having a Lumix would make me a better photographer as I would be able to catch all the crazy impromptu performances of my 4.5yr old on the run! Movies out on the run!! How exciting!! Thanks for running such a great competition… I’m looking forward to more tips and your opinions on this camera. x
we have a big digital SLR and separate video recorder… the fact that this has the 2 in 1 means we’ll never miss the crazy going ons of our family including our 2 yr old twin girls. theres enough to lug around with just them let alone the cameras… difnately one to put on my wish list
My first grandchild is on his way, so this would be a perfect addition to use for capturing treasured memories.
We are in the market for a new camera. Our current on has seen better days and really chews through the batteries like you wouldn’t believe.
A new camera would be perfect for use to take on our up and coming trip, our first without children (which will be really hard) and it will also coincide with my birthday, the big 5-0 ( No I can’t really be that old can I)
this camera would make me a better photographer because i would be inspired to get the most out of the camera and would actually ‘learn’ how to use it! I might even read the manual! I love the idea of the portability of it. As a mum of 3 i have enough to lug around without hauling a huge camera too. This one sounds perfect.
thanks for the chance to win!
Your children are getting so big!
Wonderful pix.
I don’t know if “it” would make me a better photographer, but it would certainly make me “look” like a better photographer. hahaha
Seriously though, I have been longing for a camera with RAW capabilities. So it would be a delight, to say the least.
AWESOME!! I have a digital SLR but get sick of lugging it around with me so don’t get the photos I want…this would solve all of my problems!
Fingers crossed
Id love to go into the draw for this – Im floating between two cameras held together with tape after managing to drop them both in one week! This would be awesome. Your review is great too!
Nic xxx
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Oh my!!!! This is one BIG, no HUGE giveaway you have picked up, Corrie
Funny, cause I have been feeling a bit lost lately looking at cameras. An old, old user of SLR’s, I went for a small auto digital for convenience. Well now, I’m missing the capabilities of the SLR, but I want something small.
Thanks for the tip off about the cameras capabilites, off to have more lookees
Such a detailed review! Thanks for the opportunity!
Would definitely try my hand understanding the manual settings and of course, taking heaps of photos with it!
Thanks for the review. I need a camera that is simple and takes stunning photos because i need all the help i can get! A very generous offer by panasonic.
Wow I want one! My idea of taking a great photo is point, shoot and hope for the best. My pre-historic camera just doesnt’ do this one justice. Love it! If I dont win one, I might just go out and buy one!!
With the aspirations of a proffessional photographer and the skill of a “point and shooter” how could the features of the G2 not make me a better photographer…and a built in video camera to make it even better!
How would the G Series camera make you a better photographer?
With that “follow the moving target” feature I might actually get a photo with my kids in it!!!
This is a great blog, well done! And your such a lucky girl to have been able to review it! And it might not make me a better photographer, so much as be the lucky camera that enables me to get one nice pic of my family with everyone looking at the camera and no smirky grins or half shut eyes! Please please, I beg, let me win so i can give it a go!
Hi Corrie :o) Well considering I just dropped my SLR and broke the lens I am certainly in need of a new one. The Lumix G2 would make me a better photographer because I could take it everywhere with me unlike my 400D which I tend to leave at home because it is too big.
Good luck everyone.
I would LOVE to win this camera. We brought a new digital camera at christmas and its broken. Do you think we can find the receipt? Nope. So we have had to buy a cheap replacement and it takes horrible pictures
Oh I would desperately LOVE a new camera!! I already take my trusty clicker with me everywhere I go, but I don’t get the picture I want EVER!! I remember using an SLR in Highschool and always loving my pictures, so maybe this camera would help me LOVE them again!! Plus I really need to take some good photos of my brood (we are also adding a girl in October) and as they never stay still maybe this can help me catch all those great “Action” shots I keep missing!!??
Fingers crossed xxxxx xxxxx
Photos look amazing!! I too am in the market for a new camera in a quest to take lovely shots of my 3 boys, particularly at their concerts and sporting events. Its so hard to choose, and every time I am at one of these events I wish I had a better camera. This one looks awesome!! Thanks for the review!
What a great review- and it sounds like a brilliant camera. The pictures do look like SLR pics, so I was quite suprised to read that it isn’t.
Well, the G2 would definately improve my poor attempts at photography in many ways. I think I like the idea of that little ‘auto’ button you mentioned – that way I could just point and shoot – and arrive at some brilliant results!! But, it also sounds like it’s got alot of great functions that I can learn and improve with over time. I’m always keen to learn new skills!
I would love to have this camera and I bet my son would love for me to have this camera too! Then he could have HIS camera back!
ohhhhh! love this. I have a panasonic lumix and its awesome, but to have a professional looking one, i’ll be mistaken for a rock photographer on my last powderfinger tour and get to go backstage!!!
i think i have GREAT subject matter but not so good grey matter.. help me please.
And because i missed out on the camera I was promised for my birthday – no money in the bank despite my NEEEEDING one. It may stop me leaving home…
I LOVE the panasonic Lumix brand
i have a point n shoot lumix that i bought 2 years ago, it takes good photos however if I had a G2 i would be able to take better pictures and be alot more creative in the way i take photos.. Plus im pregnant at the moment and have been looking into buying a SLR type camera for when bubs arrives but they are just sooo expensive so not sure if it is going to happen before December
and theres too many to choose from..
email : shelz_6@hotmail.com
I would love to win – I hope to have my first grandchild very soon and I would love to learn on the best.
Oh wow, what a giveaway!!!! I have a Lumix TZ20 so I know how good Panasonics are.. in fact I’ve been buying their technology for years from TVs to microwaves! They sure know what they’re doing. My Lumix was recommended by a professional photographer, so I have no doubt in the world that the G2 is a superb piece of kit…. and as you might have guessed, I would so love to win it!! (I never win anything, but it doesn’t stop me trying ;D )
Emma x
emma dot seaton at mac dot com
Ohh … I love the intellegent auto (iA) function. I really love natural light and sometimes I can’t get it just right. This would be a wonderful tool to have on my camera. It would certainly make tough lighting conditions a little easier to photograph!
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! This camera sounds perfect – I have a SLR, but only barely know how to use it and no one else in my family does, so lately there aren’t any nice photos of me with my children – our video camera dies ages ago and our poor little miss is missing out on some vidoe footage now too.
How would the G Series camera make you a better photographer?
I have the Lumix FS3 point and shoot which I think is great and have recommended it to all my friends, but I would like to do a lot more. That sounds brilliant about the focus feature for children, as I am a children’s nanny that would come in handy. I love photography but I still have a lot to learn to have my subject in sharp focus with an SLR so the G2 sounds perfect.
BTY: Corrie, Your blog is one of the two top blogs I look forward to checking out at the end of the day.
Ooh, looks fab! the Panasonic G2, would make me be a better photographer because it is a compact that I could carry with me all the time – you know what they say – practice makes perfect!
I would love to win this camera. I have just started researching a new camera for myself so I can have better blog pictures. Looks like just what I need.
Wow, that is an amazing camera and an amazing giveaway. That would so help be be a better phtographer, just like you say the more shots the better the choice and I am sure the quality of these would be super. I find that the quick shots of the kids, my camera is too slow to capture and I miss the moment.
I think the Panasonic G2 would make me a better photographer because it is small enough to fit it in my bag, so I would always have it with me & they do say practice makes perfect! Like anything the more more you practice the better you get.
the intellegent auto (iA) function would be a winner for me, THEN I could concentrate on how to compose the photos, rather than struggling with the camera settings!
For a point and shoot, that certainly takes great photos. I have a point and shoot but it doesn’t take photos like these so the Panasonic Lumix G2 Digital Camera would certainly welcome.
I love Lumix and have the older version.
Great review, just what I need, a new camera, I have looking around for so long and am so confused. This camera, seems like it has all the features and would be perfect for someone like me who really has no idea about taking photos.
It would certainly help this Grandma easily take good photos of happy times with my four beautiful little granddaughters.
Wow, what a giveaway – and thank you for the review and tips too.
I’m sure it would be wonderful to have such a portable camera with great functionality in my handbag ready to capture those special moments of daily life with a 3 year old princess!!
Thanks Corrie, my fingers and toes are crossed!
Christine xo
WOW is all I can say, sure beats the pictures my little olympus takes at the moment! I just loved reading this review, so REAL!
I would love to win this camera to help to take some more priceless memories of my little cherubs, take better pictures of all my sewing, and because, well, what better way to brighten such a crappy year!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity!
Thanks Corrie for this chance. Would love the chance to improve my limited skills with a new Lumix.
selvedgesisters at internode do on dot net
HEART this ad. What a snappy camera! I def need to get one so I can justify my lack of camera lingo to my friends and say… “Like, it’s just a totally awesome camera… OK!”
Would be a better photographer because I don’t have to lug a heavy DSLR with two toddlers and all their gears toddling along. It looks like an awesome camera and make taking kids photos a breeze!
I forgot about the tulip macro on my camera, thanks for reminding me! Great review, I bet your dad is proud.
Great review! Thanks so much for sharing!
A Panasonic camera camera is on my Christmas list!
Hi Corrie,
What an awesome competition.
I love that the focus can follow a moving child, that’s so clever.
I think that would help me the most! Miss 3 cannot sit still for a picture and it hard enough trying to get 3 kids to sit together let alone sit still. lol
thanks for the chance,
Just taking the plunge into blog world… have 3 names to chose between, number 2 job on list is “research a camera” so thanks retro mummmy.
This is a giveaway full of win.
This is the camera that I’ve seen in my dreams, but never really known existed.
Okayokay, geeky tech gushing aside, let me answer your questions properly! Why would the Lumix G2 make me a better photographer?
Well frankly, it won’t. Because I’m not good to start with! But it WILL inspire me in the right direction. And I think that’s a good part of what makes a great photo: inspiration. With a Lumix, that’s sorted
@RachelChunky (I know you asked for emails, but would Twitter handles be ok?)
Great pictures. Sounds like a good camera.
I also secretly hope I can win this camera. Looks fantastic and I would enjoy taking pictures of my four babies!
Winning the G2 Camera would improve my quality of photo’s because – I love taking photos and have really BIG ideas about how I would like them to look, but in reality…..well, lets just say – photoshop software is my friend!
Looks like this camera is so flexible and versatile when whelding it, I would be fabulous DARLING!
Wow what a fantastic giveaway! Well with all the great functions this camera could only make me better … a look at my Flickr photography tells me I couldn’t get any worse!
I’d love to try out the Lumix, so many friends rave about it…I have a Canon digital (aim & shoot as we like to call it) but it can be hit and miss with quality, which I have found out since having photo’s printed out…either way I’ll have to upgrade my camera soon
and this is a great reveiw…
Wow what a generous giveaway. It would make me a better photographer as it sounds so easy to use – anything easy to use is appreciated in this busy house. I love taking photos and having the special record but love ease and hope that would increase my picture quality. Thanks…
Great review! I love the idea of it being an SLR but a lightweight version! So practical, especially for a mummy on the go who already has to lug around a gazillion things! It would definitely make me a better photographer because my little point and shoot just can’t keep up with my 3.5 year old! He’s too quick!
Your photos are lovely! If the camera helps take photos that nice, I want one.
S. Bird
msjbird at gmail dot com
it would make me a better photographer because I’d actually have a working camera and not 2 x broken film cameras rotting away on my bookshelf. please drag my sorry butt into the digital world, i’m ready. lancefan at ekit dot com
I can indulge all my fantasies about being a whimsical and curious foreign traveller armed with an impressive camera. They always appear so full of hope and inspiration. I can live out that fantasy right here in my own city without even having to board a plane! All I need is the camera in hand, a mind at the ready and a heart ready to engage. Living in the moment is difficult when you are so busy, but being given the opportunity to stop and think about the here and now is even more rewarding when the technology you are using feels pleasurable to the touch. The tools the Lumix G2 gives you provides you the opportunity to capture an imagined vision that really is magical.
melissa at labyrinthgroup.com.au
ooohh… it sounds so good and the photos are great. I’d love to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
just what I need as I am realising how quickly my kids are growing up… I need some good photos to aid the memories and I am sur this camera will do the trick!
Name: Sandra
Email: tehsandra[at]gmail.com
How would the Lumix G2 make you a better photographer?: I’m a photographer trying to make a career out of my passion for this art. Being able to get the support and features a Lumix G2 has to offer would greatly help me improve my photography and bring me closer to my dream of being a full time travel photographer.
wow.. it will definitely give an upgrade for my digital photos since im currently using a old point and shoot!!! plus, this would be great for getting HD and high resolution images than what i currently own!! definitely perfect for my blogging!
1) I promise to write a blog post using the Lumix G2 twice a week!
2) I promise to tell (and show) the world about how great the Lumix G2 is!
3) I promise to love it and enjoy it forever!
Pick me Nuffnang!
Our point & shoot is about twn years old… So it would make me a better photographer so easily! What a great camera, and a generous giveaway…
blythestar at hotmail dot com
it would make be a better photographer as it would give me more time to ‘point and shoot’ as it seems it takes awesome photos without any fuss, more time to take more photos and be more creative!!
What an amazing giveaway! the camera would help me take better pictures. I’m trying to improve my photography skills, and having a new state-of-the-art camera would certainly give me no excuses to blame the camera!
Oh Wow Corrie we have the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7 and I love it, though at 4 years old I am feeling the itch for an upgrade lately! All the great functions you tell us about this camera having would make me a better photographer. Better camera better photos … : )
How could the Lumix G2 not make me a better photographer.
Thanks for the review Corrie
Great review, I’d love the chance to win one, so thanks!
Wow, This camera looks awesome!
I LOVE the add. still makes me laugh when I watch it!
LOVE the pics! Doubt if it would make me a better photographer though! LOL
LOVE the pics! Doubt if it would make me a better photographer though! LOL
Starting with our current camera,our 7 yo takes pics of his lego creations with our camera, moves the pieces a litle bit moves the pieces slightly takes another photo, and then turns the photos into movies. He is obsessed. The other thing about the camera he uses is I dont like the way it uses flash. The Lumix G2 would allow me to control the flash and the exposure better and I would enjoy having more pixels in the photos! The kids grow up so fast and it is a shame that we only have a cheap “point and shoot” type camera.
Not me but my mum. She has struggled with taking photographs since my dad passed away. My old Canon didnt fit with her way of thinking, and Dad’s old Nikon Coolpix seems to have died even with new batteries. A good quality easy to learn camera will help her record her life and keep her with scrap booking photos for years to come.
this one looks amazing i am such need for a new camera and always struggle to find the time to get all of the research done-my dad is also usually called on for this!!!
this camera will allow me to take the great photos you get with a dslr but it is compact enough to carry around in my bag, and get all those ‘special’ shots, the ones that aren’t planned but are oh so perfect! thanks for all your hints retromummy, you are fantastic!!
This camera has some great features. Your photo’s are the proof of the quality. Panasonic is such a reliable brand also.
Sandra – sanbart57@hotmail.com
It would be so awesome to win this camera. It would make me a better photographer because I’d have better photo’s of my family, the kids wouldn’t be blurred anymore and I could enlarge them so I could frame them at home. It looks like the G2 would just make taking pics a lot more fun and interesting. I’d have fabulous pics that I could treasure forever and share, of course.
I have always loved the lenses used in the panasonic lumix cameras. It will help me record all my sewing projects in a more professional way!
Fabulous pictures! I think this camera would help me take clear close ups and bright action shots. Thanks for the giveaway!
Im almost sure that using this Lumix G2 camera would help in preventing me from chopping heads off my darling children when I take their photos. Im also pretty positive that if I used this camera then my family wouldnt look like they have been possessed by the red-eyed-devil. But what I would be most excited about winning this digital camera, would be more room in the fridge for that ever important bottle of wine. You see, I take so many photos of my children and family that I go through 100’s of rolls (YES, The old fashioned ROLLS!!) of film. I keep my film in the fridge. (Not sure why??). Oh, I can just imagine the spare space I would have…….
julianlk1 at hotmail dot com
Wow! I think that this camera would actually get me taking photos. When I had my first I took a lot, but now at number four I never seem to manage it. I think that this could reinvigorate my photograpy interest.
Finger’s crossed! Simone
I love this camera it takes awesome pictures been wanting a camera like this its soooo awesome
This would be an awesome camera to win! The advert reminds me of me! No idea on the technical side of taking photos but I love doing it. As a mum of five children it is hard to find time to capture the perfect shot and often I have to grab the camera and shoot to capture the children at their funniest or their cutest and this camera would give me a chance to get the perfect shot more often! Thanks for the review and for your gorgeous blog Corrie!
Oh it is fantastic i would love to have this camera. Thanks for the chance to win. trisha.macdonald@halojump.net
I posted my comment earlier!
is my email adress
I think it would make me a better photographer because it gives a you a simple to use but extensive range of editing options on the camera as well as the ability to take fantastic videos while out and about, would certainly be an improvement on my $60 camera. I also
like the touch screen and the whole look of the camera and that it comes in 3 different colours. It has dust reduction reduction technology (if you can’t tell i love cameras just can’t afford them) I also love that it has an auto focus which takes the pressure of you!
12 mega pixel’s.
Red eye
motion dectecter
oh if i only had a dream
What an awesome giveaway! This camera would improve my photography because right now I take most of my pictures on my cell phone! My husband and I share our “real” camera, and with a toddler, it’s important to me to get good pictures, not blurry ones like I always seem to get with the camera we have.
I have many dreams about when I find the time and money I’d like to learn to sew, or to knit, or to mosaic or at the top of the list how to make the photo’s I love taking of my kids even better. The latter dream is always met with “when I can afford to get one of those u beaut digital slr’s” than I will be able to explore this passion more. So suffice to say I still havn’t got that u beaut slr but wow, how good would it be to win the G2! It looks like it takes great pics without having to lug around a heavy slr everywhere, If I win all I’ll need next is Photoshop and some beautiful actions to transform my pics!!
nice pics and review.
Ive had my eyes on a dslr camera for a while, but havent been able to take the plunge yet.
The small size would definitely be useful as id be able to slip it into my bag and take it with me everywhere… more photo opportunities, more practice, better photographer!
I have started blogging recently but don’t have a wonderful camera to take professional photos. I have also started my own business and would love to photograph my products much better. This camera looks FANTASTIC!
ooh count me in please!
This would make me be a better photographer for the simple reason that it is Panasonic – everything in our house from the microwave to the airconditioner is Panasonic and work so schweetly – it pains my husband that I have a Canon camera! Thanks
Oooo please count me in too
looks like a great camera.
Ok. I wasn’t going to enter as we have a new DSLR but then the ad on the telly come on! Fabulous!
If I won it would be my awesome ‘Quick! Get the camera’ camera, allowing us to have great pictures with no fuss in a hurry. Catching those moment would so make me a fab ‘photographer’ and a pretty special mummy too 😉 Oh and video’s! AWESOME!
So pick me please! xox
Great blog – I happened upon it by accident, noticed the great photos you take, then noticed this give-away… I would love to win this camera!
danielle.neer (AT) gmail (DOT) com
ol! … This would so make me a better photographer with the art function ! .. less time messing around on photoshop getting the effect I want !
My main problem with taking pictures is blurry photos and not knowing correct set up info like shutter speed! So I like the sound of the iA function and the focus moving with the subject. Sounds like this camera works with you as a team! It would totally change my blogging experience and also stop my whinging at poor quality pics!
wow, this looks fabulous i would just love to win this, thanks for the chance!
Hi Corrie, What a great opportunity to win a wonderful camera. Despite being involved in scrapbooking and photos for years, it was the battle my young son had with cancer last year that made me realise how very important it is to have photographs. He is in remission now but my Winning this camera will make me take better photos because it provides the extra encouragement I need to get back to the great love I had for photography and scrapbooking. Sometimes we just need a boost to help us along. Good luck to everyone and thanks for such a great review.
Scrapn Ella : ScrapbookTraditions@myscrapbooktraditions.com
What an amazing giveaway! Judging by the number of comments, many people would love to win this – me included! I do custom knitting and need a great camera to take photos of my work that do them justice. Thanks for your fab review of this great camera
Oh wow! Panasonic simply make great cameras and Leica make great lenses to go with them. This Panasonic Lumix G@ would make me a better photographer because I’d be able to stick it in my bag and take it everywhere to seize the moment and get the great shots!
The Panasonic Lumix G2 Digital Camera would definitely make me a better photographer as it seems so intuitive. With our current camera I need my husband to constantly set it up for me!
The G2 would definitely make be a better photographer, that awesome Ai function would mean the photos I THINK I take (and see in my head)would become a reality! hurrah no more blurry kids! cheers Caron
I loved your review on this camera Corrie, if you were the sales lady, you would consider it sold! I have been lusting after a great camera for awhile now and just can’t seem to commit to a particluar one but this seems like it would fit me to a T. I like the auto functions as then my photos may turn out a little bit more like I picture them in my head. I also have a daughter, almost 4 that would love the recording function, especially to playback her many concerts she puts on lol…
Thanks for the chance to win one of these fantastic cameras,
This is a brilliant review for a brilliant camera. The photos are gorgeous and I want I want! Just having the camera will make me a better photographer as mine is broken and I am using the vastly inadequate phone camera.
Wow what a wonderful Giveaway.I have the lumix Tzi getting a bit old now and alas because of the low megapixels is not suitable for enlargementsbut in saying that i do love it.Would love to win but well if there is someone without a camera i would much prefer it to go there as i remember what that is like also,and ‘our memories are meant to be saved!
The combination of both optical and in camera image stabilisation means more opportunities to take clear photographs in an incredible range of lighting conditions.
email: tj_wongth@yahoo.co.uk
haha- I laugh because I have the non photographer reputation in my family, which is a shame because I am the one who actually pulls my (albeit slighly dodgy) camera out most regularly. I see that the G2 is “Great for people who don’t know anything about taking photos but want to learn how to thanks to Intelligent Auto”. Ummm, that would be me! Thanks for the chance.
This camera will make me a better photographer because since having kids I’ve sadly reverted to using a point & shoot that I can keep in my bag because my SLR is too big! But if I had this Lumix G2 I can get the best of an SLR camera without the bulk!
ooh pretty please this looks like a great camera!
Red? Surely that in it self would make me a better photographer! Everything is better in colour!
What a fantastic and generous giveaway!
I’m crossing my fingers this little guy wants to come live with me 😉
What an awesome giveaway! I love taking photos..especially of my poppet. I think this camera would help me to explore more arty styles without too much technical knowledge. Sounds brilliant! Thanks so much for the chance
wow! so many entries – it would make me a better photographer because… I have to say that from your review is sounds super dooper easy to use and I love the tips you’ve included. I’ve always heard about the rule of thirds but I was a science/math girl at high school and all my friends were art/photography buffs. I’d love to win but surely it can’t happen twice? hehe
I would love to win a Panasonic Lumix G2 digital camera because……
Though full of good intentions
My snaps and movies ‘suck’!
All thumbs, juggling spectacles-
Good photos are pure luck.
G2’s touch screen, multi-functions
Give me ease of point-and-shoot.
It’s “Photography For Dummies”
With guaranteed success to boot!
I love your photos, and the tips are great! I think it would make me a better photographer for many reasons, all of it’s functions seem like they would be an asset. I am the unofficial picture taker for my son’s football team, so this would be a dream come true!
I just love all the features this camera has to offer, your photo’s are a testement to its amazing capabilities, i think the Panasonic Lumix G2 Digital Camera would make me a better photograper because it does all the things my failing eyesight can no longer do, like catch all those precious moments that seen to flash before my eyes in a blurr (my 5 year old twins and soon to be crawling grandson)to many missed memories with my dinosaur camera, i can’t stop thinking about it’s greatness, I NEED ONE!!!!
cassandra rowland
I guess with 4 little people to look after, i have no time to fiddle with settings once i see the all important shot….needless to say roaming thru a camera instruction book at night would prob reach a dismal 58th on my list of things to do. The automatic functions i would think would be my new best friend…as would the camera itself…. ummm yes please, one of those Luminx ‘does all the hard work for me’ cameras please…..
I’d never say no to the opportunity to get my hands on a new camera – you certainly make it look pretty darn good!
Look at my kids photos, so a blur, gosh how did that occur? I know one way to fix my pics, win myself a awesome Lumux!
It looks fantastic Corrie, I thought that it needed a little rhyme!
Kerry xx
L-ucky for me, a new Panasonic Lumix G2 brings glee,
U and me in the kitchen we’ll be,
M- aking, cooking and photographing some favourite recipes,
I-ncluded will be ,
X-close macro shots for our school’s new cookbook… yippee!!
Well I love anything Panasonic, and with this little baby the sky is the limit so I would really love to win this little baby to be me as inspired as you are Corrie! thanks debbaneill@gmail.com
I think this camera is amazing and takes beautiful quality pictures. Winning would inspire me to take pictures of every moment.
Your daughter is absolutely adorable! And thank you so much for the giveaway.
Any kind of improvement on my current camera would make me a better photographer! I’ve been looking at different SLRs but they always keep so heavy & bulky. I can never make up my mind (& never have the funds either), so my old point&shoot is it for now.
This camera would help me be a better photogrpher because of it’s IA function…I am absolutey clueless abt settings and need something intuitive, that can also take good crisp photos of my active kids who never stay still for anything.
Fingers and toes all crossed!
it would make me a better photographer as i would beable to keep it with me! and it looks like it takes all the hard work out of playing with settings
wOw what a beauty this camera looks like, great review too. Actually makes me want to put it on my wishlist for christmas hmm thats right im the one who pays for the items on wishlist.LOL. So winning it means i can spend more on kids and of course take more photos than i already do of them. So not only would i be taking more by the looks of it they would also be better than what i take now & with less mucking around with silly settings that i keep telling myself i will learn to do one day. Sadly my big bulky dslr would have to go into hiding tho, but im sure it wont mind. & wow what a great opening gift to myself it would be for my new venture i’m taking on. cheers & thanks for the wonderful chance. Tanya from homemadegiftsbazaar@gmail.com
thanks for the fantastic review, i would be delighted to win this awesome camera. I can see myself getting all those action shots and pro looking photos.
Am I too late to enter? If you saw my current camera you would know why I need a new one (hint: its also a phone!!)
The lumix g2 would make me a better photographer because I’d finally have a camera that would marry my great ‘eye’ for shots with my utter incompetence for camera settings. Plus I’d be a better photographer ’cause I’d be a happier photographer (and would stop driving my long suffering hubby nuts) …. it would end my winging about the canon slr I can’t work the manual settings on, and the expensive nikon point and click that I can’t get to focus properly (both of which hubby bought me to take pics of our now 2 year old twins). Oh please, please, please can I have a G2? Anita. anitasmith1976@yahoo.com
Thankyou for another fabulous giveaway Corrie! Would love a new camera, mine is just about kaputt!
Cheers Anna
E: hello@tillytom.com.au
Great giveaway Corrie!
The lumix would make photographing my work MUCH easier and might just help me capture my 2 munchkins in the same frame!
Helen – helen@ensparkle.com
I would love to win so please count me in!
thanks for the reminder to enter – oh what a wonderful prize for a lucky winner!
I have wanted to improve my photography skills but am certainly limited by my point & shoot camera. I recently went on a study tour of germany & switzerland and was very jealous of the amazing cameras used by some of my fellow students!
Oh I really need a camera that would fit in my handbag! I can’t be bothered dragging around our big DSLR with the huge lens, so I miss lots of photos ops.
Great giveaway!
This camera would make my photography better in that I would FINALLY have a reliable camera that is working when I want it too! What a relief that would be. Thanks!
The G Series camera would make me a better photographer because I need a product that is very FAST and EASY to use. I’m often trying to photograph small children who are on.the.move and I don’t have a lot of time to fuss with settings. This camera sounds wonderful!
A camera with an intellegence button. That would help out my photography so much. Oh bliss
This little baby would make me a better photographer because it has the ability to capture beautiful SLR quality photos with the ease of a point and shoot – perfect! I would love to own a pocket rocket camera like the Lumix G2 and be able to snap gorgeous pics of the kids and my sewing projects. Thanks for the great giveaway
I am so impressed with all the different features in such a small compact point and shoot camera. I can just see myself spending hours experimenting and taking shots here and there. Cross fingers!
It would make me a better photographer thanks to the fantastic functions the G2 offers, those that my dinosaur of a SLR (which was released shortly after the last pterodactyl left the earth’s surface) does not. In fact, my camera’s shutter speed is so slow that by the time the photo takes my toddler has well and truly moved on, and is usually two activities further down the line!
Please Panasonic and Nuffnang, help me leave the dark ages behind and step into the new day
Lumix G2 is sooooo much better than my iPhone camera for blogging. I’d love to win it because come on Panasonic, support a struggling-young-blogger!!
PS: love the review..
My parents have a lumix camera and constantly rave about it. My little point and shoot camera is on its last legs and I would love a camera that can act like a DSLR but still be small enough to carry around and also be easy enough for me to use while still creating amazing pics.
This camera would make me a better photographer because I could focus on the subject instead of worrying about my current camera falling apart… screwing in the screws or wondering if it was going to focus.
This sounds so easy to use that I would love to give it a go and take some wonderful memories for me and my son for years to come!
The Panasonic G2 adds 720p HD movie capture and touchscreen LCD capabilities.
I will buy 1 for me as it would be more fun to work with macro in field with that swiveling screen.
Iphone 3gs
Wow…based upon your comments is there any way that it couldn’t make me a better photographer?
Fingers and toes are crossed…
~ Laura (Moags)
Fantastic review of what appears to be a sensational camera… I love the idea of following a subject, such a clever idea!
Thanks for the chance to win the Lumix G2!!! Tina
Our ancient digital camera takes pictures on– get this– floppy disks! Fifteen years or so ago, it was the latest and greatest thing… now, not so much! I’d love to have a new camera with modern features to make my pictures pop!
Jessica Markham
Well the Lumix would get me out of a hot spot thats for sure. Recently my Canon decided to die, the focus has decided not to work leaving all my photos totally blurry. My camera phone is so so average, sometimes I am lucky with a good shot, but it is so hard to get good colour and clarity. The Lumix would be a dream for me right now – thanks for the opportunity to enter.
WoW! what a Godsend opp this is!

it would improve my pix by allowing me to take pix to start with! i don’t even own a camera! & have been praying for one for my birthday which is tuesday oct 5th! so the timing of finding this blog & your offer is a.ma.zing!
i have been avidly blogging & w/o a camera it is majorly difficult shall i say/labour intensive
it would allow me to fully participate in photo posting rather than finding & asking friends to take a shot for me. i have a photographer’s eye so this camera would allow me to FULLY express the creativity within me. oh my! WoW! just your post alone describes how it would help me b/c i don’t have the opp to do any of it w/o that camera! many many thanks for this opp! blessings on you..
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