You know me, love a good giveaway! Yesterday, I received a big box full of gorgeous Australian handmade knitting needles for my store (they’ll make it in there this week) and for you I have a cute pair called Betty Jane with funds donated to the Jane McGrath foundation, aren’t they adorable????
I’ve popped some cute yarn in too, lovely bamboo/cotton perfect for summer knitting!!!!!
Competition closed!!!! thank you for entering and congrats to catherine and her winning Ariel joke!
Ok here’s one
Why do Koalas’ carry thier babies on thier backs?
Cos they can’t push a pram up a tree.
Pretty, and boobalicious!
Why did the jelly bean go to school? Because he wanted to be a Smartie.
Hi, I have a joke to share, one three year old to another. My sons favourite right now is
Knock Knock
Who’s there
Boo who?
Dont cry Mummy, its just me
We hear that in our house at least 5 times a day, and have to be surprised by the ending each time. I would love to win the gorgeous knitting needles, but if not, I will be buying some, Knitting goodness and charity donation, even the most heartless hubby would say yes to that purchase.
The knitting needles look totally gorgeous Corrie. I don’t have a joke but I did have a giggle at the two posted so far.
What goes Tick Tock Ruff?
A watchdog!
oooh, knitty boobs, how gorgeous!
knock knock
who’s there?
banana…knock knock
who’s there?
banana…knock knock
who’s there?
orange who?
orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
Who’s there?
Catch who?
God Bless You!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi there here’s one !
Knock Knock
Who’s There
I’ma Who
I’ma Only Little And I Cant Reacha The Bell.
Thanks for the chance to win those pretty knitting needles and the wool they are just gorgeous.
I’m not of a joke teller but my Miss 10 loves to collect them so here’s
#1 What’s red and flies and wobbles at the same time?
A Jelly-copter!
#2 What does Ariel like on her toast?
Great give away.
This is 3 yo humour …
why did the cow cross the road?
Because he wanted to Mooooove.
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
You ‘neak’ up on it.
As a kinder teacher I hear them all the time. Most of the time they aren’t funny, but you laugh any way! My fave is:
Why is a pirate, a pirate? Coz they arrrrrr! (it’s all in the delivery!) Love the needles BTW!
I don’t knit although those needles are cute . I just called in to read the jokes , sad aren’t I ?
I have no jokes I’m sorry, but I really want to buy a pair of needles for christmas for my mum.
Will they be going up on your store?
I work in early childhood education and the favourite with the preschoolers I work with is:
How do you start a teddy bear race?
Ready Teddy Go
What about this one?
I’m a little teapot short and stout
Here is my handle (put hand on hip)
Here is my handle (put other hand on hip)
Oh no – I’m a sugar bowl!!
My daughter thinks it’s very funny and she’s 3!
or my favourite joke from early childhood…
Why did the monkey chanse the ambulance?
Because it goes na-na-na-na-na-na!
Love the boobie needles!!
Love the knitting needles and the cotton yarns. I dont have any jokes for 3 year olds but I am sure Keira will find the perfect one amongst them, some are cute and funny! I will make sure to pop in and have a look at the needles when you have them up so I can buy some too!
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Q – How does a monkey cook his
A – On a Gorilla.
I was told this one by one of my three year old students many years ago. Even the adults get a chuckle.
Ha ha. Great juokes so far.
When I was three, my favourite joke was…
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Nothing! Because he can’t come anyway.
perfect- a knitting giveaway!!
Why was Cinderella no good at playing hockey?
Because she was always running away from the ball!
in our house ryder makes his own jokes, they make no sense but he finds them hilarious!!!
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks “Why the long face?”
Yuck, yuck.
This is an oldie but a goodie.
Knock Knock,
Whos there?
Bear Who?
Bear Bum.
You are always so generous, Corrie!
My four and a half year old’s current favourite joke:
Q: What do you call a camel with no hump?
A: Humphrey! (Hump-free)
Arf. Arf.
What a lovely pair of knitting needles! And a lovely cause, too.
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Granny Who?
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Granny Who?
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Granny Who?
Knock Knock!
Who’s There?
Aunt Who?
Aunt you glad I got rid of all those Grannys!!
Gosh, I don’t know if i can compete with those! At least I have some new ones for my child.
Q: What’s brown and smells like banana?
A: Monkey vomit!
Q: How do you get an elephant into the fridge?
A: Open the door and put him in.
Q: How do you get a giraffe in the fridge?
A: Open the door and take out the elephant.
Please give me the boobie needles!!
Can’t resist those yummy needles and yarn. Don’t have littlies so stretched the memory banks.
What do frogs drink?
Love the needles!!
The bare bum knock knock joke is also a fav in our hoouse also ( even though its not actually joke but makes my son laugh)
KNock Knock
Who’s there?
Bob who?
BOB THE BUILDER can we fix it!
Lovely giveaway.
Here are a couple of jokes from my 3 year old:
Knock Knock
Who’s There?
Orange who?
Orange you glad you opened the door!
What do you call a dog in the sun?
A hot dog!
What do you call a spider with no legs?
A currant!
My daughter also loves jokes and we get these three on repeat most days!
This is one of my all time favourites.
What are the colours of a telephone?
Green Green, Green Green
It is all in the delivery!
Looking forward to seeing the needles in the store!
Oh dear I only have one joke in my repertoire and Megatonk already told it! Actually I have another, this one suits certain 3 year olds, depending on their parents….
Q How do you catch a bra?
A Set a boobie trap.
Let us know when the needles are up in the shop -do you have any double points?
Why was the sand wet? Because the sea weed!
What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a sheep?
A wooly jumper.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
ok, because I am a doctor as well as a crafty mummy, here is my favorite doctor, doctor joke:
“Doctor, Doctor I think I am a caterpillar!”
Doctor: “Don’t worry, you will soon change!”
so sad, but it does make my little patients laugh…
A banana walks into the Drs Surgery and says I don’t peel so good
LOL (must be good, I’m giggling as I type it ๐
Of course if that doesn’t cut the muster, what about the old
Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. To get to the other side
Okay, another one that my son and daughter LOVE..
What does a bee flying backwards say?
Zzub, zzub!
Hi, here is my joke –
Knock Knock
Whose there?
phylus who?
Phylus a glass of water mate, ha ha ha!
Love the knitting needles and looking forward to receiving my fabric to get me back sewing!
So many cute jokes. I really like the knitting needles and hope the mummy’s like my joke:
What does a cloud wear under her dress?
Thanks for the fun giveaway and the laughs.
My Miss 3 is only just old enough to “get” jokes. Her favourite is from the Wiggles tape (insert roll eyes here)
Why is number 10 scared?
Because 7 8 (ate) 9.
No to lower the tone…please remember I have three kids two of which are smelly boys that give cred for off jokes and this one comes from my own childhood.
what worse than shampoo?
real poo!
Love how your give aways get everyone all involved. i’ve enjoyed reading the jokes, he he.
Boobie needles, that is SOOO cool.
I have the same needles coming to my store too, so i’ll just leave a joke for the more mature 3y.o. & need not enter the competition.
Why do farts smell??
So deaf people can enjoy them as well.
This is a FAVOURITE of my 4 children!! This has had me laughing for years.
Love your work Corrie, love Posie
PS i lost my mother-in-law to breast cancer over 10 years ago, so i do hope these needles go to someone special who appreaciates the cause!! to anyone else out there who has lost family or friends to breast cancer, my wishes go out to you. my children never got to meet this grandmother, all very sad & she was way too young. love Posie
Knock knock!
Who’s there?
You who?
Yoo hoo!
Love the needles
Q: What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?
A: Where’s PopCorn?
Love the needles and a cause close to my heart. xo m.
Lovely giveaway….. I think my readers will love it too!
I’m posting it here.
Here is my joke.
How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it.
Hope you enjoy the laughs.Ally < 'v'>
Those needles are seriously cool…. unlike my rather bad joke:
Why were the elephants thrown out of the swimming pool?
Because they couldnt keep their trunks up
What do you call a smelly fairy?
Love your blog and shop, keep up the great work. Can’t wait to receive my goodies in the mail….
Hello! I dont hear many jokes in english any more but here’s one of my favourites translated from French :
A father entered into his teenage sons’ room and as he looked in front of him,exclaimed
“Who is that horrible person on that poster?!”
The boy answered , “Dad, that’s a mirror!”
Wow that would take you awhile to choose the winner!
When I was a kid I liked this one:
Why does the stork stand on one leg?
Because if he raises the second he falls down
What did the little chicken say when it found an orange in it’s nest?
Oh look at the orange mama laid!
Ok, that might be a little hard for a 3 year old??? ๐
Super Cute!
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef!
Today Iยดm very dissapointed that I donยดt know any jokes in english. It would be very nice to won so fine knitting set ;O( Maybe next time…..
This one is all in the timing. My 3 year (& her elder siblings) loves it, but she doesn’t always get the timing right.
Knock knock
Who’s there
Interrupting cow
Interrupting — mooo — cow who
Hard to write it out – you need to get the “moo” in before the other person can ask “interrupting cow who”
Why did the strawberry cross the road? Because its friend was in a jam!
Cool knitting needles–great cause.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Great giveaway and a great cause.
Some Jokes for you…
Why was the broom late ?
It over swept !
How do you make milk shake ?
Give it a good scare !
Waiter, this soup tastes funny ?
Then why aren’t you laughing !
Also a joke website for you:
Hope you have some giggles!
Don’t know if this is a repeat because with the 2 month old – it is hard to find time to read everything – I glanced so I don’t know if I missed it or not… but here is my fave:
Why is the number 6 afraid of number 7?
Because 7 8 9
My 4 year old loves this joke and tells it daily at the moment. Thanks for the giveaway
The 3 little pigs said goodbye to their mother and set off to see the world.The first little pig saw a farmer with a load of hay for his cows, and asked the farmer if he could please have some straw to build his house. “What the heck is going on here?” Said the farmer, “A talking pig!!!”
Here’s my joke:
Knock knock
Who’s there
Yah Hoo
… Oh, hello cowgirl Keira
Love those gorgeous knitting needles. And for a great cause too.
Mandy Hawkins.
What’s bad news for a tap dancer?
Falling in to the sink …..
great giveaway Corrie lots of fun
“what do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?” “swimming trunks”!!!!!!!!!!
“what did the bespread say to the sheet?” “I’ve got you covered”
OOohhh, I want to enter. Here’s one:
If a snake and an undertaker got married, what would their towels say?
– Hiss and Hurse!
I’m trying so hard to think of one that isn’t already there so here goes..
What do you do with a dog with no legs? Take it for a drag.
What’s brown and sticky?
a Stick (you thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you?)
Why did the strawberry cross the road?
Because his friend was in a jam.
What did the farmer say when he couldn’t find his tractor?
I can’t find my tractor!
Thanks for the giveaway Corrie
Love the pert little pair of needles……………a distant memory for this old mama. Anyway here is a really crappy joke that drives you mad when the littlies get onto it.
Q – What does a bee flying backwards say?
What did the number Zero say to the number eight?
Nice belt!.
I love this one. Still makes me laugh and seems to be the only one I can ever remember when I have to tell a joke.
OK, a joke from my kids.
Why did Cinderella get kicked off the basketball team?
Because she kept running away from the ball.
Long time reader…first time follower of your blog!
These are so cool and would be perfect for my knitting adventure. I have just learned how to knit on YOU TUBE and am attempting my first knitted dishcloth…
Thanks for the opp to win.
Where do bees go to the toilet??
At the BP station …
OMG… a joke! Lame I know but it’s the only one that my 4 year old could come up with…hope it doesn’t offend your 3 year old… Here it goes!
What is Green and jumps around….. A FROG!
P.S There are some funny jokes here!
Why was the elephant the last one into the arc?
Because he took so long to pack his trunk!
Keira will have a stash of jokes now!
Love the giveaway Corrie!
Knock knock
Who’s there
Leva who?
Leva a comment and you might win some gorgous needles
Thanks for the chance to win.
I am in love:-)
What goes black, white, black white, black white?
A penguin rolling down a hill.
What goes black, white, red, black, white, red, black, white, red?
A penguin rolling down a hill eating a hot dog.
Good to giggle at all the crook jokes. Lisa.
What goes black, white, black white, black white?
A penguin rolling down a hill.
What goes black, white, red, black, white, red, black, white, red?
A penguin rolling down a hill eating a hot dog.
Good to giggle at all the crook jokes. Lisa.
So cute…and pink – here goes…
Hey Kiera, how did you get that red bump on your nose?
I stopped to smell the broses, says Keira
Broses? There’s no b in roses
There was in the one I smelt says Keira!!
How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rock it. (rocket)
Jenni and Simon
(I know I’m probably too late for the comp, but thought I’d share our joke anyway xx)
ok joke…. hmmm…
what do you call a deer with no eyes?
-no eye deer
So what do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
-Still no eye deer
Apparently when I was little I told really dumb jokes that made no sense then would laugh hysterically at them. Heres some better ones.
What is a do you call a sleeping prehistoric monstor?
A dinosnore!
Whats red, flies and wobbles at the same time?
A jellycopter.
And my favourite of all time has to be:
What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a sheep?
A wooly jumper!
What do you give a ghost for lunch? Ghoulash! I just thought a Halloween joke might bepretty fun right now. Too many years of working with kids!!!!!
How am I SO late to this! OK, here goes (I don’t THINK I spotted this one)…
Q. What did the 0 say to the 8?
A. OOOOOOH! I love your belt!
where does a skunk sit in church?
In a pew!
A bit late I know ๐ But I’ve remembered a great joke *giggle*
What do you call a three legged donkey?
A wonky
Ok–here is one—-What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash!!
Another one–How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!!!
Ok–Here is one—-What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?? Squash!!!
Another—How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!!!
What’s black and white and red (read) all over?
A newspaper!
Ok here is one
Knock knock
who’s there?
cows say
cows say who
no silly – cows say moo!
Q: How do you get a Pikachu on a bus?
A: You Pokemon! (poke-him-on)
Hi corrie, Long time Blog viewer, first time poster.
Q: How do you get a Pikachu on a bus?
A: You Pokemon! (poke-him-on)
Hello, long time blog viewer, first time poster.
Kristine (EB)